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USDA Forecasts Bumper Harvest of Major Crops in Pakistan For 2023/24


Oct 31, 2009
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United States

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is forecasting bumper harvest of all major crops in Pakistan for 2023/24. Major crops in the country include wheat, rice, sugarcane, corn and cotton. These offer welcome relief for Pakistani farmers who suffered devastating losses in the epic floods of 2022.

Pakistan is projected to produce 28 million tons of wheat, 10.5 million tons of corn (maize), 9 million tons of rice, 6.5 million bales of cotton, 7.8 million tons of sugar and 540,000 of rapeseed (canola) in 2023/24. Each of these production figures is significantly higher than last year's, and higher than the last 5-year average (2018-22) for the country.

Pakistan will still need to import wheat but a lower amount than last year, according to a Global Agricultural Information Network report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture. The record harvest will help lower the country’s forecasted import needs from 3 million to 2 million tons in 2023-24 even as total consumption grows to 30.2 million tonnes from 29.2 million tons. Pakistan imported 2.6 million tons last marketing year.

Higher cotton production in Pakistan will result in 2.3 million tons of cottonseed oil in 2023/24, a 34% increase over the 2022/23 output. This increase reflects expectations for a recovery in yield following the flood-damaged 2022/23 output. This will help reduce cooking oil imports, the country's largest food import, this year. Last year, Pakistan imported $4.5 billion worth of edible oil.

Pakistan expects to export 5 million tons of rice worth $3 billion this year. India's ban on non-basmati rice exports will likely help Pakistani exporters fetch higher prices on the world market.

Pakistan's agriculture output is the 10th largest in the world. The country produces large and growing quantities of cereals, meat, milk, fruits and vegetables. Currently, Pakistan produces over 40 million tons of cereals (mainly wheat, rice and corn), 17 million tons of fruits and vegetables, 70 million tons of sugarcane, 60 million tons of milk and 4.5 million tons of meat. Total value of the nation's agricultural output exceeds $50 billion. Improving agriculture inputs and modernizing value chains can help the farm sector become much more productive to serve both domestic and export markets.

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Brofessor sb,

Good to hear that. It would seem going by past few years trend that global warming would mean substantial increase in rain in Pakistan. The correct thing to do would be to tap this war by:

Greater water harvesting measures, including building what is called monkey cheek ponds
Drainage channels to allow water to drain into reservoirs.

This could give a heavy boost to Pak agriculture. Fortunately, in the Sharif brothers, Pak has a bunch of people who can make it happen.


@niaz @Olympus81
Pakistan cotton production will increase over 10 million bales, this report seem outdated.


Pakistan is a very youthful and large country with enormous potential. It will do well in the long run even if half of its full potential is realized.

As an American investor Zachary Karabell recently put it: "Pakistan today may be a case of darkest before the dawn"

IMO there are too many sugar mills in Pakistan. This has taken the acreage away from cotton affecting the availability of raw cotton to the textile industry, vital to Pakistan's economy.
IMO there are too many sugar mills in Pakistan. This has taken the acreage away from cotton affecting the availability of raw cotton to the textile industry, vital to Pakistan's economy.

Looks like the government is beginning to offer greater incentives for growing cotton, and the farmers appear to be responding....there are reports of as much as 10 million bales of cotton output this year.

IMO there are too many sugar mills in Pakistan. This has taken the acreage away from cotton affecting the availability of raw cotton to the textile industry, vital to Pakistan's economy.
And has created a country where a third are diabetics, making Pakistan Number One in World Diabetes ranking, far and away from everyone else.

And has created a country where a third are diabetics, making Pakistan Number One in World Diabetes ranking, far and away from everyone else.

This is a major problem in Pakistam where sugar isn't regulated and health isn't prioritized.

Pakistanis still eat like they live in the 1600s when the average person worked in the fields for 100+ hours a week.

Health consciousness needs to be taught at the school level. Things like exercise should be a mandatory part of school curriculum and work culture.
Brofessor sb,

Good to hear that. It would seem going by past few years trend that global warming would mean substantial increase in rain in Pakistan. The correct thing to do would be to tap this war by:

Greater water harvesting measures, including building what is called monkey cheek ponds
Drainage channels to allow water to drain into reservoirs.

This could give a heavy boost to Pak agriculture. Fortunately, in the Sharif brothers, Pak has a bunch of people who can make it happen.


You have greater optimism with the Pakistani government than any Pakistani would ever have.

It's concerning, go see a doctor.
Pakistan’s potato production soared to 7.9m tonnes in Fiscal Year 2022 from 5.8m tonnes in FY 2021, up by 35% as floods did not hit Punjab which is a hub of potato production, Pakistan Today! cited data reveals.

There is a gradual increase in potato production in this country. During 2020, potato production was estimated to be 4.55m tons utilizing the cultivated area of 234,400 hectares. However, in the 2021- 2022 season, according to the Ministry of National Food Security and Research Statistics (MNFS&R), potato production jumped to 7.74m tons, which is an increase of almost 50% as compared to the last year.

Pakistan potato is exported mainly to CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries like Russia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, UAE, Oman, the entire gulf, and Singapore, Malaysia in the Far East.

In Pakistan, potato is the fourth most important crop after wheat, rice, and corn. It is one of the four major staples that significantly contribute to national domestic consumption and food needs.

Fresh potato production for the 2022-2023 Marketing Year (September to August) is forecast at 93m metric tons (MMT), a slight decrease from the estimated 95 MMT produced in MY 2021-2022 owing to reduced acreage. According to industry sources, the potato planting area decreased in the northern single crop zone, especially in northeast China, due to government incentives and price supports intended to boost soybean production.

Low prices at the start of the harvest season in the Southwestern, Central, and Winter crop zones, which account for half of China’s fresh potato production, also contributed to the reduction in planted area for MY 2022/23. According to China’s 2022 Agricultural Outlook Report on Potatoes, the average wholesale price of fresh potatoes in 2021 was USD0.15/lb., a 12.7% decline from 2020, and the lowest level in six years.
This is a major problem in Pakistam where sugar isn't regulated and health isn't prioritized.

Pakistanis still eat like they live in the 1600s when the average person worked in the fields for 100+ hours a week.

Health consciousness needs to be taught at the school level. Things like exercise should be a mandatory part of school curriculum and work culture.

Per capita sugar consumption in Pakistan is about 21.6 Kg, slightly above the global average of 20.6 Kg.

It is 33 Kg per person in US, 29.8 Kg in UK, 34.1 Kg in Canada, 36.4 Kg in France, etc

Based on a comparison of 165 countries in 2020, Guatemala ranked the highest in sugar consumption per capita with 50.3 kg followed by Cuba and Belgium. On the other end of the scale was Dem. Republic of the Congo with 2.83 kg, Myanmar with 2.94 kg and Guinea Bissau with 3.74 kg.
As an American investor Zachary Karabell recently put it: "Pakistan today may be a case of darkest before the dawn"

Zachary Karabell has a net worth of $1.3 million, 'investor' is not a right word to throw around him. My father with matriculation certificate amassed higher wealth than him.
Zachary Karabell has a net worth of $1.3 million, 'investor' is not a right word to throw around him. My father with matriculation certificate amassed higher wealth than him.

Karabell's personal net worth is $8 million and he has managed a $30 million investment fund.

He was also Executive Vice President of Alger's Spectra Funds, a no-load family of mutual funds that launched the $30 million Spectra Green Fund, which was based on the idea that profit and sustainability are linked. At Alger, he oversaw the creation, launch and marketing of several funds, led corporate strategy for acquisitions, and represented the firm at public forums and in the media.Educated at Columbia, Oxford, and Harvard, where he received his Ph.D., he is the author of several books, including the recently published Superfusion: How China and America Became One Economy and Why the World's Prosperity Depends on It (Simon & Schuster, 2009) and previous books such as A Visionary Nation: Four Centuries of American Dreams and What Lies Ahead, The Last Campaign: How Harry Truman Won the 1948 Election (which won the Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize for best non-fiction book of the year), and Peace Be Upon You: The Story of Muslim, Christian and Jewish Coexistence (Knopf, 2007), which examined the forgotten legacy of peace among the three faiths.In 2003, the World Economic Forum designated Zachary a "Global Leader for Tomorrow." He sits on the board of the World Policy Institute and the New America Foundation, and is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a regular commentator on national
Per capita sugar consumption in Pakistan is about 21.6 Kg, slightly above the global average of 20.6 Kg.

It is 33 Kg per person in US, 29.8 Kg in UK, 34.1 Kg in Canada, 36.4 Kg in France, etc

Based on a comparison of 165 countries in 2020, Guatemala ranked the highest in sugar consumption per capita with 50.3 kg followed by Cuba and Belgium. On the other end of the scale was Dem. Republic of the Congo with 2.83 kg, Myanmar with 2.94 kg and Guinea Bissau with 3.74 kg.
Thanks for that interesting information. Obviously, the epidemic of diabetes on Pakistan cannot be due to sugar consumption (alone). One other interesting data that jumps out is the tremendous difference in sugar consumption in neighboring countries which may be expected to have similar tastes.

How can one explain:

Afghanistan 15.90 (sugar consumption, Kg)
Bangladesh 5.83
China 6.16
India 22.70
Iran 27.90
Nepal 7.09
Myanmar 3.03
Pakistan 21.60
Sri Lanka 27.50

Iranians and Sri Lankans have sweetest teeth, but Myanmarites hardly use any sugar?
Thanks for that interesting information. Obviously, the epidemic of diabetes on Pakistan cannot be due to sugar consumption (alone). One other interesting data that jumps out is the tremendous difference in sugar consumption in neighboring countries which may be expected to have similar tastes.

How can one explain:

Afghanistan 15.90 (sugar consumption, Kg)
Bangladesh 5.83
China 6.16
India 22.70
Iran 27.90
Nepal 7.09
Myanmar 3.03
Pakistan 21.60
Sri Lanka 27.50

Iranians and Sri Lankans have sweetest teeth, but Myanmarites hardly use any sugar?

I think the report about high incidence of diabetes (one-third of the population) in Pakistan appears suspect. It's not backed up by any credible data.

Here's an earlier report based on real research:

"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to determine the prevalence of and risk factors for diabetes in Pakistan using a systematic review and meta-analysis. The pooled prevalence of diabetes was revealed 14.62% (based on 49,418 individuals) which suggest that there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of diabetes in Pakistan. Furthermore, the selected studies in this meta-analysis cover almost all geopolitical zones of Pakistan, making it possible to determine regional differences in the prevalence of Diabetes. Diabetes is affecting all around the country, with the highest prevalence seen in the Sindh province and with the lowest in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Growing age, family history, hypertension, overweight, are important risk factors for diabetes among Pakistanis. A nationwide diabetes care survey and prevention policy is highly recommended"

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