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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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according to pdf survival guide replying to off-topic posts is not allowed. so i'll stop here. if you want we can settle through pm, from your response you've made your position clear.
Jealousy is a grave sin. It burns the faith. They will know the value of science and technology when oil runs out, which is not that far away and will happen in our lifetimes.

yea I worry what will happen to our Arab brothers. Israelis will be taking care of them. Whilst the Saud family will have green cards.

But lets not polute this thread about other things. This is to appreciate Iran doing so well even under sanctions
Our leaders are mostly "engineers" and scientists as well. It's a good idea, especially for developing countries. :tup:

Western nations can afford to have lawyers and "people who studied politics" as their leaders, because they need to play the political game.

We on the other hand have a greater need for development.

Yeah, that is what I believe in too. It is amazing how similar we think.
Out of respect for one of my old friends who was an Arab from Jordan, I am not going to reply by insulting you here.
Insults are the last resort when you are defeated in argument. No need to get upset, I only present facts:angel:
We badly need brave leaders to progress. That is our only handicap.

It will happen its only a matter of time we must be patient. It took Iran decades to get rid of that American puppet the Shah. But my did they get rid of him and America lol
Give them time I have every faith in due course Iran matching and surpassing the countries you mention

That is right. We need to have a "can do" attitude. This slave mentality that we can not do what Japanese are doing is really sickening. We must rise above that if we want to succeed and prosper.
Let me explain something to you. I have Indian friends who are Hindus who have no problem inter marrying with Sikhs. But there is a stigma if either Hindu or Sikh marries a Muslim. Well we Pakistanis see Iranians as brothers. Our families intermarry without any stigma. Benazeer's mother is Iranian. Our language is urdu which is littered with their words. I have young two sons if they decide to marry Iranian girls I would be just as happy if they married Pakistanis. If they married Hindus I would disown them. Understand Hindu. As I explained we are part Iranian. We are proud of their achievements as they are ours.

So slight digression is allowed into Pakistan but certainly not you lot

Lmao! You're just making fun of Pakistanis. And did you know ancient Persians and Indians had the same religion.

Proto-Indo-Iranian religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And modern day Persians and Indians then followed similar Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. But then Islam came to Persia and made their own version of Islam (Shia).

By the way I can assure you all the Iranians must laughing their heads off reading your posts. You're just a Persian wannabe. First you claimed to have all Arabs/Turkish/Persians. But do you know that Iranians (Aryans) can't have Turkish (Mogoloids) or Arab (Semites) roots. Iranins are Persians. So you can't have all 3 roots. They're descedants of different races.

And maybe Balochis and Pashtuns can claim their Persian roots but majority of Pakistanis (Punjabis, Sindhis and Mohajirs who are classed as Indo-Aryan races) are certainly not.

Fan of irony? Children on eastside of Indus river grow up thinking they're not Indians. looool oh well. Anyways I'm off right now but would love to debate with a person in identity crisis.
Insults are the last resort when you are defeated in argument. No need to get upset, I only present facts:angel:

Your "facts" are nonsense. :rolleyes: Here is an ACTUAL fact:

The sad truth: You suck at both the quantity and the quality. End of the story. Now go troll somewhere else. :lol:

And why do you Saudis have to troll every thread on Iran?
Insults are the last resort when you are defeated in argument. No need to get upset, I only present facts:angel:

You are a troll devoid of any facts. This thread is running on a source so reputable that you can not even grasp at its importance in the world of science. Your rants on the other hand are as source-less as they are always are. Go live with that. Iranians are doing science and you are trolling.
By the way I can assure you all the Iranians must laughing their heads off reading your posts. You're just a Persian wannabe. First you claimed to have all Arabs/Turkish/Persians. But do you know that Iranians (Aryans) can't have Turkish (Mogoloids) or Arab (Semites) roots. Iranins are Persians. So you can't have all 3 roots. They're descedants of different races.

And maybe Balochis and Pashtuns can claim their Persian roots but majority of Pakistanis (Punjabis, Sindhis and Mohajirs who are classed as Indo-Aryan races) are certainly not.

Fan of irony? Children on eastside of Indus river grow up thinking they're not Indians. looool oh well. Anyways I'm off right now but would love to debate with a person in identity crisis.

Listen we are intermarrying all the time. What part of that do you not understand?? I am not talking about ancient times I am talking about now
And why do you Saudis have to troll every thread on Iran?

Yea, that could be my next question. On the other hand, I couldn't be careless about things happening in/to Saudi Arabia. You never found me commenting on Saudi Arabia related topics because for me Saudi Arabia is really one of the least interesting places to waste your time reading about. I've commented on some topics that were related to Saudi Arabia though, and I guess they are less than 3 in number and in 2 of them I actually supported Saudi Arabia against the criticism it faced in Olympics and etc.
Yea, that could be my next question. On the other hand, I couldn't be careless about things happening in/to Saudi Arabia. You never found me commenting on Saudi Arabia related topics because for me Saudi Arabia is really one of the least interesting places to waste your time reading about. I've commented on some topics that were related to Saudi Arabia though, and I guess they are less than 3 in number and in 2 of them I actually supported Saudi Arabia against the criticism it faced in Olympics and etc.

Same here, I have strongly defended Saudi Arabia before when people were making unfair comments against them.

And in return, these guys insult China, use our flag as a doormat, and take the piss out of Iranians and Pakistanis when they really have no justification to do so.
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