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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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My point was that retention or abrogation of sovereignty depends on the host nation. Whatever mistakes Pakistan made were not inevitable.

Such mentality makes you different from other countries. We surely didn't fight against British to be recolonized by another foreign country.
OK, that bit about a naval base was a bit of sumac to spice things up!

Anyway, the point was that most Middle Easterners are still married to the old world order and are slow to appreciate the changing world power structure. Anyway, China is off topic, so I will leave it here.

China is slowly developing, but no need to replace one superpower with another. The Chinese may be less active than the Americans when it comes to external military intervention, but the question is till when. Iran should try to push for the removal of any external military presence in the Persian Gulf.

Pakistan should do the same. No need to give everything to the Chinese, like Gwadar for example.
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I feel my heart broken after reading some posts here in this thread.
We Iranians Love our Muslim brothers in Pakistan. We have too much history together to become anything else but friends. Ofcourse, there are some border related issues nowadays. But that is just like a bubble burst in the long mutual history. Please, please, don't mind what some minor Iranian members like @Falon say they are neither representing official views nor the majority views.
Also we love our Indian brothers, I can't mention any longer relation rooted in the river of history, lasted between two great nation and civilization. We always have been friends no matter if you voted negative or not, you know it is the mutual understanding that seals friendship through the history rather acting in the same direction. Iranian, have chosen to be the last great nation standing out of the new world order and we don't expect others to tolerate the burden.

However I have a dream. I dream for the day when we all shout Long Live Iran-Pakistan-India.
From day 1 Pakistan has tried to end Iranian influence in Afghanistan and turn it into its own backyard by allowing the savage Taliban to run amok in the country.
Iranians can't make a good relations with any sunni state. They would bad mouth them, backstab them and still whine and then they would blame them they are the culprit.

Learn to appreciate who stood by you.

Talking About Friends,I guess this word is Alien to iranians...One reason why you are internationally Isolated...We provided you with nuclear Technology and your Mullah's in a Press conference stated right in front of the World that Pakistan provided us this tech and thus intended to create Tonnes of troubles for us...You People Back stabbed us in 1994 on kashmir Issue...Despite these,we supported and still support you in your Nuclear matter...

India backed off IPI Gas project and voted against you in UN but still you refuse to see what they did you and despite our support and Love for Iran,your Usual Bitchiness continues against us...

Nicely summed up. Gonna save this post, Iranians have short memory, they have to be remind quite frequently about their misdemeanors.
This would be beyond the understanding of the cheerleaders of true atheists (Chinese-Kuffar)...On one hand this country treats itself to be the savior of Islam but is living on the pieces of bread thrown by the US (Amreeca) and the country with no religion China. The US have been butchering Muslims in Afghanistan with Pakistani help...and the Chinese have been butchering the Uyghurs in Xinjiang....you see Pakistanis protesting against Myanmar for its treatment to Rohingiyas but when it comes to Uyghur they are mere spectators...this is called selective amnesia.

Indo-Iranian and Indo-Israeli relationships are two different matters...both countries are in good relations with India. We boast both the relationship equally...no country dictates our foreign policy...hence we have shown spine and have been buying Iranian oil despite US sanctions. Now that US-Iran has come to an understanding things between India and Iran will further strengthen. You can keep whining about it...
Ohhh hooo. Pel diya yaar. Below the belt. :D
Iranians can't make a good relations with any sunni state. They would bad mouth them, backstab them and still whine and then they would blame them they are the culprit.

Learn to appreciate who stood by you.

Sunni states? You mean the states who've persecuted Shia muslims for more than 1300 years, and states in which terrorist attacks against Shias is a daily occurrence? Which Sunni state did Iran backstab? Pakistan? What has Pakistan ever done for us in the past 30 years? You guys have harbored a Baluchi terrorist leader (Rigi), and when you guys had a interest in handing him over to Iran for political objectives, you turned him in. And now the same is happening again; terrorist organizations are freely roaming around in your country.

Nuclear technology? You mean the corrupted nuclear scientist Khan who stole Dutch nuclear technology and knowledge, only to sell it to Iran for millions of dollars? Nothing to do with Pakistan as a state.
That's precisely my point.

If Pakistan can live with Iran-India relationship, and Iran can live with India-Israel and India-GCC relationships, then Iran must learn to live with Pakistan-GCC relationships.

Iran is the one demanding that Pakistan drop its other relationships.
But do you understand, its not that unrelated.

Iran has no problems with Indo-Israel or Indo-GCC relations coz India never brings Iran any way in their relations with Israel or GCC. ie. Our relations with any country is exclusive of other countries who have some issue with former.

Can you say the same bout Pak-GCC relations? Can you gurantee Iran wont be dragged in ur relation with GCC directly or indirectly?
Was this journalist living under rock for past 3 decades? Pakistan was never ahead of India in ties with Iran.

“To make matters worse, Pakistan was reported last month to have built nuclear weapons for Saudi Arabia, which would be a threat for Iran, and to be ready to ship them,”

Iranians can't make a good relations with any sunni state. They would bad mouth them, backstab them and still whine and then they would blame them they are the culprit.

Learn to appreciate who stood by you.

Nicely summed up. Gonna save this post, Iranians have short memory, they have to be remind quite frequently about their misdemeanors.

Forget it, as I said it's their country, they can do whatever they want. But should not whine about our policies or our internal matter either.
Neither Russia, nor China, are pumping billions of dollars directly into the Israeli military machine. Of course, you can chose to overlook that minor detail.

There's nothing wrong with being pragmatic, and we hope Iran will eventually apply the same maturity and pragmatism to its Pakistan relations that it applies to its other relationships.

No time to educate you guys on the vast array of shared Pak-China interests that have nothing to do with India. If you guys chose to believe Indian propaganda, that's fine.

Difference is Pakistan is being used as a base to attack Iran because of your relationship with so called other countries. India would never let that happen to a friend.
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Iran unlike Afghanistan is a responsible country.

They will never allow India to used Iranian land against Pakistan.

So it doesnt matter whether Iran trade with India grow to hundreds billion dollars.

Pakistan has its own view of Iranian relations and India has its own.
Oh the Irony in this "report" good one Iran... Yet was it not Tehran asking us to stop our cooperation with the U.S?

"Journalist".. Yes and I have a doctorate in Nanotechnology.
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