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Iran takes guards’ issue to U.N.

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Brothers do not talk shit behind each other. I have very clear, and firm moral and ethic codes. If someone wants to talk shit about us, I won't have any friendship with him. As simple as that.

To you is your way then as are your imagined 'shits being talked about you' !

please understand that all of iranians are very emotional state for their soldiers . this issue is our #1 issue back in iran .

i donno how important is the lives of people are in pakistan , but here in iran , it has a value which you cannot say it in english language

esp. when some pakistani guy comes and says "we are glad that they got someone else to kill"

If I had to make a list of the vitriolic crap that Iranians, Indians, Arabs etc. come up with I'd have a fit but I didn't say that nor would I ever say that !

But clearly I don't take kindly to threats being given to my country !
I'm not the one venting on the thread.

We want to see your takavar's in action. :D
Just do a simple search and you would find them finding PJAK mercenaries, hunting them and send them to hell. it would be a good educational videos for your own armed forces as well, to learn how to find, and kill terrorists.
To you is your way then as are your imagined 'shits being talked about you' !
Stop acting like a sissy. They are the ones that have been talking shit for 2 months. Don't answer them. Just tell them to bring it.
please understand that all of iranians are very emotional state for their soldiers . this issue is our #1 issue back in iran .

i donno how important is the lives of people are in pakistan , but here in iran , it has a value which you cannot say it in english language

esp. when some pakistani guy comes and says "we are glad that they got someone else to kill"

bless you

@haman10 for Iran it is better to use UAV's and satellite surveillance ....... and adopt a proactive approach when dealing with terrorists.
To you is your way then as are your imagined 'shits being talked about you' !
You are smart enough to understand what you said, and if it was appropriate or not. I don't see the necessity to explain it to you.
@haman10 for Iran it is better to use UAV's and satellite surveillance ....... and adopt a proactive approach when dealing with terrorists.
you're right brother , a lot of things have changed recently .....

we are going to take messures as you rightfully said ...
You are smart enough to understand what you said, and if it was appropriate or not. I don't see the necessity to explain it to you.

I do believe that I am but I'm certainly not in possession of the ability to read the Human mind to know what was so offensive about what I said in reply to continued threats against my Country that you felt the need to go on a verbal diarrhea that you did & one that could've been met with an equally venomous reply if I had equally pristine manners !
you're right brother , a lot of things have changed recently .....

we are going to take messures as you rightfully said ...

I think Iranian Govt. is under pressure ...... being isolated internationally Iranian regime is trying to up the moral of the country through the display of weapons, nuclear enrichment and all.

And now this incident happened ..... So in the view of Iranian regime Iran has to give a fitting reply to the terrorists so as to portray Iran as a strong state.

Reason why we are seeing the proactive statements from Iran off late. And this is the right kind of approach for any regime.

People do not obey when the regime is weak and this scenario is not desirable.
Oh come on are you telling me that I can't even have some fun ? :(

I've defeated the Persian Empire more times than I care to remember in the Age of Empires & I'm gonna make minced meat of @haman10 ! :smokin:

Anger & Jokes aside, I don't know what the heck does the Iranian side expect of us ? We've conducted an Investigation & our findings confirm that they're not here in Pakistan & never were so in a way I do welcome this UN mediation in all of this because at least at the end of the day they're neither Iranians nor Pakistanis & the assumption is that they'd look at the evidence furnished by the Iranian side & give their own Opinion accordingly !

The problem is, my dear, that judgements are based on posts of anonymous members in an internet forum. People easily judge whole nation when they don't like a post from a member of that country, I've seen it for almost all nationalities on many forums.

In my personal opinion, Pakistan's government conclusion that they are not in Pakistan is either suspicious or inaccurate. I'm not saying it's a 100% wrong, but it doesn't make much sense based on past experiences.

Take Jundallah and Rigi as example, Iran complained to Pakistan for over years, but it was only after 7 years that Pakistan cooperated on that issue. Members of Jundallah always ran into Pakistan after each cross border attack, perhaps you are aware of it better than me.
Let's be honest here, many militias are roaming in Baluchestan province of Pakistan and yes, your army is strong, but what's the point when there is no will among top government officials to fight them properly? Pakistan has lost too many civilians and soldiers for terrorism by these animals and I'm very well aware of it. So where are these hostages? Are they in Iran? It's very unlikely because no such thing has happened ever before and they can't keep 5 soldiers as hostages for more than a month inside Iran's soil, I can assure you. Since their camps are located in Pakistan, it's very likely that they are hidden somewhere in rough terrains of Baluchistan region in Pakistan.

I also blame my own countrymen and officials, for sending simple conscripts to a dangerous region like that, it's nothing less than idiocy. The commanding officers responsible for it have been already sacked and some serious steps have been taken to ramp up security measures in the region.

We have had the same problem in Kurdistan, with the difference that Kurdish fighters were much more trained and experienced in fighting compared to Jundallah or Taliban, and it was dealt with properly.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it's not true that we don't have the means to deal with bunch of cowards who attack and kidnap 5 conscripts or blow up mosques or cars in Iran's borders with Pakistan.
@Armstrong, Iranians are small hearted and not large hearted people like Pakistanis. That's why don't abuse them back.

You have heard it from Raza Afridi Chaudhry saab, yourself.
The problem is, my dear, that judgements are based on posts of anonymous members in an internet forum. People easily judge whole nation when they don't like a post from a member of that country, I've seen it for almost all nationalities on many forums.

In my personal opinion, Pakistan's government conclusion that they are not in Pakistan is either suspicious or inaccurate. I'm not saying it's a 100% wrong, but it doesn't make much sense based on past experiences.

Take Jundallah and Rigi as example, Iran complained to Pakistan for over years, but it was only after 7 years that Pakistan cooperated on that issue. Members of Jundallah always ran into Pakistan after each cross border attack, perhaps you are aware of it better than me.
Let's be honest here, many militias are roaming in Baluchestan province of Pakistan and yes, your army is strong, but what's the point when there is no will among top government officials to fight them properly? Pakistan has lost too many civilians and soldiers for terrorism by these animals and I'm very well aware of it. So where are these hostages? Are they in Iran? It's very unlikely because no such thing has happened ever before and they can't keep 5 soldiers as hostages for more than a month inside Iran's soil, I can assure you. Since their camps are located in Pakistan, it's very likely that they are hidden somewhere in rough terrains of Baluchistan region in Pakistan.

I also blame my own countrymen and officials, for sending simple conscripts to a dangerous region like that, it's nothing less than idiocy. The commanding officers responsible for it have been already sacked and some serious steps have been taken to ramp up security measures in the region.

We have had the same problem in Kurdistan, with the difference that Kurdish fighters were much more trained and experienced in fighting compared to Jundallah or Taliban, and it was dealt with properly.

2011 Iran–Iraq cross-border raids - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it's not true that we don't have the means to deal with bunch of cowards who attack and kidnap 5 conscripts or blow up mosques or cars in Iran's borders with Pakistan.

I don't know much about the Jandullah Issue nor its time-line - It never found much mention in the Pakistani Media - but I do know this :

If the Jaish-ul-Adal is a Sectarian Outfit than they sure as hell have got links to Sectarian Outfits who are killing Pakistanis - the LeT, the LeB, the SSP etc. & if they are looking for an Independent Baluchistan along with them than they are again intrinsically linked to the BLA or the BRP or any of these other Separatists Organizations creating havoc for us & so helping Iran either way helps us like it did during the Shah's time when a Separatist Insurgency in Baluchistan was crushed through Iran-Pakistan Cooperation !

I can't fathom why the Pakistani Government would want to either provide them safe-haves as one of your compatriot alleges or would want to not find them if they're either Sectarian or Separatists because it ultimately links back to us !

Which, at least in my mind, leaves the only Option there is - Maybe the Pakistani Officials are telling the truth !

@Armstrong, the post above is just one example of what I said, see how that works?

True but if I had a dime for every such post made by an Iranian, Indian or Arab on this forum I'd retire in the next few minutes so it does work both ways !
I don't know much about the Jandullah Issue nor its time-line - It never found much mention in the Pakistani Media - but I do know this :

If the Jaish-ul-Adal is a Sectarian Outfit than they sure as hell have got links to Sectarian Outfits who are killing Pakistanis - the LeT, the LeB, the SSP etc. & if they are looking for an Independent Baluchistan along with them than they are again intrinsically linked to the BLA or the BRP or any of these other Separatists Organizations creating havoc for us & so helping Iran either way helps us like it did during the Shah's time when a Separatist Insurgency in Baluchistan was crushed through Iran-Pakistan Cooperation !

I can't fathom why the Pakistani Government would want to either provide them safe-haves as one of your compatriot alleges or would want to not find them if they're either Sectarian or Separatists because it ultimately links back to us !

Which, at least in my mind, leaves the only Option there is - Maybe the Pakistani Officials are telling the truth !
As I have said earlier on this forum, I don't believe in conspiracy theories that Pakistan's government is harboring them or funding them, at least not now, because it would have no benefit for Pakistan, not only that, it would also harm Pakistan.

My take is that Pakistan's army or intelligence officials either can't completely detect their activity inside Baluchestan or they are too busy fighting Taliban in other parts of Pakistan, in a way that Jaish al Adl activities is not in their priority now.

There is another conspiracy theory that some certain Arab states are recruiting and helping them. That can be true only if top government and army officials are traitors who ignore Pakistan's interests for money, hence it's also unlikely to be true.
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