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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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we need at least 150 long range fighter such as Su-30 or F-15 and 150 lighter fighter like JF-17 Block III or J-10
C which we should be able to produce these locally ...

For me , 100 Su-30 with 150-200 J10C is ideal ...

our main focus should be building long range weapon for fighter , such as A2G , A2A , A2C missiles , long range heavy rockets and Electronic warfare components ...

in minimum , we need something like 150 JF-17 and 80 J-10C
since the 16th century İran is secret ally with VATICAN ( Christians ) against ISLAM

when the Ottoman Empire fought Europe and Russia , treacherous İran attacked on the Ottoman Empire from behind
and always half of the Ottoman Army stayed in Anatolia to fight İran .. therefore TURKS never used full of military power against Europe and Russia

today same senario ....... TURKS are fighting against the EU , the US , İsrael , S.Arabia , The Uae , also Russia ,İran and their terrorist Groups in Iraq , Syria , Libya , in the Eastern Mediterranean and now in Azerbaijan

and I am saying again , in history İran never fought against Christians ,, Iran always fought muslim Countries

Your daddy The UK gave power to Persians to rule İran in 1925
and the US-the UK always used İran as a pawn to destabilize muslim countries like İraq , Syria , Lebanon , Yemen for İsraeli interests

and now the EU , the US , İsrael lifted arms embargo on İran to fight Turkiye for European-American-İsraeli interests

as always İran's role is a pawn against Turkiye and İSLAM

Yes.... the secret contol of Iran by the Vatican is actually obvioues for anyone to see.
I mean why else would Iran have changed their Alphabet from Araic script to Latin, and why else would Iran have changed their Callander to the Christian Callander and why else would they have changed their weekend from Islamic weeked to the Christian weekend, and why else would Freemasonry be legal in Iran, and why else would Homosexulity be legal in Iran and why else would Iran have US military bases.....obviouesly Iran is controlled by the Vatican.

But let me also tell you about another top secret allience Iran has with the Moon pig Jins that the press doesnt want you to hear about...its real and they want to steal all of the delicioues oil from Islamic Syria, Libya and even Shia Greece! Seach the internet.....they want to hide the truth....
İgnorant is talking tales

I am saying again İran never fought Christians for İSLAM
even İran was ally wiith christian VATICAN against İSLAM and the Ottoman Empire

on the other hand , The TURKS fought more than 100 times against Christian Europe between 1096 Crusade and WWI (1914-1918) to protect İSLAM and Holy Lands

btw in the 19th century Russians attacked İran , therefore İran fought Russia
but İran+Russia together killed 600.000+ muslims in Syria ........ İran killed more muslims than İsrael

and İran use christian Europe and Russia to destroy muslim Countries and UMMAH

Ottomas allied with the French against Germans
Ottomas allied with the British against Russians
Ottomas allied with the Germans in WWI against British+French+Russians

so Ottomas never allied with Christians against Muslims or İran

but so-called muslim Arabs allied with Christians against muslim Turks
and so-called muslim İran allied with Christians against muslim Turks

today same senario ... so-called muslim Arabs S.Arabia,Egypt,The Uae allied with Christian the US,France,Greece,Armenia,etc against muslim Turks

and so-called muslim İran allied with Christian Russia,Armenia,etc against muslim Turks

even İsrael is far better than İran
shia İran supported christian Armenia against shia Azerbaijan
On Azarbayejan even its president praised Iran stance as we always supported them ... even back in 94 we sent our commander there to help them ...
On Syria as I recall at first it was Iran against Christian america, Muslim Turks, Arabs Muslims like S.Arabia , The UAE and Qatar .. later on you shot down Russian jet and then it became your friend in way you bought S400 and abandoned F35 .. later on you fought them in Libya ...
On history and Ottmans era ..well it is all documented how your Moftis fatwas considered Iranian Shia Kafir and attacked us for many years & were we supposed not to defend ourselves?
Well , when drone are destroying Anti Air Defense Systems left and right , then spending money on S400 is useless ...

more fire power is better than defensive weapons ...

Develop better ground CiWS and perhaps:

My strategy for years, has been every ADS vehicle should have atleast 4 CiWS to protect them from small targets and as last protection. Then radar based manpads to protect CiWS from threats like low Helicopters and other threats.

You can out swarm drones, hypersonic missiles are going to be the challenge for Iran.

More firepower should be 25-50 Fateh Subs. And variants of Kowsar jets.

Spending money on export S-400 is useless when you have Bavar 373s. There is not much different, I would rather have Bavar 373s, than S-400s. What you want are S-500s from Russia or ToT.
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If Iran wants to rebuild its military might first need to rebuild its Airforce. In front of western firepower its a jokes. I hope iran will soon buy J-10C JF-17 block III as well as SU-35 and awacs from China. For navy Chinese ye 54A can be a good option beside Russian corvettes & frigates . every purchase should have a TOT term to build some of the equipment inside iran .
If Iran wants to rebuild its military might first need to rebuild its Airforce. In front of western firepower its a jokes. I hope iran will soon buy J-10C JF-17 block III as well as SU-35 and awacs from China. For navy Chinese ye 54A can be a good option beside Russian corvettes & frigates . every purchase should have a TOT term to build some of the equipment inside iran .

Today it has been confirmed by Iranian defence minister that Iran has a signed an important deal with Russia regarding its airforce. The exact details have not been revealed. However, there is alot of rumours going around that Iran will initially get 100 SU-30SM, with in house house manufacturing.
What on earth are they teaching you in Turkey?

Dont forget that Ottomas allied with the French, the Germans, and the British at various points in time.

Also Turkey
View attachment 680735

Where is this? looks like the US.

To be fair, you get skinheads and Iranians in the same rallies in support of Assad too.
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan here are your "brothers" in faith.

Obviously, I am no fan of israel either bro.

Post these things in the Armenia-Azerbaycan thread, so Turks can answer these posts.
Where is this? looks like the US.

To be fair, you get skinheads and Iranians in the same rallies in support of Assad too.

Obviously, I am no fan of israel either bro.

Post these things in the Armenia-Azerbaycan thread, so Turks can answer these posts.
Do you accept the fact that the world is not black and white and people behave accordingly? You can not criticize Iranians for siding with Armenians while Aliyevbaijanis side with Israel and become a Mossad operation center against Iran.
Do you accept the fact that the world is not black and white and people behave accordingly? You can not criticize Iranians for siding with Armenians while Aliyevbaijanis side with Israel and become a Mossad operation center against Iran.

In terms of the Caucasus, Iran plays second fiddle to Azerbaijan. Siding with Russia in the Caucasus is like siding with Netanyahu against the Palestinians. Actually much worse. Netanyahu wants to genocide the Palestinians. putin already did genocide the Caucasians, the people of the Caucasus.

So think of Netanyahu killing 25% of Palestinian civilians, taking over Gaza/whole West Bank, having everybody bow to Bibby, then have expansionist policy against Jordan, and still Iran supports Netanyahu. That is the loyalty Iran has to putin in the Caucasus. It is sick.

Turkey is our defender in the Caucasus. putin is the warmonger. In the Eastern Med, Turkey is the warmonger with the US.
Talk to me in the relevant thread. Why are you guys trying to pull me here?
In terms of the Caucasus, Iran plays second fiddle to Azerbaijan. Siding with Russia in the Caucasus is like siding with Netanyahu against the Palestinians. Actually much worse. Netanyahu wants to genocide the Palestinians. putin already did genocide the Caucasians, the people of the Caucasus.

So think of Netanyahu killing 25% of Palestinian civilians, taking over Gaza/whole West Bank, having everybody bow to Bibby, then have expansionist policy against Jordan, and still Iran supports Netanyahu. That is the loyalty Iran has to putin in the Caucasus. It is sick.

Turkey is our defender in the Caucasus. putin is the warmonger. In the Eastern Med, Turkey is the warmonger with the US.
Turkey was openly transferring Nusra and other animal backward headcutters into Syria to create chaos and destruction. Sorry, Turkey's Erdogan can not be trusted.
Yes.... the secret contol of Iran by the Vatican is actually obvioues for anyone to see.
I mean why else would Iran have changed their Alphabet from Araic script to Latin, and why else would Iran have changed their Callander to the Christian Callander and why else would they have changed their weekend from Islamic weeked to the Christian weekend, and why else would Freemasonry be legal in Iran, and why else would Homosexulity be legal in Iran and why else would Iran have US military bases.....obviouesly Iran is controlled by the Vatican.

But let me also tell you about another top secret allience Iran has with the Moon pig Jins that the press doesnt want you to hear about...its real and they want to steal all of the delicioues oil from Islamic Syria, Libya and even Shia Greece! Seach the internet.....they want to hide the truth....

Who always was ally with christian VATİCAN / Europe against the Ottoman Empire / İslamic Caliphate ? İran

Who killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims in Syria ? İran

Who on the same side with christian Russia to kill Muslims in Syria ? İran

Who supported christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan ? İran

Who supported PKK terror organization against muslim Turkiye ? İran

Who confusing Yemen by causing sedition ? İran

Who tried to make a mess in Bahrain , S.Arabia ? İran

Who supported the US in Afghanistan ? İran

Who helped the US and the UK to invade Iraq ... İran and shiite İraqis

The Chairman of the Papal Council visited Qom/İran ( the center of the Shiites )
Cardinal met with Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs and collaborated on dialogue between Shiites and Christians

and Iranian Shiite Ayatollahs established Qom- Vatican Joint Committee to fight against İSLAM
I don't care about Iran or the arabs. You abuse Pakistan i will abuse you. Period.
You licking American balls doesn't make them right. Remember when they claimed WMD in Iraq and called your masters ragheads and sand niggers I guess the Americans were right then too. OPEN YOUR EYES.

You care about Iran or not... why should i care or i should even know? but i don't stop you for clarifying either... neither any one's hate for Saudi Arabia will change the fact, that it was MBS who dolled out $ billions to Imran Khan, in total disregard to the advise of his own people. This is the part of history, we all want to forget.... and it's very obvious from the day $ landed in Pakistan.

Your abuse emanates from your religious teachings and general sectarian hate which enable Iran to use you for it's nefarious designs against Pakistan, every terrorist attack ever happened in Pakistan has it's roots in Iran. Not limited to this, Iran can sabotage Pakistani sovereignty any time any moment. Be it burning of embassy, ordering FIGHTERS without immigration record, manipulating Pakistani politics, dictating foreign policy, forcing us to import COVID, most of above safe guarding Indian interests, I can swear, that the order to not shoot locked India jets, come from a person who is on record praising and meeting Khamenia.

While you are allowed to abuse, because you are a launch... and you are not the first one and sure not the last one.
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