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Indian Navy to have 100 combat jets, 500 aircraft

How about naval HAL FGFA? I heard that russian going to make naval version of T-50 for their future Aircraft carrier. We should make that too.
F-35 will be looked into seriously for the IAC2. This time Lockheed would have a product that will beat the others in a MRCA-like competition. 45 Mig29K and 2 sqdn of N-LCA will be sufficient for Vikramaditya, IAC1 and for shore-based reserves.
We have capable Mig29ks so its time to wait till PAKFA arrives . N-LCA's can fill the gap for some time .
IN should Avoid US jets for N-MRCA......there is no chance US 'll provide Full ToT.
Rafale is Best Choice
Conformed, I had seen them flying from Arkonam Naval base.
No it was never in Arakonam.... May be u are confused with Tu142.
And That photo is of Tu142 not TU22
Pray tell me which of these are proven fighters?

1. F18 - proven as a carrier fighter in several different roles as Hornet and Super Hornets
2. Rafale M - first varient that was inducted into operational service and widely used in all kinds of roles in Afghanistan as well as Lybia
3. Mig 29K - Base design and techs are proven in air force versions, operational service in Indian and Russian navy will begin in the next few years
4. F35C will be available for operational service only by the time IAC 2 will be available as well, but at least it will be available as a carrier fighter by then.
5. Naval Typhoon and Gripen, nothing else but paperplanes. Not available, not under development, not even much experience to develop such a version is available

I know what you are up to, combat experience, but that's basically a forum argument, not one for air forces. F22 is in operational service for years, but wasn't fielded in a single conflict, haven't shot down a single fighter and still is considered as proven and the most capable A2A fighter!

The rest was mainly your opinion, but not INs policy, because they asked for infos of new fighters and stated to be interested in AMCA, which means they do have the money and they didn't care much about different fighter types (but I am with you on that).
IAC 2 is planned for 2017 - 2020, a naval Pak Fa / FGFA or AMCA might be available between 2020 and 2025, that's why an N-MMRCA is needed earlier.
F-35 will be looked into seriously for the IAC2. This time Lockheed would have a product that will beat the others in a MRCA-like competition.

Don't forget that IN, just like IAF prefers fighters with good flight performance and that's the biggest weakness of F35 and there are other weak points too. But I still consider it as a front runner, if politics will play a role, because the US government might combine it's sale with providing catapults. If that is the case we might get EMALS, E-2D and F35C in a single deal, but IN would be highly dependent on the US then.

Rafale is the logical choice, as a simple and easy follow on order to MMRCA. But it has certain disadvantages as the M version that IN will keep in mind too. It's available as a single seat fighter only, the twin seat development was cancelled for cost reasons. Also it has a fixedwing design, which means it needs more space on the flight deck or hangar and that reduces the numbers of fighters a carrier can carry.

The F18SH could be offered by then with additional features, higher thrust engines, weapon pods and CFTs, which would make it to an interesting choice, possibly cheaper than Rafale, better flight performance than F35C and could be combined with catapults and E-2Ds too. IN would still remain to be dependent, but would get a more cost-effective stopgap fighter, till N-FGFA or AMCA might be available and it is the only fighter available in twin seat config.
its not 1971 its 21 century
its my promise to u if you try to block us we will immerse into Arabian sea

How exactly do you intend to?
With frigates and patrol boats?

Do not worry our destroyers would be ready for them.
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