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Iran says all of its 5 abducted border guards are alive: IRNA

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Iran says all of its 5 abducted border guards are alive: IRNA
By Reuters
Published: April 3, 2014

DUBAI: Iran has said five border guards kidnapped by militants are in good health, disputing a report that one of them had been killed.

The guards were seized while patrolling the lawless frontier with Pakistan in early February. Jaish al-Adl (Army of Justice), an Iranian rebel group in Sistan-Baluchistan province, later claimed responsibility.

“The kidnapped Iranian border guards are safe; there is no verified information to substantiate the terrorists’ claim of murder of one of the kidnapped soldiers,” official news agency IRNA quoted Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ebrahim Rahimpour as saying on Wednesday.

Jaish al-Adl said on its website last month that it had killed one border guard. Last week the semi-official Fars News Agency also reported that one of the border guards had been killed, quoting an “informed source”.

The kidnappings took place in an area with a history of violence and sectarian problems, and have raised tensions between Pakistan and Iran.

We're talking about human lives here, not cars or houses... it would suit officials to be a little more professional and stop making new statements every other day.

We're talking about human lives here, not cars or houses... it would suit officials to be a little more professional and stop making new statements every other day.
Agree, these constant statements are making bilateral relations worse, no doubt to the advantage of the kidnappers.
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