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Iran will have hell to pay: US national security adviser

USA would be talking to us in same language if we didnt had nukes. Iran needs its own nukes with enough range to strike Israel.
U.S.A is a strong military, it can attack you without showing in radar and create hovec firing missiles from 1000 miles away.
U.S.A is not attacking Iran just because it will increase oil prices in whole world. U.S.A want peaceful talk with Iran to solve matters, but Iran want to create nuclear weapons in the name of peaceful use of technology for civilian purpose.

"Peaceful talk"?????....you sir,have a very,very strange concept of peaceful talks.
There is nothing peaceful about fascist thugs like chump and bolton,subhuman vermin like this respect only one thing and that is force.Talking to fascists not only legitimizes them but risks emboldening them yet further.Fascists and warmongers deserve and are worthy of one thing only and that is total and utter contempt.
They couldn’t win in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Furthermore thousands Iranian proxy soldiers are ready to dust israel and israelis are targeted by thousands missiles from Iranian proxies.

I am not even mentioning Iranian missiles and its capabilities.

Why don't you give PMU some Shahab-3 and Sejil.
In cheghadr zer mizane ...

On peace talks, we've had talks before but American hit under table and walked away ... so the bullshit that the US is after peaceful talks is just good to fool kids ..
On making nukes, unlike the US that has used nuclear weapon against civilian proudly we have never possessed any type of WMD let alone to have plan to use it ...
On war, the old days that the US regime could have attacked others without fearing its consequences is gone for good .. don't count on it ...
Especially after the Iraq war, which was scandalous, I doubt the world will allow another misadventure.

USA would be talking to us in same language if we didnt had nukes. Iran needs its own nukes with enough range to strike Israel.
Ha, Pakistan without nukes. We would just be another country on the map. lol.
He doesn’t worship fire maybe to should educate your self you self hating Hindu

Don't call me a Hindu you used American passover to Iran. Did your country get enough water after the Americans made you suffer without water for months? Go teach these fanboy Iranians here what happens to countries that wag their tails too much without giving a damn about the rest of the world. Iran's first wrong move was messing with Saudi. It's about time that they learned their place or else Saudi's dogs from the west will teach them a lesson forever

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