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Iran will have hell to pay: US national security adviser

Well Iraq did had lots of Soviet support. Hence dozens of coalition aircraft shot down. If the Soviets didn't help them, well no aircraft would have been shot down.
SA-2 is 50s design and very old system and i am talking about Vietnam war not gulf war @Oldman1 :p:;):enjoy:
SA-2 is 50s design and very old system and i am talking about Vietnam war not gulf war @Oldman1 :p:;):enjoy:

Most aircraft back then were 1950s design. You didn't see any F-14s, F16s or F15s during the Vietnam war.

Remember this?

Still flown today.
Most aircraft back then were 1950s design. You didn't see any F-14s, F16s or F15s during the Vietnam war.

Remember this?

Still flown today.
Yes but what about gulf war you had have F-16 F-14 F-15, so why you lose dozens of jets and why didn't you able jam SA-2 in gulf war @Oldman1 o_O
Yes but what about gulf war you had have F-16 F-14 F-15, so why you lose dozens of jets and why didn't you able jam SA-2 in gulf war @Oldman1 o_O

Like I've said they had a formidable air defense system. Not some weak *** country. Sure its not like the Vietnam war where they lost thousands of aircraft just dozens or so.
Like I've said they had a formidable air defense system. Not some weak *** country. Sure its not like the Vietnam war where they lost thousands of aircraft just dozens or so.
no they were not formidable air defense system at all their air defense system were 50s 60s tech , mostly SA-2, SA-6 and few SA-5 and there were outdated system in 90 @Oldman1 :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:
no they were not formidable air defense system at all their air defense system were 50s 60s tech , mostly SA-2, SA-6 and few SA-5 and there were outdated system in 90 @Oldman1 :hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy:

If it wasn't formidable and outdated, then how did they shot down dozens of aircraft? With rocks?
It is like this:
If USA wanted the destruction of Iranian state the attacks on your infrastructure will be devastating. Look at USAF bombing of Hanoi & Cambodia. That was the 1970s.

There is a good chance Iran will be broken up - Persian, Azeri, Kurdish, Baluchi, Arab enclaves

before you get worked up it is not in the interest of USA for any of the above to happen
you make a good bogey man to justify military presence and to divert attentions from other issues
Once in a while Iran keeps electing guys like Ahmadinejad. It makes it easy to demonize you

LOL! That's nothing but a DELUSION and it's really funny to see people that have never lived in Iran making absurd comments about things they don't have a clue about!

You think majority of Iranian Azeris have gone retarded and are dreaming of having a country that's cut off from open sea's? You think Persian's in Iran have any delusions of having an independent state? Do think vast majority of Iranian Kurds wish to be cut off from the sea and have a country that will be in direct conflict with Turkey, Iran & Iraq just so a handful of Kurdish families rule over them? These are nothing but delusions from the outside with minority support amongst the actual people living in those area's!
Did you see videos of mass protest in Iran's Kurdish region after IRGC fired Missiles at the leadership of the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran? NO! Simply because these groups DO NOT have the support they claim to have amongst the masses!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does it look like Iranian government is short of support?

And those are just the supreme leaders mostly young supporter in Tehran and at the same time there were mass Basij rallies being held in every city all across Iran! And that's more people Trump can gather at his rallies!

The trump administrations advisors on Iran are MORONS that go and attend MKO rallies and the MKO is a group of traitors who attacked Iran with Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war and are hated by 99.99% of all Iranian living in Iran and that shows the utter incompetence and delusions of the Trump administration when it comes to Iran and how little they know about Iranians living in Iran!

Today Iran's currency has practically been destroyed in value and you still don't see MASS protests! And people have every right to be angry today and yet the vast majority simply do NOT want a revolution let alone anything else!
Which is proof that the 2009 protest were specifically due to election results AND NOTHING MORE because despite the mass fall of Iran's currency there just hasn't been protests that size since and it's been almost a decade already so these are NOTHING BUT Delusions!
Sorry but thats just bad excuses. Iraq was powerful for its time just after the end of the Iraq-Iran war and had a very formidable air defense. Look how many coalition aircraft they shot down. And Vietnam had the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese Army along with SAM air defense system as well shooting down thousands of aircraft. Not a weak country as people think. Not to mention their own air force.

Yea because Iraq was so powerful that it's front lines couldn't even cross a freaking road against Iran with 5 times the tanks force!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

And in Desert Storm Iraqi troops that were near the boarder and invading Kuwait gave up because they were carpet bombed by B-52's which had little to do with Iraqi SAM's!

And U.S. forces ran inside of Iraq and ran out quickly because they knew they wouldn't be able to hold those area's for long and the entire thing lasted about 100 HOURS! And they were mainly trying to get Iraq to fully withdraw from Kuwait while most of Iraqi armored battalion was deployed near Kuwait and coalition forces crossed miles of desert from Saudi Arabia and invaded and withdrew very quickly from the other side of Iraq!

U.S. bombardment started in January 17th 1991 and the war ended in Feb 28th 1991 with coalition invasion on Feb 24th 1991 & 4 day's later the war ended with a ceasefire after which U.S. came up with a plan to invade Iraq and came up with nonsense excuses to start bombing Iraqi Air Defense and military facilities and depots and that started in 1992 and went on to 2003 with a decade of bombings and sorties being flown 3-4 times a week until the U.S. felt confident enough to properly invade!

Since WW2 the U.S. has not gone to war with ANY country capable of producing a large portion of it's yearly military acquisitions let alone a country capable of targeting U.S. Aircraft bunkers from 700km away using it's own weapons

And your comparing Saddam's military where vast majority of it's weapons were purchased for them post 1982 by the Saudi's and couldn't even maintain the weapons given to them let alone produce new weapons and Iran was no different at that time we also had a nicely purchased Air Force, Helo Force and Navy we could barely arm and maintain!

In terms of military power the weapons platform you buy mean little unless you can maintain and arm them at will when needed and by 1979 Iran had purchased it's self one of the top 5 most powerful Air Forces in the world with one of the top 3 most powerful Helo Forces but without the U.S. providing parts, weapons and maintenance it didn't mean much because IF Iran could have actually maintained and armed it's own fighters and Helos in the early 80's the war would have ended by 1983 and Saddam's military would have been wiped and Saddam would have been killed or on the run!

And that was the lesson Iran learned so today Iran produces it's own weapons and imports little for it's military:


And that is real power and not fictional figures on paper that says you have this many fighter, Tanks, helicopters, SAM's....
Yea because Iraq was so powerful that it's front lines couldn't even cross a freaking road against Iran with 5 times the tanks force!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!

And in Desert Storm Iraqi troops that were near the boarder and invading Kuwait gave up because they were carpet bombed by B-52's which had little to do with Iraqi SAM's!

And U.S. forces ran inside of Iraq and ran out quickly because they knew they wouldn't be able to hold those area's for long and the entire thing lasted about 100 HOURS! And they were mainly trying to get Iraq to fully withdraw from Kuwait while most of Iraqi armored battalion was deployed near Kuwait and coalition forces crossed miles of desert from Saudi Arabia and invaded and withdrew very quickly from the other side of Iraq!

U.S. bombardment started in January 17th 1991 and the war ended in Feb 28th 1991 with coalition invasion on Feb 24th 1991 & 4 day's later the war ended with a ceasefire after which U.S. came up with a plan to invade Iraq and came up with nonsense excuses to start bombing Iraqi Air Defense and military facilities and depots and that started in 1992 and went on to 2003 with a decade of bombings and sorties being flown 3-4 times a week until the U.S. felt confident enough to properly invade!

Since WW2 the U.S. has not gone to war with ANY country capable of producing a large portion of it's yearly military acquisitions let alone a country capable of targeting U.S. Aircraft bunkers from 700km away using it's own weapons

And your comparing Saddam's military where vast majority of it's weapons were purchased for them post 1982 by the Saudi's and couldn't even maintain the weapons given to them let alone produce new weapons and Iran was no different at that time we also had a nicely purchased Air Force, Helo Force and Navy we could barely arm and maintain!

In terms of military power the weapons platform you buy mean little unless you can maintain and arm them at will when needed and by 1979 Iran had purchased it's self one of the top 5 most powerful Air Forces in the world with one of the top 3 most powerful Helo Forces but without the U.S. providing parts, weapons and maintenance it didn't mean much because IF Iran could have actually maintained and armed it's own fighters and Helos in the early 80's the war would have ended by 1983 and Saddam's military would have been wiped and Saddam would have been killed or on the run!

And that was the lesson Iran learned so today Iran produces it's own weapons and imports little for it's military:


And that is real power and not fictional figures on paper that says you have this many fighter, Tanks, helicopters, SAM's....

USA supplied little in the way of weapons to Saddam. Iraqi military was Soviet and French equipped.
Some in US government were happy to see Iranians get slaughtered. It was payback for the embassy

In 1991 American troops would have taken Baghadad in a week. Iraqi army pales in comparison to the resistance offered by Germans/Japanese in WW2, Chinese in Korean war and North Vietnamese in Vietnamese war. There is no jungle to protect you in Iraq (for that matter Iraq). The USAF has become increasingly potent

Iran air force top five in the world ?? Keep drinking the hard stuff.
USA supplied little in the way of weapons to Saddam. Iraqi military was Soviet and French equipped.
Some in US government were happy to see Iranians get slaughtered. It was payback for the embassy

In 1991 American troops would have taken Baghadad in a week. Iraqi army pales in comparison to the resistance offered by Germans/Japanese in WW2, Chinese in Korean war and North Vietnamese in Vietnamese war. There is no jungle to protect you in Iraq (for that matter Iraq). The USAF has become increasingly potent

Iran air force top five in the world ?? Keep drinking the hard stuff.
only against weakest countries @nahtanbob :p:;):enjoy:

@VEVAK is saying in late 70s, Iran air force was among top 5 @nahtanbob :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
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