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Iran will have hell to pay: US national security adviser

missiles deliver 50-500 pounds of explosives. A B-52 can deliver upto 70,000 pounds of explosives
I let you figure out which can deliver bang for the buck


Iran's Khorramshar missile delivers 1.8 tone payload (~4000lb)
Iran's Emad, Sejil & Gadr deliver 800kg-1ton (1800lb to 2200lb)
Iran's Fatteh-110, Fatteh-313 & Zolfaghar 1000lb payloads

And those are just the ones that will have ordinances coming at you at above MACH 3 and above so you go figure it out!

And what is the speed of your B-52 bombers? A B-52 wouldn't survive inside Iranian Air Space and it took the U.S. a decade of bombings against Iraqi SAM's to be able to safely fly them all over Iraq!
lol.......What has Iran won in Syria? Only Idlib left to go, rest is under our control. Same in Lebanon and the same in Iraq.......Only a matter of time, we'd pull this same feat in Yemen too. We own it!

As far as Afghanistan goes, Iran will not allow illiterate barbaric people to govern the country. Once Yemen winds down, you can bet your asss we will turn our attention east, and end this taleban bullshit quick. In Afghanistan, other than you clowns, nobody wants the taleban in Kabul. Not even China! If it comes down to it, then we will ethnically cleanse Afghanistan if we have to........and mind you we are good at it!

We were never in Iraq or Syria.

At best the Iranian regime is allowed to recruit canon fodder foot soldiers from shias in Pakistan and KSA are given the same opportunity.

How exactly and what exactly has Iran won in Syria? Nothing. The Americans are still sitting in their mega bases away from the population in Iraq.

Didn't you read what I wrote? Iran opened a front in Yemen and the KSA opened a front in Syria. Tit for tat.

Pakistan's main concern is ending of occupation of Afghanistan.

Whether it is the Taliban or someone else, from now on only Pashtun majority govt will reign Afghanistan. If they aren't allowed in Kabul then they will have it surrounded.

Bullshit, we busted you boys in Iraq. You are out, we are in......in case you haven't noticed.

For 8

For 8 years you got pancaked by a third rate Iraqi army. USA destroyed that Iraqi army in less than a month
There are few hundred Americans in Syria. I would not read too much into it
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Iran's Khorramshar missile delivers 1.8 tone payload (~4000lb)
Iran's Emad, Sejil & Gadr deliver 800kg-1ton (1800lb to 2200lb)
Iran's Fatteh-110, Fatteh-313 & Zolfaghar 1000lb payloads

And those are just the ones that will have ordinances coming at you at above MACH 3 and above so you go figure it out!

And what is the speed of your B-52 bombers? A B-52 wouldn't survive inside Iranian Air Space and it took the U.S. a decade of bombings against Iraqi SAM's to be able to safely fly them all over Iraq!

In 1991 it takes USAF less than a day to launch B-52 sorties against Iraqi army.

Your Khorramshar missile is liquid fuel. It will take 30 minutes to fire one. You hope that the USAF does not blow the missile out of existence.
In 1991 it takes USAF less than a day to launch B-52 sorties against Iraqi army.

Your Khorramshar missile is liquid fuel. It will take 30 minutes to fire one. You hope that the USAF does not blow the missile out of existence.

LOL! 91 Desert Storm was to get Saddam to withdraw from Kuwait & B-52's weren't flying all over Iraq and by the most part they were dropping bombs on Iraqi armored battalions near the boarder or inside Kuwait. And the U.S. wasn't able to stop Iraq from firing missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia in a mostly flat country a 1/4 the size of Iran with a fraction of the stockpile.

Do you think this is Star Trek and U.S.is equipped with Transporters? The U.S. couldn't even get it's TOP SECRET RQ-170 that had an RCS smaller than a B-2 Stealth bomber into Iranian Air Space without it not only being detected but hacked and downed near the boarder. And yet you remain under the illusion that a B-52 is going to somehow waltz into Iranian Air Space and somehow magically appear wherever it wants and hit Iranian missiles site's spread all across the country before they can fuel & takeoff? And in a country that has at least 1 or more Missile base in each province(31).

A B-52 Cruises at 850kph so if they were to fly in a straight line after 30min's they would only get 425km into Iranian Air Space simply to get to a single location and that's on the assertion that they'll even survive that long. So 30min launch time gives Iran plenty of time to launch and it's not like Iran has a single Silo at only a single location in a country that's bigger than France, Germany, U.K. and Italy combined.

And by no means am I saying that Iran is stronger than the U.S. for that would frankly be as delusional as saying that because Iranian liquid fuel BM take 30min or more to fuel and launch that the U.S. can somehow magically appear all over Iran and hit them all before they can even launch!
In 1991 it takes USAF less than a day to launch B-52 sorties against Iraqi army.

Your Khorramshar missile is liquid fuel. It will take 30 minutes to fire one. You hope that the USAF does not blow the missile out of existence.

Do you think Iran will launch one Khorramshahr at a time, every 30 minutes? Have you heard of solid fuel missiles? Have you considered than you can prep 30 or 40 or 50 or 60 or more missiles and fire them within a 1 hr interval from around the country?
In 1991 it takes USAF less than a day to launch B-52 sorties against Iraqi army.

Your Khorramshar missile is liquid fuel. It will take 30 minutes to fire one. You hope that the USAF does not blow the missile out of existence.
LOL!,what on earth makes you think they`ll just be fueled and fired off one at a time?,frankly thats a bit like saying you`ll just fuel,arm and send your mighty b-52s over one at a time to bomb a target.One of the big advantages of a very large missile force is the ability to salvo fire them.Also just as with aircraft its quite possible to prefuel storable liquid fueled missiles and hold them in reserve or on stand by for hours,or even days,weeks or months depending on the fuel types and storage conditions,this isnt your grandads v2 or atlas that had to be fueled just prior to launch,neither is it saddams small stock of poorly modified imported scuds/al husseins that were only fired in ones or twos.Its best to think of a large missile force as something of a potential alternative to an airforce,just as you wouldnt attack a target like a large airbase with a series of small airstrikes involving only one or two aircraft at a time,but would instead use a large airstrike with quite a few aircraft carrying different sorts of weapons to do different jobs on different targets,so too would you do the same sort of thing with a large conventionally armed modern missile force.
LOL!,what on earth makes you think they`ll just be fueled and fired off one at a time?,frankly thats a bit like saying you`ll just fuel,arm and send your mighty b-52s over one at a time to bomb a target.One of the big advantages of a very large missile force is the ability to salvo fire them.Also just as with aircraft its quite possible to prefuel storable liquid fueled missiles and hold them in reserve or on stand by for hours,or even days,weeks or months depending on the fuel types and storage conditions,this isnt your grandads v2 or atlas that had to be fueled just prior to launch,neither is it saddams small stock of poorly modified imported scuds/al husseins that were only fired in ones or twos.Its best to think of a large missile force as something of a potential alternative to an airforce,just as you wouldnt attack a target like a large airbase with a series of small airstrikes involving only one or two aircraft at a time,but would instead use a large airstrike with quite a few aircraft carrying different sorts of weapons to do different jobs on different targets,so too would you do the same sort of thing with a large conventionally armed modern missile force.

Iran missile force is not large.
Iran missile force is not large.
Irans been building missiles since the early 90s,it has the largest missile force in the region by a huge margin.
First lesson is to ignore the guesstimations of the western "experts" like anthony cordesman,because according to him iran has only 20-30 tels and its missiles have ceps only in the hundreds of meters[lol!].
Heres a story+pics of the irgc taking delivery of probably 20-30 tels of at least 2 different types in one single lot from 5 years ago
Heres a vid take inside one of irans missile bases,its several hundred meters inside a mountain
Heres a pic of 44 qiams that were part of a much larger delivery of missiles on just one occasion back in early 2014

You can see the rest of the pics here
Like I said,you arent dealing with saddams al-husseins here,not by a long shot.
lol......they will **** you up!.......you boys know what we did and continue to do to your toady ISIS......lol

Iran missile force is not large.

The IRGC is on the record that the moment you clowns initiate a drop of piss, we'd be on you like a buncha mofo's! 100,000 missile promise!

We'd **** you up!

In 1991 it takes USAF less than a day to launch B-52 sorties against Iraqi army.

Your Khorramshar missile is liquid fuel. It will take 30 minutes to fire one. You hope that the USAF does not blow the missile out of existence.
lol......they will **** you up!.......you boys know what we did and continue to do to your toady ISIS......lol

The IRGC is on the record that the moment you clowns initiate a drop of piss, we'd be on you like a buncha mofo's! 100,000 missile promise!

We'd **** you up!

you do not have the money or technology to make and to store 10,000 missiles
these are not toys. leave your bravado to the big boys

Irans been building missiles since the early 90s,it has the largest missile force in the region by a huge margin.
First lesson is to ignore the guesstimations of the western "experts" like anthony cordesman,because according to him iran has only 20-30 tels and its missiles have ceps only in the hundreds of meters[lol!].
Heres a story+pics of the irgc taking delivery of probably 20-30 tels of at least 2 different types in one single lot from 5 years ago
Heres a vid take inside one of irans missile bases,its several hundred meters inside a mountain
Heres a pic of 44 qiams that were part of a much larger delivery of missiles on just one occasion back in early 2014

You can see the rest of the pics here
Like I said,you arent dealing with saddams al-husseins here,not by a long shot.

It looks like metal pipes
How can anyone argue with this level of genius. Clearly a testament to the superior American education system!

American education system is superior. more educated Iranians are working in America than in Iran

LOL! 91 Desert Storm was to get Saddam to withdraw from Kuwait & B-52's weren't flying all over Iraq and by the most part they were dropping bombs on Iraqi armored battalions near the boarder or inside Kuwait. And the U.S. wasn't able to stop Iraq from firing missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia in a mostly flat country a 1/4 the size of Iran with a fraction of the stockpile.

Iraq fired 30 SCUD missiles at Israel. you won't win wars with few missile launches
American education system is superior. more educated Iranians are working in America than in Iran

You remind me of the Morons who looked at some Aluminum pipes in Iraq and declared them "Centrifuges". Just because missile boosters look like "Pipes" to an absolute idiot such as your self does not mean that they are indeed "Pipes". You and your "impeccable sense of discernment" are a true representation of that "superior" American education system!. LOL
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American education system is superior. more educated Iranians are working in America than in Iran

Iraq fired 30 SCUD missiles at Israel. you won't win wars with few missile launches
well let just say people educated in Iran Education system work in USA , but people educated in USA education system usually have problem finding work here . it say which education system is better.

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