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Iran, UAE Close to Deal on Hormuz Islands

These Iranian are son of gun. A foot ball field on Abu Musa
If so, Then it will certainly increase UAE's water territory

using which "I assume" permission's to third parties can be given.

could be a part of that US-Iran Deal. :whistle:
If so, Then it will certainly increase UAE's water territory

using which "I assume" permission's to third parties can be given.

could be a part of that US-Iran Deal. :whistle:
This news is not true, it's just a misquote by a none popular website. No country negotiates for its soil.
He is just like Farmanfarma and Seyyed Zia
In politic I'll support satan himself if he get the result that my country want.

political field is a battleground far more bloodier than a real war . a single misstep and you destroy all hopes of a nation
In politic I'll support satan himself if he get the result that my country want.

political field is a battleground far more bloodier than a real war . a single misstep and you destroy all hopes of a nation

well , his missteps are more than one ...

how can we strengthen our stance in Foreign policy in ME while this government is going to decrease our defense minster budget from **** to **** !?

when our FM want to negotiation over our soil with some useless Khaliji Arabs !?

don't force me to say more things in this forum ...
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well , his misstep are more than one ...

how can we strengthen our stance in Foreign policy in ME while this government is going to decrease our defense minster budget from **** to **** !?

when our FM want to negotiation over our soil with some useless Khaliji Arabs !?

don't force me to say more things in this forum ...
well the military budget must be achievable or it will become like USSR
and the news was fake and that site is well known for this sort of twist in the article it publish
well , his missteps are more than one ...

how can we strengthen our stance in Foreign policy in ME while this government is going to decrease our defense minster budget from **** to **** !?

when our FM want to negotiation over our soil with some useless Khaliji Arabs !?

don't force me to say more things in this forum ...

You have been whining since day 1 of this government, while being silent when Ahmadinejad messed up the whole country.

Stop spreading lies, no one is negotiating on Iran's soil and it's out of government's power to give soil to anyone. This news has been denied numerous times by FM himself and the spokeswoman yet you have found a false excuse to pursue your agenda.

The military budget was cut, because the whole budget was cut, all thanks to the mess that your beloved Ahmadinejad created in economy.

Besides, IRGC is not dependent on government budget, it has its own vast economical activities and companies.
well the military budget must be achievable or it will become like USSR
and the news was fake and that site is well known for this sort of twist in the article it publish

it was achievable , but they need to comfort Uncle sum .... how could Mahmoud achieved that with all those sanctions and Rouhani can't achieve it without sanctions ( as he claims ) !?

our military only using Tooman not foreign currency and even if they have to print Tooman , They should do it , and I'm sure extra 10-15 Trillion Tooman that we knew all will expand in their place won't add anything to our economic with 750 trillion Toomans size ... if they are really worry about our economic , they should control our banks and take taxes from who don't give any taxes not to play with our

anyway , are you think our defense ministry can even make enough bullets for our troops with 698 million dollars !? ( 2,092,932 toomans /3000 ) I really don't know what they smocked ....

Besides, IRGC is not dependent on government budget, it has its own vast economical activities and companies.
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it was achievable , but they need to comfort Uncle sum .... how could Mahmoud achieved that with all those sanctions and Rouhani can't achieve it without sanctions ( as he claims ) !?

our military only using Tooman not foreign currency and even if they have to print Tooman , They should do it , and I'm sure extra 10-15 Trillion Tooman that we knew all will expand in their place won't add anything to our economic with 750 trillion Toomans size ... if they are really worry about our economic , they should control our banks and take taxes from who don't give any taxes not to play with our

anyway , are you think our defense ministry can even make enough bullets for our troops with 698 million dollars !? ( 2,092,932 toomans /3000 ) I really don't know what they smocked ....

and they have plan to restrain IRIGC economical activities as well ...
well , you are wrong , Ahmadinejad budget were just useless number that never achieved and many times he didn't gave 1/10th of the approved budgets.
second no we don't use toman on our military , all the chips or transistors or capacitors or even resistors we use in our equipment are imported from foreign countries and they don't accept rial
Shiraz Electronic industry once at the time of rafsanjani and khatami were producing those Items but now thank to dear Ahmadinejad , they shrink it's workforce to 1/10 and produce phone booth (look it's phone booth not the phone itself) and charity boxes .
There are some serious misinterpretations made here.
If Iran and UAE had really agreed to resolve the dispute on islands then it would have made headlines and we would have got another day off after all it would have been a historical moment .(another one after Dubai winning expo2020 bid:yay:)
But as of today no such news has come in the news papers.And no holiday is declared:cray:

This discussion is futile....why fight over something that has not happened???
And why are the members here always ready to split and slice each other???:blink:

Now if somebody cares to read ,this was the original news which was misconstrued by a another site.
Iran offered initiative to mend ties with GCC countries | GulfNews.com
(Those were only a political science professor's words)

This news is not true, it's just a misquote by a none popular website.

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You two clowns have no knowledge on what you are talking about only blubbering here and there. The two islands greater and lesser Tunb belong the Emirate of Ra's Al-Khaimah and Abu Musa belongs to the Emirate of Sharjah were ruled by Qawasim for 2.5 centuries who's later pledged alliance to the Emir and both exercised sovereignty over them with a unified government, Jurisdiction, education, health, trade and taxes…etc. The islands never been within Iran’s maritime zone and the inhabitants of those islands are indigenous Arabs.

Where did Iran come to the equation?

Iran basically occupied those three Islands by force resulted to many casualties and refuses to either reach a settlement through negotiation and neglect the referral of international court of justice after multiple calls by the UAE authority. Last visit to Abu Musa island by Ahmadinejad sparked an outrage and been condemned by world countries. Iran claims over Bahrain should tells better and how Iran occupied those islands after Bahrain granted independence. Same goes with the occupied Ahwaz.

So again, Iran eyes on Arab countries isn't something new and that Arabs see the occupation of these islands differ no from Israel occupation of Palestine or india claims over Kashmir. And the irony is that Iran opposes Israel occupation of palestine while occupying others lands. And then comes Mr. Zarif, he is indeed Zarif talking about normalization of relation with the GCC states.

The flag of Ra's Al-Khaimah and Sharjah before Iran occupation of these islands




UAE citizens were forced to leave.
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