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Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq

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We are the BOSS here, and we have ''THAKE DARI' of ''Ummah''
Yes that is true. That is why we the "boss" get treated like dogs in Saudia Arabia. Millions of us are showing our "Thake Dari" right now trapped like animals in refugee camps in Turkey waiting to flung back to the citadel of the Ummah.

We are the laughing stock of the Ummah. And this guy think's we are boss. Sometimes I wonder ...

And please define what is the idealogical state in context of Pakistan - precisely. No waffle.
I think Iran is targeting Pakistan at a level which would definitely warrent a 'response'. In another development the JIT report in Uzair Baloch's activities states in black and white terms that Uzair was working for the Iranian state intelligence agency. His tasks included spying on Pakistan military. The JIT has recommended a military trial for him.
You say true
And here is few facts for you muppets to muse on.

Who founded the Muslim League that gave birth to Pakistan? Yes a Shia.

"Muslim League, political organization of India and Pakistan, founded 1906 as the All-India Muslim League by Aga Khan III. Its original purpose was to safeguard the political rights of Muslims in India."


Link > http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/muslim-league.html

So let me sum this up. The founder of the ML was shia Aga Khan prdecessor of this guy.


The founder of the country was "Mullah" called Jinnah who married a Parsi and whose daughter does not live in the idealogical state her father founded.


The Mullah wo liked to dress like dandy


Whose close confidante was a Ahmedi Zafarullah Khan and Pakistan's first foreign minister.


Are these what you call founders of the idealogical state? Or is this all post fact revisionism?


And oh the ideologue of Pakistan - Sir Allama Iqbal wrote books like " The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" wherein her suggested Islam needed reforming. If he said this today in Pakistan he would be dragged into the streets and murdered.

Link > http://islamicblessings.com/upload/The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam.pdf

And here is few facts for you muppets to muse on.

Who founded the Muslim League that gave birth to Pakistan? Yes a Shia.

"Muslim League, political organization of India and Pakistan, founded 1906 as the All-India Muslim League by Aga Khan III. Its original purpose was to safeguard the political rights of Muslims in India."


Link > http://www.infoplease.com/encyclopedia/history/muslim-league.html

So let me sum this up. The founder of the ML was shia Aga Khan prdecessor of this guy.


The founder of the country was "Mullah" called Jinnah who married a Parsi and whose daughter does not live in the idealogical state her father founded.


The Mullah wo liked to dress like dandy


Whose close confidante was a Ahmedi Zafarullah Khan and Pakistan's first foreign minister.


Are these what you call founders of the idealogical state? Or is this all post fact revisionism?


And oh the ideologue of Pakistan - Sir Allama Iqbal wrote books like " The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam" wherein her suggested Islam needed reforming. If he said this today in Pakistan he would be dragged into the streets and murdered.

Link > http://islamicblessings.com/upload/The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam.pdf

You guys always forget Quaid e azam friend who played vital role established State Bank and provided funds . Who paid govt employees salaries in early Pakistan from his personal asset.


Anyway ,,,just guess who is responsible for the death of over 70 thousand Pakistani and destroyed the economy. Because of who thousands of best brain of Pakistan left the country. Ask your self....blame game never ends.
Any shia is not responsible here to prove its loyalty with Pakistan...
Close the chapter....thanks
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this thread is going nuts , and the more people post here the more mad this thread will become & eventually there will be just iranis and saudis here but no PAKISTANIS !

so my tiny brain says better close this thread right here
Yes. Because few decades ago people like you were rare
Watch your mouth.

Most people did not go around wearing religion on their sleeve. That is why everybody lived in relative peace, Even the Ahmedi's were allowed to breath. You know Pakistan had Ahmedi Zafarullah Khan as foreign minister.Ever since things have been sliding down. Regimes in neighboring countries change all the time. Nothing new there. The question you need to ask is why Pakistan has got constipated because of change next door? Well the answer is simple. When you place religion as the primary and sole definition don't be surprised if your citizens start getting infected by external religious waves. It is recipe for disaster.


Can you imagine that today? As views like yours gained traction people began to articulate on religion. Well here we are today in 2016. And when you say ideaological state do you even know what that means precisely? And whose ideaological state? Shia, the Sunni and whose sub sect? Wahabi, Bareilvy, Deobandi? There are so many schisms in Muslim thinking that by the time the day is over everybody is rooting after other's head.

I knew it.
I deliberately mentioned the term ''certain revolution'' and it set you on fire.
Just like I said, remove the over whelming ''Shia Heart'' and ''Irani Brain'' that is stopping you to understand some specified terms.
Fill the first condition, I will help you out with rest.

Are these what you call founders of the idealogical state? Or is this all post fact revisionism?


This PIECE OF CRAP shows the low mentality you got.
Considering every person with ''Beard'' a Molvi with out considering his thoughts and ideas.
Whose close confidante was a Ahmedi Zafarullah Khan and Pakistan's first foreign minister.


What is point of Mentioning ''Ahmedis'' here? They played their role in creation of Pakistan, so did Sikhs and Hindus.

The Mullah wo liked to dress like dandy


So wearing ''Three piece'' is deciding criteria to for being Mullah or Secular?
I wear Three Piece too. Right now I am wearing Shorts with T shirt. So who am I? Secular? Mullah?

The founder of the country was "Mullah" called Jinnah who married a Parsi and whose daughter does not live in the idealogical state her father founded.


Crap again.
I like playing with such cute ''puppies'' ............. who am I? Mullah? Secular? What?

Jinnah who married a Parsi
He was not ''Qaid e Azam'' then. There is difference

whose daughter does not live in the idealogical state her father founded.

Qaid himself admitted that due to his over whelming busy schedule he failed to raise his children according to his wills.
Its not a big issue at all.

Any shia is not responsible here to prove its loyalty with Pakistan...
Close the chapter....thanks

Exactly ...............................!
Due to the failure of the state in protecting the Shia from wahabi/deobandi extremists in the past, they have lost confidence in the state somewhat...hence an opportunity for Iranian Mullahs.

One thing I have also noticed is the increased religiosity among this community which historically has been the most secular in Pakistan....part of it because they were targeted just for their beliefs.

This is a golden opportunity.

Similarly we should have offered Saudis the complete lot of LeJ/SSP along with their extended families for the Yemen war.

On one condition that they will not be allowed back into Pakistan.
Shias should be with the Ahmedis and Christians in supporting a secular Pakistan, especially after all they have suffered. The mullahs in Pakistan currently want to impose the wahabi branch of Islam (or is not a part of Islam as such)... this benefits no one including the shia. The failure of the state apperatus to protect the shias as you said is at the heart of gilgiti people joining Irans war.
One of the biggest jokes on this thread?

During 80s and 90s. thousands of Pakistani nationals recruited by ISI (U.S and Saudi Arabia) were fighting in Afghanistan and dying there. And years later, many of those very same Pakistani nationals came back to their country while being hardened by Afghan war, and created/inspired various terrorist groups inside Pakistan like TTP and LeJ. What I see is that the very same bunch who have gone nuts over this news have always defended Pakistan's policies in 80s and 90s like it was the act of God himself.

The sole reason people are jumping up and down is that 2 words are involved: Shia and Iran. I have seen very same members defending the idea of sending Pak army to Saudi Arabia to die for them. Pakistan actually sent mercenaries to Bahrain to suppress totally peaceful protesters (by Saudi order) and we barely hear from it for obvious reasons. Facts remain facts no matter how hard you try to deny it. Now some are like a boiling water because some very few Pakistani nationals may decide by themselves to ask for citizenship of another country, the people who have lived in Iran even before the war in Syria began.

If you are against the essence of Pakistani nationals fighting in other countries, you should be against it in every case, not on a sect-based agenda.
Any shia is not responsible here to prove its loyalty with Pakistan...
Close the chapter....thanks

Lol. When did anyone target Shias or asking them to prove their loyalty with Pakistan? All we are asking to iranian fanboys is not to involve yourselves in Pakistan-Iran relations. Be a citizen of your country.

Pakistan should not get blackmailed by sectarian ******** when it comes to Iran. Pakistan should deal with Iran just like Pakistan deals with everyone. Iran is not too special for Pakistan. After recent developments/events, Pakistan has every right to be pissed off at iranians and their fanboys over here.

Just don't get yourselves involve in Pakistan Iran relations. Sectarian card won't work anymore. Pakistan won't sit quiet on Iran's needling just because Iran is a Shia country and we have million of Shias too.

Blackmailing Pakistan on Iran will be counter productive for both Iran and its Pakistani fanboys. Its thee matter b/w states. Pakistani Shias have no right to interfere in it. Period.

The early they understand it, the much better for themselves and Iran.
Its all part of indoctrination at early age in Shia camp and their counterparts the Wahabi lot, who take Saudi Arabia as a divine state. They are taught that Iran is some sort of holly cow whos protection is supreme even at the cost of their own motherland, Pakistan. But in bigger scheme of things, they are all useful idiots. Both Iran and Saudi are using their version of Islam as a pretext to extend their influence in the region. Iran is working on the revival of Persian empire and the Saudis are working for the house of Saud consolidation. Only if these two extremes were educated enough to understand the actual game being played.
One of the biggest jokes on this thread?

During 80s and 90s. thousands of Pakistani nationals recruited by ISI (U.S and Saudi Arabia) were fighting in Afghanistan and dying there. And years later, many of those very same Pakistani nationals came back to their country while being hardened by Afghan war, and created/inspired various terrorist groups inside Pakistan like TTP and LeJ. What I see is that the very same bunch who have gone nuts over this news have always defended Pakistan's policies in 80s and 90s like it was the act of God himself.

The sole reason people are jumping up and down is that 2 words are involved: Shia and Iran. I have seen very same members defending the idea of sending Pak army to Saudi Arabia to die for them. Pakistan actually sent mercenaries to Bahrain to suppress totally peaceful protesters (by Saudi order) and we barely hear from it for obvious reasons. Facts remain facts no matter how hard you try to deny it. Now some are like a boiling water because some very few Pakistani nationals may decide by themselves to ask for citizenship of another country, the people who have lived in Iran even before the war in Syria began.

If you are against the essence of Pakistani nationals fighting in other countries, you should be against it in every case, not on a sect-based agenda.

well said. u nicely unmasked the sectarian monsters and blind opponents of shia and Islamic Revolution.:lol:

Lol. When did anyone target Shias or asking them to prove their loyalty with Pakistan? All we are asking to iranian fanboys is not to involve yourselves in Pakistan-Iran relations. Be a citizen of your country.
Pakistan should not get blackmailed by sectarian ******** when it comes to Iran. Pakistan should deal with Iran just like Pakistan deals with everyone. Iran is not too special for Pakistan. After recent developments/events, Pakistan has every right to be pissed off at iranians and their fanboys over here.
Just don't get yourselves involve in Pakistan Iran relations. Sectarian card won't work anymore. Pakistan won't sit quiet on Iran's needling just because Iran is a Shia country and we have million of Shias too.
Blackmailing Pakistan on Iran will be counter productive for both Iran and its Pakistani fanboys. Its thee matter b/w states. Pakistani Shias have no right to interfere in it. Period.
The early they understand it, the much better for themselves and Iran.

OMG. you mean, All rights are for monarchists and shia haters and shia killers. :astagh:
Lakh di Lanat in pr aur in ki families pr aur in k paida krne walon pr :hitwall::angry:
One of the biggest jokes on this thread?

During 80s and 90s. thousands of Pakistani nationals recruited by ISI (U.S and Saudi Arabia) were fighting in Afghanistan and dying there. And years later, many of those very same Pakistani nationals came back to their country while being hardened by Afghan war, and created/inspired various terrorist groups inside Pakistan like TTP and LeJ. What I see is that the very same bunch who have gone nuts over this news have always defended Pakistan's policies in 80s and 90s like it was the act of God himself.

The sole reason people are jumping up and down is that 2 words are involved: Shia and Iran. I have seen very same members defending the idea of sending Pak army to Saudi Arabia to die for them. Pakistan actually sent mercenaries to Bahrain to suppress totally peaceful protesters (by Saudi order) and we barely hear from it for obvious reasons. Facts remain facts no matter how hard you try to deny it. Now some are like a boiling water because some very few Pakistani nationals may decide by themselves to ask for citizenship of another country, the people who have lived in Iran even before the war in Syria began.

If you are against the essence of Pakistani nationals fighting in other countries, you should be against it in every case, not on a sect-based agenda.

We remained neutral in Yemen war despite Saudi pressure, if we have had any sectarian agenda, as you are saying, houthi rebels would have been faced the music of Pakistan army.

Iran backed peaceful protesters in Bahrain? We went there because we were being asked for that. The government of Bahrain asked Pakistan to step in. We din't jump in Bahrain out of nowhere. The same logic you have when you guys are asked to justify your position in Syria. You say, we are here because Assad has asked for it. So, law of land calls the shot.

Iran, instead of recruiting Pakistanis, should deport them back to Pakistan and should not use them for its own proxy war under sectarian/Holy Shrine flag.

Pakistan sends its own citizen to countries, by taking their governments into confidence. Not without their knowing or for some cheap sectarian bullshit. Iran can't equate the two. When Pakistan sent its citizens to Bahrain, Bahraini government didn't protest, no one protested it. Now, Pakistan is protesting why its citizens are being sent to Syria by Iran.

Pakistan don't recruit other country's nationals. Pakistan fights its war itself.
Shias should be with the Ahmedis and Christians in supporting a secular Pakistan, especially after all they have suffered
Why? Are Shias some how ''less Muslims''...........?

The mullahs in Pakistan currently want to impose the wahabi branch of Islam (or is not a part of Islam as such)... this benefits no one including the shia

Tali dono hathon se bajti he bhai. Aik hath se ''chapait'' parti he bus. Look at both ends. We got ''dual Mullah'' issue here.

During 80s and 90s. thousands of Pakistani nationals recruited by ISI (U.S and Saudi Arabia) were fighting in Afghanistan and dying there. And years later, many of those very same Pakistani nationals came back to their country while being hardened by Afghan war, and created/inspired various terrorist groups inside Pakistan like TTP and LeJ. What I see is that the very same bunch who have gone nuts over this news have always defended Pakistan's policies in 80s and 90s like it was the act of God himself.

Pakistan was recruiting Irani Sunnis for Afghan war or not?

I have seen very same members defending the idea of sending Pak army to Saudi Arabia to die for them. Pakistan actually sent mercenaries to Bahrain to suppress totally peaceful protesters (by Saudi order) and we barely hear from it for obvious reasons

Did Pakistan sent any Military in Syria Iraq under the pressure of Arabs? Amount of money offered to us was enough to get rid of IMF debts of Pakistan. We rejected this offer. And here we got Iran, acting like 2nd India. ignoring every sort of good gesture from Pakistan side.

If you are against the essence of Pakistani nationals fighting in other countries, you should be against it in every case, not on a sect-based agenda.

Indeed ..............................
OMG. you mean, All rights are for monarchists and shia haters and shia killers. :astagh:

What are you saying? Who are Shia haters and killers? Majority of Pakistanis don't hate Shia at all, they do have differences with Shia but they don't hate Shia. Pakistan Army is already chasing on those guys who are involved in Sectarian killings. What happens to Shia community outside Pakistan is none of your and our business.

Sipah Moahammad was not made by Sunnis, doesn't matter if it was formed in reaction to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ)....They killed you and you killed them. It is even now and you are no more victim.

Thousands of Sunnis have been massacred by Iranians and their allies in Syria. Ever heard about Assad? What he did to its Sunni majority?...Hah. talk about hypocrisy.

Have you ever heard any Pakistani Sunni talking or crying about being victim as Sunnis or how Sunnis are getting massacred in Syria, because it is none of our business. Pakistan is neutral regarding Syria.

So, don't interfere in Pakistan Iran relations, as Pakistani Shia, you have no business in that.
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