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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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Well, when we eventually get our space station completed, hopefully those will be the main two languages used up there. :cheesy:

That is so promising. Just do not forget us too. We like to be up there too. Can you imagine our astronauts in the same station with yours, ours and Iranian flag on their arms working together. It will make Americans go crazy with madness.

Pakistan and China should ignore Americans and do as many joint ventures and share tech with Iran etc

Well, it seems that is what the future is going to look like. Even if Americans still be there with their ever growing debts still the cooperation between eastern countries will grow and make Americans just a smaller part of a bigger game.
India has a rich scietific history dispite this congress party governing us for majority part of our post independent history we still have performed well enough so imagine if we have a good leadership who can make full use of our potential we can achieve great heights in field of science and can make it to top5 atleast
That is so promising. Just do not forget us too. We like to be up there too. Can you imagine our astronauts in the same station with yours, ours and Iranian flag on their arms working together. It will make Americans go crazy with madness.

Yep, especially since the USA has been cancelling all their space programs, due to their $15 trillion debt. :P
Yep, especially since the USA has been cancelling all their space programs, due to their $15 trillion debt. :P

Lol. They have been bringing private companies to run their space program. And guess what, those private companies get their loans from Chinese banks. It is a weird world.

India has a rich scietific history dispite this sickular party governing us for majority part of our post independent history we still have performed well enough so imagine if we have a good leadership who can make full use of our potential we can achieve great heights in field of science and can make it to top5 atleast

So you think Hindu supermacist BJP can do any better? Get a life.
India has a rich scietific history dispite this sickular party governing us for majority part of our post independent history we still have performed well enough so imagine if we have a good leadership who can make full use of our potential we can achieve great heights in field of science and can make it to top5 atleast

mate first this thread is about Iran not India. Second there is no comparison India should be light years ahead with the population it has compared to Iran. but its not
Here is the table:


Hahaha, according to this list, the three countries with the greatest "percentage" improvement from 2003 to 2010 are:

- Iran (575%)
- China (330%)
- Pakistan (322%)

So awesome. :D
mate first this thread is about Iran not India. Second there is no comparison India should be light years ahead with the population it has compared to Iran. but its not
So should i open another thread altogether just to discuss this same table only with respect to india
Hahaha, according to this list, the three countries with the greatest "percentage" improvement from 2003 to 2010 are:

- Iran (575%)
- China (330%)
- Pakistan (322%)

So awesome. :D

Now you are talking baby. Now you are talking. I hope we can successfully commercialize the science we are producing and earn money and royalty on it. China is certainly leading the way in that regard. The key is industrialization to convert the science to marketable products.
So should i open another thread altogether just to discuss this same table only with respect to india

No, you are more than welcome to discuss it here. After all we are all in the same boat and planet. But please do not bring secularism, religion and sect that would inflame the thread. Just remain impartial and receptive like a scientist. It would make the discussion more productive and accurate without a thread war.
Hahaha, according to this list, the three countries with the greatest "percentage" improvement from 2003 to 2010 are:

- Iran (575%)
- China (330%)
- Pakistan (322%)

So awesome. :D

lol wat a joke, Pakistan is still like before greece with 7k amount.

just shows statistics can be very misleading, just like in this case.
Here is the table:


Something seems wrong in that ranking, given the economic crisis in UK, government stopped funding most of the sexy sounding research projects, so Nanotechnology, Aerospace, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Molecular Biology took direct hit.

So by 2018, UK will obviously drag lower into that rank, and Germany will take the 3 rd position.
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