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Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

Well, I don't give a f@ck about the clips which you have seen. My information are first hand, I saw how riots put gas stations on fire and not a single one was shot.

I didn't watch any (hollywood approved) clip, cause I don't know their circumstances.

only a fool will judge based on the punishment moment!

compensation doesn't include the armed guys who have been killed by security forces, and for example the family of the terrorist in your clip wont get it.
i am not judging, my whole point is anti-riot police should have non-lethal weapons. this would happen to yourself i'm sure u do not want bullets in your heart because you were demonstrating after all you got angry with several line on words...
with non-lethal weapons like flash ball accidental deaths also would be prevented.
i am not judging, my whole point is anti-riot police should have non-lethal weapons. this would happen to yourself i'm sure u do not want bullets in your heart because you were demonstrating after all you got angry with several line on words...
with non-lethal weapons like flash ball accidental deaths also would be prevented.
Iranian police doesn't even use rubber bullets, they just use tear gas, yet when facing terrorist activities, they will use lethal weapon (as expected), it's not our police fault that your beloved terrorists have forgotten to record their crime!

If me (or any member of my family) ever join a group who are endangering the life of other people by closing roads, setting fire on buildings, attacking hospitals and fire fighting stations and emergency services, beating public servants to death (poor angry protesters!), all I expect from the government is to put a bullet in my head. I'm not kidding!

certainly all terrorists have good reason (in their mind) for being a terrorist!
Iranian police doesn't even use rubber bullets, they just use tear gas, yet when facing terrorist activities, they will use lethal weapon (as expected), it's not our police fault that your beloved terrorists have forgotten to record their crime!

If me (or any member of my family) ever join a group who are endangering the life of other people by closing roads, setting fire on buildings, attacking hospitals and fire fighting stations and emergency services, beating public servants to death (poor angry protesters!), all I expect from the government is to put a bullet in my head. I'm not kidding!

certainly all terrorists have good reason (in their mind) for being a terrorist!
Like I said before I hope the only role you play in government is making tea in police station.....your ideals is not fit for a government. They way you speak about your own elected officials like Rouhani and Zarif is the way Israel might talk about them....you also quickly accuse everyone of being a foreign agent or Zionist. A modern government does not shoot protesters in the head or heart...they don't have snipers shooting people on roof tops or from the air.
The terrorists in Iran are trying to import Hollywood values. And what are Hollywood values, exactly?

Those who support Washington and Amerika, watch the following youtube videos:

Hollywood Exposed [The Banned Documentary] {Part 1}
Hollywood Exposed [The Banned Documentary] {Part 2}

viewer discretion is advised (listen to the audio, I would not watch the moving pictures). Since that is what you are trying to import to Iran, you should listen what your own country does and spreads. Maybe watching such extreme filth of Washington, you would once again become an Iranian. You can't be both, for the video I linked, PROVES you can't be both. Amerika is the Great Satan. Don't believe me, listen to the videos linked. Hollywood is the epicenter of ritual satanic criminal abuse and that is what they want to spread to Iran with revolution.

Me importing US values into Iran?.....Me? Are you serious? How am I importing that, do I own a tv station? Do I host a radio show? What kind of accusation is that? I'm expressing my opinion in a forum with a thread about Iran protests...it's a discussion and my opinion not the tool of the US Imperialist government!! I don't condone what the Trump administration is doing against Iran....I only lament how Iran has painted itself into a corner by bad policy and bad policymakers. As an iranian living out of the reach of the thugs in Iran I can say that......I'm sure many Iranians inside Iran think like me.....
The problem with Iranians have always been that they are easy to manipulate....they listen to anybody spouting lies without doing any research to find out if that person is telling the truth. Just like in 1953 with Mossadegh, and then again with 1979 when we had a chance to have a real democracy and they sold us Islamic republic instead...As far as these protests are concerned, it's not the work of a foreign gov, it is the result of the people being under pressure, the pressure caused by a dysfunctional government. It is impossible for foreign agents to forement unrest in multiple cities at the same time, so most of these uprising are purely organic and not caused by outside agitators....these people are Iranians and they have a right to protest the corruption and mismanagement of the outdated and crazy complicated system we call the Iranian government. Any government that is elected that does not have the power to control policy and run the government is a not a real government......the Guardian council, the Judiciary, the IRGC and the Assembly of Experts not to mention the Supreme Leader all have split the center of power in this country in so many directions that an elected government is left without any real power to do anything meaningful. Don't blame the enemies for this mismanagement, the whole world works with other countries, even countries that they don't like or had wars with, look at Britain and France...or France and Germany. Look at Japan and the U.S...there are many examples. The only country that I know that has refused to kiss and make up in 40 years is Iran......it's childish, amateurish and an incompetent policy, a policy put into effect by people with no government experience and even less diplomatic experience....the sanctions, the economic stagnation, and the enmity is all a result of this backward thinking that everybody is out to get us.
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Me importing US values into Iran?.....Me? Are you serious? How am I importing that, do I own a tv station? Do I host a radio show? What kind of accusation is that? I'm expressing my opinion in a forum with a thread about Iran protests...it's a discussion and my opinion not the tool of the US Imperialist government!! I don't condone what the Trump administration is doing against Iran....I only lament how Iran has painted itself into a corner by bad policy and bad policymakers. As an iranian living out of the reach of the thugs in Iran I can say that......I'm sure many Iranians inside Iran think like me.....
The problem with Iranians have always been that they are easy to manipulate....they listen to anybody spouting lies without doing any research to find out if that person is telling the truth. Just like in 1953 with Mossadegh, and then again with 1979 when we had a chance to have a real democracy and they sold us Islamic republic...As far as these protests are concerned, it's not the work of a foreign gov, it is the result of the people being under pressure, the pressure caused by a dysfunctional government. It is impossible for foreign agents to forement unrest in multiple cities at the same time, so most of these uprising are purely organic and not caused by outside agitators....these people are Iranians and they have a right to protests the corruption and mismanagement of the outdated and crazy complicated system we call the Iranian government. Any government that is elected that does not have the power to control policy and run the government is a not a real government......the Guardian council, the Judiciary, the IRGC and the Assembly of Experts not to mention the Supreme Leader that have split the centers of power in this country in so many directions that an elected government is left without any power to do anything meaningful. Don't blame the enemies for this mismanagement, the whole world works with other countries, even countries they don't like or had wars with, look at Britain and France...or France and Germany. Look at Japan and the U.S...there are many examples. The only country that I know has refused to kiss and make up in 40 years is Iran......it's childish, amateurish and incompetent policy, a policy put in to effect by people with no government experience and even less diplomatic experience....the sanctions, the economic stagnation, the enmity is all result of this backward thinking that everybody is out to get us.

Every true exposé on the Washington thugs is haram.

That is how evil Washington is. It is haram, completely and totally haram since Reagan (Carter was not haram). Any Muslim nation that aligns and become a puppet of Washington is not good for the spiritual health of the native people.

The policies of Washington is to corrupt and enslave. This you must know. And to resist this Great Satan is freedom. Iran already has freedom. Does not need zionist 'democracy'. Iran already has democracy.
A modern government does not shoot protesters in the head or heart...they don't have snipers shooting people on roof tops or from the air.
lol, nice try advertising terrorist murders as protesters.

Yet, a little search in google shows that your so called modern governments are using military tanks, snipers, shooting in the head, etc.

Either you are from another world, or think we are that naive to believe such a lies.
Whats the issue? You find it hard to believe that the enemies of Iran had a hand in the riots??
On GPS: Iran cracks down on mass protests

Whats the issue? You find it hard to believe that the enemies of Iran had a hand in the riots??

He is an "Iranian" American. In the U.S it is very un-american to have a positive view about Iran so they tend to be very rabid ant-Iranian and believe everything is the fault of the "mullahs".

He is an "Iranian" American. In the U.S it is very un-american to have a positive view about Iran so they tend to be very rabid ant-Iranian and believe everything is the fault of the "mullahs".
Yeah thanks for answering for me....as if you know who I am or how I feel.....keep guessing though you're getting warm.
Yeah thanks for answering for me....as if you know who I am or how I feel.....keep guessing though you're getting warm.
Glad to be of service.
I know losers like you who just think that if only Iran just fall in line behind U.S/Israeli interests, everything would just be fine!
Glad to be of service.
I know losers like you who just think that if only Iran just fall in line behind U.S/Israeli interests, everything would just be fine!
Get stuffed....you're like a robot, your exactly the type I was talking about in my post...just believe everything you hear without research. If you did any research by say reading my previous posts you'd see where I stand with in regards to my country...typical idiot.
Get stuffed....you're like a robot, your exactly the type I was talking about in my post...just believe everything you hear without research. If you did any research by say reading my previous posts you'd see where I stand with in regards to my country...typical idiot.

Typical "Iranian" American loser! Keep pretending it was only the Iranian police that was using live munitions during the protests. Even the MEK have come out themselves bragging about the hand they played in fomenting violence in order to increase their foreign income. I have seen footage of Iranian police being sniped!
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