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Iran, UAE Close to Deal on Hormuz Islands

@Serpentine @Arabian Legend

I read it somewhere that the Iranian Govt negotiated with the prince at that time , before mounting an invasion of the islands , how true is that part ?

This is a clear evidence that Iran occupied those little islands by force.

. . . It is to be stated that according to all laws of progressive countries, the strongest

evidence of ownership (of places and territories) of a government is ‘occupation’ and

‘possession’, and hence there is no need for presentation of any other evidence.

^^ that was the FM of Iran at that time.

Here is a full details and enough evidence that support the UAE sovereignty over these Islands while Iran has no evidence to its claims.

If you are intreated to know more here read this
That's a wrong logic.
Thousands of Saudis are living their country to live in foreign countries, because they may find better opportunities abroad, does it mean that they are not satisfied with their own country? Iranians too have very successful businesses in Dubai, why should they leave?

People migrate to other countries for different reasons, it's nothing extraordinary

Serpentine, I have been watching this forum from a distance and I admit that I like most of your moderate views -- though I don't always agree with you.

Not your fault ! Our cultural backgrounds have been in constant clash since the dawn of time -- and may continue to do so until the end of time!

What I am saying is in response to ResurgentIran and other Supremacists. They have the audacity to say that Dubai belongs to Iran knowing that many of their fellow Persians live a better life there than their lives in Iran.

It is also “well-known” that Persian Iranians are very hateful of Arabs. Arabs do have the same feelings and prejudice towards Persian Iranians too.
That makes it difficult to understand why they come to Dubai if they hate its indigenous people to an unbelievable extent?

There are other alternatives that Persian Iranians can go to
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Iranian businesses there has brought a great economic surge to Dubai. If there were no sanctions and limitations, the economic benefits for UAE would be HUGE

It's a win-win situation for Iran and the UAE.

Both countries ought better seek an agreement over this soon, wasting time doesn't pay a penny.
You pulled that out of your hole? Go look around find me a single Saudi living outside Saudi Arabia not for education of course.

Simply get the fK out of the GCC and stick to your fragile state.

@Serpentine , lol mate !! he is insulting and messing with a moderator :lol:


anyhow our fragile and failed state is kicking your , american and israeli A$$es at the same time . and its so harsh that yo all are getting consti***ed :laughcry: <i put the starz myself ! hope you understand it :D

bye .

and as i said before silly , we are really enjoying this show :jester: , so carry on ......

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With a country as big as China laying claim to tiny islands in the hopes of finding mineral wealth around them, why will Iran ever give up on these oil-rich islands without a fight?:dirol:

But how did this thread degenerate into an Arab-Iranian slingfest? No different than India-Pakistan d!ck-measuring contests that take place elsewhere in this forum!:partay:

That’s what most nationalists are good at. Opening the most convenient page in history’s books.

To have an equal supremacist response, I say try few pages before the one you just opened, and tell me how that still feels?

It is in history, Read some history book.
Serpentine, I have been watching this forum from a distance and I admit that I like most of your moderate views -- though I don't always agree with you.

Not your fault ! Our cultural backgrounds have been in constant clash since the dawn of time -- and may continue to do so until the end of time!

What I am saying is in response to ResurgentIran and other Supremacists. They have the audacity to say that Dubai belongs to Iran knowing that many of their fellow Persians live a better life there than their lives in Iran.

It is also “well-known” that Persian Iranians are very hateful of Arabs. Arabs do have the same feelings and prejudice towards Persian Iranians too.
That makes it difficult to understand why they come to Dubai if they hate its indigenous people to an unbelievable extent?

There are other alternatives that Persian Iranians can go to

LOL tha f.uck? Now Im a supremacist? haha
Anyone who knows me in real life, can testify to that Im anything but. I think even in the forum, people realise that I am very accomodating towards all people and walks of life.

This forum is just a roller coaster. Sometimes I write things for the s.hit n giggles. lolz
LOL tha f.uck? Now Im a supremacist? haha
Anyone who knows me in real life, can testify to that Im anything but. I think even in the forum, people realise that I am very accomodating towards all people and walks of life.

This forum is just a roller coaster. Sometimes I write things for the s.hit n giggles. lolz

Do not make your blood bedraggled for these yokel barefoots :D
Answer with smile :p: :p: :p:
I always dreamed flying between stars on an elephant painted in purple.
By the tread title, I guess it is a childhood wish list, Am I wrong?

Agreed. Negotiations should not be about the sovereignty of those three islands (obviously belong to Iran), but about the sovereigny of Dubai. I can make a good case why Dubai is Iranian. lol

tell , these to Zarif ... that traitor ...
@Arabian Legend
I don't see from where these nonsense and lies have come ,Iran freed those Islands from England before UAE even get established (and England took those Island were taken by force by England from Iran and Iran never acknowledged that take over)
more Importantly no policeman died when we took those Island as a matter its a proven historical fact that we never fired a bullet when we took those Island and it was some Iranian marine who were martyred in the freeing those Island from occupation because they have been ordered not to fire a bullet.
also greater and lesser tonb were uninhibited islands before we put a garrison on them that even UAE emir himself claimed even birds can't live in them .

and also this news from 1 hour ago show that the thread opened on fake news
Three PG islands inseparable part of Iran: spokeswoman

If Persian Iranians are satisfied with their life in Iran, why don't they do everybody a great favor and leave Dubai for good?
and do you want them to remove all the money we invested in UAE back .
tell , these to Zarif ... that traitor ...
what are you talking , he is the best politician Iran have and he had always got the result Iran wanted .

by the way these Pan-arabs have forgotten about the fact that Sheik Saghar himself welcomed Iranian troop to the Island
what are you talking , he is the best politician Iran have and he had always got the result Iran wanted .

by the way these Pan-arabs have forgotten about the fact that Sheik Saghar himself welcomed Iranian troop to the Island

He is just like Farmanfarma and Seyyed Zia
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