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Featured Indian Army's JCO killed in retaliatory firing of Pakistan Army in Baba Khori area of Nawshera sector of Rajouri

i asked you one simple question and you gave me link whats so hard to say it openly what you call your dead soldiers.
My apologies. I was being sarcastic. I am Pakistani. I sent you the link showing that the word Shaheed was in use in common parlance across India. Today there is an attempt to replace the word Shaheed with a synthetic coined term "Veeragati " but the answer to your question is still vague.
What do the Indians call their soldiers killed in battle?
Officially per the Indian Army there is no term, simply KIA or killed in action like any modern army.
The rest of the country used to mourn the soldiers terming them Shaheed. In the Sino-Indian war of 1962 India suffered heavy casualties . A famous female singer Lata Mangeshkar sang a soulful song in Urdu ( which was still acceptable then) . If you can read the Nastaliq script;
اےمیرے وطن کے لوگوں -
ذرا انگھ میں بھر لو پانی-
جو شھید ہوے ہیں اُنکی ذرا یاد کرو قربانی

You can find the song on the internet. This song was endorsed by the then Indian Prime Minister.
Unofficially there is a huge debate underway on the status of Indian armed forces battle casualties .
If you see the comments in the Times of India online news columns about casualties sustained in cross border shelling the reporters are vilified for not using the term martyrs. With Islamophobia rampant the word "Shaheed " is now taboo and India will soon find a Sanskrit replacement for the word.
Having said that why are we as Pakistanis so much bothered what the Indians call their dead. Who cares? We are two different peoples and as mortal enemies are locked in a simmering war for the foreseeable future.
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My apologies. I was being sarcastic. I am Pakistani. I sent you the link showing that the word Shaheed was in use in common parlance across India. Today there is an attempt to replace the word Shaheed with a synthetic coined term "Veeragati " but the answer to your question is still vague.
What do the Indians call their soldiers killed in battle?
Officially per the Indian Army there is no term, simply KIA or killed in action like any modern army.
The rest of the country used to mourn the soldiers terming them Shaheed. In the Sino-Indian war of 1962 India suffered heavy casualties . A famous female singer Lata Mangeshkar sang a soulful song in Urdu ( which was still acceptable then) . If you can read the Nastaliq script;
اےمیرے وطن کے لوگوں -
ذرا انگھ میں بھر لو پانی-
جو شھید ہوے ہیں اُنکی ذرا یاد کرو قربانی

You can find the song on the internet. This song was endorsed by the then Indian Prime Minister.
Unofficially there is a huge debate underway on the status of Indian armed forces battle casualties .
If you see the comments in the Times of India online news columns about casualties sustained in cross border shelling the reporters are vilified for not using the term martyrs. With Islamophobis rampant the word "Shaheed " is now taboo and India will soon find a Sanskrit replacement for the word.
Having said that why are we as Pakistanis so much bothered what the Indians call their dead. Who cares? We are two different peoples and as mortal enemies are locked in a simmering war for the foreseeable future.
Thats good to hear bro, as pakistani we are not bothered its just cuz we are so different and their majority wants to kill all muslims so why even bother using our islamic word which is very respected in islam. They have no idea what quran says about shaheed who are shaheed and why we call them shaheed so we dont like them to use a word for people who actually use it simply cuz they cant find any word.
This is just sad, so sad. Such senseless loss of life for both sides. This does not change the 'Balance of Power' on the LOC but unfortunately every month we loose soldiers on both sides due to this childish and idiotic policy of 'Tit for Tat'. It does not matter who started it, i just wish both sides were mature enough to come up with a policy that would end this senseless killing.

Reminds me of our Dear Indian Friend @Robbie , who was salivating over the fact that India now dominates escalation with Pakistan on the LOC and casualties will be one sided against Pakistan. That certainly does not seems to be the case as i advocated and that senseless loss of life will continue.
This is just sad, so sad. Such senseless loss of life for both sides. This does not change the 'Balance of Power' on the LOC but unfortunately every month we loose soldiers on both sides due to this childish and idiotic policy of 'Tit for Tat'. It does not matter who started it, i just wish both sides were mature enough to come up with a policy that would end this senseless killing.

Reminds me of our Dear Indian Friend @Robbie , who was salivating over the fact that India now dominates escalation with Pakistan on the LOC and casualties will be one sided against Pakistan. That certainly does not seems to be the case as i advocated and that senseless loss of life will continue.
Would politely differ.
It's not about being mature enough but a vicious fascist ideology that you are facing with an enemy that cares little for loss of lives.
The loss of lives are not because of a "tit for tat" but due to a deliberate policy by the enemy to inflict as many civilian casualties as possible and as much destruction of food stocks, medical supplies, hospitals, communications and above all civilian housing as possible. The shelling is started just before the onset of winter so that civilians starve or freeze to death.
There is much talk here of the loss of soldiers lives including enemy soldiers who get grand funerals. generous compensation and salutations. The thousands of children, babies, women killed, and maimed remain un-named and unlamented. As the winter draws closer they freeze, and starve without food and shelter and continue to be subjected to merciless long range 0.50 caliber sniper attacks. For the enemy soldiers this is the same target practice they undertake on their own minority civilians. The scores are counted with much satisfaction if you read the enemy vernacular media.
The Pakistani armed forces can only feebly react because they can't kill civilians on the other side. They are their own. An odd enemy soldier brought down is an acceptable loss for the enemy.
Think about those who starve, and die of cold and hunger due to enemy action first before lamenting enemy KIA and whether they are martyrs or not.
It's a far cry from the luxury homes of Clifton and Gulberg.
دُم کو کتنی ہی سیدھی کرو ٹیڑھی کی ٹییڑھی رہے گی۔

Clever how the enemy trolls change the narrative first to whether a frickin soldier is a blinking "Veergati" or not and then to the ecclesiastical discussions on Karma.
The fact that this soldier ( rather fascist savage) has probably murdered hundreds of our civilians who remain unnamed and unlamented is lost in the fog of verbal discourse.
Why don't we name and show the 12 year old girl with her leg blown off and a dead pregnant woman aborting her baby when struck with a 0.50 calibre Barret rifle round?
Or is that too uncomfortable a truth because Pakistan cannot really protect its civilians. How does it matter if an enemy soldier is downed if a school bus full of children is taken out with an ATGM?
Pakistan cannot stop such atrocities on its people and this isn't going to stop anytime soon. But do we have to take the drivel from these fascist thugs posing as "civilized" on this forum? Isn't it the ultimate insult to those who are daily blown to pieces by 105 mm artillery? So my humble suggestion is that we cease this hypocritical dialogue .
Why don't you answer on behalf of Mr. Teja about the importance of fire in a Yagna?
Where is the fire in the Surya Puja ( worship of the rising and setting sun) during the Chatth Puja Festival in Bihar?
Where is the fire and havan there?

Why don't you educate how does one offer Deepam and Neerajanam without fire?

ॐ शुभं करोति कल्याणं आरोग्यं धनसंपदः ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिनमोऽस्तु ते ॥

"Subham Karoti Kalyanam Arogyam Dhana Sampadah
Shatru Buddhi Vinashaya Deepa Jyoti Namostute

Meaning: The accurate meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the light that brings prosperity, auspiciousness, good health, abundance of wealth and destruction of the enemy's intellect". Here, Darkness symbolizes enemy's intellect and with the arrival of light, darkness disappears. Likewise, light (God's Grace) destroys darkness (enemy's intellect).

दीपज्योतिः परब्रह्म दीपज्योति जनार्दनः ।
दीपो हरतु मे पापं संध्यादीप नमोऽस्तुते ॥

"Deepajyothi Parabrahma Deepajyothi Janardhana
Deepo Me Hara Tu Paapam Sandhya Deepa Namostute"

Meaning: The literal meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the lord, the maintainer of this creation, in the form of this light. I adore this light, which destroys all the pains resulting from my omissions and commissions".
Here is Mr.Teja's post;
I won't take his first name because it is offensive to Dalits here

Please don't give me a lecture on your funeral rites. I have a good idea of these right from Dom of Varanasi to the cremation ground ( Rajghat ) in Delhi where three Indian prime ministers were cremated over an open pyre.
The whole event was shown on public television.
In my opinion this was smoky, smelly and pretty gruesome. An electric crematorium would have been far better

Amateur student of Advaita from Pakistan does not even know that @SuvarnaTeja is name of a girl not boy.
Why don't you educate how does one offer Deepam and Neerajanam without fire?

ॐ शुभं करोति कल्याणं आरोग्यं धनसंपदः ।
शत्रुबुद्धिविनाशाय दीपज्योतिनमोऽस्तु ते ॥

"Subham Karoti Kalyanam Arogyam Dhana Sampadah
Shatru Buddhi Vinashaya Deepa Jyoti Namostute

Meaning: The accurate meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the light that brings prosperity, auspiciousness, good health, abundance of wealth and destruction of the enemy's intellect". Here, Darkness symbolizes enemy's intellect and with the arrival of light, darkness disappears. Likewise, light (God's Grace) destroys darkness (enemy's intellect).

दीपज्योतिः परब्रह्म दीपज्योति जनार्दनः ।
दीपो हरतु मे पापं संध्यादीप नमोऽस्तुते ॥

"Deepajyothi Parabrahma Deepajyothi Janardhana
Deepo Me Hara Tu Paapam Sandhya Deepa Namostute"

Meaning: The literal meaning of the mantra is: "I fold my hands before the lord, the maintainer of this creation, in the form of this light. I adore this light, which destroys all the pains resulting from my omissions and commissions".
Your ignorance is profound.
You obviously don't know what
Arghya is do you?
Look it up. 50 million devotees will be offering the Arghya this year by the end of this month.
Indians in one corner of India don't know what the other corner practice.
So if some one chants "Swami Sharanam Ayyappa " to a Bihari it makes no sense.
Most Pakistanis obviously don't understand this because a statement like اللہ ُالکبر is universal across the 1.3 billion population globally.
Stop your preaching because even at the risk of being banned I will counter your arguments.
Amateur student of Advaita from Pakistan does not even know that @SuvarnaTeja is name of a girl not boy.
It could be either. You never read my response to your Telugu friend who had taken over your IT cell shift.
सवर्ण जाती । The word Savarna is offensive to lower castes and Dalits.
Go figure.
Your ignorance is profound.
You obviously don't know what
Arghya is do you?
Look it up. 50 million devotees will be offering the Arghya this year by the end of this month.
Indians in one corner of India don't know what the other corner practice.
So if some one chants "Swami Sharanam Ayyappa " to a Bihari it makes no sense.
Most Pakistanis obviously don't understand this because a statement like اللہ ُالکبر is universal across the 1.3 billion population globally.
Stop your preaching because even at the risk of being banned I will counter your arguments.

Check how Ayyappa puja is done.


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