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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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You care about Iran or not... why should i care or i should even know? but i don't stop you for clarifying either... neither any one's hate for Saudi Arabia will change the fact, that it was MBS who dolled out $ billions to Imran Khan, in total disregard to the advise of his own people. This is the part of history, we all want to forget.... and it's very obvious from the day $ landed in Pakistan.

Your abuse emanates from your religious teachings and general sectarian hate which enable Iran to use you for it's nefarious designs against Pakistan, every terrorist attack ever happened in Pakistan has it's roots in Iran. Not limited to this, Iran can sabotage Pakistani sovereignty any time any moment. Be it burning of embassy, ordering FIGHTERS without immigration record, manipulating Pakistani politics, dictating foreign policy, forcing us to import COVID, most of above safe guarding Indian interests, I can swear, that the order to not shoot locked India jets, come from a person who is on record praising and meeting Khamenia.

While you are allowed to abuse, because you are a launch... and you are not the first one and sure not the last one.
I think you have your head so far in the sand you cannot see light.

Saudis being blamed for 911
Saudi funding terror of AQ
OBL Saudi
Saudi money for ISIS
Saudi killing Kashogi
Saudi attacking hospitals and schools in yemen.
Saudi over threw Egyptian givenmnet to instal a tyrant called Sisi.
Shall I go on.

Look in the mirror. You went from pakistan to work for saudis. They treat you like shit and you trash Pakistan. A land of your father.
Saudis will never accept you as their equal because arabs inherently are tribal and racist. Even to each other.
No Arab is better than a non Arab doesn't apply when it comes to work...they trow you a dime and pay their own dollars for doing exactly the same job.

The Saudi gave money because we protect the Saudi royals and they know it. MBS spends 300 million plus on a painting. So whats the big deal about a billion. He is a thief yet he imprisons other in his family for stealing.

So go lecture those that buy your non sense
Who always was ally with christian VATİCAN / Europe against the Ottoman Empire / İslamic Caliphate ? İran

Who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in Syria ? İran

Who on the same side with christian Russia to kill Muslims in Syria ? İran

Who supported christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan ? İran

Who supported PKK terror organization against muslim Turkiye ? İran

Who confusing Yemen by causing sedition ? İran

Who tried to make a mess in Bahrain , S.Arabia ? İran

Who supported the US in Afghanistan ? İran

Who helped the US and the UK to invade Iraq ... İran and shiite İraqis

The Chairman of the Papal Council visited Qom/İran ( the center of the Shiites )
Cardinal met with Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs and collaborated on dialogue between Shiites and Christians

and Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs established Qom- Vatican Joint Committee to fight against İSLAM

LOL.... I dont think I need to reply to the retarded statment above that would make a dead cat laugh. Now do you realise why the Ottomans called TOORKs stupid?!

Oh by the way you live in Germany?? Tell me honestly, what do you do for living? You a cleaner or a kababi??

I really shouldnt waste my time with retarderd Toorks who are working as cleaners in Germany!
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What on earth are they teaching you in Turkey?

Dont forget that Ottomas allied with the French, the Germans, and the British at various points in time.

Also Turkey
View attachment 680735

Take a look here.

in history İran never fought against Christians ,
İran always was a pawn of VATICAN to fight Muslims and İSLAM

Do you think İran will fight for İSLAM against Russia or China or Europe or The US or İsrael ? never

The US-İsrael and The EU play new card against Türkiye ..... its İran

They failed to start a war between İran and Turkiye over Syria
this time The US-İsrael and The EU wants to start a war between İran and Turkiye over Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict

RIP İran

125 million TURKS ( Turkiye+Azerbaijan+35/40 million Turks in İran ) will liberate Southern Azerbaijan too

I remind everyone , İran was ruled by the TURKS for over 950 years between 960s and 1925
Pan Turks and new ottomans are only good at barking as for Iran if wasn’t for them you would still be wondering in your yoruts in Mongolia
Pakistan Need 3rd Khordad & 15th Khordad systems with TOT

Iranian AF will purchase JF17 Thunder Block 2/2B(5 x Sqns approximately 105) with KJ500 AEW and Y8G - PRC will sell them...we Pakistani Can not sell or purchase..

Iran will not go for high end purchase its not the doctrine in air they follow. they have perfected the art of asymmetrical warfare. all fighters aircraft are essentially a turkey shoot for there enemy. as it has massive advantage in air.
Pakistan Need 3rd Khordad & 15th Khordad systems with TOT

Iranian AF will purchase JF17 Thunder Block 2/2B(5 x Sqns approximately 105) with KJ500 AEW and Y8G - PRC will sell them...we Pakistani Can not sell or purchase..

Iran will not go for high end purchase its not the doctrine in air they follow. they have perfected the art of asymmetrical warfare. all fighters aircraft are essentially a turkey shoot for there enemy. as it has massive advantage in air.
its not good to have those systems together because they are almost at the same class with 15th Khordad being more powerful with more range but its good to go for either 3rd Khordad +100 km range and Bavar-373 with +200 km missile range and ABM capability or 15th Khordad 120 km range and Bavar-373






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Well said,I couldnt have put it any better myself. :enjoy:
Well thank you, much appreciated. @Philosopher told me to get back on my A sht and crush these lies..i saw him cooking them up, so i decided to join also.

But its already obvious that the power has changed hands.....but denialists dont want to accept it....which is ok, they denied that Iranian weapons were real, until they were proven to not be fake, now they are denying Iranian regional ascendancy...so they will start seeing live examples...
If they buy JF-17 it’ll have to be in exchange for oil or gold... pretty much barter
LOL...you call paying with gold barter? Gold is money, US dollar is fiat fake and is weakening...you are getting distracted by the semantics..even those billions of dollar you will collect will lose value within a year...
Congratulations Iran, great opportunity to order a 100 jf-17 thunder block 2 with local manufacturing

Pakistan will never sell a single bullet to Iran let alone JF-17s because of the threat of U.S sanctions.
Good for Iran they can start buying crap from the world now and lose their self reliance.
Well hopefully we will not stoop as low as Pakistan and just repaint some Chinese tanks and Jets and call them our own!
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Pakistan will never sell a single bullet to Iran let alone JF-17s because of the threat of U.S sanctions.

Well hopefully we will not stoop as low as Pakistan and just repaint some Chinese tanks and Jets and call them our own!

P.S in regards to Iran buying JF-17s. If Iran wants CHINESE Fighter aircraft, Iran will buy it from CHINA and not Pakistan!

Is this racism going to be allowed on this forum?

Because the other mods don’t allow even a joke about Pakistan or Pakistani people and issue bans. But suddenly when their own kind indulges in racism they are no where to be found.

Can I say Pakistan is evil and Pakistanis are evil?
I wonder if they warned him or no ? No one can say that kinda stuff against Pakistan. But their trolls are free to show up anytime. I saw one pakistani call another Pakistani "S L A V E" in here. But god knows what the moderators did about it. Only they themselves know

If this keeps going like this, I suggest all the Iranians in here shud gather up and collectively not quote or respond to any of these trolls anymore. Let them yap about watever they want, to themselves and each other.
What on earth are they teaching you in Turkey?

Dont forget that Ottomas allied with the French, the Germans, and the British at various points in time.

Also Turkey
View attachment 680735
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan here are your "brothers" in faith.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh come on bro, dont inject these kinda people with truth. they cant handle it.
The best feeling in the world is knowing that Iran's continued advancement as a nation, a country, and as a people truly bothers some people to their very core. It's almost as if the very word "IRAN" sets off a tic that they can't shake, it eats away at them inside. I can't say exactly what it is about Iran that pisses them off so much; maybe it's the food, the music, the people, the history, the land, the smart educated populace, the independence, the science, the domestic military capabilities etc... but obviously IRAN poses some sort of dire existential-crisis for them so much so that they incessantly need to attack it no matter what.

Your utterly repulsive hatred of Iran and Iranians only fuels them to do better and advance themselves to even greater heights than before. By the time you look back, Iran will be so far ahead and independent, you'd wish you hadn't said all the stupid shit you idiots are saying now lol.

Keep on making yourselves out to be the very bigoted, prejudice dunces we knew you were from the very beginning. Iranians will laugh and keep on laughing at your worthless comments...
What pisses these so called YANKEE Islamists (these are the people who are primarily against Iran), is the fact that Iran has two things in a far greater QUANTITY than them. FAITH IN GOD and MANHOOD.
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Well , when drone are destroying Anti Air Defense Systems left and right , then spending money on S400 is useless ...

more fire power is better than defensive weapons ...
I agree on that now
Yes.... the secret contol of Iran by the Vatican is actually obvioues for anyone to see.
I mean why else would Iran have changed their Alphabet from Araic script to Latin, and why else would Iran have changed their Callander to the Christian Callander and why else would they have changed their weekend from Islamic weeked to the Christian weekend, and why else would Freemasonry be legal in Iran, and why else would Homosexulity be legal in Iran and why else would Iran have US military bases.....obviouesly Iran is controlled by the Vatican.

But let me also tell you about another top secret allience Iran has with the Moon pig Jins that the press doesnt want you to hear about...its real and they want to steal all of the delicioues oil from Islamic Syria, Libya and even Shia Greece! Seach the internet.....they want to hide the truth....
Guys , guys, Im seeing one brilliant post after another, The trolls are getting roasted like never before hahahaha. Im literally hurting myself laughing. ROFLMAO. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Who always was ally with christian VATİCAN / Europe against the Ottoman Empire / İslamic Caliphate ? İran

Who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in Syria ? İran

Who on the same side with christian Russia to kill Muslims in Syria ? İran

Who supported christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan ? İran

Who supported PKK terror organization against muslim Turkiye ? İran

Who confusing Yemen by causing sedition ? İran

Who tried to make a mess in Bahrain , S.Arabia ? İran

Who supported the US in Afghanistan ? İran

Who helped the US and the UK to invade Iraq ... İran and shiite İraqis

The Chairman of the Papal Council visited Qom/İran ( the center of the Shiites )
Cardinal met with Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs and collaborated on dialogue between Shiites and Christians

and Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs established Qom- Vatican Joint Committee to fight against İSLAM
Take a look at this post from this enlightened individual. They have to open up a new section On PDF called "COMEDY". Hahahahaha, I'll let my 5 yr old niece respond to this hilarious post wen she returns from Kindergarten. But you know wat, the future doesnt look so hard for IRAN wen we have a group of such enlightened individuals as opponents. Thank god we are not up against the learned men of old Greece.
Turkiye joined NATO in 1952 against Soviet threat .....
and after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 , Turkiye has started fighting the US , the EU and İsrael backed terror organizations PKK/7YPG , FETO , etc

Excuse after excuse... Turkey is still part of NATO. Turkey is still a major US ally and regional asset for Washington. Turkey is still in a military alliance with Isra"el".

If the west and zionists are backing terrorist groups against Turkey, and if Turkey doesn't even possess the necessary courage to rescind the defence pacts binding her to these entities, let alone shutting down their spy-infested "embassies" in Ankara, then this tells us something about Turkey's current degree of subervience and dependence on those same powers that are hostile to her.

I guess not everyone can be Imam Khomeini, nor can every nation accomplish what Islamic Iran managed to since the glorious 1979 Islamic Revolution. Although our dearest wish, of course, is that other Muslim countries will start following Iran's example and joining Iran in her genuine, legitimate and staunch Resistance against the zio-American empire.

btw İran killed far more muslims than İsrael .....

In the Iran Iraq war, after being attacked by Saddam's regime. It's called legitimate defence.

But even then the conclusion would be totally incorrect if one takes into account the millions of Muslims killed as a result of the illegal, zionist-instigated US war on Iraq, the zionist-orchestrated war in Syria, the breaking up of Sudan provoked by the zionist-controlled US regime, and so on and so forth.

and İran created chaos in muslim Countries ( Lebanon , İraq , Syria , Yemen ) ...

Post 9-11, the US and its zionist masters, aided by their regional lackeys, set out to spread chaos all accross the Islamic world.

Zionist authors such as Natan Sharansky, a neocon favorite, even theorized the mindset underlying these policies under the designation "constructive chaos", a concept that draws inspiration from the philosophy of Leo Strauss. Neocon zionist think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) produced tons of literature along those lines.

It is perfectly documented who is responsible. Yet, certain subservient elements will falsely blame Iran so as to deflect the attention from their zionist overlords and whitewash the latter.

Whereas what Iran has been doing all along, is to counteract these zionist-hatched plans and prevent them from reaching their goals. Such as in Lebanon, where Iran helped set up the Islamic Resistance of Hezbollah that managed to expell zionist occupiers in the early 2000's after decades of armed resistance (an unparalleled feat), and decisively beat back on Isra"el"i aggression in the 2006 war.

even so-called shia İran supported christian Armenia against shia Azerbaijan

No, Iran did not support Armenia against her stolen province of Aran. That's merely a zionist fabrication with zero evidence to back it up, nothing more.

and I am saying again since the 16th century İran is secret ally with VATICAN ( Christians ) against ISLAM and the Ottoman Empire

"Secret ally"? Way to dodge your duty to provide evidence for this outlandish fabrication. No evidence = no such thing happened.

You may think this sustained goebbelsian copy/pasting of gibberish is a smart thing to do, but do not in fact realize that I will keep reiterating my points in response to each and every such post you make in this thread, and that with every one of my replies, numerous forum users will become familiar with undeniable, documented and sourced historic realities they were hitherto unaware of, which will happen to go a long way debunking the propagandistic aura that surrounds the Ottoman empire.

So by all means, keep this up. You are unwilingly and unknowingly doing your cause a disservice.

For the fact remains that the Ottoman empire pioneered alliance with Christian powers, namely France, to which the Porte was allied for some two and a half centuries, from 1536 to the start of the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt (1798).

And prior to the masonic revolution of 1789 France was actually known as the Elder Daughter of the (Catholic) Church, i. e. of the Vatican. In other words, the Ottomans used to be the closest Muslim allies of the Vatican's "Eldest Daughter", right from the 16t century onwards.

We dont care about Safavid or Qajar or Afsharid or Pahlavi Dynasties ... Turkic or Persian that doesnt matter .. İran was always treacherous

Oh so these dynasties were Iranian afterall, not Turkic, right?

It's either that, or you consider certain Turks as treacherous.

There is no escaping basic logic.

in 2010 , only Turkiye and Brazil supported İran for nuclear propgram in the world and Turkiye paid heavy price for this support to İran

"Heavy price"? A heavy price is what Islamic Iran has been paying in the form of severe sanctions and boycotts due to her flawless support for the Resistance against zionist occupation in Palestine, Lebanon etc, and for daring to stand up to the criminal American empire.

Reactions to Turkey's mediation in the nuclear dispute with Iran don't even come close to these sanctions and other acts of aggression against Iran. In fact, in this particular dossier the US took no punitive measure at all against Ankara. Afterall it was nothing more than an attept at diplomatic mediation, which was simply ignored by Washington.

And no, other countries such as Iraq or Lebanon (and many others) didn't and don't have a problem with Iran's peaceful nuclear program either.

but İran signed deal with P5+1 and hit Turkiye from behind again

Grotesque accusation.

The Brazilian-Turkish mediation effort had ended long before the JCPOA was concluded. There is no relation whatsoever between the two. By the way, Turkey actually praised the JCPOA.

And nothing was "signed" with the P5+1, it was a mere political agreement with no proper contractual value since no document was actually signed.

Franco-Ottoman alliance was against christian Holy Roman Empire , not against Muslims

The Ottomans benefitted militarily and economically from their alliance with France, and put to use these benefits in their wars against Muslim Iran.

and The Ottoman Empire never was ally with Christians against İran

It's great that you simply choose to ignore and obfuscate ample proof to the contrary which I included in my previous reply. You know why? Because thanks to this, I am going to repost it over and over again, and thereofore many more users will become aware of it, uncomfortable as these historic truths may be from the perspective of neo-Ottomanist myth-building.

So here we go again (and hopefully, again and again and again and again and again and again and again every time the same inaccuracy is repeated):

There was indeed direct French involvement in favour of the Ottomans during the 1532-1555 Safavid-Ottoman war. French ambassador Gabriel de Luetz, who accompanied sultan Suleiman in his campaign, gave decisive military advise to Ottoman armies, such as when he counselled them on artillery placement during the siege of Van in 1548.


William Bayne Fisher in William B Fisher, Ilya Gershevitch, Ehsan Yarshater, Richard Nelson Frye, John Andrew Boyle, Peter Jackson, Laurence Lockhart, Peter Avery, Gavin Hambly, Charles P. Melville (eds.), The Cambridge History of Iran, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1968-1989, p.384

In its final years the Ottoman empire once more backstabbed Muslim Iran. The British were conducting genocide against the Iranian people during World War I by starving them to death, which took the lives of some 10 million (!) Iranian Muslims. How did the Ottoman regime react? Instead of simply assisting their Iranian brothers in faith, they took advantage of Tehran's weakness at that time in order to occupy north-western Iran from February-March 1917 to late August 1918 akin to vultures. There are reports of how the Ottomans not only extended their campaigns of massacres against Christians to the Assyrian Iranian population around the Orumiyeh area, but also of how they tried to suppress the Aryan cultural identity of Azar-Badegani Iranians.

but İran was ally Christian Europe to fight against the Ottoman Empire
therefore the Ottoman Empire fought in 3 fronts against Europe , Russia and İran for centuries

Ottoman-Iranian wars were kickstarted by Ottoman ruler Selim I, who marched on Iran in 1514. This is after some court jurist in Constantinople declared the Qizilbash and Iranian shah Esma'il as "unbelievers and heretics" (i. e. made takfir on them).

Then again in 1532, the Ottomans under Suleiman I attacked the Safavid empire in Iraq.

If the Ottomans didn't want to have to fight Iran at the same time as they battled some European powers, then they shouldn't have attacked Iran to begin with. Simple as that.

Complaining afterwards that Iran was at war with them while they were fighting Christian states, when in fact they themselves started the war against Iran will not cut it.

I am saying again İran never fought Christians for İSLAM
even İran was ally wiith christian VATICAN against İSLAM and the Ottoman Empire

Define "fighting Christians for Islam". If by that you are simply referring to instances of Muslim states being at war with Christian ones, then I already showed this contention against Iran (i. e. that Iran "never" fought a Christian state) to reflect ignorance of a series of important historic events.

For more than a hundred years, from 1507 to 1622 to be exact, Muslim Safavid Iran fought the Christian Portuguese with the aim of completely expelling these from the Persian Gulf, which Iran fantastically succeeded in accomplishing.


I also pointed to the numerous wars fought between Iran and Russia from the 17th to the early 19th centuries.


Obviously, you have some catching up to do when it comes to the history of Iran.

Ottomans were allied to the Elder Daughter of the Church i. e. Catholic France for some 250 years, making them the Vatican's closest Muslim ally during all that period.

Show us some evidence for the bizarre, ludicrous claim regarding Iran and the Vatican... Nah sorry, you already indirectly admitted you have none, meaning this is therefore a mere figment of some wild imagination of yours.

on the other hand , The TURKS fought more than 100 times against Christian Europe between 1096 Crusade and WWI (1914-1918) to protect İSLAM and Holy Lands

Muslim Iran fought the Orthodox Christian Russian empire several times from the mid 17th to the early 19th centuries. Muslim Iran fought the Catholic Portuguese empire in the 16th and 17th centuries.

btw in the 19th century Russians attacked İran , therefore İran fought Russia

Iran and Russia had been at war prior to that as well.

And this only goes to disprove your previous claims.

but İran+Russia together killed 600.000+ muslims in Syria ........ İran killed more muslims than İsrael

No they didn't.

Iran only deployed a couple hundreds of advisers and fighters at once in Syria.

About half the victims of that war were military men, circa half of those members of the Syrian Arab Army and allies. That's a 1:1 military to civilian death rate. Even if we were to lend credence to the absurd demagogic statistics published by certain British-controlled "human rights" offices, according to which practically "all" civilian victims of the war fell victim to government forces, that would still leave us with a 1:2 rate - nothing out of the ordinary for a war mostly fought in dense urban areas, essentially with low precision weaponry.

Your preference for Isra"el" over Islamic Iran, is all readers need to know. This sort of drivel perfectly echoes the psy-ops operated for years by zionist users such as "500" on this forum. Please stop this counter-productive attitude, it only puts Turkey herself at risk.

and İran use christian Europe and Russia to destroy muslim Countries and UMMAH

Iran is an enemy of US-European NATO. Turkey is a NATO member. The Turkish regime has been actively collaborating with zio-American and NATO designs, wars and destabilization projects in North Africa and Western Asia.

Turkey would gain in leaving NATO, breaking ties with Tel Aviv and cooperating more with Islamic Iran and the Resistance Axis.

Ottomas allied with the French against Germans
Ottomas allied with the British against Russians
Ottomas allied with the Germans in WWI against British+French+Russians

so Ottomas never allied with Christians against Muslims or İran

Wrong, the French ambassador directly advised Suleiman I in the early 16th century siege of Van against Muslim Iran.

Ottomans took advantage of the British occupation and genocide in Iran during WW1 in order to occupy and try to annex northwestern parts of Iran.

and so-called muslim İran allied with Christians against muslim Turks

Ottomans attacked Iran and stole Iranian lands. Iran defended herself and tried to recover what is hers. That's legitimate defense.

By the way, according to you Iran was then ruled by Turks, so anything you will accuse the Iranian state of, you are in fact accusing Turks of.

and so-called muslim İran allied with Christian Russia,Armenia,etc against muslim Turks

Iran is not at war with any "Turks".

Ankara has various ties with Moscow, is even purchasing high end weapons from Russia. And therefore in no position to whine about Iranian-Russian relations.

Also Iran is not supporting Armenia against Aran. That's nothing but a zionist-concocted myth devoid of factual basis.

In truth Iran is staying perfectly neutral in the Karabakh war, in spite of the secularist Baku regime's direct cooperation with zionist plans to balkanize and break up Iran along fictive, so-called "ethnic" lines.

even İsrael is far better than İran

Exactly what we keep highlighting: the Anatolian and Arani regimes, as well as many of their supporters on this very forum, display a marked preference for zionist criminals over Islamic Iran, and would therefore gladly collaborate with the zio-American project to destroy and disintegrate Iran.

Not realizing how their own countries (Turkey, Pakistan) will be next, should Iran fall (God forbid). Lenin used to designate such unconscious, manipulated types as "useful idiots".

Iran is everyone's bullwark and last hope against universal zio-American-led onslaught, nation-devouring and uprooting of authentic religious tradition.

shia İran supported christian Armenia against shia Azerbaijan

No, Iran did not support Armenia against Aran. That's a zionist fabrication repeated by apologists of the zionist entity and by insufficiently informed people buying into it.

Who always was ally with christian VATİCAN

The Ottoman empire.

Who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in Syria ?

The zio-American empire, its European allies and its regional clients (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan) are responsible for the destabilization of Syria and the subsequent civil war.

Who on the same side with christian Russia to kill Muslims in Syria ?

To eliminate terrorists aided by the zionist apartheid entity, by the US, French, British regimes.

Who supported christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan ?

Not Iran. Only zionists, their apologists and useful idiots claim otherwise.

Who supported PKK terror organization against muslim Turkiye ?

Iran saved the Anatolian-Pontic regime from the planned FETÖ coup by transmitting key intelligence to authorities in Ankara.

Supporters of the Anatolian-Pontic and Arani regimes are thanking Iran by making up comical accusatory fables against Islamic Iran and by lending support to the zio-American project for the destruction of every western Asian nation (including their own ones). Wake up, for your own sakes!

Who confusing Yemen by causing sedition ?

Iran has been backing the will of the Yemeni people and their revolution. Today Iran is supporting the Yemeni nation against foreign aggressors aided by Isra"el" and NATO.

Who tried to make a mess in Bahrain , S.Arabia ?

The west and their regional lackeys, by installing and keeping in power a subservient, treasonous puppet dictatorship in Bahrein.

Who supported the US in Afghanistan ?

Turkey, whose military is part of the US-led NATO occupation force in Afghanistan. Turkey has constantly been praised by Washington for its role in Afghanistan.

Iran on the other hand has repeatedly been accused by American officials of granting support to Afghan rebels fighting US occupiers.

At least try to be a tad more subtle with these all too obvious inversions.

Who helped the US and the UK to invade Iraq ... İran and shiite İraqis

Myth, libel and blatant historic fabrication.

Iran, termed as a member of a so-called "Axis of evil" alongside Iraq by US president Bush jr., was the only country in the region which vocally condemned the illegal US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Iran absolutely opposed this illegal invasion in every way.

Iraq was struck from US bases in Bahrein and Qatar, the US infantry entered Iraq via Kuwait.

Iran is where goods that were smuggled into Iraq originated from during the brutal US-imposed sanctions in the 1990's.

The Chairman of the Papal Council visited Qom/İran ( the center of the Shiites )
Cardinal met with Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs and collaborated on dialogue between Shiites and Christians

and Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs established Qom- Vatican Joint Committee to fight against İSLAM

Lan, what's this, a bad joke? I'm sure our Anatolian and Pontic friends generally have a better sense of humor than this. This is outright subpar.

Show evidence of this "Joint Committee" (what the heck?) or give it some rest.

Since when do ordinary visits from officials imply alliance to fight wars against others?

Pope Francis on an official visit in Turkey:

In a meeting with Turkish Muslim ulema, the Pope calls for dialogue between Muslims and Christians:


Apostolic journey of Benedict XVI to Turkey, meeting the president of the Turkish Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet), looking forward to "carry forward their dialogue as a sincere exchange between friends":

No sane mind will cite harlmess meetings such as these, held both by Turkey and Iran with Vatican officials, as "proof" for some secret conspiracy targeting Muslims.

This user apparently refuses to practice what he unfairly blames others for failing to do. Afterall, it is him who irrupted into the Iranian section of the forum and began spamming it with vulgar, outlandish and overly hostile drivel against Iran. We don't see Iranians doing the same in the Turkish section now, do we? This sort of attitude fuels fitna and thereby directly plays into the hands of the zio-American empire, the biggest enemy and threat to not just the Muslim world but to all nations, established religious traditions and historically rooted civilizations. These provocations only assist the common enemy in the implementation of its sinister designs, exemplified by projects such as the infamous Lewis-Yinon plan.
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