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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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.Anyway the country that is using you will not save you and I am with Americans against Iranians. You are evil. An evil who even hired pakistani Shia to fight for for your proxy wars.


Is this racism going to be allowed on this forum?

Because the other mods don’t allow even a joke about Pakistan or Pakistani people and issue bans. But suddenly when their own kind indulges in racism they are no where to be found.

Can I say Pakistan is evil and Pakistanis are evil?
But your country was forced to normalize relations with ISrael recently by your NATO daddy and Iran never has relations with ISrael so what language are you really speaking? i dont see any logic here, i only se hypocrisy. WHen Turkey does it(have full blown political and military ties with Christian US and Jewish Israel) its ok, but if IRan enters talks with them, its haram. can u explain this inconsistent logic??

since the 16th century İran is secret ally with VATICAN ( Christians ) against ISLAM

when the Ottoman Empire fought Europe and Russia , treacherous İran attacked on the Ottoman Empire from behind
and always half of the Ottoman Army stayed in Anatolia to fight İran .. therefore TURKS never used full of military power against Europe and Russia

today same senario ....... TURKS are fighting against the EU , the US , İsrael , S.Arabia , The Uae , also Russia ,İran and their terrorist Groups in Iraq , Syria , Libya , in the Eastern Mediterranean and now in Azerbaijan

and I am saying again , in history İran never fought against Christians ,, Iran always fought muslim Countries

Your daddy The UK gave power to Persians to rule İran in 1925
and the US-the UK always used İran as a pawn to destabilize muslim countries like İraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen for İsraeli interests

and now the EU , the US , İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran to fight Turkiye for European-American-İsraeli interests

as always İran's role is a pawn against Turkiye and İSLAM
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You know you made no point here right? because you've provided no evidence to back up your claim here. we are waiting for it. Who is Iran's Master??? if you're afraid to say it then i think its fair to assume its probably wrong...

WHo is using Iran? Once again, NO EVIDENCE PROVIDED. i'm so ready to mash up these bad arguments, and you have a bunch today, but today is not that day for those sorts of faulty posts.

Oh wow, why you getting personal bro?

Just tell the truth...while Iran fights the world Iran expects Pakistan to be Iran's ride or die homie till the end...Iran tried to play good with Pakistan..show brotherly Islamic love...but it looks like Pakistani govt took Saudi money and US money for different reasons, just like not doing economic cooperation with Iran, even when international law supported it , because you couldn't stand up to US. How could you? you're too broke and too scared to have disorder, since you are a country sitting on nukes after all..

But your brother Turkey hired them in Syria and flew them to Libya....then to Azerbaijan....any comment on that? Iran only asked loyal, dedicated and intelligent Muslims globally if they were interested, and Iran never forced them. Too bad your economy and Shia feel sidelined in Pakistan...you need to improve things for your people so they dont follow other countries...but Pakistan also sent govt to Saudi Arabia to support their govt and give them peace of mind...you almost send soldi

Why not? Iran has intelligence domination in the middle east...check your facts right bro, yo only threaten to act up because you really cant, you're bluffing....Iran will play how Pakistan chooses to play....CHina will soon instruct Pakistan to open up the IP pipeline on its side.....you will follow what CHina told you, afterall, China bought 60% of your stock exchange, so financially, CHina already owns part of Pakistan. CPEC and eRMB are here, China will tell you guys to open everything and connect with Iran...screenshot this...your allies have been beaten by Iran- US and Saudi Arabia....both are NOT COMPETITION for Iran today...so you need to accept the current realities.

And i know your bad arguments very well too. Cheers!

But your govt were harming Iran by allowing Jundollah to do terrorism in Iran too...TAKES 2 TO TANGO! There is alot of information suggesting that ISI and Pakistani govt allowed Saudis and US use JUndollah and other rebels in the Baloch area also, do attacks in Iran.You can find the list on Wikipedia....so both countries did counter movements, but these are small tbh...IF IRAN wanted to actually move into Pakistan like that, TRUST, IRan would have already....
Based on your experience of jandallah, you are blaming pakistan but we have this little kid kulbhushan and we know your network. It's not personal! Learn to accept the reality! Who provided passport with fake Irani name to kulbhushan? Now you will say that your intelligence agency is innocent. See we know you. Pakistan is not Arab or even Israel. Pakistan making nuclear weapons is not a bad thing. We still have active army unlike you who are all following a mysterious spiritual personality. I mean your army threatened pakistani intelligence. Do you think we are Arabs from where you can expand your proxy or are we Americans who use drones to kill your pride? We do everything openly, without any fear.
You should fear Pakistan. We have two evidences. One is your Irani passport of kulbhushan which validates role of Irani intelligence and we know about zainabun brigade as well. Looks like you consider Iran as a very rich country. China is also investing money in iran just like they are investing in Pakistan so don't tell us who we are following or who you are following. Finally after failed indian projects, you find a new partner to save your chabahar which was basically a project by India to infiltrate agents inside pakistan. You have failed miserably. Finally you can count on China to save you.

Your master? India is your master. Don't tell me that you didn't have any secret pact with indians. After pulwama, emergency meeting was held in Iran. Together you agreed with indians to find a way to punish pakistan. We know every single detail of your cooperation with indians. You can fool Arabs, Israel and even Americans but you can't fool pakistan.
Looks like you are already thinking about latest weapons. Weapons are good but Don't use it against pakistan otherwise results will be disastrous.

No one wants "sympathy" from a dog that calls us "evil"!
I have sympathy for some Irani friends but not for others who openly talk rubbish about pakistan army. I have seen your network in Pakistan m. If we want, we can make you pay but we don't want to fight. Not an evil, probably biggest evil on planet Earth.

Is this racism going to be allowed on this forum?

Because the other mods don’t allow even a joke about Pakistan or Pakistani people and issue bans. But suddenly when their own kind indulges in racism they are no where to be found.

Can I say Pakistan is evil and Pakistanis are evil?
What racism kid? See above. He is disrespecting Pak army and even calling Arabs masters of pakistan. Is this not racism? Who give you license to disrespect Pak army?
since the 16th century İran is secret ally with VATICAN ( Christians ) against ISLAM

Turkey is a NATO member and a prime military ally of the zionist regime - i. e. a major regional ally to the biggest enemies of every established religious tradition, including of course Islam. Iran has not had any special relationship with the Vatican.

when the Ottoman Empire fought Europe and Russia , treacherous İran attacked on the Ottoman Empire from behind

The first Ottoman-Safavid war was started by an Ottoman ruler.

The Safavid dynasty, according to you, were Turkish. Therefore, according to you, Turks are treacherous.

and always half of the Ottoman Army stayed in Anatolia to fight İran .. therefore TURKS never used full of military power against Europe and Russia

Ottomans pioneered alliance with Christian powers.


Educate yourself some more, every amateur historian is fully aware of the 16th century Franco-Ottoman alliance:

It gets worse, one of the most famed Ottoman rulers, Suleiman the Magnificent, relied on the assistance of his Catholic French allies to battle Muslim Iran! :


today same senario .......


TURKS are fighting against the EU , the US , İsrael , S.Arabia , The Uae , also Russia ,İran and their terrorist Groups in Iraq , Syria , Libya , in the Eastern Mediterranean and now in Azerbaijan

Turkey is a NATO member and a military ally of the illegal zionist apartheid entity.

The modern Turkish state was created by the so-called Young Turks, a movement in which freemasons and reportedly also Dönmeh crypto-Jews, including antinomist Sabbateists (followers of fake messiah Sabbatai Tsvi, who preached that sin should be encouraged in order to hasten the end times) figured prominently. Erdogan performs his smoke and mirrors show in the shadow and under the effigy of the founder of this secularist Republic.

and I am saying again , in history İran never fought against Christians ,, Iran always fought muslim Countries

You can repeat this uneducated nonsense a billion times if you like, it won't change historic facts. Namely, that Iran fought a Christian power, the Byzantine empire, for hundreds of years (under the Sassanid dynasty) before any Turk had permanently set foot in Western Asia.

Later Iran waged war on the Portuguese during the Safavid period, expelling them from the Persian Gulf, as well as on the Russians, who occupied and annexed Iranian lands in the Caucasus and Central Asia in the 19th century.

Those Ignorant of these events should educate themselves rather than publicly making fools out of themselves.

Your daddy The UK gave power to Persians to rule İran in 1925

Only an ignoramous would imagine that so-called "ethnicity" played any role in the British choice.

Moreover the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the overthrow of the Pahlavi monarchy put an end to any and all western influence over Iran.

and the US-the UK always used İran as a pawn to destabilize muslim countries like İraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen for İsraeli interests

No, they didn't. Turkey on the other hand has been a key factor of destabilization in conjunction with its zio-American masters, not least through the transit of ISIS terrorists from all over the world, which it facilitated from its borders so as to destroy Syria and Iraq.

and now the EU , the US , İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran to fight Turkiye for European-American-İsraeli interests

False. The US opposed the lifting of the arms embargo and went out of their way to prevent it from materializing. They failed.

By the way, when will Turkey even be subjected to a zio-American arms embargo in the first place, for it to be lifted afterwards? Thought so, never. Because unlike Iran, Turkey is an ally of Washington, Tel Aviv, London and Paris.

Iran has no interest in "fighting Turkey". Iran doesn't bother about insignificant minor players and client states, it directly goes for their zionist and American masters.

as always İran's role is a pawn against Turkiye and İSLAM

Turkey is a NATO and zionist pawn in the region. Iran, as always since the glorious Islamic Revolution, is confronting and resisting with all her might the zio-American empire.
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I'm not sure this will transform into big arms sales. As mentioned earlier the USA will still sanctions firms who do business with Iran and you have to consider thier economic situation.

I expect S400 deal will finally happen.
Turkey is a NATO member and a prime military ally of the zionist regime - i. e. the biggest enemies of every established religious tradition, including of course Islam. Iran has no particular relations with the Vatican.

Turkiye joined NATO in 1952 against Soviet threat .....
and after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 , Turkiye has started fighting the US , the EU and İsrael backed terror organizations PKK/7YPG , FETO , etc

btw İran killed far more muslims than İsrael ..... and İran created chaos in muslim Countries ( Lebanon , İraq , Syria , Yemen ) ... even so-called shia İran supported christian Armenia against shia Azerbaijan

and I am saying again since the 16th century İran is secret ally with VATICAN ( Christians ) against ISLAM and the Ottoman Empire

The first Ottoman-Safavid war was started by an Ottoman ruler.

The Safavid dynasty, according to you, were Turkish. Therefore, according to you, Turks are treacherous.

We dont care about Safavid or Qajar or Afsharid or Pahlavi Dynasties ... Turkic or Persian that doesnt matter .. İran was always treacherous

in 2010 , only Turkiye and Brazil supported İran for nuclear propgram in the world and Turkiye paid heavy price for this support to İran

but İran signed deal with P5+1 and hit Turkiye from behind again
A good news for russia and china. It will allow big ticket sales to iran. Though due to low oil prices and years of sanctions, i doubt if iran would be able to buy too much. JF17 can be a good option for them.
If they buy JF-17 it’ll have to be in exchange for oil or gold... pretty much barter
Ottomans pioneered alliance with Christian powers.

Educate yourself some more, every amateur historian is fully aware of the 16th century Franco-Ottoman alliance:

You learn history or stop deflect the facts

Franco-Ottoman alliance was against christian Holy Roman Empire , not against Muslims

and The Ottoman Empire never was ally with Christians against İran

but İran was ally Christian Europe to fight against the Ottoman Empire
therefore the Ottoman Empire fought in 3 fronts against Europe , Russia and İran for centuries
You can repeat this uneducated nonsense a billion times if you like, it won't change historic facts. Namely, that Iran fought a Christian power, the Byzantine empire, for hundreds of years (under both Parthian and Sassanid dynasties) before any Turk had set foot in Western Asia. Later Iran waged war on the Portuguese under the Safavids, expelling them from the Persian Gulf, as well as on the Russians, who occupied and annexed Iranian lands in the Caucasus and Central Asia in the 19th century.

Ignorants should educate themselves instead of publicly making fools out of themselves.

İgnorant is talking tales

I am saying again İran never fought Christians for İSLAM
even İran was ally wiith christian VATICAN against İSLAM and the Ottoman Empire

on the other hand , The TURKS fought more than 100 times against Christian Europe between 1096 Crusade and WWI (1914-1918) to protect İSLAM and Holy Lands

btw in the 19th century Russians attacked İran , therefore İran fought Russia
but İran+Russia together killed 600.000+ muslims in Syria ........ İran killed more muslims than İsrael

and İran use christian Europe and Russia to destroy muslim Countries and UMMAH

What on earth are they teaching you in Turkey?

Dont forget that Ottomas allied with the French, the Germans, and the British at various points in time.

Ottomas allied with the French against Germans
Ottomas allied with the British against Russians
Ottomas allied with the Germans in WWI against British+French+Russians

so Ottomas never allied with Christians against Muslims or İran

but so-called muslim Arabs allied with Christians against muslim Turks
and so-called muslim İran allied with Christians against muslim Turks

today same senario ... so-called muslim Arabs S.Arabia,Egypt,The Uae allied with Christian the US,France,Greece,Armenia,etc against muslim Turks

and so-called muslim İran allied with Christian Russia,Armenia,etc against muslim Turks

even İsrael is far better than İran
shia İran supported christian Armenia against shia Azerbaijan
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The best feeling in the world is knowing that Iran's continued advancement as a nation, a country, and as a people truly bothers some people to their very core. It's almost as if the very word "IRAN" sets off a tic that they can't shake, it eats away at them inside. I can't say exactly what it is about Iran that pisses them off so much; maybe it's the food, the music, the people, the history, the land, the smart educated populace, the independence, the science, the domestic military capabilities etc... but obviously IRAN poses some sort of dire existential-crisis for them so much so that they incessantly need to attack it no matter what.

Your utterly repulsive hatred of Iran and Iranians only fuels them to do better and advance themselves to even greater heights than before. By the time you look back, Iran will be so far ahead and independent, you'd wish you hadn't said all the stupid shit you idiots are saying now lol.

Keep on making yourselves out to be the very bigoted, prejudice dunces we knew you were from the very beginning. Iranians will laugh and keep on laughing at your worthless comments...
Well , when drone are destroying Anti Air Defense Systems left and right , then spending money on S400 is useless ...

more fire power is better than defensive weapons ...
Well , when drone are destroying Anti Air Defense Systems left and right , then spending money on S400 is useless ...

more fire power is better than defensive weapons ...

To be fair though OldTwilight, Iran does have a lot of firepower and can dish out plenty of destruction if it wanted too.

I can't truly say if Iran acquiring the S-400 would be a bad or good decision but Iran's Air-Defense performance against drones thus far (all incursions) have been generally pretty good. You must understand that Iran's IADS network and AD systems are better than most other nations and are more numerous in count. Also Iran's real-world experience in dealing with drones plays a pivotal role in Iran's overall effectiveness against them.
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