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Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq

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Iran is strange character in middle-east. I used to believe that it was a victim of Arab arrogance and I thought of Iran stood for principles and justice for oppressed but the more I read the more I realise quite the dark side of things. Using brainwashed sheeple in neighbouring country for their own wars is a horrendous act. First of all, no ISIS is extremely bad and cruel rather I don't have proper words to describe their ugliness but Asad is equally bad and his oppressive rule is responsible for the current state of affairs in Syria and the whole middle east. Supporting him does not make any sense to me. Why is Iran doing so? and why they are luring shiite people living in other muslim majority countries to fight for Iran?
Well what is wrong with these people?More power to them. They are placing Islam first and then Pakistan second. In another thread I pointed out the fallacy in placing "Muslim" first. Pakistan should come first. This is exactly what happens when citizens start measuring their loyalty by using Islam. Those Pakistani's fighting on the Shia side are doing nothing wrong. They are being "muslim" first. Those fighting on the side of Sunni forces are doing nothing wrong. They are being "Muslim" first.

Everybody should be applauding these guy's for placing "Muslim" first and "Pakistan" second.


Link > https://defence.pk/threads/only-27-...-pakistanis-first.428725/page-11#post-8279451

I think Pakistan needs to promote nationalism and patriotism just as much as we promote Islam. Should start from aged 5 onwards.
I think Pakistan needs to promote nationalism and patriotism just as much as we promote Islam. Should start from aged 5 onwards.

All we have to do is learn from our history as I did, we as Muslims of the subcontinent fought for our freedom in the name of Islam and I would die for Pakistan and will consider myself a shaheed if need be, fighting for Pakistan is the same as fighting for Islam, being a patriotic Pakistani is the same as being a patriotic Muslim.

Pakistan as a western style secular state, there is no such thing and I really don't care what that guy living in Iran says.

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All we have to do is learn from our history as I did, we as Muslims of the subcontinent fought for our freedom in the name of Islam and I would die for Pakistan and will consider myself a shaheed if need be, fighting for Pakistan is the same as fighting for Islam, being a patriotic Pakistani is the same as being a patriotic Muslim.

Pakistan as a western style secular state, there is no such thing and I really don't care what that guy living in Iran says.


That's exactly what I think. Pakistani identity and the Islamic faith are intertwinned.
The Iranian long term conspiracy should be taken in this way. After Iran-Iraq- Syria- Libya- Yemen- what is left Pakistan. Now new nexus. Iran/India/Israel/MI6/CIA/ French Intl/German Intl/Canadian Intl- preparing for joint venture against ISI. I forsee creation of Daesh in Pakistan mega cities. MQM/Wahdatul Muslamin/BLA/ distruntled TPP shall become part of Daesh and may create a very big mess for Pakistani Securities Agencies. We should discuss this and maintain a regular observer desk for possible dangerous developments in our Region. I am working on it.
Ironic ain't it?

As a Muslim I myself would have no problem fighting ISIS to protect Holy Sites in Iraq,Syria or KSA..

But these 2 types of scumbags -- pro KSA & pro Iran --(who would fight for their political interests) are the dumbest people to exist on the face of the earth..

Aint this an irony, Afghanis & Pakistanis are sent under the guise of protecting holy sites in Syria and innocently then re-routed to hotspots like Aleppo.
??? Has the entire defence.pk admin lost its mind or is it just an individual Wahabi thug? Where is the source of this news?
This sectarian and "begherat" behavior needs to stop, every one except the extremist wahabi influenced groups know about what's being done to Shia's in Pakistan.
We are 20% of this country and with an edge of being its "founders" as well and we will not tolerate or let go of this bullshit.
Have you forgot when Shuja Pasha briefed parliament about the funding of 19 crore per year to the extremist madresas of south Punjab only and the country mentioned was Saudi Arabia and not Iran. Stop shitting about Kalbhosan, because he was doing everything under a "legal cover" just like Jundullah does against Iran from our borders.
Can you even remember how many times Iranian officials gave open warnings to Pakistan about attacks on Iranian border forces frm within Pakistan when close talks remained of no use. We will only remember our sectarian people whining when Iran started to pursue and target the attacker within our borders when left with no other choice. How many times can you tell of Pakistani border guards being killed or abducted in attacks from Iranian side?
If you would have any "gherat", which is highly unlikely, then you would not have forgot why every Afghan hates us, as we sent "our citizens" for killing and destruction in Afghanistan from past 40 years. And we are offering them much more than citizenship, and to those Afghans as well who kill their own people on our payroll.
There are places in Pakistan where people are fleeing abroad already because of "sectarian cleansing" level persecution...like the Hazara tribe in Balochistan.
We are Shia's, we are as much Pakistani as the self claimed "patriots" who do nothing but justify every shite of what we have done as a country, we have as much right on this land as you, and we will support the people on our side like Iran as you support the people on your side like Saudia or any Arab thug states.
Have you ever spitted anything when India romances with Saudia? no... because it's not an issue cuz everyone is free to trade with anyone he likes as Pakistan trades with one of the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims as we know but Iran never protested to that. Why is that only if India does trade with Iran or invest there then we start to lose our minds and begin to find every kind of conspiracy out of it.
And about the bullshit of gas pipeline, everyone knows that Pakistan is the defector and it defected over a usual cause of "American Pressure" and decided to go with an over costly and dangerous rout of Tapi gas pipeline. The dogs and donkeys on both side of the border know that Iran has completed the pipeline on its side and even offered several times to complete the pipeline on Pakistani side as well but we won't accept "may be because then we will be left with no cover to spit lies on defence.pk." :)
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You forgot to mention....All hail Khameini !!! Your post is full of emotionalism and contains less truth.

So just because you are founder of Pakistan, you'll do everything whatever you want, even at the expense of country? I am Muhajir, so it means i have a right to use Pakistan as for granted, given Muhajirs sacrificed their lives for country?

Whenever some one in Pakistan points finger towards Iran, you pull out sectarian card. why? Do you lost your mind whenever Iran is mentioned?

Why did you bring Afghanistan here? Can't you remain stick to topic? Do you lost your mind whenever Iran is mentioned? Every country takes precautionary and pro active measures when neighbor gets invaded. So did Pakistan. At least we are not involve in whole region, messing with all states, supporting people on base of their sects and plundering the peaceful societies for own dam interests using sectarian cards. That's Iran for you. Your beloved Iran.

Iran has killed our guards and yet our media remained silent. We showed so much patience. We do have guilt on our part but we never had treated Iran as our enemy, despite Post Shah era, Iran remains bitchy towards Pakistan since.

Pakistan sent its own citizens to Afghanistan. Yes, we sent them to repel soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Afghans, except Northern alliance, also sided with us. Have you read history?

Pakistan is blocking the sim cards and NICs of Afghan illegals. We sheltered them because they were invaded. Iran giving citizenship to Pakistanis, doesn't make any resemblance or logic? Why were you equating these two?

The same Arab thug states take Pakistani Shias without any hesitation. But you don't seemed OK with that, right? mohabbat kam hui tumhari ya main abi aur utaroun tumhari? Bohot muhabbat phoot rahi ha iran k liye?

Sunnis have equal pride on Imam Hussain R.A and his angel family, just because you come on streets and do maatam, doesn't make you more lover of them.

Who ever kills Shia or Sunni based on their sects, should be skinned alive. If Shias are getting killed in Pakistan then they are also enjoying perks living in Sunni majority country, given their representation in media, sports, politics and other segments of society. Bhool gaye iran ki mohabbat me ye sub?

Majority of Pakistanis never get in this Sunni-Shia tussle, so you have no right to do dal-la-li of Iran at the expense of your own countrymen, just like ba***rd Uzair Baloch did, he did treason cuz he supplied the maps of our military installations to Iran, which can be easily pass to indians, given how close they both are, also building port together, adjacent to Gwadar.

No one , admin included, was questioning your patriotism, idiot. But you wanted to play sectarian card thats why you brought yourself in, even no one was discussing about sects, all the discussion was happening about Iran granting citizenship to Pakistanis. You deliberately diverted the topic by bringing yourself in and by spewing hatred against Wahabbis. It clearly shows who got hatred for whom. So if anyone crticize Iran, he suddenly becomes Wahabbi? Can't you hold any criticism against Iran? Why don't you go and live there? Ever heard of this saying : 2 kashtiyon k sawar kahin k nh rehtey.

I respect your love for Holy Shrines in Syria, Iraq. Every Sunni will do. But we will not talking or discussing ME, we will discussing Pak-Iran events. Why did you bring sectarian issue over here? :angry::angry::angry:

Iran-India are doing business since Mr. Khamini era, no Pakistani shout, but we will take measures if they will grow their relations without considering Pakistani interests. If Iran or any other country will grow relation with India at expense of us, we will shout, ah, your bad, its iran, now apply some burnol, please, iranian fanboy.

We did bend over gas pipeline with Iran, i agree, but this project is halted not cancelled.

If you act like mature one and stop posting bullshit, then you'll earn respect on this forum. Just because of you people, all Shias, who don't even have nothing to do with all of this fiasco, will come in spot light.

After such kaminapan by Iran, Intelligence agencies must be watching those persons who even walk close by Iran border. Pakistan won't compromise its security for other's war. Pakistan didn't go in Yemen war, at that time, all you iranian fan boys were teaching us the lesson of national interests, and you were crying at that time about how we should not get involved in yemen war, national interest, war on terrorism at home, etc what not. You guys were not worrying about Pakistan's national interests at that yemen fiasco, you were actually not wanting Pakistan to side with Saudia on this issue as Iran was on the other side. Thats what you got boiling and made you frustrate.

We could easily fuked Iran if we wanted in yemen but we didn't go, we respected Iran's interest and worry, even we get our relations soured with UAE and Saudia. What did we get in return from Iran? Kulbhusan? Uzair Baloch? Thats how Iran reciprocated? Why don't you just shout All hail Khamieini . c'mon.

Stop posting emotional rants and you dare to pull sectarian card over here and i will all up against you. You can't fool us with your sectarian card. Pakistanis don't give jack squat about Iran. Now, after Kulbhusan, using Pakistanis in its own war and sheltering terrorist Uzair Baloch, all these episodes have paved the way for Pakistan to literally fuk Iran's interest and join 34 countries coalition and start playing active role in ME at the expense if Iran's interests.

All iranian fan boys are free to go to Iran. Denounce your Pakistani citizenship and go, we don't need you. This country is full of patriotic people and we don't need confused people who are riding two boats at the same time.

A Muhajir from Karachi, Pakistan
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??? Has the entire defence.pk admin lost its mind or is it just an individual Wahabi thug? Where is the source of this news?
This sectarian and "begherat" behavior needs to stop, every one except the extremist wahabi influenced groups know about what's being done to Shia's in Pakistan.
We are 20% of this country and with an edge of being its "founders" as well and we will not tolerate or let go of this bullshit.

Can you name one ancestor in your family who was a member of Muslim league and struggled for the creation of Pakistan ? So you can't claim shias being founding fathers by association of a sect. Founding fathers were those who sacrificed their wealth and families, who endured rape of their family members. Did your fore fathers endure any of this ?
Wahbai this Wahabi that, Are Shia or Rafidah groups any better ? Do I need to show you the links about their brutality in Iraq, Syria or where-ever they had a majority in any conflict ?

Can you care to point out whats being done to those Wahhabi groups by State of Pakistan, FC balochistan & Intelligence agencies. Go on I encourage you to use brain for once. Point one name that State of Pakistan is tolerating

Have you forgot when Shuja Pasha briefed parliament about the funding of 19 crore per year to the extremist madresas of south Punjab only and the country mentioned was Saudi Arabia and not Iran. Stop shitting about Kalbhosan, because he was doing everything under a "legal cover" just like Jundullah does against Iran from our borders.

Can you even remember how many times Iranian officials gave open warnings to Pakistan about attacks on Iranian border forces frm within Pakistan when close talks remained of no use. We will only remember our sectarian people whining when Iran started to pursue and target the attacker within our borders when left with no other choice. How many times can you tell of Pakistani border guards being killed or abducted in attacks from Iranian side?

Iran funds groups and MAdrassahs in Pakistan as well. Can you point out which extremist madraashas Saudia is financing in Southern Punjab. There names, affiliations and in which terror attacks they were involved in ?

Common sense, Knowledge of geography of Iran-Pakistan dictates that there are mountain hideouts, tribal areas living in mountainous terrains in Sistan Balochistan. You yourself said, not a single Pakistani border guard killed. What does it tell you. It is a common sense observation that it means those groups were/are inside Iran, launching their attacks from within Iran. Foot soldiers are inside Iran. Whoever comes to Iran is caught and handed over to Iran. I challenge you to give me one example where Pakistan didnot cooperated with Iran over Jundullah,created huddles or turned blind eye towards Jundullah. Has Iran reciprocated this goodwill and stopped indian and their own Intel agency activities directed against Pakistan ?

If you would have any "gherat", which is highly unlikely, then you would not have forgot why every Afghan hates us, as we sent "our citizens" for killing and destruction in Afghanistan from past 40 years. And we are offering them much more than citizenship, and to those Afghans as well who kill their own people on our payroll.

Iran is doing same in Syria, sending his own citizens as well as of other nationalities, but I dont see gherat lectures on Iran. Why this double standards ?

There are places in Pakistan where people are fleeing abroad already because of "sectarian cleansing" level persecution...like the Hazara tribe in Balochistan.

Can you tell me what is the current status of Shia persecution inside Pakistan and when was the last major attack executed against Shias ?

We are Shia's, we are as much Pakistani as the self claimed "patriots" who do nothing but justify every shite of what we have done as a country, we have as much right on this land as you, and we will support the people on our side like Iran as you support the people on your side like Saudia or any Arab thug states.

Saudi or arab thug states lovers doesnt put Pakistan love above the Arab love. But I never seen you putting Pakistan first when it comes to defending Pakistan against Irani transgressions. That is the real difference b/w arab lovers and iran lovers.

Have you ever spitted anything when India romances with Saudia? no... because it's not an issue cuz everyone is free to trade with anyone he likes as Pakistan trades with one of the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims as we know but Iran never protested to that. Why is that only if India does trade with Iran or invest there then we start to lose our minds and begin to find every kind of conspiracy out of it.

Is saudia sending spies, giving india a chance to open a front against pakistan from inside saudia, spying on Pakistan, Undermining CPEC & gawadar ?

Who are you to say Saudia is the worst enemies of Islam & Muslims , Are you nauzubillah a certificate giver angel working in the secretariat of Almighty ? List one crime that they are involved which Iran hasnt done so or not suspected in doing so ?

And about the bullshit of gas pipeline, everyone knows that Pakistan is the defector and it defected over a usual cause of "American Pressure" and decided to go with an over costly and dangerous rout of Tapi gas pipeline. The dogs and donkeys on both side of the border know that Iran has completed the pipeline on its side and even offered several times to complete the pipeline on Pakistani side as well but we won't accept "may be because then we will be left with no cover to spit lies on defence.pk." :)

This is the most ignorant rant I ever seen. Name one country who was doing business with Iran during its sanction period ? Are you ready to accept the sanctions which America would place on Pakistani financial institutions if they go ahead and fund IR-PAK gas pipeline ? You are belittling about American pressure on Pak. What about American pressure on Iran which made them bow to the demands of America. But I never see you belittling your lover Iran on this. Why this spite only for Pakistan ?

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You forgot to mention....All hail Khameini !!! Your post is full of emotionalism and contains less truth.

So just because you are founder of Pakistan, you'll do everything whatever you want, even at the expense of country? I am Muhajir, so it means i have a right to use Pakistan as for granted, given Muhajirs sacrificed their lives for country?

Whenever some one in Pakistan points finger towards Iran, you pull out sectarian card. why? Do you lost your mind whenever Iran is mentioned?

Why did you bring Afghanistan here? Can't you remain stick to topic? Do you lost your mind whenever Iran is mentioned? Every country takes precautionary and pro active measures when neighbor gets invaded. So did Pakistan. At least we are not involve in whole region, messing with all states, supporting people on base of their sects and plundering the peaceful societies for own dam interests using sectarian cards. That's Iran for you. Your beloved Iran.

Iran has killed our guards and yet our media remained silent. We showed so much patience. We do have guilt on our part but we never had treated Iran as our enemy, despite Post Shah era, Iran remains bitchy towards Pakistan since.

Pakistan sent its own citizens to Afghanistan. Yes, we sent them to repel soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Afghans, except Northern alliance, also sided with us. Have you read history?

Pakistan is blocking the sim cards and NICs of Afghan illegals. We sheltered them because they were invaded. Iran giving citizenship to Pakistanis, doesn't make any resemblance or logic? Why were you equating these two?

The same Arab thug states take Pakistani Shias without any hesitation. But you don't seemed OK with that, right? mohabbat kam hui tumhari ya main abi aur utaroun tumhari? Bohot muhabbat phoot rahi ha iran k liye?

Sunnis have equal pride on Imam Hussain R.A and his angel family, just because you come on streets and do maatam, doesn't make you more lover of them.

Who ever kills Shia or Sunni based on their sects, should be skinned alive. If Shias are getting killed in Pakistan then they are also enjoying perks living in Sunni majority country, given their representation in media, sports, politics and other segments of society. Bhool gaye iran ki mohabbat me ye sub?

Majority of Pakistanis never get in this Sunni-Shia tussle, so you have no right to do dal-la-li of Iran at the expense of your own countrymen, just like ba***rd Uzair Baloch did, he did treason cuz he supplied the maps of our military installations to Iran, which can be easily pass to indians, given how close they both are, also building port together, adjacent to Gwadar.

No one , admin included, was questioning your patriotism, idiot. But you wanted to play sectarian card thats why you brought yourself in, even no one was discussing about sects, all the discussion was happening about Iran granting citizenship to Pakistanis. You deliberately diverted the topic by bringing yourself in and by spewing hatred against Wahabbis. It clearly shows who got hatred for whom. So if anyone crticize Iran, he suddenly becomes Wahabbi? Can't you hold any criticism against Iran? Why don't you go and live there? Ever heard of this saying : 2 kashtiyon k sawar kahin k nh rehtey.

I respect your love for Holy Shrines in Syria, Iraq. Every Sunni will do. But we will not talking or discussing ME, we will discussing Pak-Iran events. Why did you bring sectarian issue over here? :angry::angry::angry:

Iran-India are doing business since Mr. Khamini era, no Pakistani shout, but we will take measures if they will grow their relations without considering Pakistani interests. If Iran or any other country will grow relation with India at expense of us, we will shout, ah, your bad, its iran, now apply some burnol, please, iranian fanboy.

We did bend over gas pipeline with Iran, i agree, but this project is halted not cancelled.

If you act like mature one and stop posting bullshit, then you'll earn respect on this forum. Just because of you people, all Shias, who don't even have nothing to do with all of this fiasco, will come in spot light.

After such kaminapan by Iran, Intelligence agencies must be watching those persons who even walk close by Iran border. Pakistan won't compromise its security for other's war. Pakistan didn't go in Yemen war, at that time, all you iranian fan boys were teaching us the lesson of national interests, and you were crying at that time about how we should not get involved in yemen war, national interest, war on terrorism at home, etc what not. You guys were not worrying about Pakistan's national interests at that yemen fiasco, you were actually not wanting Pakistan to side with Saudia on this issue as Iran was on the other side. Thats what you got boiling and made you frustrate.

We could easily fuked Iran if we wanted in yemen but we didn't go, we respected Iran's interest and worry, even we get our relations soured with UAE and Saudia. What did we get in return from Iran? Kulbhusan? Uzair Baloch? Thats how Iran reciprocated? Why don't you just shout All hail Khamieini . c'mon.

Stop posting emotional rants and you dare to pull sectarian card over here and i will all up against you. You can't fool us with your sectarian card. Pakistanis don't give jack squat about Iran. Now, after Kulbhusan, using Pakistanis in its own war and sheltering terrorist Uzair Baloch, all these episodes have paved the way for Pakistan to literally fuk Iran's interest and join 34 countries coalition and start playing active role in ME at the expense if Iran's interests.

All iranian fan boys are free to go to Iran. Denounce your Pakistani citizenship and go, we don't need you. This country is full of patriotic people and we don't need confused people who are riding two boats at the same time.

A Muhajir from Karachi, Pakistan

Saudi or arab thug states lovers doesnt put Pakistan love above the Arab love. But I never seen you putting Pakistan first when it comes to defending Pakistan against Irani transgressions. That is the real difference b/w arab lovers and iran lovers.


Your whole post was awesome but you got me with these specific line that i have quoted of your's.....Thanks
@Devil Soul so basically they are using Pakistani Shias as cannon-folders here ? why Pakistani Government is not stopping these people from fighting other people's war ?

On the contrary , this demonstrates that Iran cares for the people (and their families) who fight for their cause and won't be abandoned.

Just think how these Shia families would survive once the person dies in the war. At best they would be totally ostracized and at worst ....
Aint this an irony, Afghanis & Pakistanis are sent under the guise of protecting holy sites in Syria and innocently then re-routed to hotspots like Aleppo.

You know what's more ironic ? Your secterian mindset.. Look at your posts .. How are you any different from the followers of *** head ? You belong to the other group..
??? Has the entire defence.pk admin lost its mind or is it just an individual Wahabi thug? Where is the source of this news?
This sectarian and "begherat" behavior needs to stop, every one except the extremist wahabi influenced groups know about what's being done to Shia's in Pakistan.
We are 20% of this country and with an edge of being its "founders" as well and we will not tolerate or let go of this bullshit.
Have you forgot when Shuja Pasha briefed parliament about the funding of 19 crore per year to the extremist madresas of south Punjab only and the country mentioned was Saudi Arabia and not Iran. Stop shitting about Kalbhosan, because he was doing everything under a "legal cover" just like Jundullah does against Iran from our borders.
Can you even remember how many times Iranian officials gave open warnings to Pakistan about attacks on Iranian border forces frm within Pakistan when close talks remained of no use. We will only remember our sectarian people whining when Iran started to pursue and target the attacker within our borders when left with no other choice. How many times can you tell of Pakistani border guards being killed or abducted in attacks from Iranian side?
If you would have any "gherat", which is highly unlikely, then you would not have forgot why every Afghan hates us, as we sent "our citizens" for killing and destruction in Afghanistan from past 40 years. And we are offering them much more than citizenship, and to those Afghans as well who kill their own people on our payroll.
There are places in Pakistan where people are fleeing abroad already because of "sectarian cleansing" level persecution...like the Hazara tribe in Balochistan.
We are Shia's, we are as much Pakistani as the self claimed "patriots" who do nothing but justify every shite of what we have done as a country, we have as much right on this land as you, and we will support the people on our side like Iran as you support the people on your side like Saudia or any Arab thug states.
Have you ever spitted anything when India romances with Saudia? no... because it's not an issue cuz everyone is free to trade with anyone he likes as Pakistan trades with one of the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims as we know but Iran never protested to that. Why is that only if India does trade with Iran or invest there then we start to lose our minds and begin to find every kind of conspiracy out of it.
And about the bullshit of gas pipeline, everyone knows that Pakistan is the defector and it defected over a usual cause of "American Pressure" and decided to go with an over costly and dangerous rout of Tapi gas pipeline. The dogs and donkeys on both side of the border know that Iran has completed the pipeline on its side and even offered several times to complete the pipeline on Pakistani side as well but we won't accept "may be because then we will be left with no cover to spit lies on defence.pk." :)
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I am sorry to see your statement....You are a classic case when religion supersedes with nationality..

Saudis need to launch a similar scheme for wahabis in this country.

The less wahabis and Ayatullah fanboys we have in this country....the better !

You know...after Saudi's take our their followers and Iran take their's , then good part is the people who will be left out in Pakistan will the people who love only Pakistan ....
I don't agree what the guy .. But I'd like to take you up on this one !

Can you name one ancestor in your family who was a member of Muslim league and struggled for the creation of Pakistan ? So you can't claim shias being founding fathers by association of a sect. Founding fathers were those who sacrificed their wealth and families, who endured rape of their family members. Did your fore fathers endure any of this ?

Did you think only you endured that and there were no Shia refugees? Or do you think they were treated better? I doubt Jinnah sb (ironically a Shia himself) was thinking about Shia - Sunni nonsense when he created the country ..
Wahbai this Wahabi that, Are Shia or Rafidah groups any better ? Do I need to show you the links about their brutality in Iraq, Syria or where-ever they had a majority in any conflict ?

How beautiful ... "Rafidah" a slur coined by none other than ISIS..

Roll back a little and Sunni Saddam was butchering Shias,Kurds ? That wasn't so different right?

How about Bahrain ? Shia majority ruled by wahabi monarch ?

Let's talk sense shall we? Which you aren't making.
Can you care to point out whats being done to those Wahhabi groups by State of Pakistan, FC balochistan & Intelligence agencies. Go on I encourage you to use brain for once. Point one name that State of Pakistan is tolerating

Great work .. Should have been done in the 90s? Too bad thousands were killed because of the inaction of the govts?

Iran funds groups and MAdrassahs in Pakistan as well. Can you point out which extremist madraashas Saudia is financing in Southern Punjab. There names, affiliations and in which terror attacks they were involved in ?

I've never heard of a Shia madrasah or group involved in suicude bombing and killings of innocent Sunnis .. Have you? Quiet the opposite when you talk about the sons of wahab?

As for Saudi madrasahs .. Yes I have .. Govt of Pak itself pointed a finger towards the GULF/KSA not too long ago.. Want a link?

Iran is doing same in Syria, sending his own citizens as well as of other nationalities, but I dont see gherat lectures on Iran. Why this double standards ?

Off course .. Iran and Arabs are playing dirty and the innocent are suffering .. I have balls to say that .. Do you? Would you point a finger at gulf for doing exactly the same ?
Can you tell me what is the current status of Shia persecution inside Pakistan and when was the last major attack executed against Shias ?

That a competition ? Although Shias have been specifically targeted ..

Saudi or arab thug states lovers doesnt put Pakistan love above the Arab love. But I never seen you putting Pakistan first when it comes to defending Pakistan against Irani transgressions. That is the real difference b/w arab lovers and iran lovers

Not really .. Both are same .. I've seen that in this very forum ..

Is saudia sending spies, giving india a chance to open a front against pakistan from inside saudia, spying on Pakistan, Undermining CPEC & gawadar ?

The Iranians are actually interested in joining CPEC,setting up a refinery ..they are supplying Gwadar electricity too.. Etc

As for spying .. I doubt they would send spies to destabilise a region where they themselves face an insurgency .. Some wiki leaks actually point a finger at UAE.

Our Saudi brothers also screwed us over the the repatriation of a Pak passport holding Indian .. Remember? They also signed military agreements with India .. So who the fuk is an angel..
Who are you to say Saudia is the worst enemies of Islam & Muslims , Are you nauzubillah a certificate giver angel working in the secretariat of Almighty ? List one crime that they are involved which Iran hasnt done so or not suspected in doing so ?

Doesn't that defeat your entire argument. ?? :lol:

Apart from that just like the poster .. Aren't you also defending KSA ? While bashing your own Pak countrymen of a different belief system ? So patriotic !


As for namak halali.. The day Pakistanis put their country first .. There wouldn't any need of these dialogues..

P.S; That poster himself is a clown... A pro Iran idiot much like his wahabi brothers from another mother.
These fucking irani's are trying to insinuate that it's the Pakistanis who are fighting in Syria and not the irani terrorists.

Iran to grant citizenship to families of Pakistani 'martyrs' fighting in Syria and Iraq
Published: May 2, 2016

TEHRAN: Iran has passed a law allowing the government to grant citizenship to the families of foreigners killed while fighting for the Islamic republic, the official IRNA news agency reported Monday.

“Members of the parliament authorised the government to grant Iranian citizenship to the wife, children and parents of foreign martyrs who died on a mission… during the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988) and afterwards,” it said.

Special report: The future of Pakistan-Iran relations

Citizenship must be awarded “within a maximum period of one year after the request”, IRNA added.

Iran’s outgoing conservative-dominated parliament will serve until late May.

No figures are available on the number of foreign fighters killed during the Iran-Iraq war, but Afghans, and even a group of Iraqis, fought alongside Iranian forces against the regime of Saddam Hussein.

The law could apply to “volunteers” from Afghanistan and Pakistan who are fighting in Syria and Iraq against militants including the Islamic State group and al-Nusra Front.

Shia Iran is a staunch supporter of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and provides financial and military support to his regime.

India, Iran discuss undersea gas pipeline bypassing Pakistan

Tehran says its Fatemiyoun Brigade, comprised of Afghan recruits, are volunteers defending sacred Shia sites in Syria and Iraq against Sunni extremists like those of IS.

The Islamic republic denies having any boots on the ground and insists its commanders and generals act as “military advisers” in Syria and Iraq.

Iranian media regularly report on the death of Afghan and Pakistani volunteers in Syria and Iraq, whose bodies are buried in Iran. More than three million Afghans live in Iran, one million as legal migrants.
Well what is wrong with these people?More power to them. They are placing Islam first and then Pakistan second. In another thread I pointed out the fallacy in placing "Muslim" first. Pakistan should come first. This is exactly what happens when citizens start measuring their loyalty by using Islam. Those Pakistani's fighting on the Shia side are doing nothing wrong. They are being "muslim" first. Those fighting on the side of Sunni forces are doing nothing wrong. They are being "Muslim" first.

Everybody should be applauding these guy's for placing "Muslim" first and "Pakistan" second.


Link > https://defence.pk/threads/only-27-...-pakistanis-first.428725/page-11#post-8279451
You should be WISE enough to differentiate who is fighting for ISLAM & who is fighting for certain SECT......... :coffee:

So called "Think Tanks" can have such naive mentality then of course you should expect even worse from "common" people :tsk:

Ironic ain't it?

As a Muslim I myself would have no problem fighting ISIS to protect Holy Sites in Iraq,Syria or KSA..

But these 2 types of scumbags -- pro KSA & pro Iran --(who would fight for their political interests) are the dumbest people to exist on the face of the earth..
Where ever "Sects" are involved, fitna is bound to happen. And both KSA & Iran are sources of Fitna in Muslim nation from past century. Thanks to them we are in such miserable state, one is tilted towards Israel and one towards India. Both are such a disgrace particularly in eyes of those who wish to see some unity and brotherhood among nations of common faith ......
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