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Iran will have hell to pay: US national security adviser

Bahram jan, we know they can't and worse, refuse to fight us, because they know we'd **** them up.........This is no boast, because we've already done it throughout the SyRaq. We fukkin own it! They don't.......they're sitting outside the door. lol

If Mr Bush and Obama couldn't face up to us with 250,000 troops in Iraq and another 115,000 in Afghanistan over the last 20 years, then this Chimpanzee Trump doesn't have a shot in hell.

The US military is a fukkin joke! They can come and talk to us if they actually win a war first. Any war...........lol

Imagine trying to learn history from a know nothing American, What a joke!!!
know nothing Americans invent most of the stuff you use in life
Americans have invented many things in the last 100+ years but when it comes to general knowledge of history & geography outside of your own borders you are generally clueless!
Americans have invented many things in the last 100+ years but when it comes to general knowledge of history & geography outside of your own borders you are generally clueless!

for an average american what hilton paris does is more news worthy than a death to USA demonstrator in Tehran. you might not like it. it works. the last time I checked America is doing a lot better than Iran. We have hundreds of thousands well educated Iranians living here
for an average american what hilton paris does is more news worthy than a death to USA demonstrator in Tehran. you might not like it. it works. the last time I checked America is doing a lot better than Iran. We have hundreds of thousands well educated Iranians living here

Is it really any revelation that the U.S is doing a lot better than a country that it is waging covert/economic warfare against going back 40+ years? Some Iranians are just as clueless about history as Americans and value their Wallets more than any thing else, enjoy them!
For 8

For 8 years you got pancaked by a third rate Iraqi army. USA destroyed that Iraqi army in less than a month
There are few hundred Americans in Syria. I would not read too much into it
You might want to re-check your history there m8.For a start iran wasnt just fighting the 3rd rate iraqis,it was fighting the 3rd rate iraqis who were backed up by the arabs,the west and the soviets,and that supplied iraq with tens of billions of dollars[1980s billions]in cash,chemical weapons,vital intelligence and of course vast amounts of conventional weapons.By comparison iran had only a tiny handful of allies:syria,the dprk,and some help from libya,in addition iran had only just had the revolution which caused a great deal of upheaval within iran especially within the iranian armed forces of whom many,especially the airforce,were still pro pahlavi,not to mention that the vast bulk of irans military was western supplied which it now would have problems getting spares and logistic support for.Yet despite this within less than 2 years the iranians had inflicted numerous losses and defeats on the iraqis and had recaptured virtually all of their lost territory,the iraqis then spent the next several years losing iraqi territory and trying to hold off the iranians and even having to resort to the use of chemical weapons,the vast bulk of the capability to manufacture these were supplied by the west.Ultimately saddam was able to regain his lost territory and achieve a cease fire,but only by completely bankrupting his country and drafting virtually everyone he could into the military,remember the worlds 4th largest army on the eve of desert storm?.In the end saddam had achieved none of his military aims and was very lucky just to survive,tho economically iraq was in horrible shape and in debt to the tune of tens of billions of dollars[80s money] that he had no hope of repaying and his "arab brothers" werent about to forgive him those debts......and thats when he decided to pick on kuwait.....and the rest as they say was history.
Also the us didnt clobber iraq all by itself as it did have some help,such as those bases in saudi to operate its air and land campaign out of.I wonder how it would have gone if the coalition had had to do the whole thing via carriers and amphibious landings?

for an average american what hilton paris does is more news worthy than a death to USA demonstrator in Tehran. you might not like it. it works. the last time I checked America is doing a lot better than Iran. We have hundreds of thousands well educated Iranians living here
YOU`RE #1!,YOU`RE#1!,YOU`RE#1!.......[repeat mindlessly as many times as needed:azn:]

In honor of your smugly superior post sir I will now play the NEW AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM[as decreed by president chump]:guns::guns::guns::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::cheers::cheers::cheers:
`MURICA...PHUCK,YEAH!![the new american national motto as decreed by president chump]
for an average american what hilton paris does is more news worthy than a death to USA demonstrator in Tehran. you might not like it. it works. the last time I checked America is doing a lot better than Iran. We have hundreds of thousands well educated Iranians living here

Yes you are right for an average dumb american it is more important what skin tone that second class whore is wearing. But I doubt your generals, politicians and senior military staff are too busy with whores, instead day and night they are over their head busy how to annihilate IRI, they are hellbent how to sow destruction and decay inside Iran. For some of them it has become life obsession while average dumb american has busy how to get some piece of action behind the curtain in red light districts.
Yes you are right for an average dumb american it is more important what skin tone that second class whore is wearing. But I doubt your generals, politicians and senior military staff are too busy with whores, instead day and night they are over their head busy how to annihilate IRI, they are hellbent how to sow destruction and decay inside Iran. For some of them it has become life obsession while average dumb american has busy how to get some piece of action behind the curtain in red light districts.

USA and the whole world needs oil. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran and Iraq are biggest suppliers of oil. Iran has been threatening some of the other states since 1979. What do you expect ?

Bahram Esfandiari quote:
"Americans have invented many things in the last 100+ years but when it comes to general knowledge of history & geography outside of your own borders you are generally clueless!"

The unsaid inference is that Iranians are smarter when it comes to general knowledge of history & geography
What good has that superior knowledge of history & geography done for the Iranians

You might want to re-check your history there m8.For a start iran wasnt just fighting the 3rd rate iraqis,it was fighting the 3rd rate iraqis who were backed up by the arabs,the west and the soviets,and that supplied iraq with tens of billions of dollars[1980s billions]in cash,chemical weapons,vital intelligence and of course vast amounts of conventional weapons.By comparison iran had only a tiny handful of allies:syria,the dprk,and some help from libya,in addition iran had only just had the revolution which caused a great deal of upheaval within iran especially within the iranian armed forces of whom many,especially the airforce,were still pro pahlavi,not to mention that the vast bulk of irans military was western supplied which it now would have problems getting spares and logistic support for.Yet despite this within less than 2 years the iranians had inflicted numerous losses and defeats on the iraqis and had recaptured virtually all of their lost territory,the iraqis then spent the next several years losing iraqi territory and trying to hold off the iranians and even having to resort to the use of chemical weapons,the vast bulk of the capability to manufacture these were supplied by the west.Ultimately saddam was able to regain his lost territory and achieve a cease fire,but only by completely bankrupting his country and drafting virtually everyone he could into the military,remember the worlds 4th largest army on the eve of desert storm?.In the end saddam had achieved none of his military aims and was very lucky just to survive,tho economically iraq was in horrible shape and in debt to the tune of tens of billions of dollars[80s money] that he had no hope of repaying and his "arab brothers" werent about to forgive him those debts......and thats when he decided to pick on kuwait.....and the rest as they say was history.
Also the us didnt clobber iraq all by itself as it did have some help,such as those bases in saudi to operate its air and land campaign out of.I wonder how it would have gone if the coalition had had to do the whole thing via carriers and amphibious landings?

YOU`RE #1!,YOU`RE#1!,YOU`RE#1!.......[repeat mindlessly as many times as needed:azn:]

In honor of your smugly superior post sir I will now play the NEW AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM[as decreed by president chump]:guns::guns::guns::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::cheers::cheers::cheers:
`MURICA...PHUCK,YEAH!![the new american national motto as decreed by president chump]

Iranian woes are self-inflicted. you execute or exile most of your professional military officer corps. You get a poor military. No surprise here.

Modern equipment alone does not make a powerful military

What makes you think USA cannot seize Iranian or Saudi territory as a base to attack Iraq ?
As far as amphibious landings it was done during world war 2. At the end of the day Iraqi military has no response for the USAF.
know nothing Americans invent most of the stuff you use in life
For 8

For 8 years you got pancaked by a third rate Iraqi army. USA destroyed that Iraqi army in less than a month
There are few hundred Americans in Syria. I would not read too much into it

LOL!!!!!!!!!! Clearly we Iranians know more about your own HISTORY than you do!

U.S. didn't defeat Iraq in a month!! That's the propaganda the U.S. tried to create but most Iranian leadership and military knows better!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Southern_Watch 1992-2003
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northern_Watch 1997-2003

U.S. attacked Iraqi SAM's, Weapons Facilities, depots & factories with sorties flown 3-4 times a week with constants strikes for a decade prior to the 2003 invasion!!!!!!!! and every now and then they would have mass missiles attacks and strikes on top of that too! So this illusion you have about the U.S. defeating Saddam in a matter of weeks is nothing propaganda that you've accepted as FACT! But we know better!

So by 2003 Iraq had no more than a handful of SAM's if any, ~10 300km Ballistic Missiles with a CEP of over 1km, It's Air Force was mostly gone a few aircraft he had he berried, his Navy was wiped out by Iran in the 80's and he simply was left with a bunch of TANKs and APC that he hadn't been able to repair and maintain for a decade with no economy in a country where he was a minority oppressing the majority so no one wanted to fight for him and by 2003 Saddam couldn't even hit 1 U.S. base from a distance of 100km let alone anything else FYI by 2003 there were under 1.5 Million Sunni Arab Men age 16-60 in all of Iraq and vast majority had no intention of fighting for him!

So your comparing Iraq with Iran who in the U.S. $1/4 Billion USD 2002 simulated war with Iran lost some 16 ships including an Aircraft carrier and over 20,000 troops in a matter of day's! And back in 2002 Iran had just started building it's most accurate BM the Fatteh class that at that time had a CEP of over 200meters at 150km!
Compared to today where Iran's capable of hitting CEP's of under 10 meters at 250km, under 15meters up to 700km using Ballistic Missiles and precision guided Cruise Missiles for targets beyond 1000km and today 200 meter cep is for Iranian MRBM beyond 1500km hell just a few day's ago Iranian stealth jet UCAV & BM's took off and hit terrorist targets ~600km away.

So if you think the U.S. 2003 invasion scares Iran even one bit then trust me IT DOES NOT for we know better!
know nothing Americans invent most of the stuff you use in life

Let me give you some perspective this is the building Iran hit a few weeks ago and to hit that location exactly where the DKPI terrorist leaders were meeting multiple times with ballistic missiles from over 220km away would required a Missile with a CEP of under 10 Meters and proper intel to do it and this is NOT a Cruise Missile flying at subsonic speeds that can simply land on it's target just as simply as an Aircraft lands on a runway so if Iranian BM can hit CEP's of 10 Meter an Iranian cruise missiles today can hit targets as small as a car regardless of range!

FYI the width of that building is smaller than an small size aircraft bunker and the boosters Iran used were built a decade ago!

But compared to the timeline of the U.S. 2002 millennial challenge Iran had a CEP of over 230 meters at 200km with the 1st generation of Fateh class missile that Iran had spent 5 Million man hours developing

And CEP of 230 meters means if 6 out of 10 of your missiles were to land anywhere inside that circle you could of claimed a 230 meter CEP which means Iran could of dropped missiles on bases but couldn't even so much as target 5 un-bunkered fighters or helo's placed next to each other without a lucky shot let alone target a large runway
And up to 2010 American Defense annalist were so under estimating Iran's capabilities that it was hard for them to believe that Iran could even produce so much as a simple oxidizers in the fuel for it's solid fuel missiles and that's how deluded they were and yet the 2002 sim went the way they did!
So Iran has lost in Syria to who exactly? And in Yemen, Iran has lost to who again?

And while you're at it, are you insinuating that Iran help you to install the Taleban in Kabul?

What are you mumbling here?

Iran will kill tens of thousands of US soldiers......not a problem. Lotta push button weapons around. Iran will also make Israel unlivable ......you understand?

This is all without mentioning what Iran will do to your fifth fleet and Gulf oil terminals and storage/ production facilities.

All your shit gizmos have been laid bare in Syria. Iran is not scared of a confrontation. You guys are a joke. If you had the guts to fight it out with us in the SyRaq, but you backed down, now you chest thump like a bunch of losers. We fukked you up in the SyRaq, along with all your loser allies.

We were never in Iraq or Syria.

At best the Iranian regime is allowed to recruit canon fodder foot soldiers from shias in Pakistan and KSA are given the same opportunity.

How exactly and what exactly has Iran won in Syria? Nothing. The Americans are still sitting in their mega bases away from the population in Iraq.

Didn't you read what I wrote? Iran opened a front in Yemen and the KSA opened a front in Syria. Tit for tat.

Pakistan's main concern is ending of occupation of Afghanistan.

Whether it is the Taliban or someone else, from now on only Pashtun majority govt will reign Afghanistan. If they aren't allowed in Kabul then they will have it surrounded.
LOL!!!!!!!!!! Clearly we Iranians know more about your own HISTORY than you do!

U.S. didn't defeat Iraq in a month!! That's the propaganda the U.S. tried to create but most Iranian leadership and military knows better!

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Southern_Watch 1992-2003
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northern_Watch 1997-2003

U.S. attacked Iraqi SAM's, Weapons Facilities, depots & factories with sorties flown 3-4 times a week with constants strikes for a decade prior to the 2003 invasion!!!!!!!! and every now and then they would have mass missiles attacks and strikes on top of that too! So this illusion you have about the U.S. defeating Saddam in a matter of weeks is nothing propaganda that you've accepted as FACT! But we know better!

So by 2003 Iraq had no more than a handful of SAM's if any, ~10 300km Ballistic Missiles with a CEP of over 1km, It's Air Force was mostly gone a few aircraft he had he berried, his Navy was wiped out by Iran in the 80's and he simply was left with a bunch of TANKs and APC that he hadn't been able to repair and maintain for a decade with no economy in a country where he was a minority oppressing the majority so no one wanted to fight for him and by 2003 Saddam couldn't even hit 1 U.S. base from a distance of 100km let alone anything else FYI by 2003 there were under 1.5 Million Sunni Arab Men age 16-60 in all of Iraq and vast majority had no intention of fighting for him!

So your comparing Iraq with Iran who in the U.S. $1/4 Billion USD 2002 simulated war with Iran lost some 16 ships including an Aircraft carrier and over 20,000 troops in a matter of day's! And back in 2002 Iran had just started building it's most accurate BM the Fatteh class that at that time had a CEP of over 200meters at 150km!
Compared to today where Iran's capable of hitting CEP's of under 10 meters at 250km, under 15meters up to 700km using Ballistic Missiles and precision guided Cruise Missiles for targets beyond 1000km and today 200 meter cep is for Iranian MRBM beyond 1500km hell just a few day's ago Iranian stealth jet UCAV & BM's took off and hit terrorist targets ~600km away.

So if you think the U.S. 2003 invasion scares Iran even one bit then trust me IT DOES NOT for we know better!

missiles deliver 50-500 pounds of explosives. A B-52 can deliver upto 70,000 pounds of explosives
I let you figure out which can deliver bang for the buck

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