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Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq

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This is exactly why I support religion to be detached from the state. Look at this guy. In one sentance he is treating nearly 30-40 million Pakistani's (Shia) as fifth column.

Can Pakistan hope to go anywhere with this schism within it's body? You push people to define "Muslim" as first you get Sunni Pakistan, Shia Pakistan and then more divisions between the differant factions. Recipe for disaster.

When you hear people say "Pakistan is a fragile state" this is what they mean. No amount of nuclear weapons, tanks, missiles is going cover up these gaping cracks. There is the Turkish forum here. Ask them what they place first. I bet 99% will say Turkey. Ditto for the Iranians.

Couldn't put it better myself..
I have colleagues who are Turi Shias from Parachinar, and all the time they talk about Iran this and that...........Iran is some kind of holy land for them
Yes Iran and Iraq have a lot holy sites specially for our Shia community so why you so surprised?
Today they want to reach martyrdom in Syria freely, tomorrow in Pakistan?

I simply do not buy Iran's so called stand against the west, whatever.


Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran after 14 years exile on February 1, 1979. He is helped off the plane by one of the Air France pilots.

When Iran finds itself a ground in Pakistan pointing at so called 'sunni' terror groups such as Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban, who kill any Pakistani already and their awful crimes, it will be too late for everything. These kind of news, and what they are doing in region, doesn't really seem friendly. This isn't about Shia's but Iran's dangerous game that irresponsibly puts Shia's in danger first and foremost. It is a dangerous game what Iran can not play alone, today with Russia in Syria (pay attention: west doesn't even bother with the conflict, the game works perfectly), tomorrow with India in Pakistan, you may never know... Serious measures should be taken.

Shias are no where in danger. Allah swt is their guardian. it is now over 1400 years. Shia enmity took enemies to nowhere but dead end. Today the enemies of the Shias are only losers.

How dare Shia enemy talk against Shia sanctities. Get into your head, those who go against Shia will loose and cannot win. it is proven throughout history. Humpty dumpty cannot put together again.

??? Has the entire defence.pk admin lost its mind or is it just an individual Wahabi thug? Where is the source of this news?
This sectarian and "begherat" behavior needs to stop, every one except the extremist wahabi influenced groups know about what's being done to Shia's in Pakistan.
We are 20% of this country and with an edge of being its "founders" as well and we will not tolerate or let go of this bullshit.
Have you forgot when Shuja Pasha briefed parliament about the funding of 19 crore per year to the extremist madresas of south Punjab only and the country mentioned was Saudi Arabia and not Iran. Stop shitting about Kalbhosan, because he was doing everything under a "legal cover" just like Jundullah does against Iran from our borders.
Can you even remember how many times Iranian officials gave open warnings to Pakistan about attacks on Iranian border forces frm within Pakistan when close talks remained of no use. We will only remember our sectarian people whining when Iran started to pursue and target the attacker within our borders when left with no other choice. How many times can you tell of Pakistani border guards being killed or abducted in attacks from Iranian side?
If you would have any "gherat", which is highly unlikely, then you would not have forgot why every Afghan hates us, as we sent "our citizens" for killing and destruction in Afghanistan from past 40 years. And we are offering them much more than citizenship, and to those Afghans as well who kill their own people on our payroll.
There are places in Pakistan where people are fleeing abroad already because of "sectarian cleansing" level persecution...like the Hazara tribe in Balochistan.
We are Shia's, we are as much Pakistani as the self claimed "patriots" who do nothing but justify every shite of what we have done as a country, we have as much right on this land as you, and we will support the people on our side like Iran as you support the people on your side like Saudia or any Arab thug states.
Have you ever spitted anything when India romances with Saudia? no... because it's not an issue cuz everyone is free to trade with anyone he likes as Pakistan trades with one of the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims as we know but Iran never protested to that. Why is that only if India does trade with Iran or invest there then we start to lose our minds and begin to find every kind of conspiracy out of it.
And about the bullshit of gas pipeline, everyone knows that Pakistan is the defector and it defected over a usual cause of "American Pressure" and decided to go with an over costly and dangerous rout of Tapi gas pipeline. The dogs and donkeys on both side of the border know that Iran has completed the pipeline on its side and even offered several times to complete the pipeline on Pakistani side as well but we won't accept "may be because then we will be left with no cover to spit lies on defence.pk." :)
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well described. only few sane listen to the voice of reasoning. Most are shameless bullish as can be seen in their posts.

These enemies have no shame in insulting Shias Sanctities and the Islamic Revolution. Now when shias do the same they feel pain in their buttss.:rofl:

No one on earth dares to challenge the Islamic Republic. let alone these tattoos.

Islamic proves its might when time comes. these monarchists are doomed to fail.

There is no need for Shias to worry about anything. Allah swt o wali ul momineen.
Over half of sunni brethern are with us. they too are suffering and do not like the monarchists.

One day these shia enemies will learn to Respect Islamic Sanctities.
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Have you ever spitted anything when India romances with Saudia? no... because it's not an issue cuz everyone is free to trade with anyone he likes

But the Indian terrorist "Yadev" and the thug Uzair Baloch have Iran written all over them. I would have supported you but the problem is we Pakistanis could not find any Indian terrorist that was given logistical support by Saudis to spread terror and anarchy in Pakistan. Who cares about Iranian trade, they can do business with Iceland who gives a damn about it ........................ but if that business also includes making things easy for likes of "Yadevs" (who happen to have instigated, planned and supported killing of Shias in Balochistan) to harm Pakistan and Pakistanis .............. then Iran really deserves a brotherly response with equal amount of love shown by it in Pakistan's case.

as Pakistan trades with one of the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims as we know but Iran never protested to that.

Has Iran ever captured any agent of that "worst enemy of Islam" who had Pakistani visa on his passport and was involved in helping insurgency and terrorists in Iran? If not then what protest?

Why is that only if India does trade with Iran or invest there then we start to lose our minds and begin to find every kind of conspiracy out of it.

Pakistani shias who have unconditional love and loyalty for Iran are the fools of the first water ....................... Iranians would always prefer their sunni citizens over Pakistani Shia, just as you wish Pakistanis should not die for Saudi's causes similarly I wish Pakistanis should not waste their lives for restoring lost Persian pride and Iranian appetite to reestablish their lost empire, the empire that once lizard eating (according to Persians) Arabs conquered from them.
For the ayatooolahs,

this is a lesson from history, this is what Iran started with Khomeni's arrival
as a reaction to which the Sunni hardliners took positions.
How can Pakistan allow it's citizens to fight on some other states behalf? Be it Shia or Sunni if they do that strip them of the Pakistani nationality and let them live in a state, they are willing to die for. As i mentioned in another post on a different thread, Pakistanis don't care about Islam they care about Shia, Sunni, Wahhabi, Salafi, Barelvi and other delusional sects/groups.
For the ayatooolahs,
this is a lesson from history, this is what Iran started with Khomeni's arrival
as a reaction to which the Sunni hardliners took positions.

your are mistaken. There is no shia or sunni.

The opposition to Khomeini Arrival comes from the NATO Allies. the Monarchists lovers. it has nothing to do with Sunnis. Most sunnis are with shias.
Shias are the worst creatures i knw.... Dont need to mention where Mir Jaffer and Mir Sadiq orginated from. Destablizing Pakistan and thw whole Islamic world. I have grown up listening to the tall tales of iran-Israel and iran-US enemity,but offcourse full of lies. As u know shias are very good or u can say excellent in fabricating the events and miracles.

Mate..... Edit the offensive part of your post and have the rating reversed.....There are better ways to display your anger....
Shias are the worst creatures i knw.... Dont need to mention where Mir Jaffer and Mir Sadiq orginated from. Destablizing Pakistan and thw whole Islamic world. I have grown up listening to the tall tales of iran-Israel and iran-US enemity,but offcourse full of lies. As u know shias are very good or u can say excellent in fabricating the events and miracles.

Monarchists always hated shias throughout history. and are in no position to blame shias. did your fairy tales lead to anywhere. the monarchists are heading nowhere but hell. their 4-5 millitaries are doomed to fail. The world will be better off when it get rid of monarchists.
By default, anyone fighting on Iran's side is fighting against ISIS, Al nusra and other extreme rebels. Why so much opposition to that?
Do I sense subtle public support for the extremists, on this forum?
They are placing Islam first and then Pakistan second. In another thread I pointed out the fallacy in placing "Muslim" first. Pakistan should come first. This is exactly what happens when citizens start measuring their loyalty by using Islam. Those Pakistani's fighting on the Shia side are doing nothing wrong. They are being "muslim" first. Those fighting on the side of Sunni forces are doing nothing wrong. They are being "Muslim" first.

Everybody should be applauding these guy's for placing "Muslim" first and "Pakistan" second.

Exactly !
Horus, what about numerous Pakistani double agents working for the Saudi and other Gulf states who have been granted Saudi and Gulf citizenships over the past four decades? Even as we chat here, there are thousands of ex-sarkari-(censored), 'on contract' suppressing / doing other nasties inside these arab societies to a very select population of these countries, what should we do to them?

With such knee-jerk reactions, you'd have a bloodbath across the length and breadth of Pakistan........ just so that you know, there is an internal cleanup going on, and all will be well in 5-10 years time.

@Icarus, your views.... the ones you can share officially.

We need to track down these families, ******* deport them and confiscate their passports and property.

@Oscar - @Icarus - @Irfan Baloch

That's too reactionary a course of action. The story states that the residency will be provided on a voluntary basis. What if the families do not share their lost loved one's sentiments? Or support their decision to go fight in foreign lands? We cannot ascertain guilt and offer collective punishment just like that, it is against the very essence of a law-abiding society.
It is important to engage in dialogue with the vulnerable individuals and convince them that this is not a fight that they need to join, as for those who have gone and lost their lives, we should work to give their families closure and ask them to share their sentiments on the matter to discourage other young men from making the same mistake.

Very well put.

This is exactly why I support religion to be detached from the state. Look at this guy. In one sentance he is treating nearly 30-40 million Pakistani's (Shia) as fifth column.

Can Pakistan hope to go anywhere with this schism within it's body? You push people to define "Muslim" as first you get Sunni Pakistan, Shia Pakistan and then more divisions between the differant factions. Recipe for disaster.

When you hear people say "Pakistan is a fragile state" this is what they mean. No amount of nuclear weapons, tanks, missiles is going cover up these gaping cracks. There is the Turkish forum here. Ask them what they place first. I bet 99% will say Turkey. Ditto for the Iranians.

Going out now....... will chat later.......
20% of this country and with an edge of being its "founders"
It's more like 10% to 13%. Jinnah never practiced Shia'ism, neither talked nor cared about it. Rest everything you stated sound like emotional outburst loaded with fallacies.

We need to track down these families, ******* deport them and confiscate their passports and property.

@Oscar - @Icarus - @Irfan Baloch
Track 'em and charge them under Anti-Terror laws, just like it is being done in US and Europe.
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