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I have already answered that question when I referred to that rag Siasat ( God, what a name for a newspaper) . It's just like saying French is the official language of Mauritius when Mauritians speak Creole . A tiny pocket in a Hyderabad slum speak Dakni. Because of the politics of the Hyderabad Ghetto Dakni masquerading as Urdu is the second official language of Telengana. Dakni is as much related to Urdu as Creole is to French.
Travel 10 kms outside Hyderabad Old City and no one speaks or understands Dakni

Wrong example.

The correct example is Quebec province in Canada where French is spoken.
I think you don't want to accept...
According to our scriptures, a warrior who dies while fighting reaches veeraswargam, so Veergati means where veer will reach if he dies while fighting which implies heaven.

Another example Sadgati means heaven...
Gati also means destination...
Where does Gati mean heaven?
I asked you to quote from your scriptures or any document where Veeragati means ascension to heaven. The closest is transmigration. Please look up the dictionary,
Don't obfuscate and bring स्वर्ग ( swarh) and स्वर्गम into the picture . Of course स्वर्ग means heaven
We were discussing Veergati and what it means,
Once again show me your scriptures. I don't know much Sanskrit but I have taught myself to read the Devanagari script,
So why did you say fire is necessary for Hindu rites when I mentioned at least three instances where Hindus bury their dead.
Then you co-opted Parsis into the picture when Parsis don't cremate their dead but instead put them on a structure or tower to be devoured by vultures and crows.
I earnestly request you to check your facts, We can all make mistakes but acknowledging a mistake is a great gesture.
Did I say??? Case of mistaken identity on your side hero

You should understand one thing in Hinduism, performance of Dharma is the only aim of life, and the Dharma changes according to place, time and person. We don't have one rigid set of instructions to follow like Islam or Christianity. In Hinduism boundaries are set and you have to play within those. At times the principles look contradictory but you should know how to harmonize them.

Will give you an example.. Ahimso parmodharmaha means Ahimsa is utmost Dharma
Karthavyam daivamanikam mean duty is Devine

Now for a soldier/butcher/hangs man which statement is right... As part of their duty they will have to do himsa, if they opt first statement and leave their duty, society will collapse.
Where does Gati mean heaven?
I asked you to quote from your scriptures or any document where Veeragati means ascension to heaven. The closest is transmigration. Please look up the dictionary,
Don't obfuscate and bring स्वर्ग ( swarh) and स्वर्गम into the picture . Of course स्वर्ग means heaven
We were discussing Veergati and what it means,
Once again show me your scriptures. I don't know much Sanskrit but I have taught myself to read the Devanagari script,
It implies...
Wrong example.

The correct example is Quebec province in Canada where French is spoken.
Don't understand. I am not disputing French is spoken in Quebec. My statement is simple.
Dakni is spoken in Hyderabad (not all of Telegana) which is a distant corruption of Urdu with a massive induction of Telugu, Marathi, and Hindi words in the vocabulary,
This is similar to the highly corrupted form of French known as Creole which as an example is spoken in Mauritius.
By the way Urdu is a foreign implant in both Telengana and Pakistan with the difference that in Telengana Urdu has deteriorated into a "b&() ard " form known as Dakni and is confined to the slums of Hyderabad.; in Pakistan it is has flourished as a link language, and a flowering of literature, poetry, music, and theatre. Above all it is the functional language of the Pakistan Armed Forces. Only 18% declared Urdu as their mother tongue in Pakistan but it thrives as a robust link language from the snowy peaks of Gilgit to the beaches in Karachi and from the Chaman border in Baluchistan to the green fields of Punjab. It is spoken in the national and state assembly without any translators.
Did I say??? Case of mistaken identity on your side hero

You should understand one thing in Hinduism, performance of Dharma is the only aim of life, and the Dharma changes according to place, time and person. We don't have one rigid set of instructions to follow like Islam or Christianity. In Hinduism boundaries are set and you have to play within those. At times the principles look contradictory but you should know how to harmonize them.

Will give you an example.. Ahimso parmodharmaha means Ahimsa is utmost Dharma
Karthavyam daivamanikam mean duty is Devine

Now for a soldier/butcher/hangs man which statement is right... As part of their duty they will have to do himsa, if they opt first statement and leave their duty, society will collapse.
Here is Mr.Teja's post;
I won't take his first name because it is offensive to Dalits here
We return the body to fire as fire is considered very sacred.

You may know that Hindus and Parsis worship fire.

We cannot perform any puja or yagna without fire.

We can do it without idols but never without fire.

Please don't give me a lecture on your funeral rites. I have a good idea of these right from Dom of Varanasi to the cremation ground ( Rajghat ) in Delhi where three Indian prime ministers were cremated over an open pyre.
The whole event was shown on public television.
In my opinion this was smoky, smelly and pretty gruesome. An electric crematorium would have been far better
It implies...
Does it... or are you arguing just for the sake of it . Buy a good official Rajbhasha Hindi Shabdkosh.
You probably had a 50 marks Hindi paper in your CBSE or ICSE and never studied Hindi after that.
How's your Telugu by the way?
So in Hinduism you go to Heaven and then leave to continue another cycle of life after being a Veergati? Why even bother knocking on heavens door just go down the stairs again.
Yes it is... Because you have enjoy the fruits of both good karma and bad karma... No escape from karma...
Did I say??? Case of mistaken identity on your side hero

You should understand one thing in Hinduism, performance of Dharma is the only aim of life, and the Dharma changes according to place, time and person. We don't have one rigid set of instructions to follow like Islam or Christianity. In Hinduism boundaries are set and you have to play within those. At times the principles look contradictory but you should know how to harmonize them.

Will give you an example.. Ahimso parmodharmaha means Ahimsa is utmost Dharma
Karthavyam daivamanikam mean duty is Devine

Now for a soldier/butcher/hangs man which statement is right... As part of their duty they will have to do himsa, if they opt first statement and leave their duty, society will collapse.
Request: You are preaching to the choir.
Am well aware of your Karmic philosophy and have been an amateur student of Advaita.
I could tear your argument to ribbons but I am not falling into your trap to get banned because you will be howling "Ouch I am
offended" to the moderator "
So as is commanded by MY faith.
"To you your religion and to me mine"
Here is Mr.Teja's post;
I won't take his first name because it is offensive to Dalits here

Please don't give me a lecture on your funeral rites. I have a good idea of these right from Dom of Varanasi to the cremation ground ( Rajghat ) in Delhi where three Indian prime ministers were cremated over an open pyre.
The whole event was shown on public television.
In my opinion this was smoky, smelly and pretty gruesome. An electric crematorium would have been far better
And you are giving lecture to me.
Yes it is... Because you have enjoy the fruits of both good karma and bad karma... No escape from karma...
Good for you. You handle your karma. We are not bothered by karma because we have one life to live.
Here is Mr.Teja's post;
I won't take his first name because it is offensive to Dalits here

Please don't give me a lecture on your funeral rites. I have a good idea of these right from Dom of Varanasi to the cremation ground ( Rajghat ) in Delhi where three Indian prime ministers were cremated over an open pyre.
The whole event was shown on public television.
In my opinion this was smoky, smelly and pretty gruesome. An electric crematorium would have been far better
What is offencive in SuvarnaTeja.... It means Radiance of Gold.... Where does dalit comes into his name.... Now I feel that you understand a part of word and you assume remaining part...

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