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Iran arms embargo has officially been lifted by UN

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Inappropriate Language
There is really no point rationally arguing with Most Torks....they are too ignorant of facts and lack any logic....

The Torks want to claim the glory of Ottomans, but want to ignore that fact that the Ottomans hated Torks and openly called them dumb donkies.

Now this Turd is saying that the reason why the Ottomans hated the Turks was because Iran infiltrated them through Alavis and tricked them into hating Turks!!!! Everything for them is a secret opperation carried out by evil Iran, and no evidence is needed to be presented for their stupid claims.

This is the low level of intelligence that can be expected from these fools.
P.S in regards to Iran buying JF-17s. If Iran wants CHINESE Fighter aircraft, Iran will buy it from CHINA and not Pakistan!

Go to Pakistan defense section and read up on JF-17, as obviously your knowledge is limited on this manner.
I saw one pakistani call another Pakistani "S L A V E" in here. But god knows what the moderators did about it. Only they themselves know

Where is this post? Link it here.
Good for Iran they can start buying crap from the world now and lose their self reliance.

Besides proxies and inaccurate missiles, nothing much else.

Iran is not much of a threat to the US, Israel, or anyone really.

Instead of antagonizing neighboring countries, they should use their neighbors' (Turk and Pakistani) skills in helping their own defense industry.
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@MMM-E Great post brother. It is funny to see them jump around wirh the same points over and over in different ways.

Their main points:

1. Turk are evil

2. Turk are part of NATO (forgetting tensions Turkey has with them)

3. Turks were allies of Christians first (hence Iran can support Serbia, Armenia, Russians, and others free of conscience)

4. All Sunni groups against Iranian proxies are terrorists. They should all accept hegemony of Iran and its allies.

5. This is laughable. Azeris are not Turks but Aryans....

6. Most important. Iran is ALWAYS right and can never be wrong. No one has any right to call out Iran on terrorism.

No use reading the long-winded propaganda posts. Just keep these points in mind.
Is there any further news over Amir Hatami comment over air force?
Turkey is still part of NATO. Turkey is still a major US ally and regional asset for Washington. Turkey is still in a military alliance with Isra"el".

3 Turkish Military Operations kicked American-İsraeli dream in Syria ...... ROJOVA is dead

on the other hand İran and ASSAD Regime can not fire even one bullet to the US-İsrael-France backed PKK/YPG Terrorists who invaded 25% of Syrian territory

İran can attack only unarmed muslim civilians .... nothing else

Apostolic journey of Benedict XVI to Turkey, meeting the president of the Turkish Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet), looking forward to "carry forward their dialogue as a sincere exchange between friends":

and RUHANİ asked from POPE to pray for election in İran ..... what a COMEDY

I am saying again , since the 16 century VATICAN and İran are allies against the Ottoman Empire ( Turks ) and İslam

There are Iranian troops in Syria to fight against Muslims in the ranks of Bashar Assad with christian Russia who turned Syria into a bloodbath

also İran openly confused countries such as Yemen and Bahrain,
and İran enabled the US to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq

and since 2015 , İran deepens the cooperation with the Vatican

Chairman of the Papal Council visited Qom ( the center of Shiites)
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LOL.... I dont think I need to reply to the retarded statment above that would make a dead cat laugh. Now do you realise why the Ottomans called TOORKs stupid?!

Oh by the way you live in Germany?? Tell me honestly, what do you do for living? You a cleaner or a kababi??

I really shouldnt waste my time with retarderd Toorks who are working as cleaners in Germany!

You have no knowledge to discuss like civilized person ..... therefore only personal attack .... nothing else

btw TURKS are so rich in Germany and Europe

in economic wiev many members of the Turkish community left their laborer identity and have established their private businesses

The number of companies establish by Turkish businessesmen in Europe has risen to over 140.000 ( over 70.000 in Germany )

140.000 Turkish businessesmen have total annual turnover over 50 billion Euros ( over 30 billion euros in Germany )

even Croatia or Slovenia or Lithuania has no 50 billion Euros of GDP Nominal

also Turkiye has bigger GDP PPP than İran+İsrael+Greece+Bulgaria+Armenia+Georgia+İraq+Syria combined in the region
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3 Turkish Military Operations kicked American-İsraeli dream in Syria ...... ROJOVA is dead

on the other hand İran and ASSAD Regime can not fire even one bullet to the US-İsrael-France backed PKK/YPG Terrorists who invaded 25% of Syrian territory

İran can attack only unarmed muslim civilians .... nothing else

and RUHANİ asked from POPE to pray for election in İran ..... what a COMEDY
View attachment 681115

I am saying again , since the 16 century VATICAN and İran are allies against the Ottoman Empire ( Turks ) and İslam

There are Iranian troops in Syria and Iraq to fight against Muslims in the ranks of Bashar Assad with christian Russia who turned Syria into a bloodbath

also İran openly confused countries such as Yemen and Bahrain,
and İran enabled the US to occupy Afghanistan and Iraq

and since 2015 , İran deepens the cooperation with the Vatican

Chairman of the Papal Council visited Qom ( the center of Shiites)
View attachment 681116

We love Christian ... in fact first Iran Church was built 68 AD when no Turks were around ... but I think evil Vatican plotted it all from that time against the Ottoman Empire ( Turks ).

Bahrain is a country which in minority rule the majority and American-İsraeli has just inked a deal with them to have relation ... and has been occupied by Saudis since 2011.
Yemen has been attacked by Saudi and other American regional client in order to bring back the old status que .. the only reason that after 5 years of war they have not been able to finish it is just due Yemenis people standing against them .. despite starving and blockade ...
Either you are on Yemeni and Baharain people side or on Saudi American side ... are you confused?

Syria has been the victim of the same people involved in Afghanistan back in 80s (Saudi, American , the UAE, Pakistan) , the same people whom were involved in Libya in 2011 ((Saudi, American , the UAE, France ) .. in Syria the same people (Saudi, American , the UAE, Turkeyn) did the same thing which again has been repeated recently in Libya ... (Saudi, American , the UAE, Turkey) not Iran ... it wasn't Iran holding conference in Istanbul telling Syria what to do what not to do ... we asked for Referendum, new constitution and so on which was rejected by Turkey ...

On Kurds .. well you don't remember how Iran thawed Iraq Kurdistan separation supported by American and isreal which was foiled by Iran? in Syria the main goal was defeating isis and other ALQ affiliated groups which has been done except terrorists & ALQ affiliated groups nested in Idlib ....

In Iraq we fought isis and there were no Russian ... it was Iraqi people whom defended their lands ...

Neither in Iraq war nor in Afghanistan war we didn't let any troop use our land to invade these countries ... But in Afghanistan we shared a common enemy with American which was Taliban whom killed 11 Iranian diplomats back in 98 + journalist and were attacking our posts in borders ...
@MMM-E Great post brother. It is funny to see them jump around wirh the same points over and over in different ways.

Maybe that's because MMM-E, a comical user not taken seriously even by his own countrymen on this forum, likes to copy/paste long debunked drivel like a broken record. Replies to his gibberish will therefore be bound to sound repetitive too. You only have him to thank for this.

1. Turk are evil

Oh really? Who wrote that, and where? Please be precise. Either that, or try not to speak untruth. The choice is yours.

2. Turk are part of NATO (forgetting tensions Turkey has with them)

That is a perfectly adequate response to someone who tries to pretend Turkey has been confronting NATO and claiming Iran has been "cooperating" with them.

3. Turks were allies of Christians first (hence Iran can support Serbia, Armenia, Russians, and others free of conscience)

No, that was a response to the user's accusations against Safavid Iran. Nobody claimed Turkey's past alliances with Christian powers enable Iran to "support Serbia, Armenia, Russians, and others free of conscience". You seem to have immense reading difficulties to come up with such obvious misquotes.

Besides, we're still waiting for your evidence regarding purported but non-existent Iranian support for Armenia in the Karabakh war. Mere slogans won't suffice. Evidence please, or it's nothing but disinformation.

Concerning Serbia, you are being genuinely dishonest now. You were shown every proof a person can ask (including from various non-Iranian sources) for the fact that Iran not only sided with the Bosnian Muslims during the 1990's civil war, but that Iranian support for Sarajevo was massive and unparalleled. I expected much higher ethical standards from you. It is meanwhile abundantly clear to me that you are not interested in the truth nor in learning, but only in expressing your disdain for Iran.

By the way, you're still the only person in the world coming up with that outright fabrication. I'm sure you searched the internet in vain to find something to back up that funny claim. At least on the Karabakh dossier, one will find some hollow, empty statements deprived of any semblance of evidence that will clumsily try and incriminate Iran. But when it comes to the Bosnian war, not even the most rabid anti-Iranian sources have dared contradict proven, established, documented, obvious history in this manner. Congrats, you have outdone them all in the science fiction department.

@sanel1412 @scimitar19 Take a look at this, brothers. We have someone here who keeps suggesting Iran sided with the Serbs during the Bosnian war. Can you believe that?

4. All Sunni groups against Iranian proxies are terrorists. They should all accept hegemony of Iran and its allies.

That would be a lie. As well as a weak attempt to introduce baseless accusations of sectarianism.

Show where we claimed such a thing.

5. This is laughable. Azeris are not Turks but Aryans....

Your contention is the laughable one, for it is but a mere hollow claim. No evidence to substantiate it, nothing.

Here is however some hard evidence documenting the Iranian origin of the Azar-Badzegani people (even their name is Iranian):


6. Most important. Iran is ALWAYS right and can never be wrong. No one has any right to call out Iran on terrorism.

It's got nothing to do with that. It's just that we literally love to debunk historic fabrication, outlandish drivel, and to call out intellectual dishonesty and petty gibberish.

No use reading the long-winded propaganda posts. Just keep these points in mind.

If you're calling historic facts such as the 16th-17th century Iranian-Portuguese war or the 17th-19th century Iranian-Russian wars "long-winded propaganda", you are a troll.
Let's get away from Turks are evil kind of posts and get back to the main topic guys.
Maybe that's because MMM-E, a comical user not taken seriously even by his own countrymen on this forum, likes to copy/paste long debunked drivel like a broken record. Replies to his gibberish will therefore be bound to sound repetitive too. You only have him to thank for this.

Oh really? Who wrote that, and where? Please be precise. Either that, or try not to speak untruth. The choice is yours.

That is a perfectly adequate response to someone who tries to pretend Turkey has been confronting NATO and claiming Iran has been "cooperating" with them.

No, that was a response to the user's accusations against Safavid Iran. Nobody claimed Turkey's past alliances with Christian powers enable Iran to "support Serbia, Armenia, Russians, and others free of conscience". You seem to have immense reading difficulties to come up with such obvious misquotes.

Besides, we're still waiting for your evidence regarding purported but non-existent Iranian support for Armenia in the Karabakh war. Mere slogans won't suffice. Evidence please, or it's nothing but disinformation.

Concerning Serbia, you are being genuinely dishonest now. You were shown every proof a person can ask (including from various non-Iranian sources) for the fact that Iran not only sided with the Bosnian Muslims during the 1990's civil war, but that Iranian support for Sarajevo was massive and unparalleled. I expected much higher ethical standards from you. It is meanwhile abundantly clear to me that you are not interested in the truth nor in learning, but only in expressing your disdain for Iran.

By the way, you're still the only person in the world coming up with that outright fabrication. I'm sure you searched the internet in vain to find something to back up that funny claim. At least on the Karabakh dossier, one will find some hollow, empty statements deprived of any semblance of evidence that will clumsily try and incriminate Iran. But when it comes to the Bosnian war, not even the most rabid anti-Iranian sources have dared contradict proven, established, documented, obvious history in this manner. Congrats, you have outdone them all in the science fiction department.

@sanel1412 @scimitar19 Take a look at this, brothers. We have someone here who keeps suggesting Iran sided with the Serbs during the Bosnian war. Can you believe that?

That would be a lie. As well as a weak attempt to introduce baseless accusations of sectarianism.

Show where we claimed such a thing.

Your contention is the laughable one, for it is but a mere hollow claim. No evidence to substantiate it, nothing.

Here is however some hard evidence documenting the Iranian origin of the Azar-Badzegani people (even their name is Iranian):


It's got nothing to do with that. It's just that we literally love to debunk historic fabrication, outlandish drivel, and to call out intellectual dishonesty and petty gibberish.

If you're calling historic facts such as the 16th-17th century Iranian-Portuguese war or the 17th-19th century Iranian-Russian wars "long-winded propaganda", you are a troll.

Today, does İran have ties with Serbia? Did Iran vote AGAINST Kosovo? If yes, then an apology is in order.

Your propaganda has failed to convince anyone except those who already believed it.

Calling someone a troll is not going to help your cause and next time you will be reported.
Everyone in our army know about your masters but we have evidence and we don't talk about some imaginary groups. Uzair Baloch is in custody and kulbhushan is also in custody so better check facts before posting. Anyway the country that is using you will not save you. An evil who even hired pakistani Shia to fight for for your proxy wars. Do you think you can continue this cooperation with indian intelligence a secret? You are mistaken. We know you very well. You are harming us by providing cover to Baloch rebels but all this will end someday! I have sympathy for Iranians but no sympathy for your leadership and military.

No lie spoken here.

Great post and it perfectly sums up the common Pakistani view (both Sunni and Shia.)
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Concerning Serbia, you are being genuinely dishonest now. You were shown every proof a person can ask (including from various non-Iranian sources) for the fact that Iran not only sided with the Bosnian Muslims during the 1990's civil war, but that Iranian support for Sarajevo was massive and unparalleled. I expected much higher ethical standards from you. It is meanwhile abundantly clear to me that you are not interested in the truth nor in learning, but only in expressing your disdain for Iran.

By the way, you're still the only person in the world coming up with that outright fabrication. I'm sure you searched the internet in vain to find something to back up that funny claim. At least on the Karabakh dossier, one will find some hollow, empty statements deprived of any semblance of evidence that will clumsily try and incriminate Iran. But when it comes to the Bosnian war, not even the most rabid anti-Iranian sources have dared contradict proven, established, documented, obvious history in this manner. Congrats, you have outdone them all in the science fiction department.

@sanel1412 @scimitar19 Take a look at this, brothers. We have someone here who keeps suggesting Iran sided with the Serbs during the Bosnian war. Can you believe that?

I couldn't agree more on this one and every sane Bosniak, Serb and Croat can confirm this. These are the very obvious truths regarding role Iran had in saving Bosniaks from being exterminated by Serbs and Croats. Without Iranian material support and help B&H would not exist and their majority people who live here.

Needless to remaind that Bosniaks are majority sunni oriented people.
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Bahrain is a country which in minority rule the majority and American-İsraeli has just inked a deal with them to have relation ... and has been occupied by Saudis since 2011.

Syria is a country which in minority rule the majority and Russia-İran has just inked a deal with them to have relation

80% of Syrian People is sunni Muslim and they so hate radical secterian ASSAD Regime , İran and christian Russia who killed 500.000 sunni Muslims in Syria

it wasn't Iran holding conference in Istanbul telling Syria what to do what not to do ... we asked for Referendum, new constitution and so on which was rejected by Turkey ...

in 2010 , Turkiye 11 times warned ASSAD as friendly for democratic reforms in Syria
but ASSAD and İran has started killing Syrian People to protect dictatorial Regime in Syria

FSA beat ASSAD , HEZBOLLAH and İran combined but in 2015 , RUHANİ asked helping from PUTIN against FSA

On Kurds .. well you don't remember how Iran thawed Iraq Kurdistan separation supported by American and isreal which was foiled by Iran? in Syria the main goal was defeating isis and other ALQ affiliated groups which has been done except terrorists & ALQ affiliated groups nested in Idlib ....

by Turkiye also
Turkish and İraqi Armies together worked for possible military operation against İraq Kurdistan

in Syria , ASSAD,İran even Russia dont care about Syria's territorial integrity
ASSAD,İran never fought PKK/YPG Terrorists who invaded 25% of Syria including oil reserves
because of ASSAD and İran are nothing without Russia

in İdlib , Turkiye never will allow ASSAD,İran , Russia to kill another 500.000 sunni muslim civilians and to force another millions of Syrian People to move from their lands into Turkiye

In Iraq we fought isis and there were no Russian ... it was Iraqi people whom defended their lands ...

even 40.000 shiite İraqi Army gave MOSUL to 1.000 ISIS terrorists

and the US-France used their Airforces for military operation against İSİS in Mosul ...... others were nothing
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I couldn't agree more on this one and every sane Bosniak, Serb and Croat can confirm this. These are the very obvious truths regarding role Iran had in saving Bosniaks from being exterminated by Serbs and Croats. Without Iranian material support and help B&H would not exist and their majority people who live here.

I am not talking about 1990s, and yes I confirm that Pakistan helped bring in Iranian small arms to Bosnians, as we were on the front lines there.

I am talking about today. I am talking of Iranian leaders establishing deep ties with Serbia, and going as far as voting against Kosovo's independence at the UN.

Any comments?
I couldn't agree more on this one and every sane Bosniak, Serb and Croat can confirm this. These are the very obvious truths regarding role Iran had in saving Bosniaks from being exterminated by Serbs and Croats. Without Iranian material support and help B&H would not exist and their majority people who live here.

The US and Turkiye saved Bosniaks and Albanians from being exterminated by Serbs

also in 1990 KOSOVO War , in NATO only American and Turkish Airforces could night strike against Serbian Military targets

İran always was ally with christians against Muslims
today same senario , İran support christian Armenia against muslim Azerbaijan
Syria is a country which in minority rule the majority and Russia-İran has just inked a deal with them to have relation

80% of Syrian People is sunni Muslim and they so hate radical secterian ASSAD Regime , İran and christian Russia who killed 500.000 sunni Muslims in Syria

They will keep supporting that self-professed Atheist dictator Assad, even if he backrupts them, plays games between Russia and them, continues his policy of sex torture camps, collective punishment on civilians, and turning a genuine struggle into a brutal sectarian war.

Islam means nothing to the Iranian government. Muslims mean nothing, they are content to see the Syrian population become refugees to justify their political plans.

These issues of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and now Chabahar, Nagorno-Karabakh reveal their true nature.

They are/were fully cooperating with Non-Muslim occupiers who are/were oppressing Muslim populations like US WoT, India, Armenia, Russia, etc.

Palestinian brother @Falcon29 had said it once before and he was completely correct. This is a Persian nationalist campaign to restore an empire, not some grand defense of Islam.

Iranian government are just as big hypocrites as MBS, MBZ, and Sisi.
... tell us 3 indigenous military equipment you guys made solely on your own. i am waiting. ...

Pakistan only purchased the M-11 missiles from China in the early 1990s to reverse engineer and master the technology.

These are all our own.


When you pathetic Iranian nation can shake mountains like Pakistan did in 1998, come back and talk to us until then keep kowtowing UN/IAEA.

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