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Iran will have hell to pay: US national security adviser

you do not have the money or technology to make and to store 10,000 missiles
these are not toys. leave your bravado to the big boys

It looks like metal pipes
I`m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that was just a humorous observation...if not then perhaps these will look more missile like,theres at least 15 in this pic.These were part of the same delivery of missiles that was shown in the other pic which makes a grand total of at least 59 missiles in one delivery almost four and a half years ago....I wonder how many more they`ve manufactured since then?



You can see that these ones at the back of the rows are also wrapped in a protective covering just like the qiams.As for the pipe-like look of the qiams thats because these are stored minus their separating warheads,for obvious reasons,in addition because of a new guidance system these no longer need the planar fins for low speed stability control,and of course you can clearly see the cable duct under the protective covering
Well if you say so then it must be true!!!
you are free to swing over and check for yourselves

You remind me of the Morons who looked at some Aluminum pipes in Iraq and declared them "Centrifuges". Just because missile boosters look like "Pipes" to an absolute idiot such as your self does not mean that they are indeed "Pipes". You and your "impeccable sense of discernment" are a true representation of that "superior" American education system!. LOL

some folks wanted war with Iraq. they could have taken twigs and called them arrows

lol......they will **** you up!.......you boys know what we did and continue to do to your toady ISIS......lol

The IRGC is on the record that the moment you clowns initiate a drop of piss, we'd be on you like a buncha mofo's! 100,000 missile promise!

We'd **** you up!

USSR want bankrupt building 100,000 missiles. you are free to follow them

LOL!,what on earth makes you think they`ll just be fueled and fired off one at a time?,frankly thats a bit like saying you`ll just fuel,arm and send your mighty b-52s over one at a time to bomb a target.One of the big advantages of a very large missile force is the ability to salvo fire them.Also just as with aircraft its quite possible to prefuel storable liquid fueled missiles and hold them in reserve or on stand by for hours,or even days,weeks or months depending on the fuel types and storage conditions,this isnt your grandads v2 or atlas that had to be fueled just prior to launch,neither is it saddams small stock of poorly modified imported scuds/al husseins that were only fired in ones or twos.Its best to think of a large missile force as something of a potential alternative to an airforce,just as you wouldnt attack a target like a large airbase with a series of small airstrikes involving only one or two aircraft at a time,but would instead use a large airstrike with quite a few aircraft carrying different sorts of weapons to do different jobs on different targets,so too would you do the same sort of thing with a large conventionally armed modern missile force.

the whole premise of winning a war by launching missiles with conventional warheads is questionable
Iran and Iraq tried it with SCUDs. It made no difference
lol.......What has Iran won in Syria? Only Idlib left to go, rest is under our control. Same in Lebanon and the same in Iraq.......Only a matter of time, we'd pull this same feat in Yemen too. We own it!

As far as Afghanistan goes, Iran will not allow illiterate barbaric people to govern the country. Once Yemen winds down, you can bet your asss we will turn our attention east, and end this taleban bullshit quick. In Afghanistan, other than you clowns, nobody wants the taleban in Kabul. Not even China! If it comes down to it, then we will ethnically cleanse Afghanistan if we have to........and mind you we are good at it!

Bullshit, we busted you boys in Iraq. You are out, we are in......in case you haven't noticed.
Irans been building missiles since the early 90s,it has the largest missile force in the region by a huge margin.
First lesson is to ignore the guesstimations of the western "experts" like anthony cordesman,because according to him iran has only 20-30 tels and its missiles have ceps only in the hundreds of meters[lol!].
Heres a story+pics of the irgc taking delivery of probably 20-30 tels of at least 2 different types in one single lot from 5 years ago
Heres a vid take inside one of irans missile bases,its several hundred meters inside a mountain
Heres a pic of 44 qiams that were part of a much larger delivery of missiles on just one occasion back in early 2014

You can see the rest of the pics here
American education system is superior. more educated Iranians are working in America than in Iran

Iraq fired 30 SCUD missiles at Israel. you won't win wars with few missile launches

Like I said,you arent dealing with saddams al-husseins here,not by a long shot.

This is one of Iran's outdated Missile Basses

This is another

There isn't a single province in Iran that doesn't have at least 1 or more Missile Base in it and Iran has 31 provinces

And when I say Missile Base I DO NOT mean 10 missiles at a base I mean this:



There are sites like these all across Iran and these aren't even the hidden locations the larger more capable location are all better hidden

If you click on the Link Sineva gave you you'll see pictures of a single yearly delivery from a single location of mostly liquid fuel missiles!
And I would say Iranian Solid fuel missiles are produced at far greater numbers for they are far easier and faster to produces, store & launch!

And the VAST Majority of U.S. bases in the region are all within 700km of Iran that puts them all within range of the Short range Fatteh & Zolfaghar Class missiles that have a CEP of under 15 meters and for fixed sites like bases Iran likely has vast farms of small hidden silo's pointed directly at these fixed sites

U.S. couldn't get it's RQ-170 Into Iranian territory without detection so as soon as war starts and U.S. ordnance start flying into Iranian territory within minutes U.S. bases will turn to dust! And Iranian bases will start fueling their liquid fueled ballistic missiles as Iran launches cruise missiles and UCAV's
This is one of Iran's outdated Missile Basses

This is another

There isn't a single province in Iran that doesn't have at least 1 or more Missile Base in it and Iran has 31 provinces

And when I say Missile Base I DO NOT mean 10 missiles at a base I mean this:
View attachment 504261
View attachment 504262
View attachment 504265

There are sites like these all across Iran and these aren't even the hidden locations the larger more capable location are all better hidden

If you click on the Link Sineva gave you you'll see pictures of a single yearly delivery from a single location of mostly liquid fuel missiles!
And I would say Iranian Solid fuel missiles are produced at far greater numbers for they are far easier and faster to produces, store & launch!

And the VAST Majority of U.S. bases in the region are all within 700km of Iran that puts them all within range of the Short range Fatteh & Zolfaghar Class missiles that have a CEP of under 15 meters and for fixed sites like bases Iran likely has vast farms of small hidden silo's pointed directly at these fixed sites

U.S. couldn't get it's RQ-170 Into Iranian territory without detection so as soon as war starts and U.S. ordnance start flying into Iranian territory within minutes U.S. bases will turn to dust! And Iranian bases will start fueling their liquid fueled ballistic missiles as Iran launches cruise missiles and UCAV's

How do you tell where the silo doors are for the missiles to exit? I'm not familiar with what they look like from a satellite view. Their seems to be tons and tons of rectangular or cubic shapes on the ground. Are those silos?
How do you tell where the silo doors are for the missiles to exit? I'm not familiar with what they look like from a satellite view. Their seems to be tons and tons of rectangular or cubic shapes on the ground. Are those silos?

No those are TEL launch locations and SILO's are too well hidden to be able to see from GoogleEarth

American education system is superior. more educated Iranians are working in America than in Iran

Iraq fired 30 SCUD missi


Head of Stanford University electrical engineering department has said: WITHOUT A DOUBT THE Finest University IN THE WORLD for undergraduate Electrical engineers is Sharif University in Tehran and that video is from 2007!
you are free to swing over and check for yourselves

some folks wanted war with Iraq. they could have taken twigs and called them arrows

USSR want bankrupt building 100,000 missiles. you are free to follow them

the whole premise of winning a war by launching missiles with conventional warheads is questionable
Iran and Iraq tried it with SCUDs. It made no difference
Yeah!,back in the mid 80s with tiny amounts of imported soviet scuds on both sides,basically unmodified late 40s/early 50s missiles with no state of the art ins,no terminally guided warheads and ceps measured in hundreds of meters,oh and neither side could produce them locally let alone upgrade them.Its as retarded as saying that cruise missiles have no value in destroying pinpoint targets because the ww2 era v1 could barely hit london.Dont forget either that the modern cruise missiles ie the tomahawk and alcm were originally designed to be nuclear delivery systems but with improvements in guidance brought about by improved electronics and digital systems and with the application of gps they become very precise conventional attack weapons that were used to great effect during desert storm,the same is also true for ballistic missiles as well and just because the west may not have been huge fans of conventionally armed ballistic missiles doesnt mean that the concept isnt a valid one today,indeed one could have made your exact same statement about the value of air power on the eve of ww1,yet at the end of ww1 no one doubted its power and you had a whole group of military theorists who would go on to theorize that air power alone via strategic bombing could win wars all by itself.....altho this still has yet to be fully realised.
Do you want to know the BIG irony tho`?,both sides started using missiles because of the failures of air power to greatly influence the war on the ground.
Lastly just imagine for a moment if iran and iraq had been armed with conventionally armed pershing 2s with a cep of 30m back in the mid 80s.....interesting thought,isnt it?
This is one of Iran's outdated Missile Basses

This is another

There isn't a single province in Iran that doesn't have at least 1 or more Missile Base in it and Iran has 31 provinces

And when I say Missile Base I DO NOT mean 10 missiles at a base I mean this:
View attachment 504261
View attachment 504262
View attachment 504265

There are sites like these all across Iran and these aren't even the hidden locations the larger more capable location are all better hidden

If you click on the Link Sineva gave you you'll see pictures of a single yearly delivery from a single location of mostly liquid fuel missiles!
And I would say Iranian Solid fuel missiles are produced at far greater numbers for they are far easier and faster to produces, store & launch!

And the VAST Majority of U.S. bases in the region are all within 700km of Iran that puts them all within range of the Short range Fatteh & Zolfaghar Class missiles that have a CEP of under 15 meters and for fixed sites like bases Iran likely has vast farms of small hidden silo's pointed directly at these fixed sites

U.S. couldn't get it's RQ-170 Into Iranian territory without detection so as soon as war starts and U.S. ordnance start flying into Iranian territory within minutes U.S. bases will turn to dust! And Iranian bases will start fueling their liquid fueled ballistic missiles as Iran launches cruise missiles and UCAV's

It is like this:
If USA wanted the destruction of Iranian state the attacks on your infrastructure will be devastating. Look at USAF bombing of Hanoi & Cambodia. That was the 1970s.

There is a good chance Iran will be broken up - Persian, Azeri, Kurdish, Baluchi, Arab enclaves

before you get worked up it is not in the interest of USA for any of the above to happen
you make a good bogey man to justify military presence and to divert attentions from other issues
Once in a while Iran keeps electing guys like Ahmadinejad. It makes it easy to demonize you
It is like this:
If USA wanted the destruction of Iranian state the attacks on your infrastructure will be devastating. Look at USAF bombing of Hanoi & Cambodia. That was the 1970s.

There is a good chance Iran will be broken up - Persian, Azeri, Kurdish, Baluchi, Arab enclaves

before you get worked up it is not in the interest of USA for any of the above to happen
you make a good bogey man to justify military presence and to divert attentions from other issues
Once in a while Iran keeps electing guys like Ahmadinejad. It makes it easy to demonize you
They (Iran) are not weak country like Iraq and Vietnam which had no air defense SAMs systems, They (iran) well established SAMs and early warning radar system, USA always attack on weak countries with no defense, Iran has decent or not bad sir defense system, if USA attacked Iran its mostly suffer and gain nothing and destroy its economy @nahtanbob American economy already suffering from attack on Afghanistan & Iraq @nahtanbob
They (Iran) are not weak country like Iraq and Vietnam which had no air defense SAMs systems, They (iran) well established SAMs and early warning radar system, USA always attack on weak countries with no defense, Iran has decent or not bad sir defense system, if USA attacked Iran its mostly suffer and gain nothing and destroy its economy @nahtanbob American economy already suffering from attack on Afghanistan & Iraq @nahtanbob

Sorry but thats just bad excuses. Iraq was powerful for its time just after the end of the Iraq-Iran war and had a very formidable air defense. Look how many coalition aircraft they shot down. And Vietnam had the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese Army along with SAM air defense system as well shooting down thousands of aircraft. Not a weak country as people think. Not to mention their own air force.
Sorry but thats just bad excuses. Iraq was powerful for its time just after the end of the Iraq-Iran war and had a very formidable air defense. Look how many coalition aircraft they shot down. And Vietnam had the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese Army along with SAM air defense system as well shooting down thousands of aircraft. Not a weak country as people think. Not to mention their own air force.
What a lame justification you have, iraqi air force third rate air force in the front of USAF at first gulf war and most their air defense systems are 60s and 70s origin most of the their assets destroyed in Iraq-Iran war and as for Vietnamese air force mostly outdated jet mostly Mig-15, Mig17 and Mig-21 so, you always attack week country @Oldman1 :p:;):enjoy:
What a lame justification you have, iraqi air force third rate air force in the front of USAF at first gulf war and most their air defense systems are 60s and 70s origin most of the their assets destroyed in Iraq-Iran war and as for Vietnamese air force mostly outdated jet mostly Mig-15, Mig17 and Mig-21 so, you always attack week country @Oldman1 :p:;):enjoy:

Most of the U.S. aircraft besides coalition aircraft were made during the 1960s and 1970s. F-16s F-14s, and F15s all 1960s or 1970s designs. All not in time for the closing days of the Vietnam war days so the U.S. military was flying aircraft that were made from 1950s. And the U.S. was responding to Iraq invading a weak country like Kuwait. And North Vietnam invading South Vietnam.
Most of the U.S. aircraft besides coalition aircraft were made during the 1960s and 1970s. F-16s F-14s, and F15s all 1960s or 1970s designs. All not in time for the closing days of the Vietnam war days so the U.S. military was flying aircraft that were made from 1950s. And the U.S. was responding to Iraq invading a weak country like Kuwait. And North Vietnam invading South Vietnam.
another lame justification USAF were more advance than Iraqi air force in every sense , and Vietnamese using late 40 designs, only Mig-21 was 50s design, so you always attack weak countries @Oldman1 i still stand my point @Oldman1 ;):enjoy:
another lame justification USAF were more advance than Iraqi air force in every sense , and Vietnamese using late 40 designs, only Mig-21 was 50s design, so you always attack weak countries @Oldman1 i still stand my point @Oldman1 ;):enjoy:

Sure whatever you say. Weak countries that can shoot down thousands of aircraft and invade other countries.
With a help Soviets, if Soviet union din't supply SA-2 then whole story was different @Oldman1 ;):enjoy:

Well Iraq did had lots of Soviet support. Hence dozens of coalition aircraft shot down. If the Soviets didn't help them, well no aircraft would have been shot down.

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