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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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lol perhaps u first agree to my condition instead of tell me so u get yr sources.

First learn to put simple sentences together, then set conditions.

That would be good instead of showing yr education levels

I think you've shown your education level (or lack it) quite nicely already.

since we all saw how good you guys truly are when u had shot down yr own airliner.

Already explained the cause behind this incident plenty of time, those with average level cognitions understood it. Mis-targeting in air defence is not a strange phenomenon, even the Americans are susceptible to it.
I fail to understand, what exactly you wanted to tell.
Since you mention about Azerbaijan..... what did i said wrong about Azerbaijan?
I'm the only Pakistani, who has worked and lived together with Azerbaijanis both from Iranian side and Azerbaijani side, about 10 years ago. I trust they both loved me and held me in great esteem.

What is with Saudi Fatwa.... share it so i may understand the reference to halal haram better.
Go to Madrasa Bad stupid Man.
To Be Honest I don't care about this forum anymore. I am enjoying real life and have many connections with none-wahhabi guys and gals.

Good to hear dadash, enjoy yourself. Hope everything is good.
Philosopher already canned him.....but it wasnt hard to do- the # of planes could only be real if we were in mars. i knew he was done when he couldnt provide backup. the Iran haters couldnt ignore this thread. But we(except Iran haters on PDF) know that Russia and CHina are getting les deterred by US sanctions...US is about to hit a point where the sanctions will backfire on US...CHina will stop rare earth metal exports to US next year...US got bloodied by the Tech battle against China. THAT IS THE REALITY. if these trolls cant learn thru education, they will thru reality.

lol u buffon! that aircraft is the one who shot down that mighty Su MKI and their mig on 27 feb 2019.....again as i said buzz off if u have no idea what yr talking about.

O BTW why dont u tell these majosies that ''it wont'' hurt since yr the ones to test it in 71 too! :rofl:

Man Im telling you, i can send this troll with his tails between his legs with a single post. Im known to be the biggest hot head on PDF. ALL the mods know me for being a hormone raging fanatic. If I wanted to, I cud nail this troll, but ive learned to control myself. I have done so well for the last couple weeks.

Now talking about this troll, He comes in here and runs his mouth. What has he got to show for it tho? His country has a broke a s s economy. Do you know his is a designated third world economy? And do u know that even the economy of BANGLADESH is better than their economy? thats according to statistics and facts.

His broke a s s economy cant sustain his milirary which can only afford to spend HALF of wat IRAN spends on its military. CAN YOU IMAGINE? only HALF of it bro. LMAO. that too with all the financial and trade restrictions and isolation imposed on Iran. When Iran shares a free trade like everyone else his redundant army's budget will be 1/10th of that of Irans Budget. LAUGH ON THAT TROLL.

Another fact you shud know is that since its history, his super power army have never won a single war. not even one. Infact in every conflict it suffered more casualties than the opposition nor did it achieve any of its strategic objectives. And that is verified by every valid international orgnazition. You saw how he responded to the 71 war? Well what happened was that his supah power army and its Chief Niazi surrenedered to the Bangladeshi in Dhaka. They lost to a war against Bangladesh. We grew up on stories about how their supah power army surrendered to us in Dhaka within 9 months. They cudnt even beat Bangladesh so u can understand how big of a supah powah they are.

I once met one of his countrymen during my time in the UK. That guy was showing off his attitude. So I just looked at him and said "Bhai, hum jung harne walo mein se nehi hain" Translation : "Bro, im not among those who have lost a war". As u can imagine that guy just stood still and stared like a pathetic fool. LOL LOL LOL

This troll shud go over to the afghani forums and troll the poor afghanis and their military cuz they are not much better of than them. thats the real level of their ability. I am hereby posting the picture of surrender of their Supah Powah army and their Chief Niazi to Bangladesh. Here it is . Enjoy bro.
unnamed (2).jpg
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I posted this on other thread but I will post it here also:

Ironic how Pakistanis have been expecting procurement of Chinese fighters just around the corner for decades and now Iran will almost certainly manage to beat us to the punch and procure Chinese fighters before Pakistan. With Iran, they will not build up this stupid hype like Pakistan has been doing for last 10 years, Iran has the money so they will just buy whatever they want without any kind of show.

Despite being iron ally of China, I would not be surprised if Chinese got frustrated with Pakistan for taking so long and dragging feet on placing order for even a few J-10. I fully expect China to sell order of 50 to 100 J-10's that were earmarked and designated for Pakistan at half price but Pakistan took so long that now they will go to Iran instead. And it's hard to blame China for incompetence of PAF procurement program. Don't be fooled by Iran, they might have sanctions, but their economy is in excellent condition, they have tons of cash flow, and their economy is in much better shape than Pakistan. They have the money to drop an order for 100 J-10 procurement tomorrow with zero fanfare like its nothing, while China quietly sells Pakistan's J-10's to Iran for as long as Pakistan takes to decide something as obvious and basic as PAF needing to urgently acquire J-10's and that should have been done yesterday. Mark my words, Iran will beat Pakistan to the punch and buy out our own designated J-10's marked for PAF from China before us. This is the difference between Iran and Pakistan, their leadership is far more decisive and practical than ours, they don't have any stupid hype buildup for years like Pakistan with J-10, they will just buy it without any fanfare, and soon J-10 will be operational in Iran while Pakistan keeps dreaming with an indecisive and imaginary procurement program. Iran knows they don't have unlimited time to buy these fighters so they won't waste decades like Pakistan.

As the saying goes, even a bad decision is better than no decision.

Pakistan will only wake up once they realize that they took so long that Iran managed to buy the J-10's China had designated for PAF from us and put them into service.

I must say it is very ironic that China bought blueprints for J-10 from Israel and now they will sell it to Iran.
Why do we want j10s? We want Wing Loongs.
Abay ghulam...who gave you permission to speak...the yid of the habli babli. Ja dafa ho. Traitor

Thanks for confirming that this forum support abuse on those who demand action from Imran Khan against those states who are violating Pakistan's regional sovereignty and killing of it's citizen, besides running a state with state of Pakistan.

This is why it's rare to non-existent to see such queries.... which demand military action against axis of evil.
Go to Madrasa Bad stupid Man.
@Irfan Baloch your buddy is upset on my reply to you, kindly ban me !
Thanks for confirming that this forum support abuse on those who demand action from Imran Khan against those states who are violating Pakistan's regional sovereignty and killing of it's citizen, besides running a state with state of Pakistan.

This is why it's rare to non-existent to see such queries.... which demand military action against axis of evil.

@Irfan Baloch your buddy is upset on my reply to you, kindly ban me !
Traitors have no right to criticise pakistan its people or its prime minister. No matter how bad we are. Go jog on.
You want to be Arabic slave...carry on.
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Traitors like you have no right to criticise pakistan its people or its prime minister. No matter how bad we are. Go jog on.
You want to be Arabic slave...carry on.

Who will stop me? Your rants or your tribal connection with moderators? Let me guess.... your tribal connection with moderatos is the right answer.
Man Im telling you, i can send this troll with his tails between his legs with a single post. Im known to be the biggest hot head on PDF. ALL the mods know me for being a hormone raging fanatic. If I wanted to, I cud nail this troll, but ive learned to control myself. I have done so well for the last couple weeks.

Now talking about this troll, He comes in here and runs his mouth. What has he got to show for it tho? His country has a broke a s s economy. Do you know his is a designated third world economy? And do u know that even the economy of BANGLADESH is better than their economy? thats according to statistics and facts.

His broke a s s economy cant sustain his milirary which can only afford to spend HALF of wat IRAN spends on its military. CAN YOU IMAGINE? only HALF of it bro. LMAO. that too with all the financial and trade restrictions and isolation imposed on Iran. When Iran shares a free trade like everyone else his redundant army's budget will be 1/10th of that of Irans Budget. LAUGH ON THAT TROLL.

Another fact you shud know is that since its history, his super power army have never won a single war. not even one. Infact in every conflict it suffered more casualties than the opposition nor did it achieve any of its strategic objectives. And that is verified by every valid international orgnazition. You saw how he responded to the 71 war? Well what happened was that his supah power army and its Chief Niazi surrenedered to the Bangladeshi in Dhaka. They lost to a war against Bangladesh. We grew up on stories about how their supah power army surrendered to us in Dhaka within 9 months. They cudnt even beat Bangladesh so u can understand how big of a supah powah they are.

I once met one of his countrymen during my time in the UK. That guy was showing off his attitude. So I just looked at him and said "Bhai, hum jung harne walo mein se nehi hain" Translation : "Bro, im not among those who have lost a war". As u can imagine that guy just stood still and stared like a pathetic fool. LOL LOL LOL

This troll shud go over to the afghani forums and troll the poor afghanis and their military cuz they are not much better of than them. thats the real level of their ability. I am hereby posting the picture of surrender of their Supah Powah army and their Chief Niazi to Bangladesh. Here it is . Enjoy bro.View attachment 680654

View attachment 680654.

We are victim of our parliamentary leaders.
Listen to the video below, this is how our nation is fooled and soldiers in battle field are compromised:

For Pakistanis, who fail to understand the deal between IK and NS... video above is part one of the deal, part two was the vote for some constitutional amendment, that would grant IK extra authority over military of Pakistan... i think hint is enough.

BUT I HAVE 1 question- WHen IRan asked Pakistan to complete IP on their side, PDF members told us "Iran is sanctioned, cant do business now"....but NOOOW they want to sell Iran weapons??? what changed????? i am not seeing it really..isnt US still there to apply and threaten sanctions against Pakistan????

Thats because in real terms absolutely nothing has changed.
I suspect that even by 2024[the new deadline for pak to build its section of the ip] we`ll no more see iran flying jf17s than we will a completed and operational ip.
Sadly pakistan still puts us interests far ahead of its own and barring a complete break with the us I do not see this changing regardless of the costs to pakistan.
Still it is somewhat funny to see both pakistan and india both repeating the old:"But...but,sanctions!" excuse,tho one cant help but notice the rather glaring difference that the us was willing to give the indians a waiver on chabahar,but was NOT willing to give pakistan a waiver on the ip,funny that eh?:sarcastic:
Who will stop me? Your rants or your tribal connection with moderators? Let me guess.... your tribal connection with moderatos is the right answer.
No one want to stop a slave being a slave. Enjoy
Tribals are arabs....you are their ghulam enjoy.
Are you abusing moderator now arabi slave. You have abused pakistan and its people too long. Jog on
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Who else can be more happy for IRGC developing into a strong and invincible regional force?
Do you not know Imran Khan and IRGC share common Supreme Leader!
Just scroll back at democratic Pakistan's history with Iran, and developing forays tells the situation in hand ;)

P.S.: I have once added a pictorial thread of Imran Khan's activities while touring Iran, which if was not deleted, Iranian members would not be questioning our un-waivered loyalty for them and towards their regional ambitions.
A bedouin and a wannabe bedouin discussing international politics loooool.
BATTYMAN are the camels watered
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