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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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Agreed I hope our leaders can follow the policies in education that yours have done

I hope in the next election some one like Ahmadinejad takes over Pakistan. The guy has been a Godsend for Iran really. I remember that in 2004, I did not care much about Iran at all. This guy has single handedly put Iran on the world's map. During his time, Iran's achievements and progress as well as its international power increased many folds. He is a straight forward and simple guy and says what is on his mind. Maybe that is why he has been so successful despite minor glitches. I also hope that the next Iranian government be as productive as his government and does not roll back all this progress Ahmadinejad has made.
I hope in the next election some one like Ahmadinejad takes over Pakistan. The guy has been a Godsend for Iran really. I remember that in 2004, I did not care much about Iran at all. This guy has single handedly put Iran on the world's map. During his time, Iran's achievements and progress as well as its international power increased many folds. He is a straight forward and simple guy and says what is on his mind. Maybe that is why he has been so successful despite minor glitches. I also hope that the next Iranian government be as productive as his government and does not roll back all this progress Ahmadinejad has made.

I do not want a theocratic state but there is no question we need people like him who clearly have integrity. I wish we could have him to train some of our leaders
Eh what is that pithy comment saying something not true but partisan to get support of non Muslim Indians? Some of you Arabs are so transparently jealous of Iran's achievements
Chinese aren't Muslim as well, at least India unlike Iran and China don't copy everything from the west and instead invent their own stuff.
Some Arabs cant help it they are jealous and have sided with America and even India because they may have oil but they can never achieve what Iran Pakistan and China have the potential to achieve

Jealousy is a grave sin. It burns the faith. They will know the value of science and technology when oil runs out, which is not that far away and will happen in our lifetimes.
Chinese aren't Muslim as well, at least India unlike Iran and China don't copy everything from the west and instead invent their own stuff.

Go to sleep troll. you seem to be suffering sleep deprivation.

Back to topic Iran we must not forget is achieving all these accolades despite Americans sanctions. We should realise that we too need to to tell Americans to go back home and stop interfering in our neighbourhood
I do not want a theocratic state but there is no question we need people like him who clearly have integrity. I wish we could have him to train some of our leaders

Well Ahmadinejad is no mullah despite him being religious. We can live with that. I wish we could have for a change some one like him educated with a PhD in engineering. You know that our leaders only have a simple BA at most and that also they took by sefaresh of their big families by pressurizing university administration. We need a sincere brain to run our affairs. To plan and implement for us. Ahmadinejad is certainly an example in that regard.
Iran's science output maybe 4th in quantity but it's not 4th in quality, that's the difference otherwise you would see Iran ranked up there with countries like Germany and Japan.
Well Ahmadinejad is no mullah despite him being religious. We can live with that. I wish we could have for a change some one like educated with a PhD in engineering. You know that our leaders only have a simple BA at most that also they took by sefaresh of their big families by pressurizing university administration. We need a sincere brain to run our affairs. To plan and implement for us. Ahmadinejad is certainly an example in that regard.

Our leaders are mostly "engineers" and scientists as well. It's a good idea, especially for developing countries. :tup:

Western nations can afford to have lawyers and "people who studied politics" as their leaders, because they need to play the political game.

We on the other hand have a greater need for development.
Back to topic Iran we must not forget is achieving all these accolades despite Americans sanctions. We should realise that we too need to to tell Americans to go back home and stop interfering in our neighbourhood

We badly need brave leaders to progress. That is our only handicap.
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