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Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq

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One of the biggest jokes on this thread?

During 80s and 90s. thousands of Pakistani nationals recruited by ISI (U.S and Saudi Arabia) were fighting in Afghanistan and dying there. And years later, many of those very same Pakistani nationals came back to their country while being hardened by Afghan war, and created/inspired various terrorist groups inside Pakistan like TTP and LeJ. What I see is that the very same bunch who have gone nuts over this news have always defended Pakistan's policies in 80s and 90s like it was the act of God himself.

The sole reason people are jumping up and down is that 2 words are involved: Shia and Iran. I have seen very same members defending the idea of sending Pak army to Saudi Arabia to die for them. Pakistan actually sent mercenaries to Bahrain to suppress totally peaceful protesters (by Saudi order) and we barely hear from it for obvious reasons. Facts remain facts no matter how hard you try to deny it. Now some are like a boiling water because some very few Pakistani nationals may decide by themselves to ask for citizenship of another country, the people who have lived in Iran even before the war in Syria began.

If you are against the essence of Pakistani nationals fighting in other countries, you should be against it in every case, not on a sect-based agenda.

It is hilarious you talk about facts facts facts on one hand and you spread so much hypocrisy, downright lie on the other in your own posts.

First thing first. Do you have proof Pakistanis Iran hired were living in Iran ? Because I can show you the facebook pages, the actual media reports that were hiring Pakistanis directly from Pakistan itself not from Iran and the families of those dead are living in Pakistan itself not in Iran. So your logic just dies here that Those Pakistanis were living in Iran.

80's and 90's policies are result of what happened to Pakistan in 1971 and what soviet union did it to Pakistan and what it was going to do again with Pakistan in 80's Pakistan afghan war was totally justified and 90's was a measure to stop civil war at our door from slipping into on our own lands. But hey since you have axe to grind, you wont acknowledge or ignore this epic animosity b/w Pak & Soviet Union and you will spin the whole matter to fault Pakistan as usual.

I guess you need some serious history lessons about TTP and LEJ. Can you point out one leadership from TTP or LEJ who was involved in 80's Afghan Jihad ? Because What my history lessons says that LEJ and TTP doesnot have nothing to do with the Afghan war veterans ?

But your spinning doesnt stop there. You have the guts to call bahrini protests peacful but There are actual videos of so called peaceful protests by Shias in Bahrain. Home made crude bombs, petrol bombs being thrown at Bahrini forces ? Mob lynching is happening ? But an independent state hiring legitimate crowd control specialists from Pakistan and it Iran and people like you panties in a twist. I remember at that time Iran issuing an warning to Pakistan to stay out of Bahrain and I laughed dearly What I find amusing is, you defend Irani mercenaries frivolously in early days of syrain protests by saying they were not peaceful by when it comes to bahrain.

You show such an extreme bias that I cant help but wonder when you are going to actually become mature and live up to your Moderator tag which demands a person to be completly unbiased and have complete knowledgeable about historical facts.
Check all visitors went iran in the past years and check their properties you will find huge funding of iran. Ban all shia mullas from politics, from doing rallies during the month of Moharam Al Haram provide them sepreat grounds out side cities for their rituals don't give them permission to do their religious rituals in the streets of whole country and ban the media for promotion of shiasm Iran is started to miss use our Pakistanis on Shiaism
well said. u nicely unmasked the sectarian monsters and blind opponents of shia and Islamic Revolution.:lol:

OMG. you mean, All rights are for monarchists and shia haters and shia killers. :astagh:

I expect iranis to be ignorant of Pakistani matters. When you are going to grow up. Learn some neutral history about Pakistan ?

Or not It is your choice It is better if you accept Irani offer of citizenship and move back to Iran.
What are you saying? Who are Shia haters and killers? Majority of Pakistanis don't hate Shia at all, they do have differences with Shia but they don't hate Shia. Pakistan Army is already chasing on those guys who are involved in Sectarian killings. What happens to Shia community outside Pakistan is none of your and our business.

Sipah Moahammad was not made by Sunnis, doesn't matter if it was formed in reaction to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ)....They killed you and you killed them. It is even now and you are no more victim.

Thousands of Sunnis have been massacred by Iranians and their allies in Syria. Ever heard about Assad? What he did to its Sunni majority?...Hah. talk about hypocrisy.

Have you ever heard any Pakistani Sunni talking or crying about being victim as Sunnis or how Sunnis are getting massacred in Syria, because it is none of our business. Pakistan is neutral regarding Syria.

So, don't interfere in Pakistan Iran relations, as Pakistani Shia, you have no business in that.


wake up man. this new millennium belongs to People and not to monarchs.
You know what's more ironic ? Your secterian mindset.. Look at your posts .. How are you any different from the followers of *** head ? You belong to the other group..

Dekh yara, Other side is distorting Pakistani history. Do you want them to continue to distort and claim false things and I should stand on side and let it go by ?

Did I say wrong when I said those people recruited in the name of holy but in reality they are sent to main battle field ?
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