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Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island

I congratulate the Iranian Propaganda Ministry (or concerned department) for their untiring effort to keep the media rhetoric going even during relatively "calmer" times, even if it is meant to serve as 'distractions' away from the mess their 'ally' Bashar al Assad is in. The Arab public as well as other Muslim communities need to learn this aspect from their Iranian 'brothers'.

Propaganda is one of the major tools of warfare. USA, so called "Israel" and many other criminal entities regularly practise it, so does Iran. It's time that effective propaganda ministries are set up by the Muslim Arabs to serve their interests. They do not even propagate their own victory in the limited October 1973 War widely enough, so much so that many non Arab Muslims, who read the accounts of history from Western/Zionist sources, come to believe ridiculous figments of Zionist imagination at the peril of their own Ummah.

Just because bashar is an Iranian ally he gets green light by some here to murder as many of Syrian people as possible to stay in power even if syrians had enough of his family and their monarchistic rule over what it is suppose to be a republic. I guss iranians consider all monarchies as bad and evil except the ones that serve their interests.

Syria is the gateway for Iran to receive eastern arms that Russia and China use to get away from sanctions and then Iran repaints those arms and claim it as indigenous productions that is why bashar is so important for Iran.
No not at all. UAE wants to take the case to the international court of justice to settle the case once and for all but Iran is refusing. What does that tell you?? Why are they not sure they will win the case?? Is the ICJ not peaceful? Is it dictation??

Once they brought the case to the court and they failed. If we let these people continue this way they'll always bring it to the court even if they fail 100 times because they are a little tiny consumer Sheikhdom that lacks enough lands for economic expansion and that has turned them into an delusional expansionist, but they don't know that if they make a wrong move and attack those islands we'll flatten Emirates in a matter of several minutes in a way that they become the desert they were 30 years ago. They have no legal basis to claim the Islands, the Islands were 'seized' (according to them) even before the UAE has a constitution, if there is a country that could claim them it's the Great Britain that is just as non-existent as Soviet Union in the world map now.
Will right now Iran IS already using force occupying it with military. This island is under the "Disputed Borders" territory of world affairs and UAE once and again have cLled for a peaceful resulotion for this however Iran is refusing the peaceful means.

If they are your Islands why do you talk so much. Go take them if you dare??
I congratulate the Iranian Propaganda Ministry (or concerned department) for their untiring effort to keep the media rhetoric going even during relatively "calmer" times, even if it is meant to serve as 'distractions' away from the mess their 'ally' Bashar al Assad is in. The Arab public as well as other Muslim communities need to learn this aspect from their Iranian 'brothers'.

Propaganda is one of the major tools of warfare. USA, so called "Israel" and many other criminal entities regularly practise it, so does Iran. It's time that effective propaganda ministries are set up by the Muslim Arabs to serve their interests. They do not even propagate their own victory in the limited October 1973 War widely enough, so much so that many non Arab Muslims, who read the accounts of history from Western/Zionist sources, come to believe ridiculous figments of Zionist imagination at the peril of their own Ummah.

UAE should keep a check on Zionist and IRGC spies or agents, and also cease trade relations with Iran. Saudis and other Arabs should immediately come up with an active plan to compensate for the stoppage of Iranian trade with UAE by increasing cooperation with UAE on all fronts. It's easy to talk, unfortunately, most Arab regimes do not act.

What is happening in South Sudan? Why does not Algeria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, at the very least, send 2 squadrons of fighter aircrafts each (after the necessary requests from Sudan's leader Omar Al Bashir has been secured)? Why is so called "Israel" allowed to create trouble in Eritrea, Ethiopia and South Sudan along with USA, but the Saudi and other dictatorial regimes are busy thinking about saving their own hold on power.

If you think the Saudi regimes are popular, why are not the Saudi and GCC regimes 'flexing' their 'military muscles' now to show solidarity with UAE and Sudan? With fighters, with military equipment, with political and diplomatic support, with money and with faith in Allah (SWT), the Arab Muslims could start to claim their true place in the world. Don't you agree?

I agree we should start helping Sudan immediately if south Sudan does not get away from the oil field. Al-Bashir is a Saudi ally and we do not consider the warrant legitimate on him just like china we should start helping Sudan immediately.
what you mean by peaceful means??? handing over the island ? agreeing to your terms ??? that's not peaceful, that's dictation...

now you are getting to know some peaceful means ?? where is Saudia about Kashmir issue???? where is your peacefulness ????
what about Palestine issue? how long you can work with your peacefulness and making other party more stronger....

Shame on Saudi ruling class, i have worked in Dammam and i know some very good saudi people, but ruling class sucks

spot on brother
I congratulate the Iranian Propaganda Ministry (or concerned department) for their untiring effort to keep the media rhetoric going even during relatively "calmer" times,

I used to be a lot more pro Arab than I am now. It is not Iranians who convinced me it was people like Mossa. I was thinking Iranians should pay Mosa ;)
Only Iran is repeatedly talking about military action.
Read the article first. This is the first time that an Iranian commander has talked about military option on the Islands.
Emirate before had threatened Iran that they would do something else if diplomacy fails, now it's their turn to show us what they could do except giving money to others to build skyscrapers in their cities.
Just because bashar is an Iranian ally he gets green light by some here to murder as many of Syrian people as possible to stay in power even if syrians had enough of his family and their monarchistic rule over what it is suppose to be a republic. I guss iranians consider all monarchies as bad and evil except the ones that serve their interests.

Syria is the gateway for Iran to receive eastern arms that Russia and China use to get away from sanctions and then Iran repaints those arms and claim it as indigenous productions that is why bashar is so important for Iran.

Good point, but you never addressed the part about what Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries should do to assert themselves and help their fellow Arab Muslim brothers in the UAE and Sudan, for example, as I have outlined. Do you think it's time that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Algeria and other Arab countries actually start to take a tough stance?

I used to be a lot more pro Arab than I am now. It is not Iranians who convinced me it was people like Mossa. I was thinking Iranians should pay Mosa ;)

No doubt that Arab public and the wider Muslim public need to change a lot. At the same time, Iranian regime's propaganda should be taken as a countermeasure against the constant barrage of Western-American-Zionist propaganda. Not all propaganda should be believed or accepted even if they may contain some snippets of valuable information.
UAE should keep a check on Zionist and IRGC spies or agents, and also cease trade relations with Iran. Saudis and other Arabs should immediately come up with an active plan to compensate for the stoppage of Iranian trade with UAE by increasing cooperation with UAE on all fronts. It's easy to talk, unfortunately, most Arab regimes do not act.
Iran is not depending on UAE economy
but UAE having a lot , a lot of Iranian citizens money invested in their country: ask Iranians to stop to invest and they will have more economical problems

the way you say about "Arab muslims" i guess you think that Arabs should lead the Islamic world
that's why you never cared about many countries which are not Arabs, for exemple Pakistan
or your own citizens GO kill Masoud in Afghanistan

Can i ask you something? mind about your country and business. we don't need fanatics like you supporting the fanatic of South Sudan too ;)

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