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Indian Navy to have 100 combat jets, 500 aircraft

Mig 29K : 45{already ordered}
N Tejas : 50{Expected}
NMRCA : 40-50{Most Probably RafaleM}

So i think the total Number of combat jet in Naval Air Arm will be around 150...
Mig 29K : 45{already ordered}
N Tejas : 50{Expected}
NMRCA : 40-50{Most Probably RafaleM}

So i think the total Number of combat jet in Naval Air Arm will be around 150...
surprisingly there is no 5th generation in this. if you look at the navy vision 2027 IAF will have 2 5th gen. FGFA & AMCA may be later IN will Join or get Both naval version plane and also i here that Russian may develop NPAK-FA later.
3 Aircraft carrier are to less as we need at least 5 so that 3-4 are available all time.

But to fully secure our interests from Singapore to Somalia and to dominate we need 7-8 Aircraft carriers if we also keep the so called carrier killer missile in mind.
3 Aircraft carrier are to less as we need at least 5 so that 3-4 are available all time.

But to fully secure our interests from Singapore to Somalia and to dominate we need 7-8 Aircraft carriers if we also keep the so called carrier killer missile in mind.

More than 7-8 ACCs, we need a fleet of potent SSNs. We don't need ACCs to boast naval power in arabian sea. However we do need around 4-5 ACCs for sure.
IMO, we should build upwards of 80,000 tonne ACCs each capable of carrying around 3 squadrons of fighters.
More than 7-8 ACCs, we need a fleet of potent SSNs. We don't need ACCs to boast naval power in arabian sea. However we do need around 4-5 ACCs for sure.
IMO, we should build upwards of 80,000 tonne ACCs each capable of carrying around 3 squadrons of fighters.

SSNs and SSBNs are separate issue.

As for ACCs we need 7-8 we need

- 2 for pak (Karachi, Gwadar)

- 1 for gulf route

- 1 for African route

- 2 for south china sea

- 1 for bay of bengal

- 1 for australia/maldive area

If u don't agree for one of the above options/requirements then keep in mind we need 1-2 extra so that above capacity can me made available in case of 1-2 is in maintenance or get destroyed.

2. 80,000 tonne is too much it will add to cost both in building it and managing it then also it will be a bigger target for carrier killer we need medium size 50,000-60,000 tonne sleek and fast.
there were reports we leased 4 of them . but never been confirmed.

SSNs and SSBNs are separate issue.

As for ACCs we need 7-8 we need

- 2 for pak (Karachi, Gwadar)

- 1 for gulf route

- 1 for African route

- 2 for south china sea

- 1 for bay of bengal

- 1 for australia/maldive area

If u don't agree for one of the above options/requirements then keep in mind we need 1-2 extra so that above capacity can me made available in case of 1-2 is in maintenance or get destroyed.

2. 80,000 tonne is too much it will add to cost both in building it and managing it then also it will be a bigger target for carrier killer we need medium size 50,000-60,000 tonne sleek and fast.

Bhai you missed Artic & Antartica region...LOL:azn:
Bhai you missed Artic & Antartica region...LOL:azn:

Genius as per IN and GoI they are not our area of interest.

Le me explain u why i have mentioned that nos.:

- 2 for pak (Karachi, Gwadar) = Its obvious to attack pakistan and sea denial.

- 1 for gulf route = To cut off any help from gulf or US of A (if in future USA align with pak as we can't predict future we should be prepared for the worst)

- 1 for African route (to cut off this route or help USA etc.)

- 2 for south china sea (to cut off help from china)

- 1 for bay of bengal (To secure it)

- 1 for australia/maldive area (to cut off strings of pearls and to secure from any help from Australia/US of A)
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