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Iran will have hell to pay: US national security adviser

And why they you (USAF) unable to defeat those vintage SAMs and lost dozens of jets for those 50s and 60s SAMs @Oldman1

Best thing to do is overwhelm the formidable defense system that shot down dozens of aircraft. It was enough to push Iraq out of Kuwait.
Best thing to do is overwhelm the formidable defense system that shot down dozens of aircraft. It was enough to push Iraq out of Kuwait.
Your pathetic term FORMIDABLE DEFENSE SYSTEM have no value and no logic As compare to USAF and allied force they had have 50s 60s tech at the time of first gulf war @Oldman1
Your pathetic term FORMIDABLE DEFENSE SYSTEM have no value and no logic As compare to USAF and allied force they had have 50s 60s tech at the time of first gulf war @Oldman1

In your mind. But no other country would have perform that kind of performance like that. Probably lose hundreds of aircraft.
In your mind. But no other country would have perform that kind of performance like that. Probably lose hundreds of aircraft.
i am trying to say you had have a latest military tech at first gulf war, and you (USAF) and allied forces are unable to deal with Iraqi vintage air defense system (SAMs) of 50s 60s old tech and overall weak army with outdated equipment, if they are Formidable system at the time of first gulf war then show us the prove @Oldman1 keep blabbering without a base @Oldman1 :blah::blah::blah::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:
i am trying to say you had have a latest military tech at first gulf war, and you (USAF) and allied forces are unable to deal with Iraqi vintage air defense system (SAMs) of 50s 60s old tech and overall weak army with outdated equipment, if they are Formidable system at the time of first gulf war then show us the prove @Oldman1 keep blabbering without a base @Oldman1 :blah::blah::blah::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::crazy::crazy::crazy:

You seem to think the U.S. military is able to not get any aircraft shot down in any possible war. The only truth to that was when the U.S. fought wars before aviation was created at the turn of the 20th century so they never had any aircraft shot down.

The dozens of aircraft shot down is the proof.
You seem to think the U.S. military is able to not get any aircraft shot down in any possible war. The only truth to that was when the U.S. fought wars before aviation was created at the turn of the 20th century so they never had any aircraft shot down.

The dozens of aircraft shot down is the proof.
what a lame justification you have you were not alone whole EU with you, you had have no ECM EW jet to Jam those vintage 50s 60s SAMs jet, i still stand my point USA always attack weak nations which have outdated military @Oldman1 keep blabbering @Oldman1 :blah::blah::blah:
what a lame justification you have you were not alone whole EU with you, you had have no ECM EW jet to Jam those vintage 50s 60s SAMs jet, i still stand my point USA always attack weak nations which have outdated military @Oldman1 keep blabbering @Oldman1 :blah::blah::blah:

So you say other countries like Russia and China would have done better and no aircraft would have been shot down?
No for China but Russia yes @Oldman1

o_O Considering Russia has lost aircraft before. And lets exclude Syria in this. They did fought against Georgia and lost a few aircraft. Same systems that they should know and developed. So that is no excuses. If Russia has in hypothetical scenario bombed Iraq in 1991, and did so well they would have not lost one aircraft, that my friend is equivalent to a bicyclist having a better chance winning a NASCAR race.
The U.S. has the ability to maintain and arm them. You've seen the constant bombings from WW2 to modern times.

I don't know where you get the idea that the U.S. gave Saddam the go ahead to invade Kuwait. That is a myth.

And it wasn't just the U.S.! It was a coalition of various countries!
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Iran has so far hacked & down U.S. RQ-170, MQ-1C, Scan Eagle, RQ-7 Shadow, RQ-11 Raven...

Iran is NOT Iraq of 1990's and Iran sure as hell does NOT want a war but if attacked Iran within minutes Iran has both the accuracy and missile stockpile to wipe out at least 24 U.S. bases within 700km of Iran without using a single fighter jet with Missiles whos accuracy have already been proven on the field
Iran has the capability to target U.S. puppet leaders in Kuwait, UAE & Riyadh and take out their oil facilities and target major U.S. financial interests

Iran has the capability to take out any warships, oil tankers or cargo vessels it chooses inside the Persian Gulf without needing to resort to mining the entire Persian Gulf

If attacked Iran has both the experienced infantry & the weapons needed to turn the entire M.E. into hell for U.S. forces

So yea U.S. conflicts with Saddam doesn't really prove anything for Saddam really couldn't do any of those things

You don't have enough platforms to fire tens of thousands of missiles to to wipe out very large bases and considering the defenses involved as well. And considering provoking countries by attacking them, you just make it worse for yourselves. Just like you posting the coalition attacks. You be repeating the same mistake.

And you claimed most of the aircraft shot down was from air to air attacks from Iraqi pilots. Not the SAM system you say.[/QUOTE]

U.S. has the capability to maintain and Arm it's air force and other air forces around the globe as well! So what?
No one said U.S. didn't have that capability hell U.S. can wipe Iran out in a matter of hours without using a single Aircraft! And even in a conventional war the U.S. could demolish Iran but it sure as hell not going to be without cost. And my point was Saddam's military was nothing more than a paper tiger just as Iran's military was back in the 80's!

Saddam ask the Americans before he invaded Kuwait that what the U.S. thought about him invading Kuwait and U.S. officials responded by telling him that it's none of their business! And if that's not a green light I don't know what is. It's funny how that shocks you! U.S. also fooled Qadaffi to hand over his Missiles and WMD's and once he did he was gone just as they fooled Saddam that if he hands over all his missiles and WMD's they would stop bombing Iraq in the mid 90's!

Provoking other countries by Attacking them? 1st off Iran would NEVER initiate a war with the U.S. and my response was ONLY if Iran was attacked and any country that allows the U.S. to use it's territory while the U.S. attacks Iran would be in an open state of war with Iran and it doesn't even matter if U.S. attacks initiate from that country or not! Your a none regional country that's attacking Iran and you simply can't use the soil of other countries as cover. That's absurd!

And Iran view's countries like Bahrain, UAE & Saudi Arabia as U.S. puppet states and any war with Iran will most definitely involve Iran going after those states and neither they can use U.S. as a cover nor the U.S. will be able to use regional states as a cover!

Do you think Iran has been sitting around and watching the U.S. build one base after another with over 20 bases within 500km of Iran and Iran has chosen to simply watch?

If Iran was to drop 50-100 Fateh missiles on 20 US base that's 1000-2000 Fatteh Class and these missiles have the accuracy to target individual Aircraft bunkers, Runways, Radars, com's, SAM sites....
And that's just one class of missile

FYI 10,000 Missiles may sound like a lot for a country producing 1 or 2 different Missiles but fortunately Iran is NOT one of them!

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