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Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island
AP | 37 mins ago
TEHRAN: Iran’s ground forces commander is warning that should diplomacy fail, the military is ready for action over a disputed Gulf island controlled by Iran but also claimed by the United Arab Emirates.

Gen Ahmad Reza Pourdastan says Iranian forces are ready to confront the “disturbing” party over the strategic Abu Musa island in the Persian Gulf. The remarks were reported Thursday on state TV’s website.

It was the first time an Iranian military commander commented on the issue since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week visited Abu Musa.

The island dominates the approach to the Strait of Hormuz, a key waterway in the Gulf through which about one-fifth of the world’s oil supply passes. Iran took control of tiny Abu Musa and two other nearby islands in 1971 after British forces left the region.
If I may ask... How much attention is this subject getting in Iran itself? Just curious because western media won't even mention it.
He said if the opposite side wants to use force,we are ready to answer them in their own way.

Why should we attack first while we currently own the islands?

Will right now Iran IS already using force occupying it with military. This island is under the "Disputed Borders" territory of world affairs and UAE once and again have cLled for a peaceful resulotion for this however Iran is refusing the peaceful means.
Will right now Iran IS already using force occupying it with military. This island is under the "Disputed Borders" territory of world affairs and UAE once and again have cLled for a peaceful resulotion for this however Iran is refusing the peaceful means.

what you mean by peaceful means??? handing over the island ? agreeing to your terms ??? that's not peaceful, that's dictation...

now you are getting to know some peaceful means ?? where is Saudia about Kashmir issue???? where is your peacefulness ????
what about Palestine issue? how long you can work with your peacefulness and making other party more stronger....

Shame on Saudi ruling class, i have worked in Dammam and i know some very good saudi people, but ruling class sucks
what you mean by peaceful means??? handing over the island ? agreeing to your terms ??? that's not peaceful, that's dictation...

now you are getting to know some peaceful means ?? where is Saudia about Kashmir issue???? where is your peacefulness ????
what about Palestine issue? how long you can work with your peacefulness and making other party more stronger....

Shame on Saudi ruling class, i have worked in Dammam and i know some very good saudi people, but ruling class sucks

No not at all. UAE wants to take the case to the international court of justice to settle the case once and for all but Iran is refusing. What does that tell you?? Why are they not sure they will win the case?? Is the ICJ not peaceful? Is it dictation??
Will right now Iran IS already using force occupying it with military. This island is under the "Disputed Borders" territory of world affairs and UAE once and again have cLled for a peaceful resulotion for this however Iran is refusing the peaceful means.

Those islands were Iran's for thousands of years, while few decades ago born country say they have the rights to those islands? How cute.

Also "peaceful resolution" UAE wants is for US and its alies to decide the outcome, how would that go for Iran? Iran could be 100% right and still would lose to such biased party anytime and everytime.

Bottom line, peaceful or not peaceful, UAE has no case for the islands.

P.S. How is that UAE-Saudis border issue from 1974? :azn: UAE also has border issues with Oman, Qatar, etc. Its even funnier, when UAE has unresolved contested borders within itself :rofl:
One more possible war senario

It is one of the main issues between GCC and Iran you can say it is the equivalent of India and Pakistan Kashmir. We originally had no problem but UAE put it on the table as a requirement of the GCC union so it is one of the things ontop of the list in GCC affairs.
No not at all. UAE wants to take the case to the international court of justice to settle the case once and for all but Iran is refusing. What does that tell you?? Why are they not sure they will win the case?? Is the ICJ not peaceful? Is it dictation??
of course this is very unhonest action: they would win because for some time the islands were not ours
but Iran didn't go to court for many countries which were given by English to a minority and some stolen from Iran... Iran didn't complain about it , thought "past is past . lets' forget'

sorry to say that Mosa but some leaders in Arab countries make two mistakes:
1/ they believe Arabs are all the same and need to unite against the other populations and divide the countries
just i always find it funny that for exemple Arabs Iranians have their own past and as well most of Iranians have different roots, there is no pure race, we are mixtures of turk, kurd, arab , persian and so many other populations . we live in great intelligence so why shoudn't we go on this way?
2/ they claim as they want a domination and hegemony: so they never blame about British stole lands to give to minority
another exemple is Bahrain : the power in hands of a minority your own country is supporting against a majority
should we go to court about it?
you obviously know that court would be biased . there is NO independant court in the world.

The intelligence would be stop claim this or that and live in peace.
Emirates for many years now play a very different game... sadly...
No not at all. UAE wants to take the case to the international court of justice to settle the case once and for all but Iran is refusing. What does that tell you?? Why are they not sure they will win the case?? Is the ICJ not peaceful? Is it dictation??

lol who told you ICJ in US is always not biased, that is your saudi people problem,
When Pakistan says the same thing about Kashmir you saudi gov, still not favour Pakistan, and keep ties with india ...double standards?????justice???
lol who told you ICJ in US is always not biased, that is your saudi people problem,
When Pakistan says the same thing about Kashmir you saudi gov, still not favour Pakistan, and keep ties with india ...double standards?????justice???

Who told you Saudi Arabia doesn't support Pakistan regarding Kashmiri issue?? Saudi Arabia is the only country aside for Pakistan to observe Kashmir solidetary day officially you know.
lol who told you ICJ in US is always not biased, that is your saudi people problem,
When Pakistan says the same thing about Kashmir you saudi gov, still not favour Pakistan, and keep ties with india ...double standards?????justice???
burning something :D it might have to do with your Iran contact. But even now USA is not with you so it won't be issue anymore.
I congratulate the Iranian Propaganda Ministry (or concerned department) for their untiring effort to keep the media rhetoric going even during relatively "calmer" times, even if it is meant to serve as 'distractions' away from the mess their 'ally' Bashar al Assad is in. The Arab public as well as other Muslim communities need to learn this aspect from their Iranian 'brothers'.

Propaganda is one of the major tools of warfare. USA, so called "Israel" and many other criminal entities regularly practise it, so does Iran. It's time that effective propaganda ministries are set up by the Muslim Arabs to serve their interests. They do not even propagate their own victory in the limited October 1973 War widely enough, so much so that many non Arab Muslims, who read the accounts of history from Western/Zionist sources, come to believe ridiculous figments of Zionist imagination at the peril of their own Ummah.

Bring it on.

UAE should keep a check on Zionist and IRGC spies or agents, and also cease trade relations with Iran. Saudis and other Arabs should immediately come up with an active plan to compensate for the stoppage of Iranian trade with UAE by increasing cooperation with UAE on all fronts. It's easy to talk, unfortunately, most Arab regimes do not act.

What is happening in South Sudan? Why does not Algeria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, at the very least, send 2 squadrons of fighter aircrafts each (after the necessary requests from Sudan's leader Omar Al Bashir has been secured)? Why is so called "Israel" allowed to create trouble in Eritrea, Ethiopia and South Sudan along with USA, but the Saudi and other dictatorial regimes are busy thinking about saving their own hold on power.

If you think the Saudi regimes are popular, why are not the Saudi and GCC regimes 'flexing' their 'military muscles' now to show solidarity with UAE and Sudan? With fighters, with military equipment, with political and diplomatic support, with money and with faith in Allah (SWT), the Arab Muslims could start to claim their true place in the world. Don't you agree?

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