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Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

When a man receives money and order from another country to intentionally kill security forces and even other protesters to turn protest into a bloody civil war, then he is called a terrorist.

only a complete retard or another terrorist would call him protester.
Show proof or shut up. How many outside agitators? A few hundred? How come there are tens of thousands in the streets then? Besides are we supposed to believe people like you who basically think iran should stay isolated because there is a chance they West might plot against us? If the regime is strong enough it can't be overthrown, if it's weak and corrupt you don't need outsiders to topple it.
Show proof or shut up. How many outside agitators? A few hundred? How come there are tens of thousands in the streets then? Besides are we supposed to believe people like you who basically think iran should stay isolated because there is a chance they West might plot against us? If the regime is strong enough it can't be overthrown, if it's weak and corrupt you don't need outsiders to topple it.

If you have video of masses of Iranians coming to the streets and calling for a revolution then SHOW THEM!

Here are some facts for you to consider

U.S. Defense budget is over $680 BILLION USD and the fact is for the past 4 decades the U.S. has been obsessed with Iran and that obsession has only increased over the past decade to a point that today not even a month can go by without U.S. mentioning Iran in a negative light....
And with a Defense budget that high and nut jobs like Trump, Pompeo, Juliani & previously John Bolton in power and add Saudi money into the picture and it's really not that far of a stretch to say they have been spending at least $1Billion USD a year "inside Iran" to cause problems....

Pay 50,000 people $1,000 a month ($600 Million USD) and simply task each of them to find at least 4 simple minded fools to join their protest! + pay 5,000 trained professionals $5,000 USD per month to direct, coordinate & manage those 50,000 ($300 million) + $100 Million for various expenses. (To give you an example that much money would allow you to buy up to $1 Million USD worth of property and equipment across 100 cities in Iran every year.) And valla you have foreign agents lying in wait for an issue to come up to direct 250,000 fools into the street all across Iran to try to turn a simple protest of a specific issue into some kind of a deluded revolution.

What baffles me are Iranians who think that the U.S. even under Trump wouldn't do something like that. So there is no might here!

The fact is over the past 30 years EVERY U.S. sponsored broadcast into Iran has been asking Iranians NOT to show up for presidential elections and yet vast majority of Iranians keep showing up election after election so the truth is if all these anti government groups can't so much as get the vast majority of Iranians to even stay home a single day every 4 years on election day to show that the majority DO NOT support this system then how can you or any Iranian truthfully assume that the vast majority don't support this system?
Fact is if you can't get 60% of Iranians inside Iran to simply stay home come election day then you have to be flat out DELUSOINAL to think that you have the support of the majority for a revolution!
If you have video of masses of Iranians coming to the streets and calling for a revolution then SHOW THEM!

Here are some facts for you to consider

U.S. Defense budget is over $680 BILLION USD and the fact is for the past 4 decades the U.S. has been obsessed with Iran and that obsession has only increased over the past decade to a point that today not even a month can go by without U.S. mentioning Iran in a negative light....
And with a Defense budget that high and nut jobs like Trump, Pompeo, Juliani & previously John Bolton in power and add Saudi money into the picture and it's really not that far of a stretch to say they have been spending at least $1Billion USD a year "inside Iran" to cause problems....

Pay 50,000 people $1,000 a month ($600 Million USD) and simply task each of them to find at least 4 simple minded fools to join their protest! + pay 5,000 trained professionals $5,000 USD per month to direct, coordinate & manage those 50,000 ($300 million) + $100 Million for various expenses. (To give you an example that much money would allow you to buy up to $1 Million USD worth of property and equipment across 100 cities in Iran every year.) And valla you have foreign agents lying in wait for an issue to come up to direct 250,000 fools into the street all across Iran to try to turn a simple protest of a specific issue into some kind of a deluded revolution.

What baffles me are Iranians who think that the U.S. even under Trump wouldn't do something like that. So there is no might here!

The fact is over the past 30 years EVERY U.S. sponsored broadcast into Iran has been asking Iranians NOT to show up for presidential elections and yet vast majority of Iranians keep showing up election after election so the truth is if all these anti government groups can't so much as get the vast majority of Iranians to even stay home a single day every 4 years on election day to show that the majority DO NOT support this system then how can you or any Iranian truthfully assume that the vast majority don't support this system?
Fact is if you can't get 60% of Iranians inside Iran to simply stay home come election day then you have to be flat out DELUSOINAL to think that you have the support of the majority for a revolution!

Wrong, you're jumping to conclusions, show me where said that vast majority of Iranians don't support their government? I said there are thousands of citizens that don't like their government.....can you deny this fact?
They're not all agitators, or foreign agents, they have a right to protest...even if the protesters turn into a mob, as a lawful government we must behave in a rational manner and not shoot down our own citizens. It is a police action that will have to reign in the protesters, just like Hong Kong.
I only vehemently disagreed with the reformer obsessed, traitor label loving paranoid in chief of this website who as usual goes to the lowest common multiple of any subject, he started spouting about executions for the protesters.
I'm an Iranian citizen, I may live in America, but that's still my land over there, the majority of my family still lives in Iran, I all the males in my family have served in the military in Iran. I don't think my country or it's laws belong to these backward friday prayer, chest pounding idiots but I respect the elections and the people's vote. And yes, as still a citizen of Iran I will call out a regime that his little regard for the lives of dissenting Iranians. Just to be clear I do not support MEK nor do I care for the monarchist....both of them belong in the dust bin of history. I care about democracy and rule of law! They should arrest and jail the arsonist and violent protesters but if they kill or shoot protesters, then they are as bad as the SAVAK or Saudi Arabian journalist murdering prince.
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Show proof or shut up. How many outside agitators? A few hundred? How come there are tens of thousands in the streets then? Besides are we supposed to believe people like you who basically think iran should stay isolated because there is a chance they West might plot against us? If the regime is strong enough it can't be overthrown, if it's weak and corrupt you don't need outsiders to topple it.
Yes, there were thousands or better to say hundreds of thousands protesters, yet after witnessing their protest is being hijacked by western backed terrorists who are hurting public properties, they didn't participate anymore, and as I said and you deliberately ignored, in the third day people didn't protest anymore and security forces had the chance to easily identify and arrest western agents.

LOL, do you live in planet monkeys?!
Western terrorists in their media bluntly admit they have been recruiting, networking and training their gangs in Iran and you say they might plot?!

their arrested gangs already admitted of doing all of these in return of money, to kill security forces and post their footage in return of money, but perhaps we should verify their confessions with you and Mr Pompeo first!
When a man receives money and order from another country to intentionally kill security forces and even other protesters to turn protest into a bloody civil war, then he is called a terrorist.

only a complete retard or another terrorist would call him protester.

You would hope that an intelligent person would not need something so simple explained to them but unfortunately here we are!

You are lose of brain.
Nice vocabulary...did you drop out of English 101?
Yes, there were thousands or better to say hundreds of thousands protesters, yet after witnessing their protest is being hijacked by western backed terrorists who are hurting public properties, they didn't participate anymore, and as I said and you deliberately ignored, in the third day people didn't protest anymore and security forces had the chance to easily identify and arrest western agents.

LOL, do you live in planet monkeys?!
Western terrorists in their media bluntly admit they have been recruiting, networking and training their gangs in Iran and you say they might plot?!

their arrested gangs already admitted of doing all of these in return of money, to kill security forces and post their footage in return of money, but perhaps we should verify their confessions with you and Mr Pompeo first!
Oh yeah, I asked you for proof of these so called agents, getting paid to protest. Is there any? We're private citizens, we don't have IRGC insider knowledge....you want to share some? I on the other hand have some videos going around the world that's making us look real good, thanks to your group.


Grisly Footage Reveals What Iran's Regime Did to Protesters When the Internet Was Shut Down
Nice vocabulary...did you drop out of English 101?

Oh yeah, I asked you for proof of these so called agents, getting paid to protest. Is there any? We're private citizens, we don't have IRGC insider knowledge....you want to share some? I on the other hand have some videos going around the world that's making us look real good, thanks to your group.


Grisly Footage Reveals What Iran's Regime Did to Protesters When the Internet Was Shut Down
LOL, actually your footage shows security forces shooting specific terrorists while people are moving around unafraid, neither police attacks people, nor people attack police.

a fine job by our security forces, and a butt-hurt to terrorists and their supporters.
Wrong, you're jumping to conclusions, show me where said that vast majority of Iranians don't support their government? I said there are thousands of citizens that don't like their government.....can you deny this fact?
They're not all agitators, or foreign agents, they have a right to protest...even if the protesters turn into a mob, as a lawful government we must behave in a rational manner and not shoot down our own citizens. It is a police action that will have to reign in the protesters, just like Hong Kong.
I only vehemently disagreed with the reformer obsessed, traitor label loving paranoid in chief of this website who as usual goes to the lowest common multiple of any subject, he started spouting about executions for the protesters.
I'm an Iranian citizen, I may live in America, but that's still my land over there, the majority of my family still lives in Iran, I all the males in my family have served in the military in Iran. I don't think my country or it's laws belong to these backward friday prayer, chest pounding idiots but I respect the elections and the people's vote. And yes, as still a citizen of Iran I will call out a regime that his little regard for the lives of dissenting Iranians. Just to be clear I do not support MEK nor do I care for the monarchist....both of them belong in the dust bin of history. I care about democracy and rule of law! They should arrest and jail the arsonist and violent protesters but if they kill or shoot protesters, then they are as bad as the SAVAK or Saudi Arabian journalist murdering prince.

1st If the Iranian government had ordered security forces to go out shooting there would be over 1000 dead on the streets on day one with 1000's more arrested.
2ndly Why do you assume that only security forces were armed?
3rd People are people and every situation is different if your an officer and you see kids under your command getting beaten to death you are left with no choice but to use deadly force. So depending on the situation the use of deadly force could be justified and yes there are instances that they aren't justified and sometimes innocent ppl get caught in the crossfire but even if there is innocent blood spilt that is the fault of the people who initiated the violence and it most definitely was NOT Iranians security forces that initiated violence.

And it's not like there were large masses of people out and in the midst privet and public property got damaged because they didn't have the numbers for that these were coordinated organized relatively small groups that went out and attacked specific targets. So I suggest you wake up because at least in my opinion these ppl crossed the line of being protesters and rioters and into being an organized foreign sponsored terrorists groups the moment they started targeting Iranian infrastructure.
From Public and privet transportation (Busses, metro stations & cars) to Banking (100's of banks) & privet business (100's of privet business) to telecommunication (with 1000's losing telephone service) to targeting emergency services, health and human services (Targeting ambulances, fire trucks and clinics) to the countries security infrastructure to even the countries education infrastructure,.....
And because they didn't have the number to hit this many targets unless coordinated and organized that makes them a terrorist group and in my opinion the Iranian government should be ready to take deadly force if they ever attempt to try this again!

You wanna protest an issue sure that is your right! And if the protest get heated and you break a few signs and take down a few posters and break a few windows, fine BUT once you cross the line of hitting Banks and stealing money and burning the banks, destroying Metro stations, destroying ambulances, burning buildings,.... then your not a protester or even a rioter anymore your a terrorist and you should be dealt like one!

As for 1000's of Iranians that don't like this government, well sure because there isn't a single country on the planet that has a population as large as Iran that doesn't have 1000's of people angry at the government. Being angry and protesting or even rioting is one thing and systematically trying to take down a countries infrastructure is quite another!
LOL, actually your footage shows security forces shooting specific terrorists while people are moving around unafraid, neither police attacks people, nor people attack police.

a fine job by our security forces, and a butt-hurt to terrorists and their supporters.
You're so obtuse it's not even worth my time to debate you, the world is filled with people like. In America you'd be a typical Redneck Trump supporter. To you the world is black and white, you're good and anyone else with an opposing point of view is evil... they're either traitors or terrorists...what a sad and scary bubble to live in.
If Iranians are wise then they would support their government regardless of what it believes in so long as peoples lives are not indiscriminately taken away. Order is a 1000x better than chaos even if it is under a dictator like Kim Jung Un. In the the state of chaos, there are tyrants everywhere and no one is safe, at least under dictatorship there is safety. I hope the Iranian understand this so they can save themselves from the fate my nation suffered.
You're so obtuse it's not even worth my time to debate you, the world is filled with people like. In America you'd be a typical Redneck Trump supporter. To you the world is black and white, you're good and anyone else with an opposing point of view is evil... they're either traitors or terrorists...what a sad and scary bubble to live in.
freedom fighter ISIS, gray terrorists, good terrorists!
these are all one propaganda tactic, ineffective on me.
Nice vocabulary...did you drop out of English 101?

Oh yeah, I asked you for proof of these so called agents, getting paid to protest. Is there any? We're private citizens, we don't have IRGC insider knowledge....you want to share some? I on the other hand have some videos going around the world that's making us look real good, thanks to your group.


Grisly Footage Reveals What Iran's Regime Did to Protesters When the Internet Was Shut Down

Have been an english teacher.
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