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Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

Show proof or shut up. How many outside agitators? A few hundred? How come there are tens of thousands in the streets then? Besides are we supposed to believe people like you who basically think iran should stay isolated because there is a chance they West might plot against us? If the regime is strong enough it can't be overthrown, if it's weak and corrupt you don't need outsiders to topple it.

You stop flexing 'protester' status when you start burning sh*t and attacking security forces and crying to foreign governments on social media to come sort out your mess. Then you are a whiny payed shill.

These rioters aren't the working class rising up against an oppressive government but the underemployed university graduates of middle class (or higher) parents. Because why else would they be chimping out over rising fuel prices if they don't own cars, we're not hearing about increased food prices which would usually occur after a fuel price hike. So who's wealthy enough to be be under-employed and own cars in Iran? The whiny offspring of relatively well-off parents.
You stop flexing 'protester' status when you start burning sh*t and attacking security forces and crying to foreign governments on social media to come sort out your mess. Then you are a whiny payed shill.

These rioters aren't the working class rising up against an oppressive government but the underemployed university graduates of middle class (or higher) parents. Because why else would they be chimping out over rising fuel prices if they don't own cars, we're not hearing about increased food prices which would usually occur after a fuel price hike. So who's wealthy enough to be be under-employed and own cars in Iran? The whiny offspring of relatively well-off parents.
'Donny, you're out of your element'
It's not just about car owners, rise of fuel impacts all demographics....it is true that the subsidies are a major source of corruption and moneymaker for the crooked businessman to exploit, but doubling gas prices when the population is already under severe economic pressure is like adding fuel to the fire (pun intended).

This geography of discontent indicates how widespread economic and political grievances are linked to diverse social classes—such as low-income households, workers, unemployed youth—but also peripheries and major cities of the country. Still, the violent repression suggests political uncertainties. In February, the parliamentary elections could register a low turnout, a critical signal for a system that has always based its popular legitimacy on elections. Although the reduction of the upheaval is essential for the nezam (system) to maintain control over the country, the crackdown on demonstrations could further fuel the popular discontent.
'Donny, you're out of your element'
It's not just about car owners, rise of fuel impacts all demographics....it is true that the subsidies are a major source of corruption and moneymaker for the crooked businessman to exploit, but doubling gas prices when the population is already under severe economic pressure is like adding fuel to the fire (pun intended).

This geography of discontent indicates how widespread economic and political grievances are linked to diverse social classes—such as low-income households, workers, unemployed youth—but also peripheries and major cities of the country. Still, the violent repression suggests political uncertainties. In February, the parliamentary elections could register a low turnout, a critical signal for a system that has always based its popular legitimacy on elections. Although the reduction of the upheaval is essential for the nezam (system) to maintain control over the country, the crackdown on demonstrations could further fuel the popular discontent.

This doesn't refute anything I've said about the protesters or provide a perspective I haven't covered.
This doesn't refute anything I've said about the protesters or provide a perspective I haven't covered.
Well read more, maybe you'll see that the demographics of the arrested show more poor and unemployed than middle class college graduates with cars.
A government can only extend it's shelf life for a short while with a threat of violence...either way, the people are now rising up more often and in greater numbers....they can call them hooligans, terrorist, agents...blah, blah....it won't matter for too much longer.
Iran protests: Videos reveal crackdown regime tried to hide from world
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Yes, I know Reformists' treason is really a big butt-hurt to their fans. but as they admit themselves, there is no way someone could separate Reformists from Rouhani's ultra reformist government.
Whatever! I rather not to go in depth on how reformist are not in power as 8 must criticize government in ways that I believe is not productive and i even refrained from doing so in time that Ahmadinejad was in power and I was against him completely . it only serves some people I rather not to make happy
I spotted this: 200 نفر کشته تو یک هفته
Indeed as worst as occupied Kashmir.
The system/government should be reformed on all fronts, else tensions will increase and our country will be in danger. Election law should be changed, financial support for islamic institutions should be cut, bonyads/charitable trusts should not receive any government support anymore, instead the money should be given directly to the poor.
خب حالا که وضعیت اروم شد وقتشه که نظر خودم رو بدم. یک اینکه اصولا مردم ما معنی اعتراض رو نمیدونن و وقتی میریزن بیرون واسه اعتراض نیست واسه انقلابه، این نیاز به اموزش داره. دو اینکه نیروی ضد شورش وقتی مجبور میشه دست به اسلحه بشه باید باید باید سلاح گرمش غیر کشنده باشه مگر وقتی که طرف مقابل دیگه معترض نباشه و خراب کار و مسلح باشه. 200 نفر کشته تو یک هفته برای دولتی که 30 نفر کشته تو سه ماه اعتراض فرانسه رو مسخره می کرد مایه سر افکندگیه. سه اینکه به نظر می رسه افرادی که اصلا ربطی به اعتراض نداشتن این وسط کشته شدن این باید مشخص بشه کی اینارو کشته و به سزای عملشون برسن. چهارم و نکته اخر این که اعتراض رو میشه با شرکت نکردن تو انتخابات نشون داد، کی دیدین از این اعتراض های خیابونی نتیجه ای در بیاد؟؟ اخرش چند نفر میمیرن که این وسط خونشون هم بی صاحاب می مونه اینا میندازن گردن امریکا اونا هم گردن نظام.
France killed 30 unarmed protesters, if they were armed and organized by a foreign country, then you could see how their government would bring tanks to streets!

Our people were wise enough to not let these foreign backed terrorists hijack their protest, hat's why protests ended in the second day.

Yesterday these terrorists' plan for an explosion in a university dorm was neutralized, it doesn't matter whether these agents are students or drug dealers, a terrorist is a terrorist, the sooner exterminated, the better for society.

وزارت اطلاعات: پروژه انفجار، آتش سوزی و کشته سازی در خوابگاه دانشجویی ناکام ماند | خبرگزاری فارس
Well read more, maybe you'll see that the demographics of the arrested show more poor and unemployed than middle class college graduates with cars.
A government can only extend it's shelf life for a short while with a threat of violence...either way, the people are now rising up more often and in greater numbers....they can call them hooligans, terrorist, agents...blah, blah....it won't matter for too much longer.
Iran protests: Videos reveal crackdown regime tried to hide from world

The terrorists in Iran are trying to import Hollywood values. And what are Hollywood values, exactly?

Those who support Washington and Amerika, watch the following youtube videos:

Hollywood Exposed [The Banned Documentary] {Part 1}
Hollywood Exposed [The Banned Documentary] {Part 2}

viewer discretion is advised (listen to the audio, I would not watch the moving pictures). Since that is what you are trying to import to Iran, you should listen what your own country does and spreads. Maybe watching such extreme filth of Washington, you would once again become an Iranian. You can't be both, for the video I linked, PROVES you can't be both. Amerika is the Great Satan. Don't believe me, listen to the videos linked. Hollywood is the epicenter of ritual satanic criminal abuse and that is what they want to spread to Iran with revolution.
France killed 30 unarmed protesters, if they were armed and organized by a foreign country, then you could see how their government would bring tanks to streets!

Our people were wise enough to not let these foreign backed terrorists hijack their protest, hat's why protests ended in the second day.

Yesterday these terrorists' plan for an explosion in a university dorm was neutralized, it doesn't matter whether these agents are students or drug dealers, a terrorist is a terrorist, the sooner exterminated, the better for society.

وزارت اطلاعات: پروژه انفجار، آتش سوزی و کشته سازی در خوابگاه دانشجویی ناکام ماند | خبرگزاری فارس
man filmi didam ke police be taraf ye nafar ke ba choob be behesh hamle mikard shelik kard, for this kind of situations police should have non-lethal weapons.
dar zemn agar in afrad be gool shoma terrorist va mozdoor bodan ghove gazaeyeh khoon baha be khanevadashoon nemidad (i do not mean the ones that really were mercenaries). be nazar miad ye edde az police ha javgir shodan be har kasi ke didan tir andazi kardan.
be har hal che doost dashte bashe ya na, che kareshoon dorost bashe ya na in afrad koshte shode irani boodan na chatr baz amrica vo englis, va in megdar koshte neshoon mide IR ye bar dige ter zad va mikhad bendaze gardan amrica.
for god sake how many times this kind of protests happened in Iran?? the security forces should have learned by now.
man filmi didam ke police be taraf ye nafar ke ba choob be behesh hamle mikard shelik kard, for this kind of situations police should have non-lethal weapons.
dar zemn agar in afrad be gool shoma terrorist va mozdoor bodan ghove gazaeyeh khoon baha be khanevadashoon nemidad (i do not mean the ones that really were mercenaries). be nazar miad ye edde az police ha javgir shodan be har kasi ke didan tir andazi kardan.
be har hal che doost dashte bashe ya na, che kareshoon dorost bashe ya na in afrad koshte shode irani boodan na chatr baz amrica vo englis, va in megdar koshte neshoon mide IR ye bar dige ter zad va mikhad bendaze gardan amrica.
for god sake how many times this kind of protests happened in Iran?? the security forces should have learned by now.
Well, I don't give a f@ck about the clips which you have seen. My information are first hand, I saw how riots put gas stations on fire and not a single one was shot.

I didn't watch any (hollywood approved) clip, cause I don't know their circumstances.

only a fool will judge based on the punishment moment!

compensation doesn't include the armed guys who have been killed by security forces, and for example the family of the terrorist in your clip wont get it.
Most of the violent protestors were in historically unrestive areas with known CIA links (Balouchistan, Shiraz, and Arab areas like Khuzestan).

In Khuzestan, Arabs had taken their hunting rifles into the streets. If National Guard was deployed in the USA and you came up to them with a rifle aiming and ignoring curfew/emergency laws. What do you think will happen?
I think there are too many Retards in Iran bitching about everything.... because they dont know how the rest of the world is. You look at the police wrong in America, and they will shoot you..... what do people expect to happen if you attack the police with a stick?!! The police in Iran is too nice.... I really mean it, and Im talking from first hand experiance.

I like to see all the arsenits executed.
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