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Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island

Those islands were Iran's for thousands of years, while few decades ago born country say they have the rights to those islands? How cute.

As explained by the Arab colleagues earlier post after post, UAE was not there prior to 1971 but the Arab Emirates did exist, do you deny that?

Those islands belong to the Qasimi Tribe which rules two emirates till now, and those 2 emirates are now part of United Arab Emirates, So the Islands are now related to UAE.
Iran is not depending on UAE economy
but UAE having a lot , a lot of Iranian citizens money invested in their country: ask Iranians to stop to invest and they will have more economical problems

Iran is under heavy sanctions, and it bypasses many of them by diverting trade through the UAE, in particular Dubai. Iran's economy is a small fraction of the world economy, and also a small fraction of the Arab world's economy. As a result, UAE can bypass Iran's economy much more easily than Iran can bypass the UAE. Iran has no other conduit to the outside world except the UAE for most of its trade.

the way you say about "Arab muslims" i guess you think that Arabs should lead the Islamic world
that's why you never cared about many countries which are not Arabs, for exemple Pakistan
or your own citizens GO kill Masoud in Afghanistan

Your rant here is meaningless because you assumed many things and then extrapolated based on your false assumptions which led to even bigger blunders. I am not an Arab but it does not matter whether I'm Arab or not, if I am a Muslim.

Can i ask you something? mind about your country and business. we don't need fanatics like you supporting the fanatic of South Sudan too ;)

Your advice is unwarranted and childish. Many Arab Muslims, including many Iraq victims of Iranian regime's terror tactics also wish Iran had kept to its own borders, but Iran along with so called "Israel" and USA do not abide by their own "rules'.
Those islands were Iran's for thousands of years, while few decades ago born country say they have the rights to those islands? How cute.

As explained by the Arab colleagues earlier post after post, UAE was not there prior to 1971 but the Arab Emirates did exist, do you deny that?

Those islands belong to the Qasimi Tribe which rules two emirates till now, and those 2 emirates are now part of United Arab Emirates, So the Islands are now related to UAE.

Iran army ready for action on disputed Gulf island
AP | 37 mins ago
TEHRAN: Iran’s ground forces commander is warning that should diplomacy fail, the military is ready for action over a disputed Gulf island controlled by Iran but also claimed by the United Arab Emirates.

Gen Ahmad Reza Pourdastan says Iranian forces are ready to confront the “disturbing” party over the strategic Abu Musa island in the Persian Gulf. The remarks were reported Thursday on state TV’s website.

It was the first time an Iranian military commander commented on the issue since President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last week visited Abu Musa.

The island dominates the approach to the Strait of Hormuz, a key waterway in the Gulf through which about one-fifth of the world’s oil supply passes. Iran took control of tiny Abu Musa and two other nearby islands in 1971 after British forces left the region.

As usual one more threat for attacking, and they say Arabs want war. In the coming times more violations will be made by the Peace loving Iranians

Once they brought the case to the court and they failed. If we let these people continue this way they'll always bring it to the court even if they fail 100 times because they are a little tiny consumer Sheikhdom that lacks enough lands for economic expansion and that has turned them into an delusional expansionist, but they don't know that if they make a wrong move and attack those islands we'll flatten Emirates in a matter of several minutes in a way that they become the desert they were 30 years ago. They have no legal basis to claim the Islands, the Islands were 'seized' (according to them) even before the UAE has a constitution, if there is a country that could claim them it's the Great Britain that is just as non-existent as Soviet Union in the world map now.

When did UAE fail in the court? Please enlighten us with source.

Regarding the economic expansion please do some research. In spite of having land constraints they are doing best for economic expansion.

As explained by the Arab colleagues earlier post after post, UAE was not there prior to 1971 but the Arab Emirates did exist, do you deny that?

Those islands belong to the Qasimi Tribe which rules two emirates till now, and those 2 emirates are now part of United Arab Emirates, So the Islands are now related to UAE.

Only Iran is repeatedly talking about military action.

No one notices that but on the contrary every one knows that UAE has threatened the cute innocent Iranians

Read the article first. This is the first time that an Iranian commander has talked about military option on the Islands.
Emirate before had threatened Iran that they would do something else if diplomacy fails, now it's their turn to show us what they could do except giving money to others to build skyscrapers in their cities.

Please enlighten us who and when someone from the UAE side threaten Iran with an attack?


جزیرة ابوموسي ستتحول الي منطقة سیاحیة نموذجیة

أعلن رئیس منظمة السیاحة والتراث الثقافی والصناعات الیدویة فی ایران حسن موسوی، عن قرار مجلس الوزراء بتحویل جزیرة ابو موسي الي منطقة سیاحیة نموذجیة .

وفی تصریحات ادلي بها موسوی اكد فیها اتخاذ منظمة السیاحة والتراث الثقافی الایرانیة خطوات ترمی للتشجیع علي السفر الي جزیرة ابو موسي .

ووصف جزیرة ابو موسي بانها احدي الجزر الایرانیة الجمیلة وأعرب عن امله فی ذات الوقت أن یؤدی قرار الحكومة بتحویلها الي منطقة سیاحیة نموذجیة الي زیادة تدفق السیاح الایرانیین والاجانب الوافدین الیها .

جزیرة ابوموسي ستتحول الي منطقة سیاحیة نموذجیة
Asim that is not fair. That is the interpretation that west and Arabs put when Iranians say they will repulse or defend any attack on the whole.

Who has said that the Arabs WILL attack the Islands? All I see is one side pre-emptively going like "we'll crush you, we'll destroy you". We have a saying in Pakistan "Aa bail mujhe maar". It fits these internet Iranians.
Iran is not depending on UAE economy
but UAE having a lot , a lot of Iranian citizens money invested in their country: ask Iranians to stop to invest and they will have more economical problems

Iran is under heavy sanctions, and it bypasses many of them by diverting trade through the UAE, in particular Dubai. Iran's economy is a small fraction of the world economy, and also a small fraction of the Arab world's economy. As a result, UAE can bypass Iran's economy much more easily than Iran can bypass the UAE. Iran has no other conduit to the outside world except the UAE for most of its trade.

the way you say about "Arab muslims" i guess you think that Arabs should lead the Islamic world
that's why you never cared about many countries which are not Arabs, for exemple Pakistan
or your own citizens GO kill Masoud in Afghanistan

Your rant here is meaningless because you assumed many things and then extrapolated based on your false assumptions which led to even bigger blunders. I am not an Arab but it does not matter whether I'm Arab or not, if I am a Muslim.

Can i ask you something? mind about your country and business. we don't need fanatics like you supporting the fanatic of South Sudan too ;)

Your advice is unwarranted and childish. Many Arab Muslims, including many Iraq victims of Iranian regime's terror tactics also wish Iran had kept to its own borders, but Iran along with so called "Israel" and USA do not abide by their own "rules'.
Thursday, 19 April 2012

An Iranian Adventure in the Gulf?

Iran never misses an opportunity to confirm the superiority with which it perceives the Arabs in general and the Arab Gulf states in particular. At this level, the visit of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the occupied Emirati Abu Musa Island is one of the facets of that perception.

Ahmadinejad might have planned this visit in the context of the domestic overbidding inside Iran with the conservatives and the hardliners. However, he completely disregarded the fact that the island is the object of a sovereign conflict with another state. Hence, had he enjoyed the minimum level of good intentions, he would have abstained from conducting it, and - prior to that - would have cooperated with the UAE’s proposal to seek a diplomatic solution through negotiations or resort to arbitration.

What is worst is that Tehran – whether via its officials or clerics – intentionally opposed the Emirates’ right to defend what they considered as being a sovereign right to the three occupied Islands, i.e. Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, perceiving the voicing of that right as being an attack against it.

But Iranian arrogance did not stop at this level considering that Ahmadinejad waged a smear campaign particularly targeting the Gulf States, when he assured that his country was the only one in the region with a historical civilization and that the others were ignorant. He thus claimed that Iran was doing the Arab Gulf states and especially the United Arab Emirates a favor by dealing with them commercially and economically, as though had it not been for the Iranian generosity at this level, economy in them would not have flourished. This clearly reveals a racist tendency toward the Arabs.

This racism was accompanied by a rhetoric featuring blatant military threats seen in the statements of the Iranian officials, whether the civilian or military ones. These threats took a serious character surpassing the known propaganda, in light of the realization by the Gulf Cooperation Council states of the extent of the Iranian interference in their internal affairs and the instigation it is carrying out vis-à-vis a faction of their populations, reaching the point of providing arms and training. Indeed, the majority of the Gulf States publicly complained about this policy, thus tackling the Iranian involvement in events extending from Iraq to Bahrain, Yemen, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, even reaching Syria and Lebanon throughout the past years.

Still, the challenge imposed by Iran on the Gulf States today is connected to the progress of Iranian-Western relations over the nuclear program and the developments affecting the Syrian crisis.

It is known that the Gulf States, which are concerned about Tehran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons, are forced to abide by the international sanctions imposed on Iran. Hence, they are trying to remedy for the deficit at the level of the Iranian oil exports in order to ensure the efficiency of the sanctions. However, Tehran wants the Gulf countries to take sides with its policy, even if through threats, and without offering any serious or convincing guarantees in regard to its nuclear program and its goals.

In the face of this hostility, the Gulf countries have no other choice but to seek ways to protect their sovereignty, including the use of the missile shields, especially since Tehran keeps threatening to launch rockets on the region following tests and maneuvers focusing on the Arab Gulf and its states.

Moreover, Iran wants to force the Gulf countries to change their attitude toward the Syrian crisis and relinquish the demands to see change in Damascus. Consequently, through the provocation of direct crises with them, it is seeking a trade-off in the context of the so-called regional cooperation, which it will certainly insist on having it proceed under its tutelage under the pretext that it is the superpower in the region.

Currently, it seems that the attempts to acquire missile shields and the position toward the Syrian regime are behind the new Iranian escalation, after it caused the deterioration of its relations with Turkey, the powerful Western neighbor, the economic partner and the importer of its energy, when Ankara announced it will host the missile shields and when it stood in the face of the security solution in Syria.

Iran has pushed all the elements encouraging the explosion in the face of the Gulf States, at a time when these states are still trying to find a diplomatic solution to prevent this detonation while reserving the right to defend themselves. But is this enough to prevent any major Iranian adventure in the Gulf in order to uphold its positions of influence in the region and along the Mediterranean Sea after having invested billions of dollars in it throughout the past years?

(The writer is a prominent columnist. The article was published in Dar Al Hayat on April 18, 2012)

An Iranian Adventure in the Gulf?
Al Arabiya is an American bootlicker news media. Although their reports on Iranian regime's despicable actions are more or less correct, their favouritism towards Western and even Zionist interests expose their hypocrisy.
Al Arabiya is an American bootlicker news media. Although their reports on Iranian regime's despicable actions are more or less correct, their favouritism towards Western and even Zionist interests expose their hypocrisy.

Oh yea that sounds just right they are American bootlickers favour Zionists and western so of course their reports will be accurate on Iran. Do some of you guys ever switch your brains on?????:rofl:

Who has said that the Arabs WILL attack the Islands? All I see is one side pre-emptively going like "we'll crush you, we'll destroy you". We have a saying in Pakistan "Aa bail mujhe maar". It fits these internet Iranians.

Arabs have been begging west for some time

US embassy cables: Saudi king urges US strike on Iran | World news | guardian.co.uk

Just google you will find lots of articles

Al Arabiya is an American bootlicker news media. Although their reports on Iranian regime's despicable actions are more or less correct, their favouritism towards Western and even Zionist interests expose their hypocrisy.

I think this statement by you expose your hypocrisy. Ironic the accuser guilty of what he accuses all in two sentences:rofl:
As explained by the Arab colleagues earlier post after post, UAE was not there prior to 1971 but the Arab Emirates did exist, do you deny that?

Those islands belong to the Qasimi Tribe which rules two emirates till now, and those 2 emirates are now part of United Arab Emirates, So the Islands are now related to UAE.
and for the information Qasemi tribes sit of rule were in southern Iran in north of Persian gulf and they were Vassals of king of Iran .they were ruled on those lands as appointed representative of our kings.
when they decided to resign from their duty and go to southern part of Persian gulf , it don't mean they can take away Iranian land with them ,it means that Iran king simply appoint another representative to rule on that land

As explained by the Arab colleagues earlier post after post, UAE was not there prior to 1971 but the Arab Emirates did exist, do you deny that?

Those islands belong to the Qasimi Tribe which rules two emirates till now, and those 2 emirates are now part of United Arab Emirates, So the Islands are now related to UAE.
and for the information Qasemi tribes sit of rule were in southern Iran in north of Persian gulf and they were Vassals of king of Iran .they were ruled on those lands as appointed representative of our kings.
when they decided to resign from their duty and go to southern part of Persian gulf , it don't mean they can take away Iranian land with them ,it means that Iran king simply appoint another representative to rule on that land
It's really amazing that you pretend you don't know something:

Iran and UK agreed that Iran takes back the islands from British and once again own them,and in return, recognize Bahrain as a sovereign nation.I've heard Arabs have some bad historical memories,i think it's true.

Iran will never start any war with any nation,unless someone else starts the war.Period.
As explained by the Arab colleagues earlier post after post, UAE was not there prior to 1971 but the Arab Emirates did exist, do you deny that?

Those islands belong to the Qasimi Tribe which rules two emirates till now, and those 2 emirates are now part of United Arab Emirates, So the Islands are now related to UAE.

Those islands are ancient property of Iran, you can interpret how you like, nothing changes :azn:

Actually these islands topic was brought to UNSC, and Arabs claims were dropped. Since that plan failed, Arabs want ICJ now, which is under direct influence of US and its alies.

Solve borders issues among yourself first, before asking for other countries land :) UAE is not only in borders disputes with ALL its neighbors, but also cant decide its own inner borders :lol:

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