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Iran will have hell to pay: US national security adviser

Don't call me a Hindu you used American passover to Iran. Did your country get enough water after the Americans made you suffer without water for months? Go teach these fanboy Iranians here what happens to countries that wag their tails too much without giving a damn about the rest of the world. Iran's first wrong move was messing with Saudi. It's about time that they learned their place or else Saudi's dogs from the west will teach them a lesson forever
OH NO!!.....NOT THE SAUDIES!!.......PLEASE GOD!!.....ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!:o::o::o::o::o:
The saudis,and the gulfies in their little sunni "nato",seem to be having more than enough problems fighting the yemini military remnant and the allied houthis to a standstill,let alone try to take on iran.:help:
U.S.A is a strong military, it can attack you without showing in radar and create hovec firing missiles from 1000 miles away.
U.S.A is not attacking Iran just because it will increase oil prices in whole world. U.S.A want peaceful talk with Iran to solve matters, but Iran want to create nuclear weapons in the name of peaceful use of technology for civilian purpose.
iran is too big to risk an attack. iraq was bad enough
U.S.A is a strong military, it can attack you without showing in radar and create hovec firing missiles from 1000 miles away.
U.S.A is not attacking Iran just because it will increase oil prices in whole world. U.S.A want peaceful talk with Iran to solve matters, but Iran want to create nuclear weapons in the name of peaceful use of technology for civilian purpose.

What kind of DELUSIONAL WORLD are you living in???????

U.S. is a peaceful country that wants peace! LOL! Since when?? Hell they even promote that they have a war fighting culture in their movies!

And what matter do they want to solve? They wanna say that they should only have 1000 mile missiles and Iran should not! LOL!

Did they stop themselves from invading Iraq because Oil prices would increase moron? U.S. is not attacking Iran because if they do Iran will respond by hitting their Bases and all the kings and princes they have doing their biding! And they invaded Iraq because Saddam couldn't do the same!

Iran has 24hours a day 7 day's a week inspection of it's Nuclear Facilities! This has nothing to do with Nukes MORON!

iran is too big to risk an attack. iraq was bad enough

Iran can respond to their Attack by accurately taking out a large number of their assets where Saddam really could NOT!
What kind of DELUSIONAL WORLD are you living in???????

Iran can respond to their Attack by accurately taking out a large number of their assets where Saddam really could NOT!
USA can crush Iran militarily. No one would have a clue what to do next
USA can crush Iran militarily. No one would have a clue what to do next

this is not the point if US will crush Iran or not, the point is with which costs/loses will they achieve anything?

If your an enemy is small, skinny and weak, you will pick a fight against him without hesitation, right?

But if you stand against an enemy who maybe is not strong as you are, but he is skilled enough to inflict very heavy damages onto you, you will hesitate, right?
You will calculate benefit vs damage

As of yet the the US is hesitating, why you think?
this is not the point if US will crush Iran or not, the point is with which costs/loses will they achieve anything?

If your an enemy is small, skinny and weak, you will pick a fight against him without hesitation, right?

But if you stand against an enemy who maybe is not strong as you are, but he is skilled enough to inflict very heavy damages onto you, you will hesitate, right?
You will calculate benefit vs damage

As of yet the the US is hesitating, why you think?

US can destroy Iran without damage to its neighbors. What do we want to accomplish here.
Expect Iranians to resist foreign occupation. Iran has ethnic fault lines. It borders too many important states. Going by the experience in Iraq it is not worth the trouble. Expect a lot of dead Iranians.

What is the point of alienating Iranians especially when young Iranians are not anti-American ?
The Iranian regime is stupid. They are stupider than I first thought.

Instead of opening an unwinnable front in Yemen, the Iranians should have worried about focusing on Afghanistan. A few downed jets is all that will take for the USA to withdraw from Afghanistan. The Iranians could have achieved much more had the teamed up with the Russians and other regional players to address the Afghanistan's occupation. But the Iranians went into Yemen and then ended up losing Syria.

Stupid as stupid does I tell you.
Both side needs to sit around a discussion table and solve kt peacefully. This rhetoric cannot last forever.
Almost forgot the thunders from the neo-cons!!!! Don't know about the others, but the Days in Pak weren't bad while they were in power....
So Iran has lost in Syria to who exactly? And in Yemen, Iran has lost to who again?

And while you're at it, are you insinuating that Iran help you to install the Taleban in Kabul?

What are you mumbling here?

The Iranian regime is stupid. They are stupider than I first thought.

Instead of opening an unwinnable front in Yemen, the Iranians should have worried about focusing on Afghanistan. A few downed jets is all that will take for the USA to withdraw from Afghanistan. The Iranians could have achieved much more had the teamed up with the Russians and other regional players to address the Afghanistan's occupation. But the Iranians went into Yemen and then ended up losing Syria.

Stupid as stupid does I tell you.

Iran will kill tens of thousands of US soldiers......not a problem. Lotta push button weapons around. Iran will also make Israel unlivable ......you understand?

This is all without mentioning what Iran will do to your fifth fleet and Gulf oil terminals and storage/ production facilities.

All your shit gizmos have been laid bare in Syria. Iran is not scared of a confrontation. You guys are a joke. If you had the guts to fight it out with us in the SyRaq, but you backed down, now you chest thump like a bunch of losers. We fukked you up in the SyRaq, along with all your loser allies.

US can destroy Iran without damage to its neighbors. What do we want to accomplish here.
Expect Iranians to resist foreign occupation. Iran has ethnic fault lines. It borders too many important states. Going by the experience in Iraq it is not worth the trouble. Expect a lot of dead Iranians.

What is the point of alienating Iranians especially when young Iranians are not anti-American ?
For 8
So Iran has lost in Syria to who exactly? And in Yemen, Iran has lost to who again?

And while you're at it, are you insinuating that Iran help you to install the Taleban in Kabul?

What are you mumbling here?

Iran will kill tens of thousands of US soldiers......not a problem. Lotta push button weapons around. Iran will also make Israel unlivable ......you understand?

This is all without mentioning what Iran will do to your fifth fleet and Gulf oil terminals and storage/ production facilities.

All your shit gizmos have been laid bare in Syria. Iran is not scared of a confrontation. You guys are a joke. If you had the guts to fight it out with us in the SyRaq, but you backed down, now you chest thump like a bunch of losers. We fukked you up in the SyRaq, along with all your loser allies.

For 8 years you got pancaked by a third rate Iraqi army. USA destroyed that Iraqi army in less than a month
There are few hundred Americans in Syria. I would not read too much into it

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