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Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

I would argue the start up culture is alive and well. It needs support to flourish.
I agree! For IT it is good. However manufacturing is sick! There is infrastructure and know how but no one is interested in innovation. For example no one is interested in energy saving innovations because it is too expensive. And it is expensive because energy has a fantasy price. That’s why we can’t compete globally when it comes to manufacturing.
Meanwhile, police said 180 “ringleaders” of the unrest had been detained by its agents across the country, state television reported. On Friday the judiciary said the Revolutionary Guards had arrested about 100 leaders of protests.
A state cannot promote her national interest at the cost of good living condition of the population. It just does not make sense. Pakistan was lucky to get the weapon because the Afghan war was in full swing and it kept the world powers busy. Meanwhile Islamabad had the weapon program on full throttle.
The Iranian condition is getting bad day by day. The regime has to provide relief to the people otherwise they start to question the principal motives of the national security of Iran. I will say again that the problem that Iran is facing right now is very serious and if exploited by other powers or mishandled by the regime, will have serious consequences to the whole region.
A state cannot promote her national interest at the cost of good living condition of the population. It just does not make sense. Pakistan was lucky to get the weapon because the Afghan war was in full swing and it kept the world powers busy. Meanwhile Islamabad had the weapon program on full throttle.
The Iranian condition is getting bad day by day. The regime has to provide relief to the people otherwise they start to question the principal motives of the national security of Iran. I will say again that the problem that Iran is facing right now is very serious and if exploited by other powers or mishandled by the regime, will have serious consequences to the whole region.

Except your analysis INCORRECTLY disregards prime examples such as China, India, and North Korea. China built the bomb during extreme poverty with the majority of its population living on $1 dollar a day. India today is still a country with a massive portion of its population in poverty so just imagine what it was then. North Korea the people are eating grass to survive.

Also if we are to include examples about countries that massively built up their power and not just acquired nukes then WW2 Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Saddam’s Iraq, 1960’s Israel, etc all built their war machines at the expense of their people.

So in fact Iranian people have it GOOD compared to the other countries in history. And complaining about gas prices while still having lowest gas prices in Middle East let alone the world is laughable.
Except your analysis INCORRECTLY disregards prime examples such as China, India, and North Korea. China built the bomb during extreme poverty with the majority of its population living on $1 dollar a day. India today is still a country with a massive portion of its population in poverty so just imagine what it was then. North Korea the people are eating grass to survive.

Also if we are to include examples about countries that massively built up their power and not just acquired nukes then WW2 Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Saddam’s Iraq, 1960’s Israel, etc all built their war machines at the expense of their people.

So in fact Iranian people have it GOOD compared to the other countries in history. And complaining about gas prices while still having lowest gas prices in Middle East let alone the world is laughable.

The forces working to disintegrate Iran are extremely strong. The threat perception of Iranian nukes is very high in USA. For example, 110 Nukes of India are no threat to USA but only 1 nuke of North Korea and Iran is extremely painful for USA. Now both India and Iran might have same human development indexes, but Iran will face 1000x more resistance to achieve her nuclear ambitions. Iran's nuclear weapons will totally disrupt the whole military balance in ME and South Asia. The same could not have been said for China, India or Pakistan as they naturally balanced each other out and USA knew that. For example, USA knew that Pakistan was also building the weapon but chose to keep silent.
Why so many Iranian who dont live in Iran become expert about Iran ? Where is the comment from Iranian members who live in Iran ? How many casualty that is actually happening ? Does government give information about the number of death because of being shot during demonstration ?

I suggest Iran government to be more relax on how they manage their people. Dont be repressive and acting like God. Shariah Islam should be implemented in the most easy way, dont add anything and make something become more difficult. For example, there is no Moral police during prophet Muhammad rule, so why there should be one ? I never heard Prophet Muhammad ever force woman to wear hijab during his rule, so why we should force them now ? Personal freedom should be respected in any country using Islamic law because: "There shall be no compulsion in the religion" (Al Baqarah, verse 256).

Lastly, killing a believer will be punished with hell, it is what Quran said so dont kill any protester.

Shariah Islam should be implemented as it is, so dont add anything that is not regulated there. People also cannot be punished because his word according to Islamic law.

“Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship.” (Qur’an, 2:185)
Gasoline price went up (100% right decision), but it was implemented in the worst possible form, so bad that it's more like another treason by Reformist government who wanted another protest to justify their own second treason (deal) with their masters in U.S, (to make their intention clear enough, reformists even published an open letter and demanded this!)

contrary to western propaganda, security forces had orders to not intervene at all, except some critical locations, you couldn't even find a trace of them let alone engaging with protestors.

U.S and it's allies who had organized their network of gangs for years (openly admitted in their media), grasp the opportunity and their gangs under the disguise of protestors hugely damaged the public and private properties, they even destroyed dozens of Ambulances to increase the death toll, they had organized a fine plan to attack and hugly damage the gas processing plants in south too (though foiled by our security forces), attacking mosques and burning Qur'ans were among their crimes (since you mentioned Qur'an)

nonetheless, for a week all Internet connections between Iran and outside was interrupted to disable the synchronizing of activities between these terrorists and their western masters, starting from the third day, people who observed the situation didn't participate in the protests too, while police had huge public support to arrest these terrorists and so did it.

Now everything is calm and traitors awaiting their trial.
Personally I wish every single one of these terrorists to be executed with no mercy.
Gasoline price went up (100% right decision), but it was implemented in the worst possible form, so bad that it's more like another treason by Reformist government who wanted another protest to justify their own second treason (deal) with their masters in U.S, (to make their intention clear enough, reformists even published an open letter and demanded this!)

contrary to western propaganda, security forces had orders to not intervene at all, except some critical locations, you couldn't even find a trace of them let alone engaging with protestors.

U.S and it's allies who had organized their network of gangs for years (openly admitted in their media), grasp the opportunity and their gangs under the disguise of protestors hugely damaged the public and private properties, they even destroyed dozens of Ambulances to increase the death toll, they had organized a fine plan to attack and hugly damage the gas processing plants in south too (though foiled by our security forces), attacking mosques and burning Qur'ans were among their crimes (since you mentioned Qur'an)

nonetheless, for a week all Internet connections between Iran and outside was interrupted to disable the synchronizing of activities between these terrorists and their western masters, starting from the third day, people who observed the situation didn't participate in the protests too, while police had huge public support to arrest these terrorists and so did it.

Now everything is calm and traitors awaiting their trial.
Personally I wish every single one of these terrorists to be executed with no mercy.

Thanks for the explanation, how about social media platform like Facebook, is it also shutdown during that time ?

How many percent of Iranian that support the Reformist base on latest election ? So Iran is now under Reformist government ? What is the goals of the reformist ?

As I mentioned in my previous post, I hope Iran Islamist has an agenda to relax government control on the society, it is good to give more support into the Islamist camp from general public. I heard that Reformist also want this, so they got people support.

As we know Iran has already become an Islamic country, it should already make them satisfied with this political achievement. While in other part of the Muslim world, Islamist cannot win the election or if they win it they cannot implement shariah law because of political consideration just like in Turkey, Marocco, and Tunisia, and the worst example is happening in Algeria and Egypt where the Islamist is being crushed despite winning the election with huge margin.

Hiking a gasoline price is also a reasonable act in my opinion, in Indonesia we also provide subsidy for gasoline but people also buy non subsidy gasoline. The new gasoline product is not subsidized and people prefer them since it is good for the engine. In the end we should stop subsidy since it is not good for the economy. It is actually silly to see large demonstration just because the increase of oil price.
Personally I wish every single one of these terrorists to be executed with no mercy.
Who do you want executed, the protesters? Clarify? In a lawful country with a legitimate government, they don't execute people for protesting, we've seen protests in Greece, France, UK and the USA, which one of these countries executed their protesters?
If you think protestors did that then you are fuktared.

Protestors protest not kill and burn... if they had done this in America, the "protestors" would have all been shot dead. No trials needed.
If you think protestors did that then you are fuktared.

Protestors protest not kill and burn... if they had done this in America, the "protestors" would have all been shot dead. No trials needed.
And you're even a bigger fuctard for your view of justice in America....no they don't kill protesters! Yes, if you break the law, loot, or burn you will be arrested. But there are laws here...police go on trial and jail for illegal use of force here, it has happened. It's people like you and the other idiot that think Iranian lives are cheap enough to execute people at will....citizens who want a different government than this corrupt 7th century version of democracy should be able to voice their disgust with what's happening in their country. Protesters protest, if security forces show up beating them or shooting them, then it escalates and then all kinds of crap happen, look at Hong Kong. Executing people, who fucking says shit like this! And thinks it's acceptable? What's worst, where are all the other Iranians? How come I'm the only one coming out to condemn this kind of thought and rhetoric? This is Saudi Arabia style government....
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Gasoline price went up (100% right decision), but it was implemented in the worst possible form, so bad that it's more like another treason by Reformist government who wanted another protest to justify their own second treason (deal) with their masters in U.S
A university professor predicted in an article of his that the Gasoline price will go up over night 6 months ago and explained why, Treason is not the reason.
And you're even a bigger fuctard for your view of justice in America....no they don't kill protesters! Yes, if you break the law, loot, or burn you will be arrested. But there are laws here...police go on trial and jail for illegal use of force here, it has happened. It's people like you and the other idiot that think Iranian lives are cheap enough to execute people at will....citizens who want a different government than this corrupt 7th century version of democracy should be able to voice their disgust with what's happening in their country. Protesters protest, if security forces show up beating them or shooting them, then it escalates and then all kinds of crap happen, look at Hong Kong. Executing people, who fucking says shit like this! And thinks it's acceptable? What's worst, where are all the other Iranians? How come I'm the only one coming out to condemn this kind of thought and rhetoric? This is Saudi Arabia style government....
Beautiful jokes



Who do you want executed, the protesters? Clarify? In a lawful country with a legitimate government, they don't execute people for protesting, we've seen protests in Greece, France, UK and the USA, which one of these countries executed their protesters?
When a man receives money and order from another country to intentionally kill security forces and even other protesters to turn protest into a bloody civil war, then he is called a terrorist.

only a complete retard or another terrorist would call him protester.
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