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Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq

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I have colleagues who are Turi Shias from Parachinar, and all the time they talk about Iran this and that...........Iran is some kind of holy land for them

Very true. :lol:

I too have some shia company since childhood & whenever we sit together, holy Iran or brave Khomaini's adventures appear from no where in between talks. Specially now a days this fever is growing more and more.
Where did I say you 'all' differentiate?
you didnt have to say it:
They have escaped from sectarian terrorists in Pakistan who killed them only for their beliefs to Iran.
I think their beliefs were to Shia Madhaab not Iran...2ndly, we had too many politicians from Shia community who could help, and didnt....

I merely said they escaped from sectarian attacks (by terrorist groups).
No you didnt stop there...here is the full version:

They have escaped from sectarian terrorists in Pakistan who killed them only for their beliefs to Iran.

You know better. That doesn't mean Pakistani civilians are sectarian, not at all. But sectarians do exist, like the one below:
Is it wrong? Shias claim alot of things and are as quick to make one Kafir as our Deobandi Mullahs! No difference! Our Shia Mullahs are at it day and night!

Who said it is?
you did:

On a thread about Iran giving Persian nationality to Pakistanis in Syria....What do you think that makes it?

Every single thing we do there is by permission of legitimate gov of Syria. They are allies and have helped us in difficult times, all at a time when the 'ummah' were all sucking up to Saudis (and still do). We appreciate it and will help them as much as we can.
"UMMAH" simply means nation...Right now every Nation has a nationality that is either Shia or Sunni not Islam kindly dont insult the word Ummah which was used for Ummah of the prophet not of Ali or Yazid or Abu Bakar!

I thought you appreciated us granting them citizenship?
I do...I just explained why there is such reaction!

Anyway, how on earth is this belittling Pakistani citizenship when it is purely a volunteer process?
]Anyway, how on earth is this belittling Pakistani citizenship when it is purely a volunteer process? Those who want to be granted citizenship ask for it. No one is forced to do anything, I don't think that's very hard to understand, they ask for it.

And let's not even begin on the back stabbing thing, I loathe this word and the way it is being abused. Pakistan has shown before if its interests (or what it thinks is in its interests) are involved, it won't shy away from stabbing its neighbors left and right.
If you are equating fighting terrorism / terrorists off our soil then that is correct...You wouldnt tolerate terrorists blowing your country to pieces why should we?

What you did in Afghanistan in 80s and 90s (arming terrorists to do dirty jobs) had a huge negative impact on Iranians, both in money and lives. Talk about 'backstabbing.
You wanna talk about Afghanistan? Talk about everything from the beginning and this isnt the thread! Dont nitpick!
This is a very serious threat and a liability that there are some individuals in Pakistan who are willing to go to war for Iran a third country, it is clear Iran's interest matter to them more than Pakistan's and if Iran's interest conflicts with Pakistan, they will turn against us.

This is a lethal weapon Iran can use against us in the future.
And I wonder by what authority Iran became the sole custodian of all the Shia Muslims of the world?
There were plenty of cleavages, bare thighs, drinking, branding and all in Iran before 1978 , and the word Islamic republic wasn't officially used with Iran.
They only started calling themselves Islamic republic after 1978 bloody revolution and Shia values were imposed and still being imposed by force not consent.
Also all major shia holy places including the city of Karbala is outside Iran.
But shia faith is older than 1978 . So I question all the shia who worship Iran, weren't your parents and grand parents shia before 1978 without being loyal to Iran?
So why do you feel it as your religious obligation to be more loyal to Iran than Pakistan, when Pakistan is an older Islamic republic. We had the legal name of Islamic republic of Pakistan since our first legislation was passed in 1950s.
Thank you, I hope Saudi to grant Wahhabis their citizenship..
Did you address the topic... NO
did you make any meaningful observations
what you did do is that a religious differentiation which reduced the topic to a blame game...
Do you see Saudi Arabia mentioned in this article? where did it come in... you were the first poster and ruined the whole thread.
Go appeal if you wish I will not argue on this any more
Even if they are wahabbis?? I wonder how many Pakistani shias go for Jehad? We hardly track many.
And I wonder by what authority Iran became the sole custodian of all the Shia Muslims of the world?
There were plenty of cleavages, bare thighs, drinking, branding and all in Iran before 1978 , and the word Islamic republic wasn't officially used with Iran.
They only started calling themselves Islamic republic after 1978 bloody revolution and Shia values were imposed and still being imposed by force not consent.
Also all major shia holy places including the city of Karbala is outside Iran.
But shia faith is older than 1978 . So I question all the shia who worship Iran, weren't your parents and grand parents shia before 1978 without being loyal to Iran?
So why do you feel it as your religious obligation to be more loyal to Iran than Pakistan, when Pakistan is an older Islamic republic. We had the legal name of Islamic republic of Pakistan since our first legislation was passed in 1950s.

That's because Iran is a sole Shia state with a Shi'ite ideological regime ruling over it, Saudi Arabia on the other hand is not a sole Sunni state and does not have an ideological regime but is a monarch, Sunnis will not bat an eye if Saudia falls as long as Makkah and Madinah are not threatened but if Iran falls or is threatened to a fall, Shias will go bonkers.

If the fall of Pakistan strengthens Iran they would do it because a stronger Iran to them means a stronger Shi'ism.
And many so called Pakistanis who are more loyal towards Iran then they are to Pakistan are engaged in Middle East war.
Same goes for KSA. Sunni Pakistanis and Shia Pakistanis are fighting against each other in Syria-Iraq !!!
Well what is wrong with these people?More power to them. They are placing Islam first and then Pakistan second. In another thread I pointed out the fallacy in placing "Muslim" first. Pakistan should come first. This is exactly what happens when citizens start measuring their loyalty by using Islam. Those Pakistani's fighting on the Shia side are doing nothing wrong. They are being "muslim" first. Those fighting on the side of Sunni forces are doing nothing wrong. They are being "Muslim" first.

Everybody should be applauding these guy's for placing "Muslim" first and "Pakistan" second.


Link > https://defence.pk/threads/only-27-...-pakistanis-first.428725/page-11#post-8279451
@Gufi thanks for explanation, the topic was related to mercenaries, and Saudi too use them in Pakistan and in ME.

No i wont appeal, its no life or death matter for me. you are free to rate this as well.
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They are using Afghans refuges from quite a time for fighting war in Iraq and Syria by offering money to their families.
And many so called Pakistanis who are more loyal towards Iran then they are to Pakistan are engaged in Middle East war.
Same goes for KSA. Sunni Pakistanis and Shia Pakistanis are fighting against each other in Syria-Iraq !!!

Ironic ain't it?

As a Muslim I myself would have no problem fighting ISIS to protect Holy Sites in Iraq,Syria or KSA..

But these 2 types of scumbags -- pro KSA & pro Iran --(who would fight for their political interests) are the dumbest people to exist on the face of the earth..
That's because Iran is a sole Shia state with a Shi'ite ideological regime ruling over it, Saudi Arabia on the other hand is not a sole Sunni state and does not have an ideological regime but is a monarch, Sunnis will not bat an eye if Saudia falls as long as Makkah and Madinah are not threatened but if Iran falls or is threatened to a fall, Shias will go bonkers.

If the fall of Pakistan strengthens Iran they would do it because a stronger Iran to them means a stronger Shi'ism.
So how did your shia kind fared before 1978 when Iran wasn't a shia state?
I guess there were literally no problems back then.
they would do it
This is exactly why I support religion to be detached from the state. Look at this guy. In one sentance he is treating nearly 30-40 million Pakistani's (Shia) as fifth column.

Can Pakistan hope to go anywhere with this schism within it's body? You push people to define "Muslim" as first you get Sunni Pakistan, Shia Pakistan and then more divisions between the differant factions. Recipe for disaster.

When you hear people say "Pakistan is a fragile state" this is what they mean. No amount of nuclear weapons, tanks, missiles is going cover up these gaping cracks. There is the Turkish forum here. Ask them what they place first. I bet 99% will say Turkey. Ditto for the Iranians.
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