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Iran science output 4th worldwide in 2018

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You are a troll devoid of any facts. This thread is running on a source so reputable that you can not even grasp at its importance in the world of science. Your rants on the other hand are as source-less as they are always are. Go live with that. Iranians are doing science and you are trolling.
There is no such thing as trolling. Its a word invented my moderators to suppress views they don't agree with.
he didn't insult you mate. Can you not read. tell me are you proud of Iranian peoples scientific achievements??
Copying others work is not an achievement, at least in my book.

And modern day Persians and Indians then followed similar Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. But then Islam came to Persia and made their own version of Islam (Shia).
Most accurate sentence made in PDF ever!
Yea, that could be my next question. On the other hand, I couldn't be careless about things happening in/to Saudi Arabia. You never found me commenting on Saudi Arabia related topics because for me Saudi Arabia is really one of the least interesting places to waste your time reading about. I've commented on some topics that were related to Saudi Arabia though, and I guess they are less than 3 in number and in 2 of them I actually supported Saudi Arabia against the criticism it faced in Olympics and etc.

Arian all you have to is check most of the posts by Blackeagle Mossa and this guy not only do they spew hatred to Iranians but to anyone who debates normally and talks rationally
Same here, I have strongly defended Saudi Arabia before when people were making unfair comments against them.

And in return, these guys insult China, use our flag as a doormat, and take the piss out of Iranians and Pakistanis when they really have no justification to do so.
Is this your first time visiting the forum?!
My positions are directly a result of the rampant Arab hating in the forum.
Congratulations Iran!!:cheers: The only country which is muslim majority and has such a bright prospect. God willing you will succeed!

Your "facts" are nonsense. :rolleyes: Here is an ACTUAL fact:

And why do you Saudis have to troll every thread on Iran?

Wahabi jealousy. These wahabis consider all Shia Muslims as Infidel Kafir/non-muslims who must be wiped out from the earth at once. Many times he and his associates have called for burning all Shias, shia dogs, fire worshippers and other nonsense. Their stupidity knows no bounds.
Same here, I have strongly defended Saudi Arabia before when people were making unfair comments against them.

And in return, these guys insult China, use our flag as a doormat, and take the piss out of Iranians and Pakistanis when they really have no justification to do so.

I think this is the effect of their alliance with America/Israel and through them India. But lets not turn this thread about non entities. Lets talk about the great future of Iranian science
Arian all you have to is check most of the posts by Blackeagle Mossa and this guy not only do they spew hatred to Iranians but to anyone who debates normally and talks rationally

I've been following his posts for quite a while, Mosa seems to be the most rational one in that list, still he could get pretty emotional and unreasonable at many times, but Black Eagle and this guy are just trolls on Iranian defense forum, I don't understand why this people don't get banned as frequently as some other members are banned (like Abii for example), even though some of their posts are very radical and sometimes insulting too.
Is this your first time visiting the forum?!
My positions are directly a result of the rampant Arab hating in the forum.

When did I ever attack Arabs? In fact I have often defended them here against unfair attacks, just ask Mosamania.

And in return you guys start attacking China for no reason at all.

What screwed up logic.
Is this your first time visiting the forum?!
My positions are directly a result of the rampant Arab hating in the forum.

Mate how many times do you need to be told I like Iranians Turks and Arabs equally. However your leadership are corrupt and bribed and or bullied by America much in the same way as Pakistani leadership. I am just as critical of Pakistani leaders. yet you think its tantamount to blasphemy if I raise my voice against that hedonistic family the Al Sauds. If Iranians behaved to me the way you do I would treat them the same way as I treat you. If you look at earlier posts I said I like Iranian President's integrity but I do not like a theocratic state. No Iranian on here insults me or makes disparaging comments about me whereas you lot are just of the scale
Look at what we get in return?

Damn people are really hating on russia and china look at all the pics people posting.
I've been following his posts for quite a while, Mosa seems to be the most rational one in that list, still he could get pretty emotional and unreasonable at many times, but Black Eagle and this guy are just trolls on Iranian defense forum, I don't understand why this people don't get banned as frequently as some other members are banned (like Abii for example), even though some of their posts are very radical and sometimes insulting too.

To be honest I think Mods feel a bit sorry for them because they seem unable to make their point and their education suppresses effective debate. Check even on this thread all the posts up by him and us. See the irrationality in his ?

Look at what we get in return?

What do you expect they and some others have thrown their lot in with Americans
Wahabi jealousy. These wahabis consider all Shia Muslims as Infidel Kafir/non-muslims who must be wiped out from the earth at once. Many times he and his associates have called for burning all Shias, shia dogs, fire worshippers and other nonsense. Their stupidity knows no bounds.

To be honest I don't know much about the Shia/Sunni divide and the role of Saudi Arabia in that. I prefer not to comment on any sensitive religious issues.

I just think that their comments here are illogical, and even weirder when they start claiming it as "facts".
Mate how many times do you need to be told I like Iranians Turks and Arabs equally. However your leadership are corrupt and bribed and or bullied by America much in the same way as Pakistani leadership. I am just as critical of Pakistani leaders. yet you think its tantamount to blasphemy if I raise my voice against that hedonistic family the Al Sauds. If Iranians behaved to me the way you do I would treat them the same way as I treat you. If you look at earlier posts I said I like Iranian President's integrity but I do not like a theocratic state. No Iranian on here insults me or makes disparaging comments about me whereas you lot are just of the scale

Mate you know I think the Sauds have brainwashed some of their people to associate and justify their positions as Kings in almost a cult way
As per SCImago ranking for future science production Iran might become the world's fourth largest science producer in 2018 and ranking just behind China, US and UK. Here is the link to complete ranking for top 50 countries in 2018: http://www.scimagolab.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/forecasting-excercise.pdf
I do not know as to how this extrapolation has been done, but frankly the assessment in incomplete, incorrect and bunkum to say the least.

Let us just consider Iran and India over the period of 2007 - 2010. What is the year on year change in publications for them ? You will see that while the Year on Year change for Iran steadily decreases from 28.98%-21.8%-20%, for India it keeps on increasing from 11.16%-11.955%-16.69%. Secondly, demographics play a significant role in publishing papers. Considering the demographic bulge in India to come, how many Graduate students will be in India and in Iran in the near future ? What about the professors continuously pumped into the education market ? All of these add weight to measuring publication output. Frankly, i envision, India to be after China, the US and UK in the publishing order. Of course the quality will be deplorable both for India and China with the West still ruling the roost in the area of quality international publications.
Mate how many times do you need to be told I like Iranians Turks and Arabs equally. However your leadership are corrupt and bribed and or bullied by America much in the same way as Pakistani leadership. I am just as critical of Pakistani leaders. yet you think its tantamount to blasphemy if I raise my voice against that hedonistic family the Al Sauds. If Iranians behaved to me the way you do I would treat them the same way as I treat you. If you look at earlier posts I said I like Iranian President's integrity but I do not like a theocratic state. No Iranian on here insults me or makes disparaging comments about me whereas you lot are just of the scale
Did I mention you?!
Half of Pakistani members make degrading comments about us everyday, and side wit Iran and Israel.
From now on I am India biggest supporter.
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