You won't find those words , not even in a Hindi Shabdkosh ( Dictionary). These words are invented by wordsmiths or Hindi Officers ( Rajbhasha Adhikari) to cleanse India of its composite heritage . It doesn't always work.
In the 1960s they even tried to cleanse out common use words such as "typist" ( Tankan Adhikari) .
For the necktie or tie they invented " Kunt-langot".
However let me translate as best as my self-taught Hindi will allow me.
"Veergati" is a mix of two word
Veer meaning "brave" or "valiant" and "gati" meaning "speed".
So the word means Speedy Brave or whatever.
Veeramarnam = means "Honored Brave " or Forever Brave though that is a bad wordsmithing because the "amarnam" doesn't make sense. "Amar" means forever so he has coined the word "amarnam". Amarveer would be better.
Prana Tyagam : means sacrificing of life Prana = life Tyagam = sacrifice ...
This Mr. Teja is trying to bamboozle you by inventing words as he posts his garbage .
I would tell him:
Sarvam Dukham Dukham..
Shaunchalya Sthanam Aabhavam.
Now ask him what THAT means.