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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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Sunshine! thats our forum here where yr commenting, let me remind you first. If u dont like how things r done here simply BUZZ OFF!

You have also failed to provide a link saying your not interested in JF series either. And what i have said was that these are all aircrafts available to yr country, it was an irani member who said iran was interested in it. Which i know for a fact that they do, {read the articles of IDEAS-2018 irani delegation saying they want two hundred of them. Oh BTW that delegation had a IRGC's naval commander as its head of delegation} Go u have google, search about it and see for yourself. I wont spoon feed you.

kakay! FD2K is operational! kiss dunya main betha ha, my own friend is in Air Defence who operate it.

haha good! so now that will remind you to keep yr mouth shut if u have no idea what yr talking about next time.

Something truly unique about the mindset displayed. This may be a consequence of living in an isolated country.
The US-İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran
because of İran is new play card against Turkiye , Azerbaijan and Pakistan

İran never will buy weapons from Pakistan .... but from Russia ( including hundreds of SU-30 Jets and S400 Air Defense Systems )
Dont try to paint things as they are not. You wanna get out of ur house and see the writings on the wall right across the streets? Well you might see the words "TURKEY IS A NATO COUNTRY, ALLIED WITH AMERICA, BRITAIN AND ITS HOSTS HISOTRIC ENEMIES OF THE MIDDLE EAST".

Usually I laugh at trolling comments on PDF but urs aint even funny. You paint Azerbaijan as this GREAT islamic force while its taken as Allies the Zionst state of Israel. Before that All the anti Iranians were in Saudi camp until their supporters cudnt hide the fact that them saudis were just a bunch of Big Fat Traitors who conspired on behalf of devil worshipping Americans.

Now you try to establish a pathetic connection Between US-Israel and Iran. And you wonder why its Iran and not ur country that has established the axis of resistance all across the israeli front? How will you people even defend the muslims if ur going to be so blind about facts even a 5 yr old clearly wud understand?

You wanna talk abt pact and alliance. HEY, what do u think the TURKISH state is ? It was the state born after Kamal Pasha's Overthrow of the Ottoman Empire. This is the exact antithesis of the Ottoman Khilafah so dont try to portray it as sumthing as its not. What no one can hide and everyone knows that it is a Member state of NATO, which in other words means its in a military Pact witht the HISTORIC ENEMIES of the People of the mIddle east. SO stop with all ur disinformation or ill debunk it in such a way that there will be no dispute about it.

Also, Lets talk about ur state right ? You know how different governments come in nd that changes the whole foreign policy? well that doesnt work in sum countries cases. FOR EXAMPLE:
1.PAKISTAN (in it's policy against Israel and anti muslim forces),
2.America (In its supports for Israel, be it Dems or Reps),
3.Bangladesh (Still hasnt recognised the Zionists and never will no matter the Govt.)

But thats not the case for Turkey is it ? LET ME EXPLAIN WHY.

1. All the other parties IN TUKEY other than the AKP is Pro- west, Pro-Nato, Anti Fundamentalist. Their main goal is to be in the EU camp and be a part of the EU BLOC. This is a known fact hardly mentioned
2. Evaluate the role and policies of the Turkish governments prion to the Erdogan govt and you will see why the first point is valid.
3. Erdogan's party lost the re-run in the mayoral election in the capital ISTANBUL itself. so it is very likely he may get voted out of office in the next election? What will happen to its "Pro muslim" foreign policy once that happens? The prime example for this arguement was wat happened to egyptian policy after the fall of the morsi govt and the empowerment of AL SISI.

When Morsi was in power they opened up the tunnels to the palestinians which opened up the flow of humanitarian aids and so much more. The palestinians enjoyed support from egypt against Israeli aggression. And then when SISI took over that all changed and the Palestinians head an egyption noose on top of a zionist noose on its neck. That is the kinda radical change that u might expect.

Worry about urselves first. Iran was never in US-ISRAELI camp. Its ludicrous to even suggest it. worry about wat will happen to ur own foreign policy if AKP loses an election. Afterall, for a democratic state as urs that what it all comes down to.
Google search showed what was expected, i.e you're making up this claim. No such source exists.

Frankly it seems you have are having a mental breakdown.
Dont lie, because i have all those sources links open in my google chrome right now.

The US-İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran
because of İran is new play card against Turkiye , Azerbaijan and Pakistan

İran never will buy weapons from Pakistan .... but from Russia ( including hundreds of SU-30 Jets and S400 Air Defense Systems )
o dont worry! do u really expect these Fariwans who arnt even a martial race rather rely on their Azeri Turkic minority to fight their battle really have what it takes to truly challenge us?

Afterall we all know they ended up blowing their own airliner not too long ago thinking they have targeted an American/israeli drone/aircraft. :rofl:

A loser is always a loser, doesnt matter if they endup flying a JF seventeen series aircraft or an Al Khalid Tank!
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It seems this guy has gone full suicide mode. I guess, you can enjoy these imaginary sources when you're serving your ban.

Have to say, I am rather surprised how quickly these lot break down. I suppose a rational discourse is anathema to them.
why are you too sacred to agree to my condition ? It wont hurt i promise! its not the first time yr backside would be receiving such a treatment anyways. :lol:

Agree to my condition and you wil have yr sources.
Great news.

Really curious to see how the end of the arms embargo will impact Iran's arms exports and imports. Too many variables at this point to make an accurate prediction. It remains to be seen how decisive Russia's and China's position will be in light of US' unilateral sanctions.
I posted this on other thread but I will post it here also:

Ironic how Pakistanis have been expecting procurement of Chinese fighters just around the corner for decades and now Iran will almost certainly manage to beat us to the punch and procure Chinese fighters before Pakistan. With Iran, they will not build up this stupid hype like Pakistan has been doing for last 10 years, Iran has the money so they will just buy whatever they want without any kind of show.

Despite being iron ally of China, I would not be surprised if Chinese got frustrated with Pakistan for taking so long and dragging feet on placing order for even a few J-10. I fully expect China to sell order of 50 to 100 J-10's that were earmarked and designated for Pakistan at half price but Pakistan took so long that now they will go to Iran instead. And it's hard to blame China for incompetence of PAF procurement program. Don't be fooled by Iran, they might have sanctions, but their economy is in excellent condition, they have tons of cash flow, and their economy is in much better shape than Pakistan. They have the money to drop an order for 100 J-10 procurement tomorrow with zero fanfare like its nothing, while China quietly sells Pakistan's J-10's to Iran for as long as Pakistan takes to decide something as obvious and basic as PAF needing to urgently acquire J-10's and that should have been done yesterday. Mark my words, Iran will beat Pakistan to the punch and buy out our own designated J-10's marked for PAF from China before us. This is the difference between Iran and Pakistan, their leadership is far more decisive and practical than ours, they don't have any stupid hype buildup for years like Pakistan with J-10, they will just buy it without any fanfare, and soon J-10 will be operational in Iran while Pakistan keeps dreaming with an indecisive and imaginary procurement program. Iran knows they don't have unlimited time to buy these fighters so they won't waste decades like Pakistan.

As the saying goes, even a bad decision is better than no decision.

Pakistan will only wake up once they realize that they took so long that Iran managed to buy the J-10's China had designated for PAF from us and put them into service.

I must say it is very ironic that China bought blueprints for J-10 from Israel and now they will sell it to Iran.
Pak provide few Mirage when J10 project was started. Israel came in very later stage for radar and some avionics design.
it still is! wants around two hundred. But Jeff alone will not do good without AWACS and refueling tanker fleet supporting it.

And not just buy Jeff even we in Pak also do not operate only one type of aircraft, diversify it and learn to play in the Modern Network centric warfare! WITH A STRONG DATALINK linking the entire fleet together.

That Airliner destroying accident must be kept in mind! If Iranis had EW dedicated aircrafts as well as AWACS fleet of thirty forty aircrafts guarding the airspace round the clock, then that airline accident wont have ever happened! As well as finally you would be able to stop those so called mysterious ''F35''{we in Pak strongly believe they r F35 attacks most likely israeli or USAF} attacks in yr country too that take out warehouses and what not.

Also those random israeli airstrikes in Syria will also stop for good and on top of it giving u an offensive capability to punish that little country.
AWACS most certainly are needed but Iran wants to build them by it self they are working on the first one actually so i guess they will buy just a couple until there own is ready , the airliner was because of a Russian SAM called Tor-m1 Iranian version of it called Oghab ( eagle ) is ready for mass production The Iranian version dose not make the same mistake as its more advance and has EO visual confirmation of the target at day or night here you can see the picture below its from Iranian built EO camera filming US cargo plane , but i agree Iran need alot more investment in its EW capability.


lol kiddo! i have given a condition, as soon as these majosies agree i will share them and i have not one but multiple sources!

As for JFT its a battle proven highly sophisticated Jet! which certainly is beyond yr realm.

Go away you clown. You're insulting our intelligence with your textual diarrhea. Nobody gives two cents about your superduper technology over here or in Iran.
We all know how much you hate shias. Don't play dumb and pretend that you're some morally righteous and intellectually sound individual.

Go crawl back to the whole you came out of

Dont do him like that, even i as a pro Iranian dont consider him Anti Shia(MAYBE HE is, but i havent seen evidence of that). Its obvious he has an issue with the Iranian govt and its policies, and thats ok, its his right. BUT I KNOW one Pakistani on this forum who HATES SHIAS, but he cant come out and say it.

CLue? He has Islamic in his username. cheers.
Turks/Seljuks/Ottomans always protected Muslims and İslamic World from Christian Crusaders
So the Armenian genocide was "right"??/ AS OF TODAY, TUrkey is the Christian sorry, NATO pawn in the regional game. Sorry, IRan already wrote off Turkey as a real threat last year. The only threat to IRan is Israel...not Turkey or US. let that sink in.
lol kiddo! i have given a condition, as soon as these majosies agree i will share them and i have not one but multiple sources!

As for JFT its a battle proven highly sophisticated Jet! which certainly is beyond yr realm.

Oy troll, whats up with calling people Majusies (fire worshippers)? Have you got no class at all?

What highly sophisticated jet? Its a 4th gen fighter. It stands no chance against the SU series of Russian Interceptors and the latter generation of chinese jets.

You come here portraying as if ur military as this great force? Do u see my flag you troll? That surrender was sweet wasnt it in 71?

You guys cant even compete with a sanction ravaged Iran. Do u know what the defence budget of ur military is ? Its half of that of Iran. And when Iran gets a fair trade like all other nations it will become 1/10th of Irans budget. You relelvance is that you have no relevance. so stop coming in here with ur trolling.

You guys have accomplished absolutely nothing in the world to come here and act this way. And advanced weaponry? Iran is among the top 4 missile powers in the world. We have 6-7 types of drones that we make on our own. We make our own air defences and radars. What has ur non relevant military has to offer us. You guys have no role to play in anything yet cuz you are not even considered a danger to anyone.
This is not your uncle's forum, you don't say who stays or leaves. If you can't handle the heat, then don't come out with invented claims then maybe you won't put yourself in this hole.

1- You made a claim that Iran is interested in J-17
2- You were asked to provide a source
3- You failed
4- Now you claim it is my responsibility to prove a negative

It seems you have an altered sense of reality.

You do realise an Iranian member on the internet does not represents Iran officially, right?

There is no such claim, and no source for it on the internet. You're either:

1- Dreaming this claim
2- Confusing Iran with another country
3- Downright lying

Either way, there is zero evidence Iran ever showed an interest in the JF-17. The only fighter jet Iran openly talked about purchasing was the su-30.
Oy troll, whats up with calling people Majusies (fire worshippers)? Have you got no class at all?

What highly sophisticated jet? Its a 4th gen fighter. It stands no chance against the SU series of Russian Interceptors and the latter generation of chinese jets.

You come here portraying as if ur military as this great force? Do u see my flag you troll? That surrender was sweet wasnt it in 71?

You guys cant even compete with a sanction ravaged Iran. Do u know what the defence budget of ur military is ? Its half of that of Iran. And when Iran gets a fair trade like all other nations it will become 1/10th of Irans budget. You relelvance is that you have no relevance. so stop coming in here with ur trolling.

You guys have accomplished absolutely nothing in the world to come here and act this way. And advanced weaponry? Iran is among the top 4 missile powers in the world. We have 6-7 types of drones that we make on our own. We make our own air defences and radars. What has ur non relevant military has to offer us. You guys have no role to play in anything yet cuz you are not even considered a danger to anyone.
Some Pakistanis are good.. it is very tempting to insult their country back but some people here are OK. Let the (nonexistant) moderators deal with this troll.

@WebMaster... look what is happening here.
it seems Iranian air defense is shooting down every UAV #air defense for Pakistan :-) :tup:

breaking news : Armature video purportedly shows moment #Iran air defenses shoot down an "intruding drone" over northwestern province of East Azarbaijan. It's not immediately clear which country the downed UAE belongs to.

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