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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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Best for Pakistan to avoid Iranian gimmick technology.
Actually, this is what WE are advising Iran against fake Pakistani JF17 fake jets...those jets arent worth crap. Pakistani govt has not been very good to IRan recently...BUT NOW YOU WANT TO MAKE BILLONS OFF IRANIAN MILITARY DEMAND??? wow,, the nerve. Iran will not buy 1 jet from Pakistan. screen shot this.

I mean they fired 26 ballistic missiles at a US military base in Iraq earlier this year and could not even destroy it or cause a single death (but managed to shoot down an airliner with their own air defence).
the soldiers are brain dead and no one has ever done that against US, so until you can use your AMerican supplied F16s freely, pls keep hush.
The US-İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran
Not they didnt, not even today, ITs the UN that lifted it. US is not UN OK?
because of İran is new play card against Turkiye , Azerbaijan and Pakistan
Neither of those countries is a real threat..because they act like proxies. TUrkey is NATO's proxy, Pakistan is CHina's proxy, and Azerbaijan can be beat by 5,000 hezbollah soldiers so there is no real threat. can you mention A REAL THREAT TO IRANIAN??

İran never will buy weapons from Pakistan .... but from Russia ( including hundreds of SU-30 Jets and S400 Air Defense Systems )
why would Iran buy your fake weapons that are copies of China copy when IRan can go straight to China, pay with oil and get better quality? besides, Iran wont reward a wish washy "Islamic ally" like Pakistan with such a financial bounty. u seem to assume IRan is stupid.
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pakistani trainers are possible...

put money on the table first
better be ready to bet on it
I am trying to be as polite as possible so here you go bro. Pakistani state can not afford to piss of US government. No weapon purchases gonna occur.

Some military cooperation ? Yes.
but, I do not see why Pakistan needs Iran when you have access to China.
because their govt is broke and is desperate for EASY cash. why else??? they dont love Iran like that...we know this already.
We have cruise missiles and our cruise missile technology is mature and far superior than Iranian gimmick missile technology.
because you got it from CHina.

tell us 3 indigenous military equipment you guys made solely on your own. i am waiting.
HAHAHAHAHA. I enjoyed this man.
i;m always ready for lies and deceipt.

ALSO, what sense does it make for Pakistan to sell Iran "fighter jets, cruise missiles etc" when Pakistan obviously doesnt have enough of them to deal with India in Kashmir?? let them focus on their Kashmir battle and stop outsourcing that work to LET and Jaish E Mohammed. let them upgrad their own equipment more!!!!
AWACS most serenely are needed but Iran wants to build them by it self they are working on the first one actually so i guess they will buy just a couple until there own is ready , the airliner was because of olf Russian SAM called Tor-m1 Iranian version of it called Oghab ( eagle ) is ready for mass production The Iranian version dose not make the same mistake as its more advance and has EO visual confirmation of the target at day or night here you can see the picture below its from Iranian built EO camera filming US cargo plane , but i agree Iran need alot more investment in its EW capability.

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Iran needs atleast thirty forty AWACS fleet. And no yr technology and scientific base isnt what strong that u can build something like that. Its mostly 1st world stuff.....

U can keep building yr own AWACS in sidelines but buy it from China/Russia so u know how to first operate it and specially how the modern datalinked network centric warfare works as well as specially how ELIANT and Electronic warfare works.

Russian Tor systems also has target recognition systems, but yr men arnt trained or aware enough of how to use them. There is something which is called target recognition and identification{so u know yr firing at the right thing} before firing thats what those Syrians also did when they blew up a Russian Maritime Aircraft while targeting Israeli F16s.

The lack is in Education, awareness and training of handling sophisticated weaponry! Iranis/Syrians and even Russians to some extent {who all have been isolated and absent from modern defence warfare and defence market for so long lack the means as well as awareness to fight a modern network centric warfare}. Now thats something these Israelis and Turkeys always show!

These pictures that u showed have nothing to do with an AWACS aircraft or EW systems. These are mere telescope of different types/technologies useful in UAVs or for some SAMs.

Without extensive air experience you cant build an effective and modern AWACS and ELIANT/ ISR/ AEW/ and alove all an ECM/EW system which is jamming resistant. And ALL THAT WILL BE USELESS WITHOUT A POWERFUL AND CREDIBLE DATALINK like our Link 17/Link Green. Which will link up all air land and naval assets ie from Aircraft to UAVs to SAMs to radars in air land and sea together to fight as one single unit linked in a single Command and Control Room in C4ISR.

NATO/Israel has Link-16 for this purpose. If u had this all capability, Yr situational awareness would have been top notch, And that airliner would have never been fired at in the first place no matter how much it diverted from its path. You know why? Because multiple air assets grond assets all linked together in a single datalink giving the entire situational awareness to a single C4ISR command would not have simply granted permission to fire that Tor M battery's crew to fire in the first place!

Thats what im talking about! Thats what those Hindus did in operation swift retort on 27 feb 2019 when they blew up their own military helicopter thinking they have shot down an F16 thats another great example of lack of situational awareness in a battlefield.
because their govt is broke and is desperate for EASY cash. why else??? they dont love Iran like that...we know this already.
You know how much their Defence budget is ? HALF of Iran . yet they come nd run their mouth and act like a supah power.LOL
Turkiye and Pakistan should work together to punish İran who is getting as the US-İsrael proxy
But your country was forced to normalize relations with ISrael recently by your NATO daddy and Iran never has relations with ISrael so what language are you really speaking? i dont see any logic here, i only se hypocrisy. WHen Turkey does it(have full blown political and military ties with Christian US and Jewish Israel) its ok, but if IRan enters talks with them, its haram. can u explain this inconsistent logic??
Go away you clown. You're insulting our intelligence with your textual diarrhea. Nobody gives two cents about your superduper technology over here or in Iran.
yr intelligence? lol the same intelligence which blew up their own airliner?

Buzz off kid! this is our own forum if u dont like it get lost!
These idiots are complaining that Iran does not act like their salafist terrorist friends beheading Christians just cause they are Christians!
This is unfair... Pakistan didn't join the Arab lead IMCTC, only to please Iran.
However, this should not automatically translate that Pakistan is friend of Isis.
It's only that, our govt. officials are little naïve, but definitely not part of Isis nexus.
I take the opportunity to inform you that Pakistan is negotiating something humongous for you, with China ;)
I'm also convinced that Iran will have lead role in the upcoming anti Arab block, just keep an eye on Pakistan's foreign office's recent approaches ;)

Bro, kindly look into this individual. We have elderly members in this forum and it's beneath the place to see this sort of salacious language. He is continuing to spam these sexualised comments.

Also, could you not get a moderator for this section please? many of these threads are being taken off track and I personally report many comments but it seems many of the comment are not deal with (despite being seen), and in some causes, like this member they continue running free.
lol got scared again? agree to my condition and you will have the sources if not then stop quoting me and buzz off.
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