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Iran riots: Armed Protesters try to kill Khamenei's Rep in Yazd

It's interesting that IRI supporters on this forum have gone dark and silent. I wonder whether they have been called to suppress the demonstrations...
Some people just like being ***-raped by westerners and they display their ***-raping on twitter.

It makes no sense, it's like they want their nation to break and bow to a U.S hegemon intent on destroying any opposing countries in the world

Dickless Arabs should atleast be a warning to the Iranians!
Jews have been trying to make things like this happen in Iran since 1995.

Admirable restraint on the part of both the Iranian government and the beautiful Iranian people to so long endure the bestiality of Jews.

Do Jews buy their own pornography, or do they wet their tidy-whiteys gloating over other people’s misery?
Jews have been trying to make things like this happen in Iran since 1995.

Admirable restraint on the part of both the Iranian government and the beautiful Iranian people to so long endure the bestiality of Jews.

Do Jews buy their own pornography, or do they wet their tidy-whiteys gloating over other people’s misery?

The Americans have been trying since the 1980s

Under normal circumstances protesting against government economic mismanagement is perfectly normal and fine
But in the current circumstances when Iran is under OPEN ATTACK then these people are enemies of the Iranian state and people and they need a slap for being haram khors!
Rohani should be put in the same house as his brother and both shot.
This was not an accident
Issue isn’t the sanctions, issue is the level of corruption that is running through the core of the Republic. When everyone is corrupt in some shape or form then it makes it hard to crack down on corruption.

Ahmadinejad clan, Larijani clan, Rafsanjani clan, Rouhani clan all have ties to corruption. Eventually people get tired of it.

But people who kill government officials and destroy public property are thugs and criminals that is not normal peaceful protesting. I understand some tire burning and minor vandalism, but this is absurd.

If you tried to leathally attack a riot police officer in USA or Europe you would be shot dead on the spot.
The Yellow Vest protests in France have been going on for over one year now, but the MSM seems determined to ignore them.

But let one protest break out in a country that the United States does not like and expect wall-to-wall media coverage.
But there is a critical role for liberal democracies to play in hastening the regime’s demise, Ebadi said, and Canada—which has developed a reputation for sheltering corrupt regime millionaires and serving as a bank-account bolthole for assets quietly swindled from the Iranian people—should take a leading role in the project.
To be honest, I don't see why western countries should ban or limit corrupt Iranian(or other developing countries for that matter) officials and their children from coming to the West or saving their money here. It's not up to Canada to pressure another country to stop corruption or adopt good governance or whatever. As I said before on this forum, a government responsibility lies with its own people and only it's people (those who elected them) , they have no obligation to help other countries, since it's not their responsibility. I don't see why some people who are originally from the developing world will keep pushing and calling on western countries to limit corrupt officials and their families from stashing their money here or having their family/children study/live here. As far as it's benefits western countries I don't see why we should stop that. This people should be pressuring their leaders /government to clean up their act or replace them if they deem necessary . Nobody will ever come and do your job for you. So blame your own government not others.
News out here is that over 100 protesters have been killed. This is unacceptable..I don't think citizens should be shot for unrest or damage to property. Arrested, jailed, okay...killed no!
Bodyguards Foil Assassination Attempt on Iranian Supreme Leader's Rep Amid Gas Tax Protests - Report


"Security forces have foiled the attempted assassination of Ayatollah Mohammad Reza Nasseri-Yazdi, the local representative of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Yazd, central Iran on Monday, the Islamic Republic News Agency has reported.

According to the agency, multiple attackers armed with knives and bladed weapons attempted to enter Nasseri-Yazdi’s home, but were spotted by the Imam’s bodyguards, who detained four would-be assassins, with several other attackers managing to escape.
Along with the suspects, knives, a sword, and a stolen motorcycle were said to have been handed over to local authorities".

This thing is escalating fast.........
Thankfully all in all it was a pretty incompetent and amateurish assassination attempt,even more so considering the weapons the terrorists were armed with.Its really more shocking just because of the sheer brazenness of the attempt.Top marks to the security detail tho`,who not only spotted the terrorists and foiled their plans,but even more impressively did not immediately resort to the use of lethal force to neutralize the terrorists,but instead took four of them alive[I wouldnt want to be in their shoes,lol!]
They take it as a source of pride. How pathetic!
Either way the people are fed up...they want a real democracy not a 7th century interpretation of it. Reforms can save this regime...if not then the next uprising will be worse and the next one after that will worse yet till the whole country gets engulfed....they need a more agile and transparent government that can focus less on militancy and more on it's people.
News out here is that over 100 protesters have been killed. This is unacceptable..I don't think citizens should be shot for unrest or damage to property. Arrested, jailed, okay...killed no!

What do you think would happen to a protestor that is carrying knives, bats, swords in USA or Europe? They would be shot dead.

Unfortunately some of our countrymen still behave like backward animals and thus must be put down like animals. If you attack police stations and banks and ignore police commands than lethal force is permitted.

Most of those in the streets are losers anyway, I don’t see lawyers and doctors in the streets with knives and rocks.

Peaceful protestors must be protected, but protestors that engage in criminal activity should be punished especially if lives of security forces are in danger (over 5 killed already).
News out here is that over 100 protesters have been killed. This is unacceptable..I don't think citizens should be shot for unrest or damage to property. Arrested, jailed, okay...killed no!

The Pent up frustration Iranians have been building up for quite a while now was going to blow up sometime sooner or later irregardless of sanctions. External factors only go so far when you have an intrinsically corrupt institution running internal affairs. Iran's government needs/needed drastic reforms or even outright replacement but Iran as a nation is in between a rock and a hard place. It is my view that Middle Eastern nations allied with Israel and the United States will exploit this since (imo) they don't want to see a strong and independent Iran ever again, especially since Iran can be so effective at influencing regional politics even under harsh sanction regimes. So in this lies Iran's precarious predicament. How does it go about satiating an angry populace ravaged by a not so ideal government compounded with draconian sanctions that has markedly reduced the standard of Iranian living undoubtedly adding to a lot of the Iranian populations discontentment. After all, Iran has regional commitments and goals it has to push in order to keep its power. If Iran just threw in the towel and caved into American/Israeli demands that are tantamount to a full surrender: Iran's reputation will be tarnished for decades. More over there doesn't seem to be, at least under this current paradigm, away for Iran to give and take with the America. The United States wants nothing less than a full retreat of any and all Iranian internal and external ambitions.

One thing is for certain though, Trump's Israeli led JCPOA exit and reinstatement of American sanctions have done their job rather well. U.S. weaponization of its economy has paid off and it remains to be seen where this is all heading.
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