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Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

Why so many Iranian who dont live in Iran become expert about Iran ? Where is the comment from Iranian members who live in Iran ? How many casualty that is actually happening ? Does government give information about the number of death because of being shot during demonstration ?

I suggest Iran government to be more relax on how they manage their people. Dont be repressive and acting like God. Shariah Islam should be implemented in the most easy way, dont add anything and make something become more difficult. For example, there is no Moral police during prophet Muhammad rule, so why there should be one ? I never heard Prophet Muhammad ever force woman to wear hijab during his rule, so why we should force them now ? Personal freedom should be respected in any country using Islamic law because: "There shall be no compulsion in the religion" (Al Baqarah, verse 256).

Lastly, killing a believer will be punished with hell, it is what Quran said so dont kill any protester.

Shariah Islam should be implemented as it is, so dont add anything that is not regulated there. People also cannot be punished because his word according to Islamic law.

“Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship.” (Qur’an, 2:185)
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maybe what iran needs most in these dire time is an 8.1 earthquake 170 miles south east of tehran and a splinter faction of the irgc to orchestrate a coup

tbf most of these 'protesters' are probably iranian neo-pagans and gaytheists so no love lost from allah haha

Seriously what the hell is wrong with you...

The problems with Iran are real, legitimate poor management, short term thinking for quick profit by some, corruption and of course 40 years of sanctions and 8 years of war and 32 years of instability around Iran. Combine that with climate change, and Iran and the region is bound to tear itself apart when there is so little invested in caring for the future of the country and the region.

The only solution is to tough out the current hard times as much as it hurts and ensure the decision makers are doing whatever it takes to improve long term economical conditions. This includes:
- increase production of fuel
- increase production of food
- increase manufacturing in fields that can generate revenues
- make investments attractive
- improve quality of life for people
Seriously what the hell is wrong with you...

Absolutely, This is what we are dealing with. Non-muslims from countries outside who want to come and destroy Muslim countries. They want to use the most brutal of means and want to commit genocide on a massive scale.
Absolutely, This is what we are dealing with. Non-muslims from countries outside who want to come and destroy Muslim countries. They want to use the most brutal of means and want to commit genocide on a massive scale.

Plastic/rubber bullets, teargas, water cannons should be used. We don't know if these numbers are true or propaganda.
However there are signs of clear hooliganism and vandalism.
In france yellow vest protest in 1 year caused 4000 injuries, 20 deaths. In Iran if these thugs are allowed to continue they will cause 40000 injuries and 2000-20000 deaths.

Lets not forget, Islamic republic is clearly partly guilty of these problems today:
  • 40 years they did nothing about this and now suddenly they want to cut subsidies because of budget problems. They had so many years to slowly cut the subsidies. 1 dollar cent a month in 6 years would be enough
  • Their whole revolution was semi-communist and communist policy of giving subsidies on bread, fuel, electricity, gas has caused these problems. Now after causing "subsidie-addiction" for the people, they have to fix all these mistakes and cancel the subsidies.
  • They could start media campaigns from years before starting this policy
  • They could start giving hand-outs in advance before cutting the subsidies to ease the pain of lower income groups.
  • They could have saved 100 billion energy subsidies a year, 50 billions subsidies from other inefficient system such as bonyads, and easily collect additional 50 billion taxes. Together 200 billion dollars a year would become free to invest in infrastructure, tourism and education, science, military, agriculture etc.
Now that the mullahs are finally coming to their senses and putting an end to this communist policy of making water, electricity, fuel, gasoline,... free that made the economy sick to the extend that nowadays almost all of our factories just relay on cheap energy to produce junk that can't compete on the world stage, And mullah Hassan Rouhani took it upon himself to do this task and accepted the sh!tstorm that come with it, The Genocidal Yankees and the Beverly Hills f@ggots are booing the mullahs for doing so and calling for riots. I thought the Genocidal Yankees and Beverly Hills f@ggots are against the communist policies, But who are we kidding here, The Genocidal Yankees are an infestation that go by the rule of "Do as i say, Not as i do", And as usual, where the master goes, The Beverly Hills f@ggots follow.
Now that the mullahs are finally coming to their senses and putting an end to this communist policy of making water, electricity, fuel, gasoline,... free that made the economy sick to the extend that nowadays almost all of our factories just relay on cheap energy to produce junk that can't compete on the world stage,
100% true. There is little to no interest in Iran for innovations in industries related to consumer products, because of the rigged energy and material prices. This is the main reason for the sick economy.
100% true. There is little to no interest in Iran for innovations in industries related to consumer products, because of the rigged energy and material prices. This is the main reason for the sick economy.

I would argue the start up culture is alive and well. It needs support to flourish.
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