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Indian Navy to have 100 combat jets, 500 aircraft

F-18 with EPE engine of thrust 120kn+ each and a few Growlers ...yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:victory:
Nice aircraft to think about. But they are not likely fly in IN service. :disagree:

When we keep in mind that these fighters would be needed only by 2017/18, this Silent Hornet indeed would be something to think about, but it won't be the only one.

Rafale M for IN with:

- SPECTRA with GaN AESA modules (improved jamming capabilities)
- GaN AESA radar (longer detection range)
- FSO NG (improved IR channel, maybe even with Samtel)
- CFTs (final development needs to be funded)
- uprated M88 engine or if possible, Kaveri/Snecma engine
- Rafale M twinseater funded and produced in India (possibly with folding wings), a similar offer like the EF consortium proposed with the development of naval Typhoon

All this could directly be used and integrated into the development of an AMCA for IN and would ease the development by far, not to mention that it would offer a lot of commonality for IN later, operating such a Rafale M and AMCA on the same carrrier.
So if the Dassault is going with the Rafael N (dual seat naval version of Rafael M), then IN would be interested in it or they will go with the LCA for the IAC-2 and IAC-3. I have heard that Rafael would be on IN Carriers soon....
So if the Dassault is going with the Rafael N (dual seat naval version of Rafael M), then IN would be interested in it or they will go with the LCA for the IAC-2 and IAC-3. I have heard that Rafael would be on IN Carriers soon....

Dassault has no problem with the N version, French MoD didn't fund the version that's all. So IF IN would require a twin seat version, like at N-LCA and the Mig, Dassault can offer India to fund and produce this version at HAL, because the naval version has high commonality to the air force version that HAL will build anyway.
N-LCA could be used on IAC 2 only if it will be a STOBAR carrier, but even if, it might be very unlikely because of the low capabilities as a carrier fighter.
Its confusing, why in the world would the Indian armed forces want to increase the number of types they operate when the worldwide trend is to reduce and procure common aircraft?

IAC1 will be STOBAR so the best aircraft to continue with the trend is the Mig-29K.(or perhaps challenge the Ruskies with a Mig-35K??). do the migs lack a capability that the others offer?
Moreover.. adapting the SH or Rafale M to a STOBAR carrier seems pointless.. and the other competitors have not yet tested any carrier capable designs.

Coming to IAC 2 which is supposedly CATOBAR.. the IN can simply purchase the Rafale M outright.. allowing another bonus in commonality in both logistics and training with the IAF.. perhaps with exchange pilots.

The N-LCA will play the role of the light interceptor and attack on these ships.. how many?To accommodate the N-LCA means crossing the 100 aircraft mark(will the IAF's ego be ready to accept this?).

Well firstly the IN aviation arm is completely separate to IAF so has their own logistics and infrastructure setup so it is rather irrelevant what the IAF operates. In this regard the IN have complete freedom to go for whatever platform they want. Naturally there would be some benefits with going for the same platform as IAF but this is not essential. And regarding the N-MMRCA procurement, these planes are for exclusive use on IN ACCs IAC 2- which will probably be CATOBAR (most likely EMALS fitted) configured as the full air complements for IAC 1 and INS Vikramditya have already been paid for and are being delivered (Mig-29K) and will be complemented with the N-LCA. As such a follow-on order for Mig-29K over and above the 45 on order is not likely. I'd say the F-35C was the most like;y platform IN will go for as they want something contemporary and able to suit their needs of the future and all other 5th gen naval platforms are a while away.
Well firstly the IN aviation arm is completely separate to IAF so has their own logistics and infrastructure setup so it is rather irrelevant what the IAF operates. In this regard the IN have complete freedom to go for whatever platform they want. Naturally there would be some benefits with going for the same platform as IAF but this is not essential. And regarding the N-MMRCA procurement, these planes are for exclusive use on IN ACCs IAC 2- which will probably be CATOBAR (most likely EMALS fitted) configured as the full air complements for IAC 1 and INS Vikramditya have already been paid for and are being delivered (Mig-29K) and will be complemented with the N-LCA. As such a follow-on order for Mig-29K over and above the 45 on order is not likely. I'd say the F-35C was the most like;y platform IN will go for as they want something contemporary and able to suit their needs of the future and all other 5th gen naval platforms are a while away.

Apart from being 5th Gen, what additional value added features does its naval version has as compared to other naval versions. I know its a good fighter, But naval version i have no clue...Any expert opinions :rolleyes:

And what will be F-35C's advantages and disadvantages!
Dassault has no problem with the N version, French MoD didn't fund the version that's all. So IF IN would require a twin seat version, like at N-LCA and the Mig, Dassault can offer India to fund and produce this version at HAL, because the naval version has high commonality to the air force version that HAL will build anyway.
N-LCA could be used on IAC 2 only if it will be a STOBAR carrier, but even if, it might be very unlikely because of the low capabilities as a carrier fighter.

I mean that now Dassault has some funds with MMRCAs order and they were quite keen to have Rafael N for their Navy, as well as IN was interested in rafael too. So will France going to produce it for their won slef as well as for INAF too?
I mean that now Dassault has some funds with MMRCAs order and they were quite keen to have Rafael N for their Navy, as well as IN was interested in rafael too. So will France going to produce it for their won slef as well as for INAF too?

The French have just 1 aircraft carrier and the planned second ACC has been put on hold, IF they do develop a naval rafale then it would be majorly for exports.

The Rafale M (Marine, designed for carriers) is designed to be as light and affordable as possible. It is equipped with a thin, mid-mounted delta wing with a moving canard, and individual fixed, kidney-shaped intakes without shock cones. Integrated systems and engines were designed to provide the lowest operation and maintenance costs of all 21st century 4.5 generation fighter planes.
Apart from being 5th Gen, what additional value added features does its naval version has as compared to other naval versions. I know its a good fighter, But naval version i have no clue...Any expert opinions :rolleyes:

And what will be F-35C's advantages and disadvantages!

that itself is a great add on :cheesy:
I mean that now Dassault has some funds with MMRCAs order and they were quite keen to have Rafael N for their Navy, as well as IN was interested in rafael too. So will France going to produce it for their won slef as well as for INAF too?

I think you are confusing Dassault, the manufacturer and France as a country here. Dassault of course would like the twin seat version too, but they won't pay for the development, France or India might have to do it. However, French forces are quiet happy with the single seat version and IN is far away from selecting a fighter.
will Dassault provide the Rafale with thrust vectoring?? That's really important in case of a dog fight or counter measure.
Good news for India congrats every nation has a right to defend its self and upgrade it's forces ... but guys plzz for GOD's sake stop bringing Pakistan in to it it's getting really old now lets be matture and stick to the topic i mean really just stop the BS.
Good news for India congrats every nation has a right to defend its self and upgrade it's forces ... but guys plzz for GOD's sake stop bringing Pakistan in to it it's getting really old now lets be matture and stick to the topic i mean really just stop the BS.

I can't find any reference to pak in last 12 posts at least. Anyways, point taken :)

If you look at it this way , then Air wing of INS Vikramaditya and INS Vikrant has already been sorted
As Vikramaditya can only carry upto 24 fighters while Vikrant can at most carry 30 Fighters , apart from some 10 Helis each.

So our current order for 45 Mig29K/KUB ( 36 Fighters + 9 Trainers ) to be delivered by 2014 and 22 N LCA ( 16 Fighters + 6 Trainers ) being delivered in 2016-17 should be enough

Any future purchase will only be meant for IAC2 , SINCE 45 Mig29k/kub + 22 N LCA ie 67 fighters are enough for our current 2 carriers under construction .

IAC2 will enter service only in 2022-24 ,coz Indian Navy has more important assets to invest in rather than IAC2 till yr 2014

By guess is that since We will only need N MRCA in 2020-22 , it would be bbetter for us to order a next gen fighter like F35C or even an improved version of Rafale M
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