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Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

There is clear evidence that innocents were killed beside the thugs/hooligans who deserved to be shot. 50%-70% of the problems in Iran are due to corruption, mismanagement, incompetency, ideological thinking instead of putting countries interest at first place. 30-50% of the problems are due to sanctions.

I'm writing about the problems and the possible solutions since 2013 here. Now if those (a minority, mostly 60+ of age, religiously motivated) continue the same policies, follow the same line as before, labling everyone as zionist agent or terrorist, our country will be endangered. Possible solutions for the country: (if not followd, Iran could be in danger).
  • Islamic Guardian council should be abolished and experts and competent people/parties should be allowed to take part in elections.
  • Instead the constitution should be adjusted to not allow those parties/politicians who are corrupt, criminal or/and against the national persian language, unity, history and identity of Iran, to take part in political scene. There should be some mechanism/council/military or combination of 2/3 institutes which will guard this constitution.
  • State media and education system should promote Iranian identity.
  • People should be given positions/functions when they are expert and competent instead of ideological or politically or familial connection with Islamic republic figures.
  • All state financial support to clerigy and religious institutes should be ended and these institutes should become self-supporting.
  • Hijab should be free choice, still nudity should not be allowed.
  • Civil servants, teachers should receive "good" salary, they are the pillars of the society.
  • Bonyads should be ended (including their competition against private sector). Functional remnants should be privatized and taxed like the rest of private sector.
  • Instead direct cash payments should be given the poorest and those who are unable to work due to their health.
  • Religious festivals and ramezan should not disrupt our economy. People should be free to eat or visit retaurants durig ramezan/islamic fasting.
  • Artists should be taxed.
  • Cigarettes should be taxed heavily (best option is regional tax to prevent smuggling between countries)
  • Fuel prices should be adjusted to neighbours (best option is regional pricing to prevent smuggling) and should be taxed, not subsidized.
  • Energy (electricity, gas) should be taxed, not subsidized.
  • Water should be taxed to prevent misuse.
  • We should switch to Parliamentary system instead of Republican system.
  • A vatican like shia city/province should be established for those who want to live accoring to shia Islam and the city will be governed by a clerical council. There a mini Islamic republic or other form of Islamic governance will be free to govern with religious laws. It will also serve as touristic place.
  • Statistical center of Iran should be made bigger, funded heavily because collection of information is key of solving problems.
  • Free press on topics about politics and economy. However non-state press should be confronted by law if it serves against the unity, identity, interests of Iran.
  • No more islamic propaganda in TV or Iranian tax money to subsidize Islamic institutions and haj. Clerics have to work beside their lazy sermons.
  • End of communist policies in some sectors: government owned companies such as car industry should be privatized.
  • Privatization in most of sectors except strategic sectors such as oil, gas, minerals, ports, military industry etc.
  • Government is free to have minority stakes in healthy part of private sector.
  • Keeping intact all of our foreign interests (but not anymore based on islam purely), not allowing foreign armies to be established in Iran. If islam can be an instrument to serve some of our goals, then we should do so for our interests.
  • Iranian foreign military legion should be established to serve Iranian interests.
  • Far reaching digitalization of government-people communication and services in the country. This will lower the costs for the government and when there are no people between citizens and government, there will be much les corruption.
  • Sharp increasement in tax collection, using technology. Maximum 10% of the government budget should come from oil and gas. The rest should come from taxes and fees.
  • All the tax collection measures should be started by giving in advance the amount of the money which is going to be collected to the people and sectors which are in need of financial support. Also media campaigns should be held in advance. This will prevent recent like situations.
  • Ending any foreign debt, spending not more than the government budget allowes.
  • All of above should happen within an "Iranian framework" instead of the "islamic framework" which failed Iran. That means Iran stays centrally governed, no Federalism, keeps one state and official language (persian). It means no political parties based on language/ethnicity or region. Insult to Iranian identity or All of this should be mentioned in the constitution.
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There is clear evidence that innocents were killed beside the thugs/hooligans who deserved to be shot. 50%-70% of the problems in Iran are due to corruption, mismanagement, incompetency, ideological thinking instead of putting countries interest at first place. 30-50% of the problems are due to sanctions.

I'm writing about the problems and the possible solutions since 2013 here. Now if those (a minority, mostly 60+ of age, religiously motivated) continue the same policies, follow the same line as before, labling everyone as zionist agent or terrorist, our country will be endangered. Possible solutions for the country: (if not followd, Iran could be in danger).
  • Islamic Guardian council should be abolished and experts and competent people/parties should be allowed to take part in elections.
  • Instead the constitution should be adjusted to not allow those parties/politicians who are corrupt, criminal or/and against the national persian language, unity, history and identity of Iran, to take part in political scene. There should be some mechanism/council/military or combination of 2/3 institutes which will guard this constitution.
  • State media and education system should promote Iranian identity.
  • People should be given positions/functions when they are expert and competent instead of ideological or politically or familial connection with Islamic republic figures.
  • All state financial support to clerigy and religious institutes should be ended and these institutes should become self-supporting.
  • Hijab should be free choice, still nudity should not be allowed.
  • Civil servants, teachers should receive "good" salary, they are the pillars of the society.
  • Bonyads should be ended (including their competition against private sector). Functional remnants should be privatized and taxed like the rest of private sector.
  • Instead direct cash payments should be given the poorest and those who are unable to work due to their health.
  • Religious festivals and ramezan should not disrupt our economy. People should be free to eat or visit retaurants durig ramezan/islamic fasting.
  • Artists should be taxed.
  • Cigarettes should be taxed heavily (best option is regional tax to prevent smuggling between countries)
  • Fuel prices should be adjusted to neighbours (best option is regional pricing to prevent smuggling) and should be taxed, not subsidized.
  • Energy (electricity, gas) should be taxed, not subsidized.
  • Water should be taxed to prevent misuse.
  • We should switch to Parliamentary system instead of Republican system.
  • A vatican like shia city/province should be established for those who want to live accoring to shia Islam and the city will be governed by a clerical council. There a mini Islamic republic or other form of Islamic governance will be free to govern with religious laws. It will also serve as touristic place.
  • Statistical center of Iran should be made bigger, funded heavily because collection of information is key of solving problems.
  • Free press on topics about politics and economy. However non-state press should be confronted by law if it serves against the unity, identity, interests of Iran.
  • No more islamic propaganda in TV or Iranian tax money to subsidize Islamic institutions and haj. Clerics have to work beside their lazy sermons.
  • End of communist policies in some sectors: government owned companies such as car industry should be privatized.
  • Privatization in most of sectors except strategic sectors such as oil, gas, minerals, ports, military industry etc.
  • Government is free to have minority stakes in healthy part of private sector.
  • Keeping intact all of our foreign interests (but not anymore based on islam purely), not allowing foreign armies to be established in Iran. If islam can be an instrument to serve some of our goals, then we should do so for our interests.
  • Iranian foreign military legion should be established to serve Iranian interests.
  • Far reaching digitalization of government-people communication and services in the country. This will lower the costs for the government and when there are no people between citizens and government, there will be much les corruption.
  • Sharp increasement in tax collection, using technology. Maximum 10% of the government budget should come from oil and gas. The rest should come from taxes and fees.
  • All the tax collection measures should be started by giving in advance the amount of the money which is going to be collected to the people and sectors which are in need of financial support. Also media campaigns should be held in advance. This will prevent recent like situations.
  • Ending any foreign debt, spending not more than the government budget allowes.
  • All of above should happen within an "Iranian framework" instead of the "islamic framework" which failed Iran. That means Iran stays centrally governed, no Federalism, keeps one state and official language (persian). It means no political parties based on language/ethnicity or region. Insult to Iranian identity or All of this should be mentioned in the constitution.

Well sir, that's a nice list, you sound like a person who wants a better Iran...an Iran that will work in the 21st century. You are not a Traitor or a Zionist. You are a patriot.
There is clear evidence that innocents were killed beside the thugs/hooligans who deserved to be shot. 50%-70% of the problems in Iran are due to corruption, mismanagement, incompetency, ideological thinking instead of putting countries interest at first place. 30-50% of the problems are due to sanctions.

I'm writing about the problems and the possible solutions since 2013 here. Now if those (a minority, mostly 60+ of age, religiously motivated) continue the same policies, follow the same line as before, labling everyone as zionist agent or terrorist, our country will be endangered. Possible solutions for the country: (if not followd, Iran could be in danger).
  • Islamic Guardian council should be abolished and experts and competent people/parties should be allowed to take part in elections.
  • Instead the constitution should be adjusted to not allow those parties/politicians who are corrupt, criminal or/and against the national persian language, unity, history and identity of Iran, to take part in political scene. There should be some mechanism/council/military or combination of 2/3 institutes which will guard this constitution.
  • State media and education system should promote Iranian identity.
  • People should be given positions/functions when they are expert and competent instead of ideological or politically or familial connection with Islamic republic figures.
  • All state financial support to clerigy and religious institutes should be ended and these institutes should become self-supporting.
  • Hijab should be free choice, still nudity should not be allowed.
  • Civil servants, teachers should receive "good" salary, they are the pillars of the society.
  • Bonyads should be ended (including their competition against private sector). Functional remnants should be privatized and taxed like the rest of private sector.
  • Instead direct cash payments should be given the poorest and those who are unable to work due to their health.
  • Religious festivals and ramezan should not disrupt our economy. People should be free to eat or visit retaurants durig ramezan/islamic fasting.
  • Artists should be taxed.
  • Cigarettes should be taxed heavily (best option is regional tax to prevent smuggling between countries)
  • Fuel prices should be adjusted to neighbours (best option is regional pricing to prevent smuggling) and should be taxed, not subsidized.
  • Energy (electricity, gas) should be taxed, not subsidized.
  • Water should be taxed to prevent misuse.
  • We should switch to Parliamentary system instead of Republican system.
  • A vatican like shia city/province should be established for those who want to live accoring to shia Islam and the city will be governed by a clerical council. There a mini Islamic republic or other form of Islamic governance will be free to govern with religious laws. It will also serve as touristic place.
  • Statistical center of Iran should be made bigger, funded heavily because collection of information is key of solving problems.
  • Free press on topics about politics and economy. However non-state press should be confronted by law if it serves against the unity, identity, interests of Iran.
  • No more islamic propaganda in TV or Iranian tax money to subsidize Islamic institutions and haj. Clerics have to work beside their lazy sermons.
  • End of communist policies in some sectors: government owned companies such as car industry should be privatized.
  • Privatization in most of sectors except strategic sectors such as oil, gas, minerals, ports, military industry etc.
  • Government is free to have minority stakes in healthy part of private sector.
  • Keeping intact all of our foreign interests (but not anymore based on islam purely), not allowing foreign armies to be established in Iran. If islam can be an instrument to serve some of our goals, then we should do so for our interests.
  • Iranian foreign military legion should be established to serve Iranian interests.
  • Far reaching digitalization of government-people communication and services in the country. This will lower the costs for the government and when there are no people between citizens and government, there will be much les corruption.
  • Sharp increasement in tax collection, using technology. Maximum 10% of the government budget should come from oil and gas. The rest should come from taxes and fees.
  • All the tax collection measures should be started by giving in advance the amount of the money which is going to be collected to the people and sectors which are in need of financial support. Also media campaigns should be held in advance. This will prevent recent like situations.
  • Ending any foreign debt, spending not more than the government budget allowes.
  • All of above should happen within an "Iranian framework" instead of the "islamic framework" which failed Iran. That means Iran stays centrally governed, no Federalism, keeps one state and official language (persian). It means no political parties based on language/ethnicity or region. Insult to Iranian identity or All of this should be mentioned in the constitution.
What's wrong with nudity? :-) (for the sake of levity)
What's wrong with nudity? :-) (for the sake of levity)
Nothing wrong with nudity when you're taking a shower or in swimming pool or in bed with your wife. However nudity outside of private space is not accepted anywhere (swimming pools and few other places form an exception). The only difference is that the level of nudity differs between countries, societies, cultures and religions, however "pure" nudity is nowhere accepted.
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