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Iran Zoroastrianism honors Mehregan

Muslims are guests in India, they can move to Pakistan if they don't like the country. I don't see why they should make problems in India? I think many Indian muslims are first patriot Indian, then muslim, so they don't worry about kashmir.
Burma is not a place for muslims, they can move to their home country Bangladesh or become refugees in Indonesia.

Pakistan is not for indian muslims, their are 200 million in india, if indians have problems they can partition their country to form a new state for themselves.

Its not up to Pakistan to accept
Lol you keep killing us and expect us to respect you scumbags, you just supported ethnic cleansing it doesn't take long for a islamophobic animal to show your true colors
Majority of terror attacks is done by muslim groups with agreement of their religion. Don't play victim when some groups answer your opression.

Pakistan is not for indian muslims, their are 200 million in india, if indians have problems they can partition their country to form a new state for themselves.
Its not up to Pakistan to accept
There will be no partition of India, fake countries with 70 years history got divided (bangladesh-pakistan). This will not happen to India.
Majority of terror attacks is done by muslim groups with agreement of their religion. Don't play victim when some groups answer your opression.

If you kill innocents you are a oppressor,

If you justify the killing of innocents then why should we respect you or give you any space or mercy?

There will be no partition of India, fake countries with 70 years history got divided (bangladesh-pakistan). This will not happen to India.

India has already been partioned, we were india

We didn't like them so we split and formed new countries

If indians still can't live together then its up to them to divide their nation not us to accept indians whatever their faith into our country
If you kill innocents you are a oppressor,

If you justify the killing of innocents then why should we respect you or give you any space or mercy?
India has already been partioned, we were india
We didn't like them so we split and formed new countries
If indians still can't live together then its up to them to divide their nation not us to accept indians whatever their faith into our country
They're acting like muslims. They're not allowed to do these things unlike muslims who're allowed to kill and kidnap according to their teachings. The best solution is that the ummah (muslim nations and Brotherhood) receive this opressed people in their country, giving them refuge, housing and food. If has sawab to do so. Collect the sawab.
They're acting like muslims. They're not allowed to do these things unlike muslims who're allowed to kill and kidnap according to their teachings. The best solution is that the ummah (muslim nations and Brotherhood) receive this opressed people in their country, giving them refuge, housing and food. If has sawab to do so. Collect the sawab.

That only encourages more oppression, theft, denial of rights

Those people must stand united and fight for their homes

Muslims around the world must support them

If we do not get support for the protection of muslim minorities across the world then why should we even give a tiny bit of mercy to the millions of non muslim minorities in our countries, you Zoro's included

I told this to the Bangladeshis as well that they have 1 million buddists in Bangladesh and if they really wanted to defend the Rohingya all they had to do was start killing and sending those buddists to Burma
That only encourages more oppression, theft, denial of rights

Those people must stand united and fight for their homes

Muslims around the world must support them

If we do not get support for the protection of muslim minorities across the world then why should we even give a tiny bit of mercy to the millions of non muslim minorities in our countries, you Zoro's included

I told this to the Bangladeshis as well that they have 1 million buddists in Bangladesh and if they really wanted to defend the Rohingya all they had to do was start killing and sending those buddists to Burma
World wide, deportation of muslims to muslim countries and non muslims to non muslim countries. Also banning muslims to travel to or doing business to and with non muslim countries and vice versa. The religion should be noticed in ID cards and passports so that people don't get fooled. The muslims want to kill the minorities but in todays world you get **cked if you do that. We saw what happened to Isis. Their hands are cuffed. So they can try, but after they try they will eat sand.
World wide, deportation of muslims to muslim countries and non muslims to non muslim countries. Also banning muslims to travel to or doing business to and with non muslim countries and vice versa. The religion should be noticed in ID cards and passports so that people don't get fooled. The muslims want to kill the minorities but in todays world you get **cked if you do that. We saw what happened to Isis. Their hands are cuffed. So they can try, but after they try they will eat sand.

its possible in some counties, but their are over 50 Muslim countries and islam has the lowest median age, in prime fertility, spreading across the world,

before you have world-wide religious division's you will have the rise of nationalism and racism
Criticizing Islam is an stupid thing.

Criticizing British and Yankees who support extremism and wahhabism for fvcking centuries and supported jews to occupy Palestine and south of Lebanon is what we should do.

Criticizing those bastards who gave saddam chemical weapons, made civil wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria due to fake Saudi - American 9/11 is a much wiser thing that we need to do instead of blindly criticizing Islam.
Criticizing Islam is an stupid thing.

Criticizing British and Yankees who support extremism and wahhabism for fvcking centuries and supported jews to occupy Palestine and south of Lebanon is what we should do.

Criticizing those bastards who gave saddam chemical weapons, made civil wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria due to fake Saudi - American 9/11 is a much wiser thing that we need to do instead of blindly criticizing Islam.
pic related:

Possibly because islam is a very large, very fast growing faith present across the planet in multiple states

Go for it!!!!

You should eat pig meat and drink if your not muslim

If the Iranians haven't stopped you from your various fire worshipping rituals then whst are you crying about?
Zoroastrian as much worship fire as Muslim worship kaeba
Zoroastrian as much worship fire as Muslim worship kaeba

I dont really care to be honest

They can worship fire, rocks or monkeys like the hindus do.

They mean nothing to me

Im sure iran gives them the space and freedom to worship fire or whatever they want yet you have one here who has supported oppression of muslims like Rohingyas or Palestinians simply because they are muslims

Should we be respectful in response to some clown who has a chip on his shoulder?
I dont really care to be honest

They can worship fire, rocks or monkeys like the hindus do.

They mean nothing to me

Im sure iran gives them the space and freedom to worship fire or whatever they want yet you have one here who has supported oppression of muslims like Rohingyas or Palestinians simply because they are muslims

Should we be respectful in response to some clown who has a chip on his shoulder?
Then wise thing is not to comment on the things you are not aware of . by the way don't forget its Muslim who are prime Muslims killing groups right now.

And also having higher fertility rate means shit you can have 100 child that only knew how to tend herds and then you can two child who can bend the matter to theirvwills . I'm sure at the eve of the war its your children that all lying on the ground.

And yes Islam and ethic dictate us to be respectful in our talks and manners so we can be model for everyone.
Then wise thing is not to comment on the things you are not aware of . by the way don't forget its Muslim who are prime Muslims killing groups right now.

And also having higher fertility rate means shit you can have 100 child that only knew how to tend herds and then you can two child who can bend the matter to theirvwills . I'm sure at the eve of the war its your children that all lying on the ground.

And yes Islam and ethic dictate us to be respectful in our talks and manners so we can be model for everyone.

If someone's a enemy, then dont play around, wishing for the best will only get you killed. If he and other Zoroastrians have ill will towards you and Muslims then putting your head in the sand wont lessen the risk

You are right about children, its up to us to do both, ensure they are ready to face the world
@hussain0216 when Muslims do nothing for ruhingias and the same Muslims line to bow to Israeli master and participate in worthless and unnecessary war in yemen that only kill Muslims .
While in the name of jihad Muslims commit worse atrocities against Muslims and kill peoples who had nothing with oppressing anybody how you expect Islam get respect from others ? Because some Muslim have a competition with rabbit on who can have more children without any care of what will become of their offspring ?
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