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Iran seizes two Saudi fishing vessels in the gulf

You are a Muslim right ? you should know that god's law is above every law right ? you also know that the prophet's companions fought with him against their own families in the battle of Bader ? or they don't teach you that in your Shiites schools ?!

Well you can practise that but here pakistan first and everything after.

You can call me a Shia I have no issues with that, I know different and that's what matters.

Are all arabs fed with secterian nonsense?

rhetorical question..
They encourage and promote it.
Does not matter at all. You Iranins only have one big lake (Caspian Sea) and the swallow Gulf.

While the Arab world literary has a coastline that is 50.000 km long from the Atlantic Ocean in the West, half of the Mediterranean Sea, ARABIAN SEA, GULF OF OMAN (that borders your country too), Indian Ocean, the beautiful Red Sea etc. KSA alone has a longer coastline than Iran and that is just one Arab country.

The Arabs living next to the Gulf (Southern Iraq, Kuwait, coastal regions of the Eastern Province in KSA, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Northern Oman) call those swallow waters for the Gulf or the Arabian Gulf. And I am even sure that the Arabs living in Iran also call if the Gulf or Arabian Gulf.

But let us just call it the persian Gulf if that makes them happy. After all they don't have much access to sea compared to the Arab world.

One Island, speaking about the Gulf LOL, in Saudi Arabia, Tarout Island has a history of 7000 years. We already had that debate yesterday when I, other users and a Chinese users debunked the nonsense presented.

Tarout Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stick to the news.
Actually it's Islamic gulf shia gulf prophet muhammad gulf zahra gulf Husseini gulf Hasani gulf Abbasi gulf imam ali gulf any one say different thing should go to hell
Is that why your fellow persian regime that you kiss its a$$ is the main founder of terrorism in the middle east ?

Iran and state terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds for Salafi jihadist terrorist militant groups, such as al-Qaeda, the Afghan Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Taiba in South Asia, and donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide, according to Hillary Clinton. According to a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state, "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."
State-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And at the top of A LOT of terrorist groups, if not all of them....there is usually a Saudi at the top which is giving them orders and brainwashing them and others to become terrorists.

WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists | World news | The Guardian

WikiLeaks: Saudis Largest Source of Terror Funds - CBS News

Saudi Arabia Admits to False Flag Terror Washington's Blog

Saudi Arabia, main supporter of terrorism: Iraqi MP

US secret: “Saudi Arabia main sponsor of terrorists” | News that matters

And i could go on and on.
Most of the middle east, also most of the world is saying and knows that Saudi Arabia is the biggest sponsor of terrorism.
The ones that don't say it is The U.S....
But the agencies of the U.S say it secretly, also the United states diplomatic cables and etc.
How come they don't go out public with this you might ask? Yet call Iran, the biggest sponsor of terrorism with no factual evidence whatsoever?...
Hmmm, i guess it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Saudi Arabia bends over for the U.S and Iran doesn't?


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Is that why your fellow persian regime that you kiss its a$$ is the main founder of terrorism in the middle east ?

Iran and state terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh yeah the famous Wikipedia, well do you want me to post you links of Arab state terrorism?.

Were the 9/11 bombers Persian?.

Was Osama bin laden a Persian?.

Was saddam Husain a Persian?.

Was yasser Arafat a Persian?.

Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
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He was actually a roman not an arab..
Wrong. He was an Arab.

Little is known about Philip's early life and political career. He was born in Shahba, about 55 miles southeast of Damascus, in the Hawran district, then a Roman province of Syria.[1] Philip has the nickname "the Arab" because he had family who had originated on the Arabian Peninsula, and who were believed to be distant descendants of the prestigious Baleed family of Aleppo. Philip was the son of a Julius Marinus, a local Roman citizen, possibly of some importance. Many historians[2][3][4] agree that he was of Arab descent and gained Roman citizenship through his father, a man of considerable influence. Many citizens from the provinces took Roman names upon acquiring citizenship. This makes tracing his Arab bloodline difficult. However, it is documented that Rome used the Ghassan tribe from the Azd of Yemen as vassals to keep the neighboring northern Arabs in check.

Philip the Arab

You are welcome.:D
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Thats what i was trying to figure out that where can i find a few comments on the topic lol

Well you know the Arabs they just find it difficult to face the truth.

The thread was about fisherman boat being seized but kings of the desert tried to change history by calling Persian gulf an Arab gulf.

Audacity at its best.


We are still waiting for the names of 124k prophets and the proof of them being only of Semite heritage.
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Wrong. He was an Arab.

Philip the Arab

You are welcome.:D
Wrong. He was an Arab.

Philip the Arab

You are welcome.:D

Seems ligit:

Marcus Julius Philippus (c. 204 – 249), commonly known as Philip the Arab, sometimes Philippus Arabs or Arabus , was Roman Emperor from 244 to 249. He came from Syria, and rose to become a major figure in the empire. He achieved power after the death of Gordian III, quickly negotiating peace with the Persian empire. During his reign Rome celebrated its millennium.
Among early Christian writers Philip had the reputation of being sympathetic to the Christian faith. It was even claimed that he converted to Christianity, becoming the first Christian emperor, but this is disputed.

Philip was overthrown and killed following a rebellion led by his successor Decius.

Early life
Little is known about Philip's early life and political career. He was born in Shahba, about 55 miles southeast of Damascus, in the Hawran district, then a Roman province of Syria.[1] Philip has the nickname "the Arab" because he had family who had originated in the Arabian peninsula, and who were believed to be distant descendants of the prestigious Baleed family of Aleppo. Philip was the son of a Julius Marinus, a local Roman citizen, possibly of some importance. Many historians[2][3][4] agree that he was of Arab descent and gained Roman citizenshipthrough his father, a man of considerable influence. Many citizens from the provinces took Roman names upon acquiring citizenship. This makes tracing his Arabic blood line difficult. However, it is documented that Rome used the Ghassantribe from the Azd of Yemen as vassals to keep the neighboring northern Arabs in check.[citation needed]

The name of Philip's mother is unknown, but sources refer to a brother, Gaius Julius Priscus, a member of the Praetorian guard under Gordian III (238–244). In 234, Philip married Marcia Otacilia Severa, daughter of a Roman Governor. They had two children: a son named Marcus Julius Philippus Severus (Philippus II) in 238 and according to numismatic evidence they had a daughter called Julia Severa or Severina, whom the ancient Roman sources don't mention.[citation needed]

Philip became a member of the Praetorian Guard during the reign of the emperorAlexander Severus, who was a Syrian. In ancient Rome the Pretorian Guard was closely associated with the emperor, serving as the emperor's bodyguard (among other tasks).

:lol: no confirmations..
Well you know the Arabs they just find it difficult to face the truth.

The thread was about fisherman boat being seized but kings of the desert tried to change history by calling Persian gulf and Arab gulf.

Audacity at its best.


We are still waiting for the names of 124k prophets and the proof of them being only of Semite heritage.

LOL. You were the one claiming that "Iranians" had Prophets in either Judaism, Christianity or Islam. None of that is the case. The only known prophets were all Semites and lived in the Arab/Semitic world. And at that time the word Iranian was not even used or known. I am sorry but that is not correct.

So you are the one that has to "prove" your initial and empty claim. You can't so let us leave it at that.

Besides I don't care. Not like that is going to change anything. One of your lovely Iranian compatriots claimed that Prophet Ibrahim (as) was "Iranian" which is obviously nonsense and that there were many Iranian prophets in Islam. He ran away and could not prove it.

Just like he falsely claimed Byblos to be "Iranian". Just LOL.
Don't speak with Saudis
1- Your link did not work

2- Every nation in the world have poverty

3- poverty in iran is incomparable to poverty in the massive Arab world, even Arabic countries that suffer from wars,revolutions, etc.. its citizens are still have a way better life standers than the poor persians

Now since you claim you're a Pakistani that proudly announce that he kiss the a$$ of the Arab wannabe Khamenei you are lower than dirt in both our eyes and the ones that you proudly kiss their a$$, Lol.
will I don't want to argue with Saudis because we say no one is stupid more than a donkey only the Saudis Saudis still living in jahilyia even when the prophet muhammad came with massage he tried to educate them but with no result donkey still donkey.the dog in iran drink cold water while saudi looking for lizard in the desert
الكلب في ايران يشرب الماء المجمد أما السعودي الحافي يبحث عن السحالي في الصحراء ليأكلهم
Brothers !! stop fighting and putting each other down !! Both cultures and nations have great history who is better and who is right will not take you to higher pedestal !! We all as muslims need to find common ground on issues rather than pointing fingers at each other that "" Iam Arab, Iam Persian or Iam not "" !! The Islamic Ummah right now needs only one Lesson and that Lesson is ""Be Tolerant"" !!!!
Well you know the Arabs they just find it difficult to face the truth.

The thread was about fisherman boat being seized but kings of the desert tried to change history by calling Persian gulf and Arab gulf.

Audacity at its best.

I don't know about Arabs but i am quite surprised by you're claims that 40 million Pakistanis would support Iran to the bitter end?? Isn't it a little too much and secondly i think Pakistan should stay out of this rivalry.
LOL. You were the one claiming that "Iranians" had Prophets in either Judaism, Christianity or Islam. None of that is the case. The only known prophets were all Semites and lived in the Arab/Semitic world. And at that time the word Iranian was not even used or known. I am sorry but that is not correct.

So you are the one that has to "prove" your initial and empty claim. You can't so let us leave it at that.
Will you are bediuan you don't know any thing about the world only thing you know is bandit attack caravans the Zoroastrian religion is the roots of the 3 abrahamic faiths
LOL. You were the one claiming that "Iranians" had Prophets in either Judaism, Christianity or Islam. None of that is the case. The only known prophets were all Semites and lived in the Arab/Semitic world. And at that time the word Iranian was not even used or known. I am sorry but that is not correct.

So you are the one that has to "prove" your initial and empty claim. You can't so let us leave it at that.

Besides I don't care. Not like that is going to change anything. One of your lovely Iranian compatriots claimed that Prophet Ibrahim (as) was "Iranian" which is obviously nonsense and that there were many Iranian prophets in Islam. He ran away and could not prove it.

Just like he falsely claimed Byblos to be "Iranian". Just LOL.

Well you can't prove they weren't either as much as he can't prove there were.

It is common knowledge that prophets were assassinated by Semites, do you wish to deny that?.
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