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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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To be honest I don't know much about the Shia/Sunni divide and the role of Saudi Arabia in that. I prefer not to comment on any sensitive religious issues.

I just think that their comments here are illogical, and even weirder when they start claiming it as "facts".

I personally do not think it is a religious thing at all.The Saud family and co find themselves in a similar position to the Shah of Iran and after the Iranian revolution they went very anti Iranian blaming religion etc as a difference whilst really they were and are scared of being overthrown by their people who might see a model in Iran that is more preferable. Look at how much they were against Egyptians and pro Mubarak
Did I mention you?!
Half of Pakistani members make degrading comments about us everyday, and side wit Iran and Israel.
From now on I am India biggest supporter.

Funny, the Indians here seem to hate "Wahabis" as well, and blame them for any radicalization that goes on in the Indian Muslim community.

Don't believe me? Use the search function and see for yourself.
Did I mention you?!
Half of Pakistani members make degrading comments about us everyday, and side wit Iran and Israel.
From now on I am India biggest supporter.

That is fantastic news I hope all Pakistanis see you for what you are and move further away from GCC and closer to just and fair countries lol. You are assisting my exposing of you for what you really are.

Funny, the Indians here seem to hate "Wahabis" as well, and blame them for any radicalization that goes on in the Indian Muslim community.

Don't believe me? Use the search function and see for yourself.

that's true as well :rofl: well done CD I had forgotten that
I do not know as to how this extrapolation has been done, but frankly the assessment in incomplete, incorrect and bunkum to say the least.

Let us just consider Iran and India over the period of 2007 - 2010. What is the year on year change in publications for them ? You will see that while the Year on Year change for Iran steadily decreases from 28.98%-21.8%-20%, for India it keeps on increasing from 11.16%-11.955%-16.69%. Secondly, demographics play a significant role in publishing papers. Considering the demographic bulge in India to come, how many Graduate students will be in India and in Iran in the near future ? What about the professors continuously pumped into the education market ? All of these add weight to measuring publication output. Frankly, i envision, India to be after China, the US and UK in the publishing order. Of course the quality will be deplorable both for India and China with the West still ruling the roost in the area of quality international publications.

First of all the Scopus guys are not fools. They are professionals and do it for a living and have done for a long time now. The problem with your analysis is that of a point data fallacy. You point out just three data points while the table takes an era for extrapolation. Though I agree with you that India theoretically should rank above either after China or before it but the data does not support that. That might be because of the way things are in India. Demography does play a role but so are other things as well. UK has a much smaller population than India but they are doing well and have done so for centuries. Indian demographical superiority did not even stop them ruling over India for 300 years. Science needs alot of devotion and a cultural love for science. In eastern cultures these parameters have been missing for long and that is why a culture that starts to love science will inevitably do more than a demographically larger culture. Not that I am saying Indians do not love science as much as Iranians but the data shows currently Iran having much faster rate of improvement than India despite the larger Indian population. Things can change of course but currently it is the way it is.
I am very happy with what Iran has accomplished so far and where they are headed. But what I would like to see from countries like Iran and Pakistan is to take this knowledge of pure sciences and covert them into applied sciences by making highly Technological and Industrial Products.

Iran is projected ahead of Germany and France but why is this knowledge not used to manufacture technologically advanced products. Iran and Pakistan are no where near these advanced countries in manufacturing and science and technology.
I am very happy with what Iran has accomplished so far and where they are headed. But what I would like to see from countries like Iran and Pakistan is to take this knowledge of pure sciences and covert them into applied sciences by making highly Technological and Industrial Products.

Iran is projected ahead of Germany and France but why is this knowledge not used to manufacture technologicallly advanced products. Iran and Pakistan are no where near these advanced countries in manufacturing and science and technology.

I think they are talking about the future, but you are right applied science is most important as it is of more practical use
I am very happy with what Iran has accomplished so far and where they are headed. But what I would like to see from countries like Iran and Pakistan is to take this knowledge of pure sciences and covert them into applied sciences by making highly Technological and Industrial Products.

Iran is projected ahead of Germany and France but why is this knowledge not used to manufacture technologicallly advanced products. Iran and Pakistan are no where near these advanced countries in manufacturing and science and technology.

Of course Iran is not anywhere near France or Germany, but it's improving. Iran claims that it's producing high-tech equipments but when it claims everyone casts doubt on that, so according to this statistics, if you accept some of Iran's claims as correct, then you'll see that Iran is also advancing technologically.
I would urge Pakistan and Pakistanis also Iranians and Iran to do JV's and swap technology for weapon production with Iran. Unfortunately there is no Muslim countries producing cutting edge weapons. I know Turkey Iran and Pakistan have started surely there must be knowledge we can swap to produce better products
I am very happy with what Iran has accomplished so far and where they are headed. But what I would like to see from countries like Iran and Pakistan is to take this knowledge of pure sciences and covert them into applied sciences by making highly Technological and Industrial Products.

Iran is projected ahead of Germany and France but why is this knowledge not used to manufacture technologicallly advanced products. Iran and Pakistan are no where near these advanced countries in manufacturing and science and technology.

The simple answer to this complex question is how our economy and industries operate. First you have to realize that most of the science commercialization has happened in societies which follow a capitalistic or some version of capitalist models. Even China has chosen free market economy with some modifications to protect their industries. So while politically a nation can survive dictatorship but economically it has to be free. Then comes the industrialization culture which is as much important. There are two aspects to this. First the government must do its utmost to protect and encourage industrialization and local production. Then comes the critical aspect of industrialization culture. People have to invest in their local industries. Those with capital should leave the speculator markets of buying and selling, hording, black marketing, importing and stuff like that and invest their money in productive industries. In countries like ours a guy with money would just start buying and selling land, house or horde sugar and wheat to increase their price. Very few invest in production lines and those few that do mostly do not have any government incentives to keep doing it. An invention or scientific discovery needs huge funding for it to become a product mass produced and marketed. And that is where western cultures are very good at.

I wonder how much is due to law of necessity. point being if sanctions are imposed a country or peoples try harder?

I would say it plays a major role in the whole affair. Unfortunately we in the eastern culture would not move a centimeter if we are not pushed to. We basically work better under the shadow of the stick than the shadow of a carrot. That is the sad truth.
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