Let me correct you;
Veeragati : Veer+Gati= Warrior+Place means swarg roughly translated as heaven
Does it?
Where does heaven come in the picture?
Here is what the Oxford Hindi English Dictionary, R.S. McGregor ( OUP ISBN 019563846) says on the translation for "Gati"
गति : 1. going, movement, course, motion, progress, development 2.,ending, death, ( and transmigration), वीर ~पाना, to die a hero's death, 3. situation, condition, a period of time, 4.manner, way of acting, scope, reach, 5. means, recourse, shelter, protection as offered to a god or devotee (गतिज)
गतिपूर्ण active, kinetic, dynamic
Repeat. Where does heaven come in the picture? Does transmigration mean heaven?
Could you show me a passage from contemporary Hindi literature, any novelist, play, or script or for that matter any official Indian Army citation that mentions the word Veergati as ascension to heaven. Mr. Teja came up with a TV soap script
Veeramaranam: Veera+Maranam = Valiant+End roughly translated as gone down fighting
Wrong again.
The word in the dictionary is maran मरण । There is no such word as marnam .
मरण : dying, death, dying with shame, mortification.
Trying to learn classical languages by using Google translator is not a good option, for example for water you can use almost 50+ word like wise word "Hari" has 20+ meanings
Would be better if you followed your own advice and thumbed through the pages of real book instead of swiping your phone or tablet.
Using Shahid should not be issue to any one because Urdu is one of our Scheduled language, it is not used in religious sense.
Please don't comment on Urdu,
You neither speak or know the language. What language India has in its schedule is of little consequence, India had the Jarawa language of the Andamans as a protected language until they killed it off completely. So is it with Pali the language of Buddhism in Central Bihar.
Here ppl are saying that due to rebirth, ppl are commiting suicide, it's is due to lack of understanding about concept of karma. If you want, open a separate thread we can discuss that.
If the moderators permit will most certainly debate you on that if you
stick to facts and don't mislead.