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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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With low oil price, it is unlikely Iran will buy manned jets in large numbers. Maybe 1 squadron of Su-30 and 2 squadrons of Wing Loong II.
A bedouin and a wannabe bedouin discussing international politics loooool.
BATTYMAN are the camels watered

You can ask such question in private message.... you don't need to expose your trolling powers and authority to wider audience.

@LeGenD referring to your post on humanity... kindly confirm if bedouins are not not humans?
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You can ask such question in private message.... you don't need to expose your trolling powers and authority to wider audience.

@LeGenD referring to your post on humanity... kindly confirm if bedouins are not not humans?
As long as you abuse Pakistan and its people I will expose you in public...you slave
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
We are victim of our parliamentary leaders.
Listen to the video below, this is how our nation is fooled and soldiers in battle field are compromised:

For Pakistanis, who fail to understand the deal between IK and NS... video above is part one of the deal, part two was the vote for some constitutional amendment, that would grant IK extra authority over military of Pakistan... i think hint is enough.
Only a jahil camel hearder would find fault with peace...nothing wrong with what he said. But arabs are a cart ful of mischief... Easops fables.
You are an Arab slave....way below even an Arab...they are dumb and you dumber
No one want to stop a slave being a slave. Enjoy
Trials are arabs....you are their ghulam enjoy.
Are you abusing moderator now arabi slave. You have abused pakistan and its people too long. Jog on

Apparently my replies are bothering you enough... in your first post you said you don't wat to talk to me besides regular abuse that is comes as default from mafia smuggling $ to IRGC.
The State Department intends to designate as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in its entirety, including the Qods Force. This is a historic step to counter Iran-backed terrorism around the world.
Is this international enough... ?

What's so bad in the act of kindness below, that you don't like?
Pakistan Secures $6 Billion Aid Package From Saudi Arabia
Wing Loong II is way bigger than any Iranian attack drone and has SATCOM. It's said to be the most capable attack drone anywhere in the world. It brings a whole new level to Iran's drone force.

Iran has both Shahed-129 and even more powerful Shahed-149 for that missions , what im saying is that its highly unlikely that Iran buys Wing Loong II maybe other more powerful Chinese drones.

this is Shahed-129 with SATCOM and a SAR radar in its belly

The US-İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran
because of İran is new play card against Turkiye , Azerbaijan and Pakistan

İran never will buy weapons from Pakistan .... but from Russia ( including hundreds of SU-30 Jets and S400 Air Defense Systems )

AFAIK... Iran is old play ground against all the 3 countries you mentioned.
Turkiye and Pakistan should work together to punish İran who is getting as the US-İsrael proxy
Principally Pakistan should raise objections with UN on resumption of arms sales to Iran... it's more than obvious who's the eventual target.
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are you talking about Pakistan? cuz this is what Iranian govt and military were saying about ISI hosting Jundollah on behalf of Saudis and Americans. seriously! Iran was asking itself "why would Pakistan allow this against us if we are friends", so Pakistani govt and ISI wer ethe ones who surprised Iran, luckily, Iran decapitated those extremists like Jaish ul adl and JUndollah so they couldnt do anything anymore...US and Saudis havent found a plan B since that aborted pregnancy.
Everyone in our army know about your masters but we have evidence and we don't talk about some imaginary groups. Uzair Baloch is in custody and kulbhushan is also in custody so better check facts before posting. Anyway the country that is using you will not save you. An evil who even hired pakistani Shia to fight for for your proxy wars. Do you think you can continue this cooperation with indian intelligence a secret? You are mistaken. We know you very well. You are harming us by providing cover to Baloch rebels but all this will end someday! I have sympathy for Iranians but no sympathy for your leadership and military.
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Still sleeping with the camels...?
Sold your self to the arabs?
Shame on you

Open your eyes... this is link from US state dpt. not Arabs.
Everyone in our army know about your masters but we have evidence and we don't talk about some imaginary groups. Uzair Baloch is in custody and kulbhushan is also in custody so better check facts before posting. Anyway the country that is using you will not save you and I am with Americans against Iranians. You are evil. An evil who even hired pakistani Shia to fight for for your proxy wars. Do you think you can continue this cooperation with indian intelligence a secret? You are mistaken. We know you very well. You are harming us by providing cover to Baloch rebels but all this will end someday! I have sympathy for Iranians but no sympathy for your leadership and military.
No one wants "sympathy" from a dog that calls us "evil"!
Everyone in our army know about your masters but we have evidence and we don't talk about some imaginary groups.
You know you made no point here right? because you've provided no evidence to back up your claim here. we are waiting for it. Who is Iran's Master??? if you're afraid to say it then i think its fair to assume its probably wrong...
Uzair Baloch is in custody and kulbhushan is also in custody so better check facts before posting.
Jundollah's leader Abdul Malik Rigi was hung in Iran and Jundollah, which your ISI allowed to operate on your territory against your Islamic brother Iran, so check facts before posting.

Anyway the country that is using you will not save you and I am with Americans against Iranians.
WHo is using Iran? Once again, NO EVIDENCE PROVIDED. Whats up bro? i'm so ready for you, i watch your posts, and the manipulations and half stories you tell, but today is not that day for those sorts of faulty posts.
You are evil.
Oh wow, why you getting personal bro?

Just tell the truth...while Iran fights the world Iran expects Pakistan to be Iran's ride or die homie till the end...Iran tried to play good with Pakistan..show brotherly Islamic love...but it looks like Pakistani govt took Saudi money and US money for different reasons, just like not doing economic cooperation with Iran, even when international law supported it , because you couldn't stand up to US. How could you? you're too broke and too scared to have disorder, since you are a country sitting on nukes after all..

An evil who even hired pakistani Shia to fight for for your proxy wars.
But your brother Turkey hired them in Syria and flew them to Libya....then to Azerbaijan....any comment on that? Iran only asked loyal, dedicated and intelligent Muslims globally if they were interested, and Iran never forced them. Too bad your economy and Shia feel sidelined in Pakistan...you need to improve things for your people so they dont follow other countries...but Pakistan also sent govt to Saudi Arabia to support their govt and give them peace of mind...you almost send soldi
Do you think you can continue this cooperation with indian intelligence a secret?
Why not? Iran has intelligence domination in the middle east...check your facts right bro, yo only threaten to act up because you really cant, you're bluffing....Iran will play how Pakistan chooses to play....CHina will soon instruct Pakistan to open up the IP pipeline on its side.....you will follow what CHina told you, afterall, China bought 60% of your stock exchange, so financially, CHina already owns part of Pakistan. CPEC and eRMB are here, China will tell you guys to open everything and connect with Iran...screenshot this...your allies have been beaten by Iran- US and Saudi Arabia....both are NOT COMPETITION for Iran today...so you need to accept the current realities.
You are mistaken. We know you very well.
And i know your bad arguments very well too. Cheers!
You are harming us by providing cover to Baloch rebels but all this will end someday! I have sympathy for Iranians but no sympathy for your leadership and military.
But your govt were harming Iran by allowing Jundollah to do terrorism in Iran too...TAKES 2 TO TANGO! There is alot of information suggesting that ISI and Pakistani govt allowed Saudis and US use JUndollah and other rebels in the Baloch area also, do attacks in Iran.You can find the list on Wikipedia....so both countries did counter movements, but these are small tbh...IF IRAN wanted to actually move into Pakistan like that, TRUST, IRan would have already....
Everyone in our army know about your masters but we have evidence and we don't talk about some imaginary groups.
You know you made no point here right? because you've provided no evidence to back up your claim here. we are waiting for it. Who is Iran's Master??? if you're afraid to say it then i think its fair to assume its probably wrong...
Uzair Baloch is in custody and kulbhushan is also in custody so better check facts before posting.
Jundollah's leader Abdul Malik Rigi was hung in Iran and Jundollah, which your ISI allowed to operate on your territory against your Islamic brother Iran, so check facts before posting.

Anyway the country that is using you will not save you and I am with Americans against Iranians.
WHo is using Iran? Once again, NO EVIDENCE PROVIDED. i'm so ready to mash up these bad arguments, and you have a bunch today, but today is not that day for those sorts of faulty posts.
You are evil.
Oh wow, why you getting personal bro?

Just tell the truth...while Iran fights the world Iran expects Pakistan to be Iran's ride or die homie till the end...Iran tried to play good with Pakistan..show brotherly Islamic love...but it looks like Pakistani govt took Saudi money and US money for different reasons, just like not doing economic cooperation with Iran, even when international law supported it , because you couldn't stand up to US. How could you? you're too broke and too scared to have disorder, since you are a country sitting on nukes after all..

An evil who even hired pakistani Shia to fight for for your proxy wars.
But your brother Turkey hired them in Syria and flew them to Libya....then to Azerbaijan....any comment on that? Iran only asked loyal, dedicated and intelligent Muslims globally if they were interested, and Iran never forced them. Too bad your economy and Shia feel sidelined in Pakistan...you need to improve things for your people so they dont follow other countries...but Pakistan also sent govt to Saudi Arabia to support their govt and give them peace of mind...you almost send soldi
Do you think you can continue this cooperation with indian intelligence a secret?
Why not? Iran has intelligence domination in the middle east...check your facts right bro, yo only threaten to act up because you really cant, you're bluffing....Iran will play how Pakistan chooses to play....CHina will soon instruct Pakistan to open up the IP pipeline on its side.....you will follow what CHina told you, afterall, China bought 60% of your stock exchange, so financially, CHina already owns part of Pakistan. CPEC and eRMB are here, China will tell you guys to open everything and connect with Iran...screenshot this...your allies have been beaten by Iran- US and Saudi Arabia....both are NOT COMPETITION for Iran today...so you need to accept the current realities.
You are mistaken. We know you very well.
And i know your bad arguments very well too. Cheers!
You are harming us by providing cover to Baloch rebels but all this will end someday! I have sympathy for Iranians but no sympathy for your leadership and military.
But your govt were harming Iran by allowing Jundollah to do terrorism in Iran too...TAKES 2 TO TANGO! There is alot of information suggesting that ISI and Pakistani govt allowed Saudis and US use JUndollah and other rebels in the Baloch area also, do attacks in Iran.You can find the list on Wikipedia....so both countries did counter movements, but these are small tbh...IF IRAN wanted to actually move into Pakistan like that, TRUST, IRan would have already....
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You know you made no point here right? because you've provided no evidence to back up your claim here. we are waiting for it. Who is Iran's Master??? if you're afraid to say it then i think its fair to assume its probably wrong...

WHo is using Iran? Once again, NO EVIDENCE PROVIDED. i'm so ready to mash up these bad arguments, and you have a bunch today, but today is not that day for those sorts of faulty posts.

Oh wow, why you getting personal bro?

Just tell the truth...while Iran fights the world Iran expects Pakistan to be Iran's ride or die homie till the end...Iran tried to play good with Pakistan..show brotherly Islamic love...but it looks like Pakistani govt took Saudi money and US money for different reasons, just like not doing economic cooperation with Iran, even when international law supported it , because you couldn't stand up to US. How could you? you're too broke and too scared to have disorder, since you are a country sitting on nukes after all..

But your brother Turkey hired them in Syria and flew them to Libya....then to Azerbaijan....any comment on that? Iran only asked loyal, dedicated and intelligent Muslims globally if they were interested, and Iran never forced them. Too bad your economy and Shia feel sidelined in Pakistan...you need to improve things for your people so they dont follow other countries...but Pakistan also sent govt to Saudi Arabia to support their govt and give them peace of mind...you almost send soldi

Why not? Iran has intelligence domination in the middle east...check your facts right bro, yo only threaten to act up because you really cant, you're bluffing....Iran will play how Pakistan chooses to play....CHina will soon instruct Pakistan to open up the IP pipeline on its side.....you will follow what CHina told you, afterall, China bought 60% of your stock exchange, so financially, CHina already owns part of Pakistan. CPEC and eRMB are here, China will tell you guys to open everything and connect with Iran...screenshot this...your allies have been beaten by Iran- US and Saudi Arabia....both are NOT COMPETITION for Iran today...so you need to accept the current realities.

And i know your bad arguments very well too. Cheers!

But your govt were harming Iran by allowing Jundollah to do terrorism in Iran too...TAKES 2 TO TANGO! There is alot of information suggesting that ISI and Pakistani govt allowed Saudis and US use JUndollah and other rebels in the Baloch area also, do attacks in Iran.You can find the list on Wikipedia....so both countries did counter movements, but these are small tbh...IF IRAN wanted to actually move into Pakistan like that, TRUST, IRan would have already....
Well said,I couldnt have put it any better myself. :enjoy:
Open your eyes... this is link from US state dpt. not Arabs.
I don't care about Iran or the arabs. You abuse Pakistan i will abuse you. Period.
You licking American balls doesn't make them right. Remember when they claimed WMD in Iraq and called your masters ragheads and sand niggers I guess the Americans were right then too. OPEN YOUR EYES.
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